• Published 10th Aug 2023
  • 296 Views, 5 Comments

E.T. : Equestria Terrestrial - ShadowedKnight68

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2: Game Over, Man!

Groaning awake with her another headache I peeled my eyes opened seeing the blurry bright world "nnnope" turned I buried my face into my pillow, thank God all that crazy stuff was a dream, maybe I needed to see s therapist though cause dreaming that your dreaming and then thinking your dreaming in that dream is probably not good...I think...

Im thinkin I'm staying in today, my head was killing me, felt like I got a bat to face, or a kick to the face by a horse, though I never got kicked by a horse so not sure how id know...did dream it however, but are dream tiny blue horse kicks as bad as normal horse kicks? Things to discuss with my therapist, in the mean time, sleep was sounding nice...

"Do you think he's awake?" A soft girls voice spoke.

"He spoke for this first time so unless he just started sleep talking I think he might be up" a rougher girls voice responded.

Oh god...someone broke into my house...well two someones, okay don't panic, just act like your asleep and then...

I leapt up from the bed yelling and swinging a pillow around "get outta here!!!" I froze as my eyes landed on the only other beings in my room, a group of six small colorful horses, some had wings, some had horns, one had both...

Blinking I looked left and right in the room, no people, also not my room...unless I redecorated in my sleep to purple crystal theme...it didn't seem like I wouldn't do...so biiiig maybe...

"Ahem...you little horses wouldn't happen to know who kidnapped me would you?" I said with a soft smile to the adorable weird animals as it passed the pillow away, now to find some ans-

"Oh we didn't kidnap you! I'm very sorry, my friend overreacted and knocked you unconscious so we took you to a safer place to recover" the purple horse said.

My brain shattered as I stood stock still, to run down events, everything I thought was a dream seemed to not be, that blue horse I fell on and knocked me out was here, and the purple one spoke, everyone caught up? Good.

I screamed and flailed backwards hitting my back against the wall, a few of the ponies screamed as well "horses don't talk!!!"

"No no relax everypony relax!!" The purple one tried to calm everyone down.

"Y-you no talky, only neigh" I whimpered looking the room over, I needed to escape and quick, this was some wacko alien horse invasion, this must be the ship, they found me again and captured me.

"Okay..." The purple huffed when everyone calmed down and turned to me "I am Twilight Sparkle, these are my friends, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Raindowdash, Fluttershy, and my assistant Spike" she point to each going from orange, white, pink go figure, blue, yellow, aaaan- is that Barney?!??

"Barneys real?!" I shouted looking at the dino.

Barney looked around confused before pointing at himself more confused.

"Oh man...you all got like cartoon character names, and Barney is real...oh my god...Aliens control cartoons..." I said in shock.

" Okay no, we're not aliens, well in the sense of being from another planet...well...hm this is difficult, technically tjis is another planet from your own and we are entities from a anorjer planet from yours so by all intense and purposes we are aliens, though you aee an alien to us" the purple one or Twilight rambled on.

"Uhhh so I'm lost on where we're at, you guys abducted me or..?"

"No, we didn't abduct you" Twilight replied now looking curious "so it was ponies who brought you here?"

"I didn't see exactly who did, just a weird robot thing" I replied with a shrug.

"Fascinating, well fortunately for you I know where your from and can get you back in no time" she smiled.

"Really???" I jumped up to my feet smiling.

"Oh he really doesn't have fur" Fluttershy said curious.

I blinked and looked down before blushing and dropping down covering myself with a blanket "haa so I'm guessing clothes aren't a big thing here ey?"

"Quite the opposite! I am a fashion designer, clothes are my passion" Rarity gloated smiling.

"Noice, can I get some cause where I'm from I don't walk around in the nude..." I replied sheepishly.

"Oh...hm well I will need to do some measuring but I'm sure we can come up with some-" Rarity began before shouting cut her off from outside.

"What was that??" Twilight asked in shock.

"Don't know but we better check it out!" Applejack hurried out of the room, Raindowdash following after.

"Um stay here uhhh human, we'll be right back!" Twilight said and ran off with the remaining horses following Barney joining them.

"Right cool...I'll just" the sound of more panicked screams hit my ears "stay..." What if someone was being hurt, more of these little horses attacked "here...oh screw it!" Grabbing the blanket I grabbed two corners and wrapped it first around my waist and then over one of my shoulder making a sort of toga "little horses here I come!!" I ran after the group.

What greeted me was definitely a unexpected sight, an entire almost medieval town of small little horses was being attacked by flying black horses, the sound of really loud flys filled the air, I realized these things were making it cause their wings were different from the feathered ones I'd seen, more but like.

I saw the six horses from before rushing over to help other horses from the strange attacking ones, running over I got a better look at the attacks, they were fricken xenomorph horses! Or well close to it, shiny black armored bug horse fit the bill for xenomorph horse.

One of the xenomorph horses was trying to pull a small cream colored horse into the air but she was holding onto the corner of her house preventing it.

Looking around I grabbed a nearby plant pot before chucking it through the air decking the bug square in the face "oof, uh hope your a bad guy."

The bug got back on its hoof feet things and hissed at me before flying at me.

"Oh shiitakeeeee!!!!" I screamed running the opposite direction. I leapt over another horse before grabbing w rock off the ground and chucked it at her bug hitting it in the same spot of its face again "god I am in point today!"

The bug this time flew off rather than chasing me again, it looked like it was heading the same direction as others, I hurried over to the six from before "hey scary bugs are going somewhere, thinkin we should go too before they take one of you!"

" Your right, let's go girls!" Twilight said and ran down the road with the rest of us following. Getting up to the side of a house we huddled there.

I leaned dover the mares beside me to peak around the edge of the house spotting two of the xenomorph horses standing in the middle of the road speaking with one another, guess they coukd talk "no good, they're down here too, got any ideas??"

"we need to figure out where they're taking everypony, I haven't seen any leave town so then they must be holding them somewhere in town, getting there is our priority" Twilight said looking to the six of us.

"We need a distraction then..." I muttered.

"I'm on it!!" Pinkie cheered rushing off.

"Pink one no!!" I fumbled to grab a hold of her but she slipped by and down the road "she's gonna get herself killed!"

"You don't know pinkie" Raindowdash smirked.

I looked confused before looking down the road, pinkie bounced down it towards the xenomorphs who looked at her and hissed buzzing thier wings, Pinkie reached into her mane before pulling out a colorful canon.

"Whaaa??" I slowly looked to the others trying to get answers but they all simply watched like this was normal.

With a loud boom the street was filled with confetti and the girls booked it past it, I followed after still confused as to what the heck just happened. Moving through alleys and empty streets dodging xenos who flew over or passed by.

"What about pinkie? Will she be okay back there?" I asked worriedly.

"I'm fine" pinkie bounced beside me causing me to slam into the nearby wall in surprise.

"Y-you can teleport??" I asked baffled.

"Hmmm no?" Pinkie replied though sounded unsure herself.

"...this will make more sense when I wake up..." I muttered as I walked

"Alright we're almost to the center of town, they seem to be mostly here" Twilight said peaking past the roof top to flying by bugs.

Exiting the alley we moved around a house and peaked towards the large open town circle, soon finding what the bugs were doing, groups were swarming around the horses gathering them up before spitting out green globs of slime at their hooves restraining them.

"Knew they were xenomorphs..." I muttered watching "what do we do?? Guys got flame throwers or somethin??"

They each looked at me confused before Twilight shook her head "Raindowdash and I will knock them out of the air, you all take care of them in the ground."

The others nodded while I looked unsure "umm I'm out of flower pots..."

Twilight lit her horn before suddenly my stick from before appeared "will this help?"

Blinking at the Houdini stick I took it "uhhh sure"

Twilight and Raindowdash flew off while the others ran to get the bugs on the ground, I shrugged snd followed yelling hokding thr stick over my head like a wild cave man.

When one bug came crashing down from above I swung my stick swatting it away with a hard whack, I then ran and jabbed another in the chest before swinging it around hitting another, seeing one flying lower to the ground I reared the stick back "ey batter batter!!"

The bugs ear twitched up and it turned around confused before it's eyes went wide as I launched the stick into the side of its face, it's face jostling and lips pushing the opposite direction before a few fanged teeth flew out as it went crashing to the ground.

Spinning the stick around I slung it over my shoulder whistling as a pit a hand over my brow watching the bug crash "that's a home run!" Chuckling I looked at the stick "with this, I have ultimate power!!!" I raised it up cheering.

A bug flew by snagging the stick and take it away, I blinked staring arm still up in the air holding nothing now "well...that sucks..."

"Try an find another stick or somethin! We can't give up!!" Applejack shouted in a southern accent as she bucked a bug that came at her.

"Good idea, just gotta wait watch out!!" I yelled as I saw one of the bugs recover from the kick and leap onto the mare, it wrapped its legs around her chocking her as it hissed, I ran over quickly running on instincts as I went to help, the bug then suddenly opened it'd jaws before biting down on the mares neck splattering blood across me and the ground, shock filled me as I felt the droplets hit my skin.

Applejack cried out in pain as the bug growled into the bite, in a instant I reacted without thinking, my right hand curling into a fist before I suddenly sucker punched it in its muzzle "get off her Xenomorph freak!!!"

The bug went flying off Applejack's back rushing through the air and smashed through the wall of a house, everyone surrounding froze in shock having seen the hit, even I stood shocked as I sent the bug flying, slowly I looked down at my hand before looking at a nearby rock and picked it up slowly, I then looked to a big in the air and cocked the arm back befiee baseball pitching the rock.

Like a bullet it shot through the air and cracked the bug in the head sending it cartwheeling through the air into another.

I stared wide eyed "I...have...Super strength?!??" I looked at my hands before chuckling looking at the remaining bugs "your dead" I ran at them and reeled my arm back before sucker punching another on the ground sending it flying across the road with one hit.

The one beside it going slack jawed as it's companion was sent away, looking back towards me it was greeted to my fist as it punched it down at the ground, a huge smile on my face as I cackled like a mad man running after the bugs who now were beginning to realize the tide had shifted against them.

Grabbing one of the bugs tails I swung it around before launching it into a flying group, a beaver bug came rushing at me surprising me and I slapped it in reaction, it barrel rolled off into a wall from the slap left spinning on its horn.

I felt giddy from being this strong, I felt unstoppable!! And then I got promptly gut punched folding me like a chair "ooof!!"

Raindowdash came flying in kicking the bug making it crash before it flew off, the rest of the bugs seeing the fight was over followed, grabbing their unconscious or stuck companions and scatter.

I held my stomach coughing "update...super strength, doesn't mean... invulnerability...I'm in pain" I fell over face first.

Groaning I sat on the edge of the bed holding my now bandaged stomach with my equally bandaged hands and feet, no shoes really scuffed my feet bad, and like my stomach my hands were not invulnerable so all those punches really cut and bruised my knuckles.

"so miss Twilight, any idea why I suddenly have super strength?" I asked looking to mare who had her horn glowing while tracing up and down my body.

"no...only theories right now" She said scanning.

With a slight tugging in my bandages and wince I looked to the yellow mare who gasped worried she hurt me from her bandaging "oh no I'm sorry was that too tight??"

" No no, thank you Fluttershy, I'm all ears Twilight" I replied first to Fluttershy, she was a gentle caring horse that's for sure, and then focused on Twilight.

Twilight huffed turning her horn off "from what I understand, from both your story and my scanning, whatever you were injected with is most likely the cause, however my scan didn't pick up anything beyind your muscle mass seems to hsve both grown as well as strengthened."

"Space steroids?" I asked.

"possibly? But I will need to run some more tests, as well as send a letter to princess Celestia to bring the mirror here so we can send you home" she sighed.

"well as long as I can get home don't stress" I chuckled feeling happy I would be back home soon, the weird alien steroids worried me but I didn't feel ill...currently, glancing to Applejack who's neck hsd a bandage on it I felt bad I didnr her to jer fast enough "you doing okay Applejack..?"

Applejack looked over and smiled "don't you worry about me, wasn't nothing but a scratch, that there punch you did sure helped make sure that changeling didnt do any more though, can't thank ya enough for that...err what was yer name again?"

"heh no problem, I just got lucky I had super strength to hit him off, oh and it's Alan, Alan's Grant." I smiled leaning back on the bed propping myself up with my hands.

"Nice ta officially meet ya" Applejack tipped her hat.

" So what are xenomorphs??" Pinkie asked tilting her head "I heard you calling the changelings that while we were sneaking around."

"Changelings? Oh uh well xenomorphs are a alien bug race in a movie franchise, they reminded me of those, especially with the slime spit" I explained.

"interesting...I wonder if that's what changelings are in the other world.." Twilight said to herself thinking curiously.

"I can't believe there's another world connected to earth full of magic, little horses, and bug horses!" I chuckled in amazement.

"I know! It was pretty exciting to find out myself" Twilight smiled.

"If it uh wouldn't be to much trouble, id totally wanna visit this place more, specially if I lose super powers back home" I rubbed the back of my neck embarrassed.

"free helping us with the changelings?? You can come over whenever!" Rainbowdash praised.

"Rainbowdash, princess Celestia is the one who can decided if people from the mirror can just come over, if they all did it'd be chaos" Twilight said.

Rainbowdash rolled her eyes "he helped us, that's gotta be enough to let him visit."

"Well I don't wanna cause problems..." I replied.

" Your fine Alan" Twilight huffed "Celestia should be getting back to me any moment now-"

As if on que a flash of light sent me rolling off the other side of the bed in sunrise as suddenly a much bigger white horse with rainbow moving hair, a long horn, big feathered wings, and a mirror stood in the room.

She looked around quickly before her eyes landed on me and she gasped "so it is true...A human in Equestria... I've never seen such a sight" she said in awe.

"Um...thanks?" I stood up feeling awkward.

"Oh! And he speaks Equestrian too!" She said giddly.

"Well where I'm from its English" I corrected her.

"English? Interesting, and these clothes? Are they common?? They look so noble, so free for your beings to wear" The white horse said about my blanket toga.

"Well actually I came here naked, these are the blankets from the bed. Clothes where I'm from aee uh...tighter? And there's more" I explained as best I could, it's hard to explain clothes to a clothesless horse.

"As much as we all want to ask Alan questions, sending him home seems like the best thing to do, we still don't know what Equestria magic will do if not already affecting him" Twilight said.

"Yeah but uh if it means more super powers, I wouldn't mind being able to fly and shoot lasers from my eyes" I smirked.

" I doubt that will happen...maybe..." Twilight said thinking before shaking her head and walking to the mirror "ready to go?"

"Wait can't Alan visit? He helped save the town from changelings! That's gotta be worth something right??" Rainbowdash asked.

The white horses smile faltered "unfortunately...we yet do not know what his presence here may cause to Equestria or himself, it could be just as dangerous for him as it is for us, until we know for certain I'm afraid he will be unable to return."

Sighing softy I walked over and looked to them all "well...guess this is goodbye then, it was scary but cool to visit a new world...meet strange talking horses."

"Ponies" The tall white horse said.

"Ohhh that makes sense with you being so big" I realized.

She blushed "I am a pony as well...I did not think I was there big..." She looked back at herself.

"Oh no no I meant tall big!!" I blushed in embarrassment and face palmed "yeahhh might be best if I went home now..." Sighing I turned to the mirror then glanced back "by the way Rainbowdash, if I can come back, you owe me one free hit for knocking me out."

"If you can catch me sure" she smirked.

Smirking back I turned to the mirror I reached my hand forward watching it push through the reflective glass, it didn't even feel like anything, takimg a deep breath in I stepped forward and my vision became white....and then I was assaulted by the doctor who introduced of rainbow swirling tunnel as I promptly screamed my lungs out as my body stretcjed and swirled down the rainbow tunnel to hell.