• Member Since 13th Jun, 2017
  • offline last seen 8 minutes ago

Darth Severus

Brony, Star Wars nut, Former Marine, BA in English, minor in creative writing, OCD and on the Autistic Spectrum


This story is a sequel to Breeding Bull (Redo)

Last Friday, Applejack ended up getting raped by a bull at the rodeo. After spending the weekend isolated, school starts again. Her family wouldn't blame her to miss school, but that's not how she does things. She will never run away from her problems, it's not who she is. When her locker is vandalized by bullies, her boyfriend Astral Shadow teaches said bullies a painful lesson

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 3 )

When her locker is vandalized by bullies, her boyfriend Astral Shadow teaches said bullies a painful lesson

I would have liked to see Applejack or one of her friends do that. Why didn’t they do that?

They don't want to stoop to their level, they know two wrongs don't make a right

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