• Member Since 23rd Apr, 2020
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


A pony of mystery in the darkness. Or I forgot to take the lens cap off. (They/them is fine.)


If ponies think Anon is some kind of weird animal, and Fluttershy can talk to animals, can animals and Anon talk to each other?

To make the cover image, I heavily edited the MLP IDW comics panel https://derpibooru.org/images/3007495.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 21 )
PiMan #2 · July 28th · · ·

This feels like either the sort of story that could stand alone, or become a whole HiE thing tens of thousands of words long.

Barely pony, but sometimes that's a good thing. A story about the settings animals that has the brevity to maintain dignity, and the wit to entertain its entire length. Good job.

Just this chapter?

In my opinion: this is too good to leave on just one chapter.

Netap #6 · July 28th · · ·

I'm thankful that Anon didn't kill BB, even after he took the rifle.

Cool concept, and I'll add to the growing consensus that I'd definitely like to see more.

well a equestria where they replaced magic with guns how American

What's the first thing to do if you get lost in the woods? You used to know, before you were kicked out of the Cub Scouts for complaining that you didn't like to walk ten miles every Saturday.

sit down and play solitary someone will eventually show up to tell you to put the red six on the black seven.

Feels like Anon is gonna become Mowgli or something. Then Fluttershy comes in some couple months or years later and declares him King of the Jungle or something.
Roar! Wait, this fic quite literally has my catchline in it. *Happy roar*

Can you make more chapters or a sequel? This was a very enjoyable read.

Now I want to see this dude meet Fluttershy. Could she understand what he’s saying or just intent like he can? Can he understand her? Can she convince everyone that he isn’t just an animal? I want to see more. :fluttershysad:

I love how “Man vs Equestrian wildlife” is now starting to become sub-genre.

An interesting vignette, but I'm surprised it's marked Complete. This doesn't end so much as stop, and I'm left wanting a lot more. Seeing things from the hunter's perspective—and why was a pony hunting, anyway?—getting others involved, seeing how the Anon gets by long-term, there's a lot you can do with this idea. As is, it just feels unfinished.

Given that it was blueblood, probably for sport.

Kicking big brown puppies for shits and giggles, and not even by his own power. Very fanon BB.


I love how “Man vs Equestrian wildlife” is now starting to become sub-genre.

I love how this story is a subversion of that braindead trope. Regular wildlife doesn't KoS.

I feel like someone gave me a lollipop and stole it back. I'm like: "Whoah, wait where is the rest?"

I loved the story, but now I'm sad without a continuation.

Due to a cartoon that I watched as a young boy, my headcanon is that this Anon is Davy Crockett.

Seeing an MLP story where the human protagonist bonds with an animal rather than bonds with a pony is a neat idea.


This is a very nice little story, but I want to know what happens next!

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