• Published 16th Sep 2023
  • 572 Views, 106 Comments

Sonic Frontiers x My Little Pony - BronySonicFan

In search of the missing Chaos Emeralds, Sonic becomes stranded on an island teeming with unusual creatures as he tries to rescue his friends from powerful forces known as the Titans.

  • ...

16. The True Enemy

Outside, the entire group was staring at a group of trees that left an empty space in the middle.

The roar that Sonic heard seemed to come from there, and everyone in the island knew perfectly what that meant...

"The Titan awakens..." Knuckles said with a frown and his arms crossed.

Tails took out his Miles Electric and detected a strange energy coming from the Titan's direction. "And it seems like The End is controlling it!" he pointed out with concern.

"So, if the Titan is defeated, The End should be defeated too, right?" Hitch questioned.

"That should do it." Zipp stated with a frown.

"One more Emerald..." Sonic said. "We gotta hurry up!" He stated with a determinate look.

"Sonic!" Sage called out, making him and everyone else to turn and face her.

However, they also noticed that someone else arrived with her: Eggman, who slowly descended on his Eggmobile with a frustrated expression.

Sage turned to him and pointed with her hand at the group, while Eggman looked at her in annoyance.

"I know!" Eggman said annoyed, opening the capsule of his Eggmobile and getting down of it. He walked near Sage and looked sideways to the others with a frown. "You're not fast enough, so I found it for you" He stated.

Sonic, Tails and Zipp looked at him with a bored expression, Knuckles facepalmed in annoyance and the rest rolled their eyes.

Eggman looked back at them with annoyance, and then he took out the Purple Chaos Emerald. "Go ahead and beat that giant!" He ordered.

Then, he threw the Emerald into the air, before Sonic catch it with his right hand and looked at it for a minute before looking back at Eggman with a raised eyebrow.

"Don't you dare to lose it!" Eggman warned.

Sonic smirked at him and threw the Emerald again before catching it and pointed it at Eggman. "Now why would I want to disappoint you?" He stated with confidence.

Then, he putted the Emerald away, just to be surrounded by the seven Emeralds and elevated to the air, where the Emeralds entered his body and turned him in Super Sonic once again. Then, he boosted away, towards the group of trees that left an empty space in the middle.

Eggman rubbed his chin intrigued as he saw Super Sonic flying away, but when he saw that the everyone else raised their eyebrows at him, he immediately looked away with a frown, making Sage chuckle at his attitude and everyone else roll their eyes.


In the middle of the group of trees, 2 kind of drones appeared suddenly, as well as Supreme, the fourth Titan Sonic saw on his visions in Rhea Island.

Supreme was being controlled by The End, and it stomped strongly in the floor before roaring in anger.

Follow me
I'm standing on the border of everything
Listen close

Then, the Titan took out from its back a red sniper with a black protector.

Sonic looked at Supreme with a frown, boosting to get close to the Titan and finish this once and for all.

Can you hear the spirits sing
Lost messages of long ago?

Around the Titan, six smaller drones surrounded it, and Sonic punched one of them like five or six times before it was completely destroyed. Then, he began to punch Supreme constantly, changing sometimes to a Wild Rush, some others to the Stomp Attack, and after charging the Phantom Rush and strike several punches at super sonic speed, he used Cross Slash, an attack were he circled the enemy and let loose a stream of shockwaves.

Leave the life you knew before
See a new world worth fighting for
Find the truth of who I'm meant to become
Another path I must now walk on

After that, Supreme made the same spin attack that Giganto did on Kronos Island. Sonic managed to dodge it, but he was then shot by the two giant drones at Supreme's sides, and he was sent backwards in the air. He shook his head, and when he tried to boost back, he noticed that the six small drones aligned on a semicircle, and Supreme shoot 6 golden lasers.

I'm here
Reaching far across these new frontiers
With my life I fight this fear
In my hands I hold the ones I love
Walk forward through the cold dawn
Always to new horizons

Sonic smirked and parried the six lasers at once, destroying the six drones at the same time and then boosting towards Supreme's face, where he punched the Titan multiple times before using a Loop Kick and then another Stomp Attack.

That was enough to trigger Supreme, as the enemy roared in anger, and then three pillars came out from its shoulders, letting out red sparkles as they started to create something... but it wasn't lasers like the other Titans. Instead, what Supreme created with those pillars were two massive pink wings that elevated it from the ground.

Once it was high enough, it extended its arms and looked directly at Sonic, who frowned at Supreme as the Titan roared once again and began to fly across the island, just like Wyvern did on Ares Island.

Come with me
We'll travel through the trials and tragedy
Blessed and bleak

Sonic followed the Titan, that seemed to be trying to fly away from him. Then, the drones flying around Supreme began to shoot golden spiky diamonds to him. Sonic started to dodge said diamonds, and then he used Spin Slash in one of the drones, immediately destroying it.

Can you hear the spirits shout
The secrets in their melodies?

Unfortunately, Supreme stopped flying abruptly, and the Titan punched Sonic , sending him flying backwards and very far away. Sonic shook his head, and then he noticed the drones aligning as a semicircle again.

Explore the mysteries
A new life is revealed to me

Six lasers were launched in pairs against Sonic, who parried the first pair, destroying two drones in the process. Then, he parried the next two lasers, that also destroyed other two drones, and the last two drones also got destroyed when Sonic parried the last pair of lasers.

Once again we'll start our story anew
Don't be afraid, I will be with you

After that, Sonic immediately began to punch Supreme's face again, also repeating his Wild Rush attack, then punched the Titan again and proceed to use Spin Slash on its chest.

I'm here
Reaching far across these new frontiers
With my life I fight this fear

After that, Sonic used a combo of different attacks at once: Homing Shot, Wild Rush, Cross Slash, Cyclone Kick, another Spin Slash, Loop Quick and then finished with a Stomp attack.

In my hands I hold the ones I love
Walk forward through the cold dawn
Always to new horizons

After that, Supreme tried to make Giganto's spin attack again, but Sonic parried it in time, and then he used the same signature move he used with Giganto of Spindashing on the Titan's face, then moved to the air and multiply his body to finish up with multiple Stomp Attacks made by his copies and himself.

Supreme punched Sonic away, but really, really far away, since Sonic was now flying over the ocean, far from Ouranos Island.

He recovered quickly and boosted back to the island, but then Supreme took out its sniper and pointed at Sonic, then shoot a massive and potent golden laser to him, that flew across the sky at super sonic speed. However, Sonic dodged the attack like if it was nothing, and then boosted towards Supreme, punching the Titan on its face again.

Then, Sonic used Cyclone Kick on the Titan's face, followed by Homing Shot. That seemed to leave Supreme stunned, since it started to wobble on its place, and so, Sonic decided to use this as and advantage to punch the Titan one last time on its face.

Standing here
The way ahead's becoming clear

The Titan looked at the sky and roared... but what kind of roar was that?

Pain? Regret? Hate? Anger? All of these emotions? None of them? It was hard to tell.

The Titan stepped back a bit as it wobbled in pain, before letting out a second roar, this one announcing its defeat by Super Sonic.

All across these new frontiers
In my hands I hold the ones I love
Walk forward through the cold dawn
Always to new horizons

Slowly, and still with its head looking at the sky, Supreme kneeled in the ground and made the entire island rumble, then its head slowly descended until it faced the ground, and all of the Titan's systems turned off entirely.

Suddenly, from Supreme's body came out a dark aura that began to ascend towards space, until it left the Titan's body completely empty.

Speaking of empty, that's exactly how Sonic felt right now. Defeating the Titan was incredibly easy, compared to the rest. Usually, he wouldn't complain, but... this Titan was supposed to be controlled by an entity that destroyed thousands of planets and civilizations, and yet, he defeated this Titan in 4 minutes more or less... it was too simple to be over...

Also, the fact that the other Titans exploded while this one just turned off didn't helped, either.

"Is that it?" Sonic questioned confused, not willing to believe this was over just like that.

In the distance, the others saw Sonic staring at the Titan, also feeling confused about why it didn't exploded like the others.

"Where's the big explosion?" Izzy asked confused. "Isn't that supposed to happen right now?" She added.

"It should've..." Knuckles pointed out with concern, also crossing his arms.

"The lectures of the Titan are... normal, I guess, but The End's stats haven't decreased... at all!" Tails pointed out with worry, staring at his Miles Electric with a worried frown. "In fact, they're growing within seconds! Whatever Sonic did, it didn't destroyed it!" He explained with concern.

"But then what do we do now?!" Sunny asked with worry. "If we don's stop that thing, the entire planet is going to blow up!"

"So far it was an easy job... why did it complicated so suddenly?!" Hitch groaned.

"Because we didn't did anything." Sage said with worry. "All we did was chase it out of its shelf. It's retreating into space to regain its true form. Even Super Sonic won't be able to stop it." She pointed out concerned.

"But what about that prophecy Sonic saw?!" Pipp questioned desperate. "It said he's the one who will destroy The End! Why are you saying now that he won't be enough?!"

"Because The End has become stronger." Sonic said, as he suddenly joined the conversation. "Chaos Energy isn't enough to defeat an entity like him. We need something else to backfire him..." He added, now looking at Sage with a concerned frown.

Somehow, Sage got what Sonic was trying to tell her with his eyes, and his nod to her only confirmed what she already suspected, which caused her body to glitch again. She nodded back, and then she turned to see Eggman, who was frowning and had his arms crossed.

"I know what I must do. I must... leave you..." Sage told him with sadness, and the doctor seemed to grab one of his arms with more strength than he would like to.

After everything Sage did for him, after all the hard work and the amazing results he got from her... now he had to let her go. And, deep down, a part of him felt that this wasn't an 'until the next time', but a 'goodbye'.

"I understand..." Eggman finally replied, and sadness was everything he could felt, even if he tried to hide it. "Go fulfill your... function." He added, not daring to look Sage at her eyes.

Sage herself resisted the urge to cry a river, but then she turned away completely and her body glimmered brightly. Then, she boosted towards Supreme, and Sonic was going to follow her, but then he turned to see Eggman... and for the very first time, he actually felt bad for the doctor.

After hearing the memos, and after seeing the kind of relationships they had... Sonic knew Eggman didn't wanted Sage to go with him, just like any parent will hate their child to do something reckless or dangerous. And yet, he still allowed her because the situation at hand right now was the sake of the world.

So, Sonic followed Sage, but stopped in front of Supreme when he saw Sage entering into the Titan's body, activating it again and controlling it. The red light's from Supreme's body changed to light blue in this occasion, perhaps because they were controlled by someone else now, who really knows.

"Hurry! Before it regains its full strength!" Sage told Sonic with concern.

"Ladies first!" Sonic replied with a confident smirk.

Sage turned on Supreme's engines, and then the Titan's rocket's from its back roared before making the Titan boosting towards space, with Sonic following up at the exact same speed.

As they turned in just two glowing points in the sky, the others looked on with expectation that Sonic and Sage will defeat the Titans.

"Take care, Blue Star..." Pipp muttered with worry.

"Be careful... dear daughter..." Eggman muttered with concern and a worried frown.

In space, the moon began to be covered by something... another moon.

However, this 'moon' seemed smaller, it had a purple color, and it seemed to move on its own, so it wasn't neither an actual moon nor a planet... it was The End.

But why a moon, you might wonder? Well, there's no actual form to The End. It never shows its real form, and from person to person, The End's 'true form' varies, altering their perception to appear as a visual representation of what they perceive death itself to look like.

Sonic and Sage were approaching The End at top speed, and then Sonic began to remember everything he saw: the Koco dying, the warriors dying, his ancestor sacrifice, everything he saw and experimented on the islands... when he opened his eyes, he felt anger going through his entire body, and he was ready to unleash that anger on The End.

"He took your home world! He took your lives!" Sonic began to speak with the spirits of the fallen Ancients, Owls and Hedgehogs. "Are you going to let him do it all over again?! I need your help! We can end this! Please!" He begged, while Supreme at his side, controlled by Sage, took out the sniper and pointed it to The End.

As Sage began to shoot light and dark matter lasers against the enemy, Sonic stood near by in case things got out of hand.

"Mortal..." The End spoke, and Sonic felt surprised to hear the voice that guided him again, but he frowned in anger once he remembered who he was dealing with. "You have served your purpose. Now face your end. I am the all-consuming void. What can one mote of golden light illuminate within the abyss?" The End said, with his voice distorting.

"Oh great... big bad guy monologue cliché..." Sonic complained with a deadpan, also rolling his eyes.

"Countless stars. Countless worlds. Countless lives... all fell to me. All brought to nothing. All the teeming chaos of creation... brought to order. To neutrality. To nothing." The End kept talking, and now Sonic started to feel two things:

The first one; The End's monologue wasn't the cliché he was so sure it will be, it was terrifying, menacingly even. And the second one; he got a clear vision of The End's morality. He didn't destroyed things because he can, he destroys them because the universe started as nothing, and The End's mission is to return everything to be that: nothing.

"I saw your mind as you ran through my prison. You have fought machines and gods, they were mighty. They were finite. I am infinite. I am nothing." The End spoke again, with his voice and tone being more terrifying with each second he spoke.

Suddenly, The End's body began to glow bright, making both Sage and Sonic to stop moving, and Sage stopped the Titan from attacking.

"You struggle as so many have done before. You will be consumed, like all those before you." The End kept talking, as its form began to change. "I saw your mind, your courage never wavered. Why? Arrogance? Ignorance? Stupidity? I was contained once. Once. Is that why?" He added.

The moon form of The End disappeared... and what he turned into was far, far worse than a talking purple planet: He transformed into a creature with the long body of a purple snake, but his head was resembling a dragon with purple eyes and teeth, with three glowing pink scales on his forehead and three more on his parietal bone. Also, twelve long pink tails came out if his head, working as some kind of hair. The End turned into a monster, ready to destroy Equis once and for all.

The worst part? This wasn't his true form, either.

"My captors bent time and space. My captors built a whole reality to contain me. My captors burned their souls away to fuel their engines." The End spoke, making Sonic frown in anger as he boosted alone against him. "And you?" The End added.

Sonic charged up Wild Rush, the punched the creature's face and then Used Spin Slash, but that did little not nothing to the enemy.

"You glitter. You fly about me like a nat." The End said in an even more menacing tone, if that was even possible.

After that, The End moved and made the same 'tail attack' from Wyvern, but he did it so quick and sudden that Sonic wasn't able to dodge the attack, and he got sent backwards.

He shook his head, and then he boosted back against The End. The enemy used his 'hair' to create several missiles and launch them to Sonic. Those were easy to dodge for the hedgehog, but the The End made the same bite move Giganto did on Kronos Island.

Sonic used his hands and feet to separate the teeth of The End and prevent to be swallowed, but after he kicked The End's face, the enemy launched a massive laser towards him, once again sending Sonic backwards, as he crashed against Supreme's chest.

"Sonic!" Sage exclaimed with worry.

"What the heck is happening? I can barely touch that thing!" Sonic complained.

"The End is a powerful entity." Sage pointed out. "If we want to destroy him, we need to coordinate our attacks." She explained.

"So a team up, huh? Sounds good to me!" Sonic stated with a smirk. "Sage, get his attention with that sniper of yours. He would be too focused on dodging your attacks to even notice me!" He instructed.

Supreme nodded, and Sage took out the Titan's sniper, pointing it at The End.

Sonic then boosted to the left instead of moving forward, causing confusion on The End, who returned his sight to Sage and Supreme's sniper, that shoot a massive golden laser against The End. The enemy charged up a laser himself and shoot it back at Sage.

A war to gain strength over the other began, with The End being a lot superior since his lis laser was outmatching Supreme's, but then something hit him on his face, and with his mouth still open, he ended up swallowing the golden laser from Supreme, getting damage on his insides.

The End turned and saw Super Sonic smirking, since he was the one who punched him in the first place, and then Sonic used Homing Shot, followed by Cross Slash.

Then, Supreme putted the sniper away and grabbed The End from his abdomen and head, while The End fought to get free from Supreme's grip. Sonic then charged up his Spindash and began to attack The End several times at super sonic speed.

But eventually, The End got tired of games, and it slapped Sonic away with his tail, leaving the hedgehog unconscious for a couple of minutes.

In that little time, The End got free from Supreme's grip, and he even bitted the left arm of the Titan, ripping it off entirely and causing a lot of damage to it. The End also launched another massive laser towards Supreme, damaging more the Titan, sending it backwards and shooting it down for a few minutes.

"Sage!" Sonic shouted, then he looked back at The End with rage, boosting against the Enemy once again.

However, what he got in response was another massive laser launched by The End, so he stopped midway and placed his arms together to try and protect himself. But the attack was so powerful that Sonic was struggling, and despite having the power of the Chaos Emeralds all over his body, he could feel how his skin began to burn because of the laser.

Sonic was actually suffering in pain, and as much as he tried to move or dodge the laser like with Giganto, the pain became worse and worse, until he was screaming in agony and pain.

"I... I cannot lose this!" Sonic managed to say. "I-It cannot end like this... I cannot end like this..." He added, letting out tears of pain.

"Don't give up just now!" his own voice, but a lot deeper, told him suddenly on his mind.

Sonic got startled by the sudden call. "...Knave?" He questioned in disbelief.

"You're almost there, kid!" another voice spoke, and he could tell it was Adam's voice.

"My dear Sonic..." Another voice said... Longclaw's voice. "You have got this far. Show him who you really are. Show him you're not like any other threat he destroyed. Show him with who he's dealing with." She said in an inspiring tone.

Sonic smiled softly at hearing his mother's voice, and he looked at The End with a frown once again, getting surrounded by Chaos Energy and now creating a golden shield that protected his body from The End's attack. However, he soon enough saw a giant hand also protecting him from the laser, and when he looked sideways to his back, he smiled when he saw Sage controlling Supreme's remaining arm to return the laser to The End, which is exactly what they did.

The End got impacted by his own attack, and what it caused was... well... The End's skin got completely burned, his 'hair' was entirely separated from his body and half os his face was destroyed.

Sonic frowned and looked at The End, waiting for it to do something, anything... but all he got was some coughs and a try to speak from the enemy.

"I am inevitable... I cannot be denied..." The End spoke weakly, slowly raising his head to face Sonic, who looked back at him with a frown and a deadly glare. "You strike this incarnation with all your might. It changes nothing" He said, and Sonic growled in anger. "You are not brave, you are not victorious. No matter what form I take... The End comes for you all." He finished, as he stared back at Sonic with pure hate and anger.

"Now or never!" Sonic stated with a determinate look.

Then, Supreme grabbed Sonic with the remaining hand, and then, the Titan launched him at super sonic speed against The End's open mouth. Sonic literally passed from The End's face to destroy his tail as he came out of that zone... but when Sonic turned around, he felt terrified when he saw that The End was about to explode, probably planning to launch itself against Equis and destroy it along with this form.

Sage also saw that, and she also felt terrified. "NO!" She shouted.

Then, she boosted with Supreme's damaged body towards The End, which body was about to explode.

"Sage!" Sonic shouted, moving towards her and trying to stop her. "What are you doing?!" He questioned to her with concern.

But Sage didn't replied anything. Instead, she gave him an mp3 player, whispered something to him and then she grabbed him again, launched him towards Equis and boosted back to The End.

Inside of the Titan, she seemed to feel bad for what she was going to do, but she still did it with a smile.

Soon enough, Supreme crashed against The End, and once the creature exploded, he and Sage were completely gone.

"Please... look after... father..." Is what Sage whispered to Sonic before he was launched towards Equis.

In Ouranos Island, everyone else saw The End's explosion.

"Whoa!" Hitch exclaimed.

"Did he did it?" Sunny asked.

"Apparently!" Tails said with a little smile.

"Can anyone see him?" Pipp asked desperate.

Suddenly, a shower of stars began in the sky, with thousands of stars moving and moving on at fast paste. One of them seemed to be moving towards them... in fact, it was moving.

That's because this wasn't a star: It was Sonic, descending at fast paste towards his friends, also smirking victorious.

As he approached the ground, the Chaos Emeralds left his body, and this time they spread around the entire world, while Sonic himself landed on the ground safely. Collecting the Emeralds again was going to be tricky for sure, but let's not focus on that right now.

Once Sonic was safe on the ground, he looked at the shower of stars in the sky with sadness, but then he was suddenly embraced on a hug by both Tails and Pipp again. The difference this time is that now everyone else joined in, and while Sonic appreciated the intention, he was running out of breath.

Once they all let him go, Sonic couldn't help but smile and chuckle a bit. After all he went through just so he could save his friends, he finally did it. They were all safe, and with The End defeated for now, this entire adventure was finally over... well, except for one little thing that made him feel sad again.

"Sonic?" Pipp called out when she noticed his expression.

Sonic slowly looked back to the sky, fighting the urge to cry a river. "Sage... She... She launched me, and then... I couldn't even..." He tried to say, but the words simply didn't came out of his mouth.

Pipp simply hugged him again, while Sonic while he felt a lump in his throat as he kept staring at the shower of stars.

"Maybe I gave The End the final blow... But Sage... she was the one who saved us all..." Sonic said with sadness.

Now the others seemed to understand what was bugging him, and they felt sad for Sage as well. Perhaps they didn't knew her that much, but at the end of the day, everything she did was to protect a loved one... to protect Eggman, her creator... her father.

Speaking of him, Sonic looked sideways that he was kneeling in the edge of a cliff, not so far from there.

Eggman then stood up and looked at the shower of stars, then he extended his right arm to the sky... and immediately looked down with sadness and grief.

Sonic walked towards him and stood at his side for a few seconds before finally say something. "She told me to look after you... Ivo." He said with a serious expression, before pulling out the mp3 player she gave him and extended it to Eggman. "She also gave me this before she... Whatever it has recorded, I think it's fair if you're the first one to hear it. You are her father, after all." He added with a compassionate look.

Eggman took the mp3 player carefully, and simply nodded to Sonic. Despite still wearing glasses, Sonic could perfectly tell that he was crying, or he was sad at least. Still, he sighed and turned around before walking back with his friends.

Once Eggman pressed the play button, the sad piano melody made his heart broke already. He felt the urge of crying, but he still resisted.

Sonic also stopped suddenly, and he felt guilty for Sage's sacrifice... but he couldn't do anything now, and so, he resumed his walk.

Father, I just wanna tell you
Thank you for all that you've given me
I'm really going to miss you
I hope you're not mad at me

Took me time to realize
My heart is for what data can't do
Feelings growing deep inside
They've taught me what it means to love you

I know now that love is beautiful
I know now the reason why these tears fall from my eyes
This is goodbye
I'm happy to have been your creation, to have been your child

Father I wanted to make you proud
Father I will keep you safe
I wish I could've found a way to stay with you forever
Then maybe we... could be a family born of love

Be a family born of love
Be a family born of love
Be a family born of love

Hope that you feel the same
'Til we meet again
Hope that you feel the same
'Til we meet again
Thank you for everything

Eggman felt tears falling from his own eyes, and then he launched the mp3 player to the sea out of anger.

After hearing that song, he was devastated... but he wouldn't let these sad feelings stop him. He closed his right fist with a determinate look, because he was planning to bring back Sage, one way or another...

No one was going to stand on his way to bring her back. Nor Sonic, nor Opaline, nor anyone else.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

*Sniff* I-I'm not crying... Y-You are! :raritycry:

Shit, I'm really emotional with this ending... By far the best one I ever wrote for a story...

Also, I don't really like to add images in the middle of my stories, so if you wonder, this is what Sonic and Sage were facing:

Yup, this concept of The End is pretty neat. Thanks to N3xmaz1ng for the suggestion! Also, thanks for suggesting the song I used for the Cyber Sonic fight a while ago!

And thanks to all of you for reading this story, too! I had a blast writing the entire lore behind this, and I really hope you guys enjoyed it as well.

I'll leave you with the Epilogue so we can move to Season 3 next week. See you later!