• Published 18th Jul 2023
  • 106 Views, 2 Comments

A nightmares Wrath - Collared pet

Nightmare Moon Thousand year banishment is told of Celestia’s sister Luna bringing eternal night… but what if it wasn’t…

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A plea for change…

“CELESTIA!!!” A loud voice bellowed from the main throne room causing the castle to tremble a bit.

Slowly walking in, Celestia noticed an angry and panting Luna while Celestias nephew was between his mothers legs.

“Enough is enough! I will not tolerate this anymore! You care not for me or my son!” Luna shouted at her older sister, Lunas son whimpering quietly.

“I told you before Luna, it’s just rough housing. You can’t seriously expect me to punish everyone who roughs him up a bit can you..?” Celestia said with an annoyed look on her face which irritated Luna more.

“A little roughed up!? Tia!! His wings were broken and nearly lost an eye! My son is not like all those noble colts! He is kind, respectful, honest and more generous than most foals! You cannot believe that…” Luna started to say, almost sounding like a completely overprotective mother”

“Enough Luna! Eternal is a big colt. He’s not a small colt anymore.. besides he’s barely said anything to me about it. I can’t help if he won’t talk.” Celestia said, completely ignoring what Luna said.

“It’s always about him… nothing but him… I can’t blame for being anti social since his father left but this is no excuse..” Celestia thought in her mind, not really caring about the situation at hoof.

“I have paper work to fill out… we’ll talk later…” Celestia said, turning away before walking back to her room.

Luna watched as her sister quickly turned her back on her and her nephew. “Don’t worry Dusk… I’m here for you…”
Luna said, unaware of tomorrow…