• Published 20th Oct 2023
  • 71 Views, 1 Comments

Rarity Belle and the missing manuscript - Reily

A story Rarity is working on goes missing

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Chapter 5: Confrontation with the thief

I galloped off as fast as I could to Golden Oak Library, pushing my legs to their limits. I was no athlete like Applejack or Rainbow. But if I wasn’t fast enough, Melody would be gone and so would the ability to confront her. Not only that but who knows what’ll happen to my manuscript. All those pages being touched upon dirty hooves and my rough draft ending up who knows. Even if I have to get a little dirty and take an excruciatingly long bath afterwards, retrieving my story will be completely worth it.

Here’s hoping I got here in time.

I burst open the doors with a forceful push and took a glance at the scene. At least Twilight and Melody were still here, putting away books. Twilight shot a glance towards me.

“Rarity, It’s bad enough I have to keep a window open for Rainbow Dash when it isn’t raining. But please don’t turn these doors into splinters. It turns into this big hassle trying to replace and fix things in here” She sighed. “So any luck with finding your manuscript? I was just about to take a break and let Melody go home for the day.”

Lungs on fire. But still gotta keep going. Just do some short breaths and I’ll be fine.

After a few seconds, I finally felt ready to say what I needed to.

“I’ve made progress alright! And let me“ , I took a quick breathe, “explain what I’ve uncovered”

IMelody tugged on Twilight’s foreleg a few times, and had a nervous expression I’ve seen on Sweetie Belle many times. The look of somepony who was just caught with their hoof in the cookie jar.

“Miss Twilight! Can I go home now?”

Twilight turned towards Melody.

“Of course-”

I shook my head. My mane must have looked absolutely horrible, but this is too important. “Wouldn’t you rather stay and listen? Especially since you’d be very very curious about what I uncovered.”

Melody quietly eeped, and lowered her head.

Twilight’s eyes widened. “What do you mean? Is there something I should know?”

I began to recount the clues I gathered earlier; first bringing my attention to the conversation I had with Theo and retrieving his card out of my saddlebag.

“You see darling, Melody here has a bit of a tendency to borrow things that don't belong to her. Especially things related to detective work from her uncle, who just happens to be a detective in Canterlot. And here’s his card.”

The card was enveloped in lavender light as Twilight looked it over. “I see…I haven’t seen anything from the library go missing though. But I’ll be sure to check on the inventory once I’m finished.”

I shook my head. “What was Melody up to before I got here earlier today?”

Twilight looked back down at her list of books. “I was having Melody look through the book collection in the basement and was supposed to be arranging them into multiple stacks. Though I haven't been back down there yet.”

I paced back and forth and pointed a hoof towards Melody.

"Also notice how she had a fair bit of dirt on her when I came in and the unsightly stains on the one reference book. Small muddy hoofprints were also found in my inspiration room. I'm almost certain she was involved. "

Melody was starting to sweat a little bit. I know I’m close to getting her to confess.

Just a little more pressure.

“So I’m a little dirty. So what?! I was in the rain. Helping gather loose pages in the wind, no less. Besides, how was I supposed to get back and forth from Twilight’s basement so fast?”

She’s right. That is the crux of the issue. Think. Twilight said Melody was in the basement. Was there any way of getting in and out fast? Argh…the only thing I can come up with is teleportation. But even ponies in kindergarten know the only pony type that can teleport are unicorns and she’s clearly a pegasus. That leads me to point two. How did she do this; who helped her? Obviously it’s not Twilight as she has way too fine control for teleportation. But who…? It has to be a pony sympathetic to her cause. And as I learned earlier from her uncle, all Melody wants to do is earn a cutie mark. Oh no. Oh no. Not you Sweetie Belle. You promised and the light in your horn was a teleportation spell.

I cleared my throat. "Twilight by chance do you see Sweetie Belle outside your library today?"

Twilight tilted her head. "Yeah twice before you came here the first time. Both times she was standing out by the window with her horn lit up. Each time I got close , she ran off. And I think there was another foal with her, but I couldn't see them very well. I was planning on asking her next time she stopped by what spells she was struggling with , cause she looked a little exhausted the second time."

I shook my head. "Well Twilight you won't have to ask anymore. Sweetie Belle seemed to have gotten the hang of teleportation. That's how Melody got in and out of the basement so quickly."

Melody had her head facing the ground. "I'm in a lot of trouble aren't I?"

I ruffled the poor filly's mane. "As long as you give me back my manuscript, all will be forgiven. Just please for your uncle's sake and mine, ask before taking alright?"

She flew back up to the reference section, and retrieved those pages from the reference manual I saw earlier. Then neatly dropped them back in front of me.

"Here you go. And for what it's worth, you make a pretty good detective Miss Rarity. Good job. Think you can teach me some stuff?"

I gave her my best smile.

"We'll see darling."