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Chapter 1: Holding the line at all cost, part 1

[One hour ago]

In town, Adagio, Aria, Sonata and Stygian were on their guards, looking for any signs of the enemy. They were at it since morning and were starting to get bored.

“How long will we have to wait before they show up?!” asked Aria. “My feets hurt from walking so much!!!”

“Not long, Aria” answered Stygian. “The eclipse will begin in about 10 minutes”

Aria let out a loud sigh and sat on a bench. Meanwhile, on board of a plane, Sunny and Moonlight were waiting in their seats. Sunny was being very excited and barely could stay in place while Moonlight remained calm and patient. 10 minutes later, as Stygian predicted, the solar eclipse started. It was at that moment Grogar opened a portal to send Tirek, Chrysalis and Sombra on their way. The battle was officially started and it promised to be intense for our heroes.

“They’re here...” Said Stygian. “Ready yourself girls, this is going to get ugly very soon.”

“Finally!!” shouted Aria. “Let’s kick their butts!!”

The small group headed for the location the villains appeared. A couple minutes was all it took for the two groups to cross paths.

“Not gonna lie, i was expecting the girls to show up...” said Sombra. “Not you traitors...”

“They’re kinda busy at the moment” said Stygian. “We’re here to hold you off until they’re back.”

“I can defenitively use a warm-up” said Tirek, cracking his knuckles. “If that’s a fight you want, shrimps, then we’ll give you one!!”

Stygian and the Sirens adopted a battle stance and readied their magic. Sombra, Chrysalis and Tirek did the same. Tirek was the one who drew first blood as he charged at Stygian with fists charged with magic. His Gleam immediately reacted and blocked Tirek’s attack and then counter-attacked with a blow to the guts that sent him flying in the air. Adagio didn’t waste time and blasted Sombra away with a supersonic soundwave coming from her gem.

“You like that?!” she asked. “It’s my Dazzle Scream!!”

Aria drew power upon her gem and tapped on the ground with her feet. She created a shockwave that blasted Chrysalis from below and into the air.

“And that’s my Blaze Wave, bitch!!” said Aria.

Chrysalis and Sombra quickly got back on their feet, only to be both struck by a powerful electric shock coming from Sonata’s fingers.

“And here is a taste of my Dusk Shock!!” shouted Sonata.

Sombra got up on his feet with barely a scratch. Chrysalis turned into a Roc and charged at the girls, beak and claws forward. Adagio pushed her back with a scream. Sombra started shooting dark magic blasts at them. Not far from them, Stygian and Tirek were exchanging blows. In a last effort, Stygian knocked him back. The villain had blood dripping out of his mouth that he swept away with the back of his hand.

“You’re strong, i’ve gotta admit” said Tirek. “But not enough to beat me...”

“I know” said Stygian. “But i can certainly give you a challenge...”

Tirek smiled and fired a beam of magic, that Stygian easily dodged. Then, quick as lightning, he rushed at Tirek. His right and left arms turned into magic hammers. Tirek was slammed with such force by the attack that he was sent flying blackward. But he didn’t stop at that and pulled Tirek toward him with a magic tentacle. Stygian hit him again, this time slamming the villain into the ground. Meanwhile, Chrysalis and Sombra were getting overwhelmed by the Dazzlings’ perfect battle coordination.

“Had enough yet?” asked Aria to the two villains. “Cause we’re just getting warmed up...”

Chrysalis and Sombra smiled, then laughed.

“What’s funny?!” asked Aria.

“Oh, nothing, really...” answered Chrysalis. “It’s just that seeing you 3 actually think you have the upper hand on us make me laugh...”

“We’re just toying with you...” said Sombra. “But playtime is over now...!!”

Both got up and walked toward the trio, suddenly unphased by the attacks.

“Then, we’re getting serious too!!” said Adagio. “Transformation!!”

The 3 girls turned into their magical forms. They then materialized their Equestrian form in the form of magical spirits.

“There it is....” said Sombra. “Your true power...But compared to ours, it’s nothing”

Sombra and Chrysalis’ powered up for a moment, then stopped.

“What incredible power...” said Adagio. “Such an overwhelming magical pressure...”

Her, Sonata and Aria we’re terrified by their opponents’ power, but they were not going to back down now. Meanwhile, after getting beaten up for some time, Tirek decided to stop playing around and fought seriously. Poor Stygian was barely able to defend against Tirek’s barrage of attacks, let alone hit him.

“Okay, girls” said Adagio. “It’s time to do it!”

“Do what?” asked Chrysalis. “There’s nothing you can do against us...”

The girls all looked at each other in agreement. At Chrysalis and Sombra’s surprise, they ran away.

“Stygian!!!” shouted Aria. “It’s time for plan B!!!”

Stygian heard her and started running away from Tirek, who was amused.

“Running away, uh?” said Tirek. “Where did all that bravado you had earlier went!!?”

Stygian threw an empty car at Tirek, who received it in the face. The dazzlings threw some smoke bombs at Sombra and Chrysalis.

“Damn those damn bitches!!” said Chrysalis. “I’m going to kill them!!”

“That little twerp!!” shouted Tirek. “Where did he go!!?”

That distraction let the group enough time to get some distance between them and the villains. But that only bought them a few minutes, before the villains caught up to the group. Tirek started firing beam after beam, destroying buildings and cars alike. Chrysalis turned into an Ursa Major and was also destroying everything in her path. Sombra looked at both of them in shame.

“We really pissed them off!!” said Adagio. “They’re going at it...”

“No!!!” shouted Sonata. “That was my favorite Taco Stand they just destroyed!!! You monsters!!!”

“Keep running!” said Stygian. “We need to get them out of town, you know!!”

The group kept on running away, and Tirek and Chrysalis, causing destruction. A couple minutes later, the heroes reached the woods, we’re they waited for their enemies to appear. Soon enough, the trio showed up in the forest as well.

“I see...” said Chrysalis. “You’re using the forest to get the odds in your favor...”

“That’s what they were up too” said Sombra. “Tirek, Chrysalis, burn that forest to the ground.”

Chrysalis turned into a dragon and started spitting flames. Tirek, as usual, just fired beams randomly. While they were distracted, Adagio and friends were charging up a powerful attack aimed at them. By the time the villains realized it, it was too late.

“YOU FELL FOR IT!!” shouted the girls. “Triple Dazzling Cannon!!”

Chrysalis and Sombra received the full force of the attack and yelled in agony. While Tirek was distracted, Stygian shot him with a powerful beam of magic that separated him from the others. When the dust and smoke settled, Sombra and Chrysalis were totally different. They powered up and transformed, emanating a dreaful magic aura. Stygian also felt the same dreadful aura emanating from Tirek. No doubt, they were done fooling around. Sombra and Chrysalis both grew wings and horn, looking more alike to their Equestrian form. As for Tirek, he grew horns, and his skin turned to a darker red. Stygian, Adagio, Sonata and Aria let out a loud gulping noise.

“Oh oh...” said Sonata. “Everyone!! Run for your lives!!!”

Tirek appeared behind Stygian, ready to beat him to a bloody pulp. His Gleam immediately reacted to the threat and pushed his host out of harm’s way. Chrysalis turned into an hydra and was blasting Adagio with flames. Aria and Sonata, them, were being targeted by a relentless barrage of projectiles thrown by Sombra.

“That’s no good” grunted Aria, who got hit to the leg by Sombra. “I’m really about to give up, Adagio!!”

“That guy’s too much for us!!” said Sonata. “We’re gonna be killed before the girls arrive...”

Adagio was badly injured.

“Retreating ain’t an option either!!” she said. “We knew what we signed for...”

Stygian’s Gleam was really worn down by Tirek’s relentless attacks.

“Not good” he thought. “My ribs are broken and my Gleam won’t hold on much longer...I guess this is the end for us...”

Adagio got slammed to the ground by Chrysalis. She powered down, out of strenght and concentration. Chrysalis turned back to herself and charged up a magic beam. Sonata and Aria were covered of dark crystals and unable to use magic anymore, as Sombra was about to petrify them. As for Stygian, Tirek finally wore out his Gleam and was about to finish Stygian with a laser blast. Adagio had a flashback of her and her sisters getting Platinum on their first album. She remembered how much joy it brought them. She also remembered a moment where she had been awfully mean to Sonata and felt regret. Sonata remembered celebrating their Platinum on their first album, an evening she would never forget. She ate too much tacos, and regretted it the next morning. She remembered Adagio visiting her to the hospital when she got sick, staying at her bedside all night. Aria looked back at some choices she made in the past and remembered a particular night when Moonlight and her had a talk and wished she had the courage to go for the kiss. Stygian, him, remembered the good times he had with Starswirl and the rest of the Pillars. That made him regret even more giving in to the darkness and turn on his friends. They all closed their eyes, accepting their fate.

“Die!!” shouted Sombra, Chrysalis and Tirek at the same time.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Sombra and Chrysalis’ attack missed and were sent right back at them. As for Tirek, he was interrupted by a fire blast coming from above that forced him to dodge. This one looked up to see where that attack came from.

“I’m behind you, dumbass!” said a feminine voice.

Tirek turned back and saw Sunny glaring at him, holding Stygian in her arms. On Chrysalis and Sombra’s side, they were still trying to figure out what happened. When they saw Moonlight appear between them and the Dazzlings, they were surprised. Even more when he healed Adagio and the others. They opened their eyes and saw Moonlight smiling at them.

“Moonlight?!” said Adagio, confused.

“Don’t worry, i’m on your side” he answered.

“On our side?” asked Aria.

Moonlight faced Chrysalis and Sombra.

“Moonlight?! What’s the meaning of this!!” asked Chrysalis.

“The answer is obvious, Chrysalis” answered Sombra. “He’s a traitor...”

“If you knew my backstory” said Moonlight. “You’d understand why i’m doing this...”

“I don’t know your backstory” said Chrysalis. “But i did sense lot of hatred coming from you, at Grogar. An searing, burning, silent hatred. The kind of hatred i have toward your kind”

Meanwhile, Stygian opened his eyes and saw Sunny standing next to him.

“How can you betray us?” asked Tirek. “Moonlight, i’d understand, but you?”

“I found something else worth protecting more than Grogar” she answered.

“Who? That shrimp over there?” said Tirek mockingly.

“Partially, yes” said Sunny. “But he’s not the main reason i’m doing this...”

”Something worth protecting...” thought Stygian. ”If it’s not me, then who is so important to her that it would have her betray HIM?”

“Whatever your reasons are” said Tirek. “If you stand against me, i’ll destroy you...”

“Just you try...” said Sunny. “You might be strong...”

“...But we’re even stronger!” said Moonlight.

In his castle, Grogar was shocked to see Moonlight and Sunny turn on him.

“Moonlight, i’m not surprised” said Grogar. “He hated me with all his being, so it’s only natural he’d turn on me the first occasion he got. But Sunny? I don’t understand. I was her everything...I always treated her nicely and with care...Why would she turn on me like that? As far as i know, Moonlight’s her only family...Unless. No! That would be impossible, The only baby she ever gave birth to died. Did she lied to me? No, she didn’t fake those tears...Her sadness was real. Unless...could Moonlight have used Memory magic on her to give her false memories of this day? He would really go that far for her? To protect her from me? Well, he probably knew what i was going to do with the child, so i don’t blame him.”

He punched through the wall of his room in his rage.

“Eh...whatever...” he said to himself. “It’s only a minor setback...And it’s an occasion to see how powerful they became...”