• Member Since 27th Apr, 2016
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


Hello everyone! It's story time! God bless you! | Christian, Female, Early 20's, British, Straight, Single. Birthday: Feb 13. Profile pic: pmbsakura37.



Shining Armour has dropped Flurry Heart off at SugarCube Corner to have her first "date" with her coltfriend Pound Cake! :heart: They are both in Kindergarten though, so it goes as well as you would expect.* :rainbowlaugh:

Cover art by Red4567-2!

Written for the amazing 1,000 words contest! (The comedy genre.)

*This story is mostly daddy-daughter shenanigans though; I'll probably write a more complete story later.

This is my first 1,000 word story fic so it was extremely hard to pull off. Writing it almost burned me out because every time I write, I have too many ideas I want to use, and I had to put them all on hold until next time. This means that I did not have enough time to write about the actual date this time, oops! But at least I can get into the practice of writing nice short stories instead of nigh-epic-lengths, LOL.

Sequel (Please read and leave a like; it is almost at 200 views!) https://www.fimfiction.net/story/540006/easy-as-pienot-really

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