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Chapter 2

After a long goodnight rest, Twilight opened her eyes, her eyes glanced at the clock, "6:00am" it reads. She then got up and used the bathroom, brushed her teeth. She then organized books, which was her favourite hobby. After it seemed like forever, Twilight looked up at the clock and it read, "7:30am" Twilight then said, "Oh, I got to go to work, my shift starts at 8am!" Spike was on the couch, sleeping, he was also seen holding a small black device with a red button with several buttons with numbers on it.

Twilight then ran out of the home, she likes to be early to events, it would be rude to be late.Twilight looked at her surroundings, the sky was glowing blue, many clouds fly in the sky, there were many birds, of different colors like yellow, blue, and even red. There were ponies outside, doing what they always do. There were even ducks heading south for the winter. After five minutes, which felt like a short time, she reached Sugarcube corner. She saw the sign, "Sugar Cube Corner" glow with yellow and purple lights. She then went inside.

Then, a mare greeted her from the counter, she had a rainbow mane and a cyan coat, and her magenta eyes shine. Twilight then said, "Oh hey Rainbow!"

Rainbow Dash then said, "Hey, Twilight..." Rainbow Dash then flew over to where Twilight was standing.

Rainbow then said, "I am working part time here... I am still in the Wonderbolts but... you don't earn bits when you are in the Wonderbolts and I thought if I work two jobs, I get more experience and I can get more job offers.. it's like.. a golden ticket..."

Twilight then said, "That's great!"

Rainbow Dash then said, "Have you seen... Flash Sentry? He was suppose to be here.. like thirty minutes ago.."

Twilight was shocked, she then said, "Uh.. no.."

Rainbow Dash then shrugged and said, "He may overslept!" She then flew back to the counter.

Twilight decided to work in the kitchen today since Rainbow Dash is working behind the register today. She then went into the kitchen and saw Pinkie Pie. Pinkie was hard at work, she was rolling dough. There was a tray of doughnuts with different frostings and sprinkles, there were pancakes, and even muffins like chocolate chip and banana. Twilight thought she saw a dark red substance under Pinkie Pie's chin..

Twilight then asked, "You.. got something under your.... chin.."

Pinkie Pie then blush and said, "Oh, silly me... I think I was.. was... uh.. using ketchup and.. some of it... got.... under.. my chin!"

Twilight looked around, she didn't see any ketchup, she doesn't believe Pinkie Pie's story because Sugarcube Corner doesn't use ketchup, and the substance under her chin was darker than ketchup. She then saw Pinkie Pie was getting uncomfortable, she decided to change the subject and asked, "So.. how was your talk with Flash Sentry?"

Pinkie Pie then giggled and said, "Oh.. uh... I told him he can take tomorrow off since we got more hires... and he won't stop screaming... I mean... I get it your excited to have free time tomorrow but that doesn't mean you can keep screaming like there was no tomorrow... or maybe he was THAT happy to take tomorrow off."

Twilight then said, "I thought he loved working here, why would he be that excited to have a day off... I hated day offs at school... I mean what's the point?"

Pinkie Pie then giggled and said, "He's sooooooooo silly!"

Twilight giggled and replied, "Yeah.."

Twilight then glanced over but noticed something... off.. the doughnuts smell a bit... weird and the frosting looks a bit different than before. Twilight couldn't put her hoof on it. Then, suddenly, breaking the silence, Twilight asked, "What's up with the doughnuts?"

Pinkie Pie then said, "Uh... well.. I used different frosting.. I wanted to change things up... I used secret ingredients and more sugar... if you give customers the same thing over and over again... they will get bored and we will stop getting bits means I can't pay you and avoid debt with the mafia and bank.. there is nothing wrong with that!"

Twilight backed away and said, "Okay, okay.."

Then the doorbell can be heard, a mare with a gray coat, yellow mane, and cunning yellow eyes came forward. She said, "Hello.. can I have.... a doughnut.. and a mocha, please!"

Rainbow Dash said, "Sure, Derpy!" She then told the other workers that are hard at work Derpy's order. Pinkie Pie then hand Rainbow Dash a doughnut with red frosting and sprinkles, Twilight then made the mocha. She knew how to make coffee without any training because when she was a filly she made coffee when she was pulling an all-nighter to study or a test or to make up missing assignments.

Twilight hands Rainbow Dash the mocha, she feels pride in her heart. Rainbow Dash then said, "Five bits, please!" Derpy pays up and Rainbow hands her her order. Derpy takes a bite of the doughnut and says, "This.... feels.... funny... but I like it!" She looked inside and saw an eyeball.. and what she can make out a small chunk of pony liver, it was red and lumpy.. She raised an eyebrow and asked, "Is this a late Halloween prank?"

Derpy then yelled, "I LOVE IT!" Derpy then flies away, she can't wait to start her job as the delivery pony. Twilight was happy that she made somepony happy today. She had a smile on her face. Today was a slow day, but it was finally over, Twilight was bored, she drank coffee to stay energized.

She then thinks back to when Derpy was complaining about the doughnut. She said, "Wait... was the frosting... blood... or drugs," She then think for a moment, she remembers when Pinkie Pie said that Flash won't stop screaming and thought Pinkie Pie killed Flash and used his blood for doughnuts. She then continued, "No... Pinkie would never do that.. she is a nice friend and won't do anything that breaks the law!"

Twilight ran to Pinkie Pie who was in the kitchen making gingerbread cookies. She applied some frosting which had a darker color and more runny than normal frosting. The workers went home, they were all working part time or had important events to go to like a funeral or going on a date. Twilight asked, "Did you kill.... Flash Sentry?"

Pinkie turned to her, her grin was sharply upside down, her eyes narrow at her and said, "TWILIGHT," She then paused an continued, "You know.... I- uh... I will n- n-.. never do anything like that.. I AM a good pony, I am like perfect.. if you ask that again I WILL fire you and we can't... be friends.."

Twilight squint her eyes and walk away, then she went home and went to sleep. But the thought of Pinkie Pie potentially killing Flash Sentry and Pinkie lying to her still haunts her like a ghost, she is scared that she will be next, her eyes were open, her eyes had a light red tint. She knew Pinkie Pie was a good pony, maybe it was an another baker. She doesn't know what to do, there was an erie silence. She then heard a knock on the door which broke the silence.