• Published 16th Sep 2023
  • 572 Views, 106 Comments

Sonic Frontiers x My Little Pony - BronySonicFan

In search of the missing Chaos Emeralds, Sonic becomes stranded on an island teeming with unusual creatures as he tries to rescue his friends from powerful forces known as the Titans.

  • ...

14. Corrupted

Sunny and Hitch appeared suddenly on a strange place, along with Sparky and the Critters.

They were finally back to normal, but none of them noticed it yet since they were wondering were the heck the were, since they saw nothing but red. No, seriously, this place was red and that's it, there's nothing else to tell here.

As they walked forward, they didn't noticed that Knuckles and Izzy were there too, and then Tails and the sisters came as well. None noticed none, because they understood little to nothing about what was going on.

Eggman, who finally escaped from Cyber Space, appeared a few meters away from them, with Sage at his side, but the rest didn't noticed them either.

And then, Sunny looked forward and gasped by seeing the rest. "Guys?" she called out.

Hitch looked forward as well and gasped too, and then several mores gasps came as the group finally saw each other.

Hitch and Knuckles fist bumped, Izzy gathered Sunny, Zipp and Pipp in a hug, Tails side hugged Knuckles and Sparky jumped to Knuckles' head.

"Oh, I'm glad to see you're all okay!" Sunny exclaimed with a smile.

"Me too!" Izzy said joyfully. "Too bad we have no idea where we are, tho" she added with concern.

"It doesn't seem like Cyber Space... but it doesn't looks like the islands, either" Knuckles pointed out.

"It's some kind of reality between our world and Cyber Space..." Tails deducted. "But why are we here?" he questioned.

Suddenly, the red scenario around disappeared little by little, and revealed the actual place they were at: it was midday, and with the exception of Sage and Eggman since they were flying, they were all standing over the sixth tower of Rhea Island.

"Whoa!" Izzy exclaimed surprised.

"Holy cow!" Knuckles exclaimed. "How high are we?!" he asked in concern.

"Apparently? ... Really, really high... that's everything I can say, unfortunately..." Zipp said with a sheepish smile.

Pipp raised an eyebrow, but when slowly turned away, she gasped and covered her hoof after seeing something alarming: Sonic was also there... but his body was totally covered on Cyber Energy, he was standing and looking at the ground, but his eyes had no life nor emotion, and he was very, very still...


"Sonic!" Pipp cried out, immediately running towards him.

The others heard Pipp's cry, and they all turned around as well, also gasping when they saw Sonic on his current state.

Pipp stopped once she was near Sonic, and she approached her hoof to Sonic's chin, but a part of her was afraid that touch him will either hurt him or her. She slowly pulled her hoof away, but her worry only increased when Sonic didn't even reacted at her voice.

The others approached as well, and except for Tails and Knuckles, they all seemed worried about Sonic.

"What happened to him?" Knuckles questioned confused, while Sparky jumped from his head and landed on Hitch's back.

"He took on so much Cyber Energy... and now his mind is stuck between realities..." Tails explained with a sad expression.

"Meaning?" Knuckles asked him, now feeling worried.

Tails seemed to have a hard time as he tried to find the proper words, but he was also fighting the urge to cry. "He's... corrupted..." he ended up replying, closing his eyes and looking away.

Knuckles frowned and closed his fists harder than ever after hearing that.

"Corrupted? What does that even mean?!" Pipp asked desperately.

Tails flinched, and he still had to fight the urge to cry again, but this time he didn't replied anything.

"Tails..." Zipp called out this time. "Buddy... is there anything we can do to help Sonic? Just nod in yes or no instead of using words" she instructed, placing a hoof on Tails' shoulder.

Tails seemed to calm a bit after that, then he looked at Zipp on the eyes and nodded in negation with his head.

Everyone else, Zipp included, gasped quietly at that, and one by one, they felt their ears falling, as well as sadness getting on their bodies.

Pipp began to hyperventilate again, and Zipp immediately moved to try and calm her down, while Knuckles punched his fists in anger and started to curse quietly.

Eggman heard and saw all of this... and unlike the others, he was obviously happy about Sonic's fate, because he began to laugh maniacally in sign of victory. After so long, after so many failures, after so many ruined schemes, his long sworn enemy was gone.

"My only regret is you denied me the pleasure of finishing you off, rodent!" Eggman stated with a happy smile and his arms crossed.

Sage then turned and flew to face Eggman on his Eggmobile. "We must get you back into Cyber Space! Immediately!" she said with concern.

"I just got out! That was the whole point!" Eggman complained, smashing his Eggmobile in anger.

"I ran millions of simulations! The only way I can keep you alive is if you're not here when it gets out!" Sage explained with worry.

Eggman seemed to calm down a bit, but he raised an eyebrow confused. "When what gets out?" he questioned.

Suddenly, a maniac laugh was heard echoing all across the island, and everyone started to look around in search of the origin.

"What the hay was that?" Hitch asked with concern.

The laugh was heard once again, but this time it was closer than before. Then everyone turned to see Sonic, Eggman and Sage included, with the latter hiding behind the Eggmobile, while Sonic's body glitched a bit.

Then, Sonic lifted his head and looked at his friends... But his eyes glitched a bit and turned red, as he grinned a bit sinisterly, sending a weird chill on everyone else. Then, Sonic looked at one of his hands, admiring it like if he just woke up from a dream.

"... Since time immemorial, I have languished here..." the voice that's been guiding Sonic spoke to everyone, but the voice was now distorted with Sonic's voice, and it sounded way too menacing. "The locks are broken... Now, I shall tear down the walls between dimensions and consume all!" he stated, followed by another maniac laugh.

Knuckles, Zipp and Hitch looked at him with frowns, while Tails, Sunny, Izzy, Pipp and Sparky looked with worry.

"No. No you don't! I'll mobilize the Egg Fleet from Mobius if necessary and blow your life out of your body!" Eggman warned with a menacing tone and look.

Sage approached and placed a hand on the Eggmobile with a concerned look. "It won't be enough! It triumphed over the Ancients' technology!" she pointed out with worry. "My simulations show a success rate of zero percent!" she added, closing her eyes in concern and fear.

Eggman groaned, and smashed his Eggmobile in frustration again.

Everyone heard the conversation Sage had with Eggman, and felt worried after hearing that... except for Tails, who finally started to connect two and two.

"Hang on... that thing defeated the Ancients' technology..." Tails said, placing a hand on his chin. "Then that means... that whatever we're facing, is the reason the Ancients disappeared!" he shouted out of nowhere. "Those visions we had, about the Koco fighting against something... about Owls and Hedgehogs that fought along with them... we were seeing battles from the past, events that happened long ago on the islands!" he explained.

"The Koco... they're the Ancients..." Knuckles kept going, once he got what Tails was talking about. "They're their souls... more than a lucky charm, they're their physical essence. That's why their souls left the Koco after they found peace, because their role was fulfilled... their function..." he added, and then he looked at Sonic with a frown. "You destroyed the Ancients home... and then you seek to destroy their new one! Why?!" he shouted in pure anger.

'Sonic' just laughed maniacally again. "I am a destroyer. It is what I live for. To destroy. Worlds? Stars? Civilizations? Same thing to me. All I care for is their destruction!" he stated.

"But you already destroyed everything the Ancients had! Why not just leave them alone?!" Pipp shouted as well with anger.

"Because no one escapes from me. And I never leave my job unfinished" 'Sonic' replied, and then, he started to laugh maniacally again. "You know what's the best part out of all of this? An Owl seer from millions of years ago had a vision. My arrival to this planet was inevitable, but someone among the living ones here was destined to destroy me..." he said.

"Someone among the living ones here?" Tails questioned.

"The prophecy... talked about a blue hedgehog, using the power of the Chaos Emeralds to destroy me..." 'Sonic' revealed, and it was really obvious of who he was talking about. "But now... Now, that 'chosen one' is under MY CONTROL" he added, followed by another maniacal laugh.

And then, Sonic's body was completely covered in Cyber Energy, and some kind of laser light was launched towards the sky. Everyone stepped back after this happened, and they all panicked at his transformation: His quills lifted up until they looked like Shadow's quills, his mouth was gone... and his eyes were completely white when he opened them.

"Sonic?" Pipp called out, and she tried to move towards him, but Knuckles placed his arm and stopped, while he looked at Sonic with a frown.

"Didn't you heard? He's under his control now!" Knuckles reminded.

"I must consume everything in this world!" 'Sonic' said suddenly. "I MUST TEAR THE WALLS BETWEEN DIMENSIONS! I. MUST. KILL YOU ALL!" he stated with a menacing tone.

Sonic, or Cyber Sonic since now he was corrupted and under the voice's control, raised his left arm, somehow charged up some kind of laser and shoot at the group. Well, more specifically to Knuckles, who placed his hands in front to try and resist the attack like he did on Ares Island when Sage did the same... but big was his surprise when it was Sage the one that received the attack and sent it away.

Knuckles looked at Sage in awe, while she returned to Eggman's side, who looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Let's just say I owe it to him" Sage replied without giving any further context.

Suddenly, Cyber Sonic quickly disappeared just like Sage does. And then, everyone heard something.

They all looked on every direction, but Izzy was the one who spotted the sound's origin. "Um... Guys?" she called out nervously. "I think we have a problem..." she said, pointing at the first two towers of the island literally tearing apart and falling to the ground, completely destroyed.

Soon enough, the third tower began to fall as well, and then the fourth one. When the fifth was traversed by an object traveling at full speed, everyone panicked, but Knuckles managed to say something.

"Everyone!" Knuckles called out, suddenly grabbing Izzy and than grabbing Tails' left hand. "Get into the air! NOW" he instructed.

The object traversed the sixth tower, and that was the final sign they needed to obey Knuckles. Zipp, Pipp and Sunny elevated on the air flapping with their wings, Tails used his tails and lifted Knuckles as he carried Izzy, and Sunny used her magic to levitate Hitch, Sparky and McSnips, since the birds could fly on their own as well.

Once the sixth tower fell entirely, the object revealed to be Cyber Sonic curled on a ball and causing a massive Spindash to destroy the towers. Then, it straightened back and kept floating in the air, staring blankly at the group.

"What's the matter with him?" Izzy asked. "Why is he attacking us?" she added with concern.

"His mind is trapped in Cyber Space. Therefore, his body is an empty shell, a brainless body. He's like a walking zombie that only obeys orders now..." Tails explained. "He's... not our friend anymore..." he added with sadness.

Cyber Sonic then made his hands shine, and the entire island began to shake suddenly. The environment began to shatter like crystals, and now the real world was connected with Cyber Space.

Then, he opened his palm and raised it, making a big portion of earth from the island come and take the group away towards the sky, with Eggman and Sage being the only ones that saved themselves.

Once Cyber Sonic turned to them, Eggman gulped, knowing very well that he was next. "Sage! Get us out of here!" he instructed.

Sage nodded, and as she disappeared, she managed to take Eggman and his Eggmobile along.

Cyber Sonic couldn't care less, and then he boosted towards the giant piece of earth he made float, were the others were laying over and groaning in pain as they slowly stood up.

They looked around, and the place they were now was weird: it literally combined all the Cyber Space levels Sonic visited and more. Green Hills, Chemical Plant, Sky Sanctuary, Maretime Bay, Zephyr Heights, even Bridlewood... they were all combined in this place

"What is happening?" Sunny questioned, as she looked around confused.

"Son–– Cyber Sonic... He destroyed the wall that separated Cyber Space from our reality... now they're the same reality" Tails explained with worry.

"And how do we stop it?!" Hitch questioned, as he hugged Sparky in a protective way.

"There's only one way to seal this, or at least the only logical one I can think off..." Tails replied nervously.

"Which is?!" Pipp asked desperate.

"If we want to close the wall again.. we have to defeat the very thing that opened it in the first place... that is..." Tails tried to explain...

But then, a massive boom at the other side of the small island they were standing on made him gulp, and as he and the others turned around, they saw a dust cloud, and a pair of mad white eyes walking slowly towards them. Once the figure came out of the dust, it revealed to be Cyber Sonic, ready to destroy them.

"So, if we want Cyber Space to stay away from our world... we have to defeat him..." Knuckles summarized with a frown, and Tails simply nodded nervously.

"B-But he's our friend!" Sunny pointed out with concern. "W-We could never...! I could never..." she tried to add, but she couldn't, and Hitch placed a hoof on her shoulder to calm her down.

"I'm with Sunny on this one..." Pipp said with a sad expression. "I... I can't hurt him either... He might not be the Sonic I love anymore... but I could never punch him even if I tried to..." she confessed.

But as it seemed like hope was lost, Zipp suddenly realized something. "Hang on... Hang on!" she suddenly called out, and everyone looked at her with curiosity. "Our world is now part of Cyberspace and vice versa, right? Doesn't that means that Sonic's mind could fight to recover control over his body now that both things are on the same place?!" she theorized.

Tails though about the theory for a second, and his eyes went wide. "That... that could actually work!" he said with a smile. "I mean, it still requires some calculations I cannot make because we're out of time, but... if we can weaken Sonic on his 'mind controlled' state..." he started to explain.

"His real mind could fight over to recover control!" Zipp finished for him.

"And if Sonic comes back... the wall between Cyber Space and our world will close!" Sunny deducted as well.

"And so, we'll kill two birds with one shot–– Not literally!" Hitch said with a sheepish smile to the birds at his side, that sighed in relief. "We'll get our friend back, and we'll stop Cyber Space to take over our reality!" he said with confident smirk.

"Wait... are you saying that..." Pipp wanted to ask, with a little spark of hope igniting in her.

"Yep! We can save Sonic!" Tails stated. "That still means we have to literally beat the hell out of him, tho..." he added with a sheepish smile, also scratching his head embarrassed.

Pipp looked back at Cyber Sonic, who kept walking with a frown and a blank expression towards them, but she looked at him with a determinate look.

"I know what I recently said... but I don't mind! If fighting against Sonic is what will save him... then fighting it will be!" Pipp stated with confidence.

"That's the spirit!" Knuckles said with a smirk, punching his fists and charging them up with electricity. "Now... let's get this party started..." he stated, frowning at Cyber Sonic.

Said you'd keep me safe
Now you're tearing me down
Am I laid to waste
Now that you're not around

"So... the plan is just to attack him?" Izzy questioned confused.

"We need to weak him enough for his mind to fight for his body's control" Tails explained, using his powers to create two giant and metallic gloves.

Everyone else nodded and prepared to fight against their now mind controlled friend.

Come and leave your mark
Vandalize my heart!

Cyber Sonic, seeing that his opponents were preparing to fight back, chuckled in a playful way, so he stopped in his place and raised two fingers, indicating with them to the rest that, if they were going to attack, they should do it now.

Knuckles smirked, not needing any more signs, and he immediately boosted towards Cyber Sonic.


Knuckles began launching a bunch of random punches towards Cyber Sonic, while he simply dodged all of them easily, and then he punched back, making Knuckles to struggle as he tried to slam the brakes and stop sliding backwards.

Thunder, rain and lightning
Danger, water rising

Then, Cyber Sonic charged his Homing Attack against Knuckles, but he cancelled the Attack and instead opted to use Spin Slash, and Knuckles placed his fists together to shield himself from the attack.

Clamor, sirens wailing
It's such a bad sign

However, Cyber Sonic opted to use Loop Kick now, but something unexpected for him happened: Tails stepped in the middle by placing one of the metallic gloves in front of Knuckles, and once Cyber Sonic's feet was on the glove, Tails sent him flying towards the sky.

An open world of freedom
It's full of such possibility
For the brand new generation
To run and follow their heart

Once there, Tails took advantage of the fact that Cyber Sonic was a bit stunned, and then he punched him multiple times and at a really fast paste in just a few seconds.

With hope for regeneration
Make new what once was old
We say hello to an old friend
Uncover the new adventure!

But then, Cyber Sonic grabbed both gloves and ripped them away from Tails hands, so Tails had to create a shield to protect himself from Cyber Sonic's Recovery Smash (a counter move Sonic used multiple times against the Titans).

Said you'd keep me safe
Now you're tearing me down
Am I laid to waste
Now that you're not around
Come and leave your mark
Vandalize my heart!

After that, Tails created two giants missile launchers and sent a bunch of missiles to Cyber Sonic. But he didn't dodged any of them, and once all of the smoke caused by the missiles exploding was gone, Cyber Sonic simply glared at Tails and used Wild Rush against him.

Fight the pain away
My head is in ruins
Need you in my veins
Don't know how you do it
Come and leave your mark
Vandalize my heart!

Tails barely created a shield that protected him, because the impact of the attack still reached him, and he ended up being sent backwards and crashing against a rock, getting stunned for a moment.

But Cyber Sonic couldn't attack him forward, because he was suddenly kicked in the face by something that passed flying by at fast paste.

I am... I am, I'm all of me
I am... I am, I'm all of me
I am!

He could barely saw Zipp when she kicked him again, then she used a floating rock and boosted back to Cyber Sonic, kicking him again, then she used a tree's trunk and kicked Sonic again. She kept repeating this process until she was as fast as him and was kicking him on weak spots and his body in general.

I see no, hear no evil
Black writings on the wall
Unleashed a million faces
And one by one they fall (I am)

Eventually, Cyber Sonic got tired of games and grabbed Zipp's tail, who got startled by the sudden move. Then, Cyber Sonic started to spin her around, until he released her and launched her towards a rock, where she also got stunned for a second.

Black-hearted evil (I am)
Brave-hearted hero (I am)
I am all, I am all, I am

Once Cyber Sonic 'got rid' of Zipp, he was suddenly he was suddenly blinded by a camera flash. He had no idea of who did it, but he still tried to recover his vision so he could fight back... just to receive a kick on his crotch. As any man will, Cyber Sonic covered his parts and groaned in pain.

In this world...
Where one is all
In this world...
Never fear the fall

Of course, this was all made by Pipp, who regretted having to kick his boyfriend on such a place, but if it was going to save him, then she knew she had no choice.

Said you'd keep me safe
Now you're tearing me down
Am I laid to waste
Now that you're not around
Come and leave your mark
Vandalize my heart!

Cyber Sonic didn't even had time to recover when he was sent towards a rock by a golden laser. He shook his head, but his vision was still a bit blurry because of Pipp's camera flash, and he didn't saw the punch from one of Sunny's hooves coming either.

Fight the pain away
My head is in ruins
Need you in my veins
Don't know how you do it
Come and leave your mark
Vandalize my heart!

Sunny seemed to regret it, but Cyber Sonic looked directly at her with anger, and with his vision restores. He charged up another laser like the one he launched to Knuckles before, and he shoot it to Sunny, who created a golden shield to protect herself from the attack.

Live and learn
Hanging on the edge of tomorrow
Live and learn
From the works of yesterday

After the laser dissipated, Sonic launched against Sunny, and Sunny shoot another golden laser to him. But Sonic received the attack and felt nothing, as he kept approaching Sunny at fast paste. Still, Sunny managed to shoot the entire laser on a desperate move, and sent Sonic to the ground.

Live and learn!
If you beg or if you borrow
Live and learn!
You may never find your way!

Once there, a vine grabbed his foot and began to smash him from one way to another, until it sent him flying and he crashed on a rock with his back. Hitch caused all of this, if it wasn't clear.

Can't hold on much longer
But I will never let go!
I know it's a one way track
Tell me now how long this'll last!

Once Cyber Sonic kneeled in pain, he shook his head and hardly stood up, but then several warp ring portals opened up... and a massive laser attack from Izzy's horn came out of ALL of the portals, hitting Cyber Sonic and causing more damage on him.

I'm not gonna think this way
Nor will I count on others!
Close my eyes and feel it burn
Now I see what I gotta do!
Open your heart, it's gonna be alright!

Finally, the portals closed and Cyber Sonic began to wobble in pain. Then, Tails and Knuckles came by and used their watches to create a lasso with their electrical powers to keep Cyber Sonic still by tying his arms, and Hitch helped as well using his earth pony magic to create some vines that grabbed his feet.

Said you'd keep me safe
Now you're tearing me down
Am I laid to waste
Now that you're not around
Come and leave your mark
Vandalize my heart!

"Everyone: NOW!" both Tails and Knuckles shouted.

In a flash, the Mane 5 appeared around Cyber Sonic, and they made their Cutie Marks shine. Then, their Cutie Marks blasted five colorful lasers towards him, and he started to groan in pain and struggled to get free, but it was useless at the end.

Fight the pain away
My head is in ruins
Need you in my veins
Don't know how you do it
Come and leave your mark
Vandalize my heart!

Finally, the lasers sent Cyber Sonic towards the floor, traversing the small portion of the island and getting out from Cyber Space, landing in Rhea Island on the real world once again.

Soon enough, everyone else arrived by a warp ring portal and stared at Cyber Sonic, who seemed to struggle as he tried to stand up. He managed to, but he was wobbling in pain, and yet, he raised his right hand to try and shoot another laser.

Sunny immediately stood in front of the rest and activated a shield with her magic, but then she saw something that made her smile and deactivate the shield away.

Cyber Sonic was ready to charge his attacks, but then a white glove trapped in Cyber Space grabbed his hand. He got startled and turned to literally face himself. Or, well, to face Sonic, trapped on Cyber Space like the rest were on the other Starfall Islands.

Sonic raised his free hand and shook his index finger to Cyber Sonic. "If I were you, pal, I wouldn't do that" he said with a confident smirk. "Which is pretty ironic, because I am you" he pointed out.

Then, Cyber Sonic's body began to squirm in pain, and a bright red light was launched towards the sky. Sonic smirked again, and then he entered to his own body. The wall between Cyber Space and the real world got closed by the red light that came out of Cyber Sonic, and he stopped being controlled by the enemy.

His body stopped shining, his quills got back to normal and he shook his head as his entire body was restored completely. No amnesia, no Cyber Energy, no headache, no pain. Sonic was finally back.

Everyone stared at him, not knowing if they could trust him at all, and once Sonic noticed that, he smirked at them, also placing a hand on his hip.

"What?" Sonic asked. "You guys are acting like if you just saw a ghost or something!" he said in a playful tone.

Tails and Pipp immediately moved and wrapped him in a hug, almost squishing him, but he didn't minded at all, because he returned the hug to them.

"Never scare us like that ever again!" Pipp said, not braking the hug and fighting the urge to cry.

"You know me, Little Pipp. I can't promise that even if I wanted..." Sonic replied with a smile, also kissing her cheek softly.

Everyone else gathered around him as well, relieved that he was fine, while Eggman and Sage saw this from a certain distance in the sky.

"Oh good. He's back" Eggman said in annoyance.

However, he got startled when Sage suddenly approached him and smashed the front of the Eggmobile. "This is our chance" she said. "I never simulated a scenario where Sonic helped since you never authorized it" she pointed out.

Eggman smashed his Eggmobile in anger and frowned. "I still don't want to..." he tried to say, but Sage cut him off.

"Please!" Sage begged this time with a worried expression and sad puppy eyes.

Eggman couldn't believe that he softened so much for this girl, and yet he putted a deadpanned expression before turning to Sonic, who was still talking with his friends and didn't noticed Eggman yet.

Back with the gang, Sonic fist bumped with Knuckles before finally speaking. "I'm glad to see you all again, and even better, out of Cyber Space!" he said with a smirk, before putting on a serious expression. "But we're not done with the islands yet. We need to defeat The End..." he pointed out with concern.

"I'm sorry, who?" Hitch questioned.

"That thing that controlled my body, that talked to me all this time and tricked me... their name is The End" Sonic explained. "I learned that while my mind was trapped in Cyber Space. There's still a fourth Titan, too, and if we want to defeat The End for good, we'll have to get rid of this one, too" he said. "No more tricks, no more games, this time we're attacking with everything we have!" he stated with a smirk.

However, they all heard Eggman's Eggmobile approaching, and while the rest frowned or looked at him with bored expressions, Sonic raised an eyebrow.

Eggman stood up and cleared his throat. "Sonic! I here-by induct you into the Eggman Empire temporarily and order you and your friends to save us all! Understand? This is not an alliance!" he stated.

The rest groaned in annoyance, but Sonic just smirked at Eggman's attitude. "If that's how you want to spin it, Dr. Ego-man" he stated with a mocking smirk.

Eggman groaned, and then turned to Sage. "Sage, you will help me find the Chaos Emeralds. Sonic won't be fast enough. Or Zipp, for that matter" he instructed.

"Hey wow!" Sonic complained with a frown, and Zipp rolled her eyes.

"As you command!" Sage said with a smile.

Then, the doctor boosted away, Sage turned to face Sonic, and they nodded at each other, ready to find the Chaos Emeralds.

Author's Note:

My god, this chapter was really long, the longest of the story, actually.

You see, the way Sonic was saved on the game was stupid, so I decided to add something more fitting. I mean, Sonic saved his friends from their Cyber Cages, it was logical to me that they saved him as well... but in a more epic and fitting way than just put their hands together and that's it, he's cured.

This is what should have happened: Sonic's friends against Sonic to save him. I really like how it turned out here, and I hope you guys enjoyed this too :)

Also, here's a reference to how Cyber Sonic looks like: