• Published 10th Oct 2023
  • 284 Views, 3 Comments

Your Name Across The Multiverse - DATONEDASHFAN

Rainbow Dash(s) and Twilight(s) are sent into the multiverse by touching a shard from the Rainbow comet

  • ...

Chapter 5: The calm before the storm


Bolt flew back to the others and could see everyone talking among themselves, even Aero was speaking with her counterpart, of course the only one who can understand her was Blue Berry. Bolt looked around the area and noticed there were still trees left in the area, so the group hasn't notice yet...or maybe they knew time was running out? she sat down and watch everyone talk, it be best for them to finally speak with each other and get along. Enjoy the time they had left, before the storm comes.

"I see, Eirika raised you and gave you that pretty name? and it comes from a legendary Pegasus knight too! That's awesome!" Berry was just in awe with Aero, that the horse was pounding the ground with pride as the small pegasus girl was amazed by alt version.

"Berry, please stop encouraging her, it's bad enough you let her eat an entire plate of carrot cake but now feeding her big fat ego too..." said Eirika as she was sitting next to them as she's checking her armor after the battle she had with Layla

"Sorry Eirika, I just can't resist the coolness!" said Berry as she hug Aero.

Eirika sighed and then sighed harder as Aero gave her a look, a look that says "Let me have this!".

"Fine, you can have your ego fed but you have to behave." warned Eirika as she was glaring at her pegasus.

"Yay!" cheered Berry as she hugged Aero even more and creating another carrot cake, which caused Eirika to grab it before Aero could eat it.

"What I did just say!?" yelled Eirika

"You are a bad mother!" shouted Berry while Aero turned red as she heard that word.

"Mother? Look I raised Aero when she was a baby but we're like sisters, right girl?" smiled Eirika as Aero nodded hard. "See."

Berry floated to Aero ear and whispered "Thought you said you see her as a mom?"

Aero blushed as she spoke horse noises towards Berry, who repeated "She's pretty stupid and doesn't understand other people feelings? She's a block head? She's so stupid, that her first time riding you, she got on backwards?"

Eirika quickly yelled at Aero about what she was saying to Berry, and telling Berry to stop praising her ego loving horse as they ran around the place.

"What are they saying over there?" asked Layla as she watched the group with a curious eye.

Dr. Wanda turned to see what Layla was on about and smiled at the sight.

"Aero is happy. It seems she doesn't get praised by her owner enough." laughed Wanda, which was clearly heard by Eirika as she turned to them.

"She doesn't? That's surprising. Maybe she should stop boasting about herself for once." replied the knight as she was pulling Aero ear.

"Oh come on! Aero is really amazing and brave and cute and smart!" yelled Berry as she got between the knight and pegasus.

"She's right, she's a special horse after all." replied Layla "In my universe, the Pegasus race are mighty knights. Aero will fit right in, even more so with how she moves and fights with you. She reminds me of Lady Spitflame, a great knight that uses her flames to protect people."

"Lady Spitflame? Who's that?" asked Eirika as she let Aero go and placed her hands on her hips

"She's the captain of the knights and the best flame swordsmen in the entire country. Even the princess and the royal knights respect her." replied Layla "Until she was infected and was banish from her country."

"Really now, so is she stronger than me?" asked the knight as she smirked

Layla didn't know what to say, since she felt anger as Eirika asked that question after hearing Spitflame sad past but decided to answer anyway.

"Yes, she's stronger than you, as she sacrifice so much to be a great swordswoman." said Layla with bit of passive aggressive tone

Eirika smiled and placed her hands on Layla's shoulder and stared into her eyes.

"I see. I'll just have to be the better swordswoman then." said Eirika with confidence and pride

Layla stared into the knight's eyes and smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, that would be a good idea."

Wanda could see dark rune energy sparkling around Layla while Eirika didn't notice it as she walked away. She needed to calm her down, so she quickly asked Layla a question.

"I'm guessing you're a powerful mage, right?"

"Huh? Well, no." answered Layla "I'm a qualified practitioner of medicine and physician, a doctor."

"Really now! You look so young!"

"Yes, I am young but I study under my teacher, a wise doctor, and learned a lot from her." replied Layla, feeling a bit of pride

"Then why were you able to cast those spells as you fought Eirika?" asked Wonder as she floated behind her "They were clearly black magic runes."

"Ah yes, It's because I'm infected with the Chaos disease." answered Layla, which shocked Wanda

"Your sick? You don't look like it my dear."

"That's because the Chaos sickness can cause madness and changing your body into other animal parts. I, well, "was", a normal pony but when I got the sickness, this horn grew out of my head. My teacher kept the madness in check with this wrist guard. It can also allow me to summon my crystal blade." explained Layla as she summoned the blade as it let out dark energy but quickly unsummon it as Eirika ready her sword.

"No need for a weapon, we are done fighting." said Wanda as put her hoof up at the knight, who lower her blade and went back to checking on her armor.

"Yeah, sorry, still new to using a sword, still "green in the belly" like officer Light always says to me. She be pretty mad I fought with another version of her." said Layla as she was a bit embarrassed by the situation

Eirika just huffed and crossed her arms, while Wonder was still amazed by this form of magic, which is gain by a sickness.

"You're the first person I ever met that has magical powers this way." said Wonder as she was flying around Layla, checking every inch of her.

"Um, okay." replied Layla, who was a bit uncomfortable as Dr. Wonder just flew away from them.

"Don't mind her. So you're the first one to have a horn as a symptom? Is this common?"

"Actually, no. Others have reported having strange animals parts growing out of them and using normal magic. So far, I'm the only one with rune magic. My teacher and I have a theory that the sickness is evolving." answered Layla

"You have a theory?"

"Yes, my teacher and I theorized that the Chaos sickness is actually a cell parasite that can mutate its host to evolve. After death, the body turns to spores. To stop the spread, bodies are burned right away because bodies turning to spore is random, it can happen within seconds or hours."

"Really, that's quite amazing! What do you think of this theory?" asked Wanda as she was really getting into this.

"I don't really know. It could be a possibility. The sickness can't be cured and just suppress its effect with medicine. This is the best theory we got." answered Layla

"I see, so it's hard to study a parasite at that level of spreading?"

"Yes. If we could fully study it, we can cure the infection. Give the infected a better future. A dawn to look forward too." said Layla, feeling her heart pumping for a brighter tomorrow

"That is amazing. That's what I want, a better future for all. I can't believe we are thinking alike." replied Wanda as she held her hoof out.

Layla was shock to see that Wanda was thinking the same thing, of course she was another version of "her" after all, and smiled as she grabbed her hoof.

"So what do you do, if I may ask, Dr. Wanda?"

"I'm a scientist, an astronomer, a geneticist, engineer and I have a PhD in medicine. You can pretty much say everything. Here let me take out my degrees." answered Wanda as she pulled her degrees from her coat pocket but a picture fell out and Layla picked it up. Showing a blue, pink and green hair human woman, wearing a lab coat, as she was holding Wanda. Who was a little filly and without a horn, in her arms.

"Is this your teacher? She looks beautiful."

"Teacher? yes and no, she was also like a mother to me. She was my inspiration." replied Wanda in a sad tone, which made Layla's eyes go wide as she noticed the sadness.

"Did something happened?"

"Yes...she was killed."

Layla didn't know what to say, her teacher was still alive and well but her other self's mother figure was gone and dead. She could see the sadness in her eyes and knew the pain of losing someone you love and care for.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked." apologized Layla as she bowed

"It's fine, she died a long time ago. It's just, sometimes I still think about her." replied Wanda as she held the picture.

"So, how did you two meet?" asked Layla as she wanted to cheer her up.

"Oh, I was her test subject."

"Test subject?!" said Layla in shock and worry.

"Yes, I was tested with rapid brain development from the gene therapy and even gain this horn. Unlike your horn here, I can only float objects that are small. She was there to help me and teach me, she became my family." explained Wanda as her heart started to beat a bit faster, remembering all the times she spent with her.


"Yes. The human scientists were not always the best, and they weren't really around. I was alone. But she came in and made sure I had everything. She told me stories about humanity and what they can do. I would spend so many hours just listening to her talk about science, history, and fairy tales. She made me smile, laugh, and gave me the motivation to keep going. She showed me the planet where we came from, as we watched it from the moon base. She told me to not see the world how it was, but how it could be. It's why I want a better future for all. A dawn for everyone to see and treasure. Its what she wanted as well." finished Wanda as she put the photo back in her pocket but noticed Layla moved to tears and truly meeting a version of herself that was also so hopeful.

"That's wonderful! She really was a wonderful teacher! I'm sure she was very proud of you!" cried Layla

"Yes. She was, thank you." replied Wanda, who was smiling and trying to calm Layla down.

Flare overheard those two talking and smiled. She was glad there was hope among the group. Terra noticed the smile and asked her why she was smiling.

"Because, those girls are the future. I can see it, the hope for the future generations. They will fight against the odds and make a better future for their worlds."

"Wow, I would say that is an optimistic view. Not a bad way to think, even if it is naive and pretty foolish." said Terra as she touched her rifle that was hanging off her back and remembering her war back home.

"It is not naive and foolish, it's just a better way of thinking. That's what the future is about, hope and faith." said Flare, who was smiling a bit brighter.

"So, more foolish then?"

"You remind me of someone, of course, she is a version of you after all. She's the same way."

"Is she a good person?"

"Yes, she is. One of the greatest and strongest people I ever knew." answered Flare.

Terra was a bit surprise that Flare was talking about her other self with such pride and hope.

"I'm surprised, you said her and I are alike? Since I'm not the greatest, and I'm not the strongest."

"Why not? Don't you have faith in yourself?" asked Flare as she was staring at her, trying to figure her out.

"Well, I'm not a good person. I have blood on my hands. I'm not a great leader either, I got people killed. I failed to save lives when it mattered the most."


"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Nothing, just thought you be the type to not give a damn about anything. Just kill things and don't care about anything else." answered Flare

"That's, actually a correct statement, if you met me 10 years ago."

"You're a different person now?"

"Yeah, I have someone special. I have something to protect, something to live for. Something to believe in. So I fight to protect her. To keep her safe. She's the only one who can make a better future, even if I can't be a part of it in the long run." answered Terra, who was thinking about her lover.

"Odd, didn't you just said it was foolish and naive to have a optimistic view?"

"Well, I'm not an idiot. I'm still a realist. The future is going to have problems, there are going to be people that are evil, cruel, and insane. I can't change that but, I can still have a little hope, for her. For those that will come after. After I'm long gone."

Flare couldn't help but smile, it seems everyone is a good person. They all have the same drive, the same motivation. They will all have a bright future, she could feel it.

"Well, at least there's a light at the end of the tunnel." said Flare as she turned to Terra and place her hand on her shoulder.

"There's always a light." whispered Terra but sighing as she turned to her "How are you blasting with so much hope?"


"You're happy, too happy. It's weird. We're stuck here, in this weird place. Who freaking knows what's going on in this world or why its falling apart. So why are you so damn happy and smiling?!"

"Huh, that's an easy answer, we're here together, we're not alone in this. There's others, from different worlds. We can talk to each other, learn from each other, fight by each other side and get to know each other. It's a blessing."

"A blessing? More like a curse."

"That's a negative way of seeing this."

"I'm not a positive person."

"Yup, just like her." laughed Flare, which made Terra losing her grip on her rifle a bit.

Dr. Wonder was still thinking about what Layla said until she bump into someone, who was Flash, as she was working out.

"Sorry. My apologies."

"Its okay, I didn't see you." said Flash as she stopped her workout and sat up.

"You're Flash, right?" asked Wonder, which Flash just sighed as she took a battle stance.

"Okay, I'm ready for a fight!"


"You're here to challenge me to a battle, right?"


"But that's what you're supposed to do, isn't it? You're here to beat me up, right?"

"What? No."

"But, that's what others always say to me, as they wanted to fight me."

"Really? Well, I'm not, I was just floating by and accidentally bumped into you."

"You're not challenging me?"


"Are you sure?"




"...you sure?"

"Yes! Now, please excuse me, I have a lot on my mind."

"Really? I know what that's like. So, why are you worried? Maybe I can help."

"Maybe. But, why do you care?"

"Because, I'm bored and want a sparing partner."

"I just said I didn't want to fight..."

"But you do. I can see the fire in your eyes, the fighting spirit!"

Wonder sighed and closed her eyes and placed her feet on the ground. She opened her eyes, revealing to Flash, that she was blind.

"Huh? Hey, your eyes."

"I'm blind. So no, there isn't a fighting spirit in these useless eyes."



"I don't know, I see some fighting spirit in there." judged Flash as she got really close to Wonder face.

"Really? How do you know? My eyes can't be read, I can't see anything. They're useless, like me before I became a sorceress." said Wonder in a depressed tone.

"What are you talking about?"

"Before I become the Sorceress Supreme, the Master of the Mystic Arts, and the protector of the world, I was a normal person. A person with no purpose, a person who didn't believe in herself and lost her eyes to a evil man. That is, until I met the master. She told me I had the gift, a spark, and with this stone, she could make me a hero, a great person. Someone who wasn't useless. Now, meeting better versions of me, like Wanda, I feel like I'm still useless. They're powerful, and smart, and kind, and strong. What am I? Selfless! Almost got a cute turtle killed for god shakes..."

"Well, if that's how you feel. Then let's go."


"To fight."

"But, I'm blind. Remember."

"I remember, doesn't mean I can't take you out. I'll just have to hit you where you can see."


"Let's go." said Flash, as she dragged Wonder out to a open field near the crater.

"Where are we?"

"An open field. Where I can go all out, and not worry about hurting anyone Okay, let's start."

"Wait, what?"

"You said you want to be a great person, that you don't think you are, then fight me. Prove yourself." said Flash as she took a battle stance and was ready.

Wonder stood there, feeling the breeze on her face. She was wondering, was it worth it. Should she do this, she can't win, and it would prove nothing.

"Hey, if you don't attack me, then I'll strike first!"

"I don't..."

"Too late!" said Flash, which made Wonder freeze up with fear. She was gonna die...but something was wrong, nothing happen. Until she heard Flash caring voice. "You protected us from Flare when she was mad!"

"I did?"

"Yes, you did, now stop doubting yourself."


"Stop thinking you can't do anything and start believing! Because, you are not useless. You are important. So stop acting like a baby, and prove it!"

"I can?"

"Yes, now show me the spirit!" yelled Flash as she pound her chest.

"The spirit?"

"Yes. The fighting spirit. The spirit of a hero. The spirit of someone who doesn't care about the odds, they fight because they want too. And if you're gonna give up, because there are better versions of you out there, then you can go sit your ass down and wait for the end. Because if you do, then you don't deserve to be the Sorceress Supreme, you're no different from the people who hurt others. The person who made you the way you are, as they took your sight, took your life and "you" away. So, are you a hero? Or a coward?!" asked Flash as she pointed her finger at her.

Wanda stood there, frozen. Frozen, not because of the words that were spoken. Not because of the fact, that there were more powerful people around her. No. She was frozen by the memories of "her" and what she said, and those words that were echoing in her head.

"The world is full of people who will make you doubt yourself. It's also full of people who will believe in you, even when you don't believe in yourself. The question is, are you the kind of person who will do whatever it takes to be the person you want to be? Or are you the kind of person who will just let fate take the wheel and go on the ride."

The words kept playing over and over again. The words she heard all those years ago, the words that her best friend said to her when she was broken and lost. When she needed that little push to follow her master.
The words, the words, the words.

"What's it gonna be, are you a hero or a coward?" asked Flash, which broke Wonder out of her trance.

"I'm not a coward, and I'm not useless!" yelled Wonder as she ran forward and started to punch and kick at the air.

Flash, dodged all the blows and even blocked some with her arms.

"That's not enough! Come on, I can tell you're holding back!"

"I'm not holding back!"

"Prove it!" yelled Flash as she walked around her, easily dodging the attacks.

"I will!"

"Then do it!"

Wonder screamed at the top of her lungs, which sent out a shockwave of magic. She then started to float in the air and created magic weapons from the sky and launched them at Flash.

Flash just smirked and used her speed to dodge the swords, lances, hammers, axes, kitchen stink and everything. She then got behind her and rose her hand up in the air. Which caused Wonder to panic but it didn't hurt. There was no force behind the attack as Flash patted her back.

"Good job."


"You showed your fighting spirit. You showed your drive. And you showed the fact that you are not useless, you are a great hero. Even if you are not the greatest, or the strongest. It doesn't matter, it's your actions that speak the loudest."

"Thank you..." cried Wonder as she stood in front of Flash and started to cry.

"No problem."

After a while, Wonder asked Flash if this was a teaching from her master or something?

"Nope, master didn't teach me that. It was my rival and childhood friend!"

"Really, that's interesting."

"Yup. I know, right? When I'm down and losing faith in myself, she comes and picks me up. Every. Single. Time."

"You two must be really close then."

"We are. In fact, she's the reason I want to keep getting stronger. To protect her, so no one can ever hurt her. To keep her safe, and happy, and not lose the fire she has inside her. It's why I won't fall here. she needs me! She always been there for me, and I'm going to be there for her, even she doesn't want me too!"

"Wow, I can sense a lot of passion coming from those words."

"Great to hear that! I want to marry her someday!" smiled Flash, as she started to blush

Wonder just laughed as that came out of left field and thought it was a joke. She then turned to Flash, who was still smiling.

"You're not joking?"


"So, your serious? Like, serious?"

"Serious as the plague. I love her, and I will spend the rest of my life with her. No matter what she says, or what happens."

"Wow, you're dedicated."

"Of course, she's my everything."

"How do you know that, you're so sure of it?"

"Well, it's obvious isn't it. She makes me happy, and when I'm sad, she cheers me up. When I'm in trouble, she'll do anything to save me. Even if I'm mad at her, she doesn't give up, and we're friends again. When I'm down, she tries to make me happy. She's beautiful and funny and kind and cute and she's just the best."

"Oh, and how does she feel?"

"She feels the same. She's said it too, before."

"Then why haven't you married her yet?"

"Well, the world is crazy right now with her evil mom, and we're still young. But, after this, I will. I will propose, and make her mine forever." Flash smiled harder as she gave a thumbs up, leaving Wonder shaking her head, as she knows that poor soul going to have her hand full with this one.

Aaira held her head as she sat far away from everyone, as all the voices were making her unease, not because of everyone here but because she wasn't use to being with a lot of people since that day.

"Aaira." called out a voice, which made Aaira turn to the voice, and seeing Rain walking up to her.

"Mind if I join you?"

"You're already here, aren't you?"

"True. Still, it's nice to ask, and I wouldn't want to interrupt your thoughts. You looked really deep in thought."

"Thanks for worrying but my mind is okay...for now." said Aaira as she smiled awkwardly

"...You haven't been around many people I take it? You seem pretty uncomfortable."

"I am, I haven't been around a lot of people. Not since the day I lost my friends and...her."

"Her? You mean your lover."

"She was the love of my life."

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault."

"I know. Just feels like the right thing to say. Sorry if it was offensive."

"None taken."

"So, tell me, what is she like?"

"Who, my love?"

"Yeah, her."

"She's...a great person. She had a smile that could melt a heart of stone. Her personality was the sweetest, most caring thing. She was beautiful, the most beautiful, and smart, the smartest. She was kind and brave, and had the purest soul I ever saw. She was the light of my life, and when I found out she died, I was broken. It was my fault...I shouldn't had let her go..." cried Aaria as she held her head in shame. Allowing her pain to return and for the delusion to return as well, as she could see "her" feet in front of her

Rain grabbed her hand and held it tightly and gave a smile to her.

"It's not your fault, no matter how much you blame yourself."

"You don't know anything!" yelled Aaira as she pushed Rain away, not noticing that the others were looking at her now, and Rain landed on her rear.

"Don't get involved. This isn't your business. No one's business. Leave me alone, go away! Please."

"No, I won't." said Rain, as she got up and walked back over to her.

"Leave me alone!"

"I won't leave, I can't leave you like this. I'm not leaving you." said Rain as she grabbed Aaira hand again "She wouldn't want this. To see you suffering. You're a good person, a great one. I know you are. Didn't you say you saved your world from a alien outbreak?"

"I did, but that's not good enough. It won't ever be good enough for her!" yelled Aaira as her dead lover, Faye, slowly kneel down and whisper her to let her in, to make her whole.

"Let me in. Let me in. Make me whole again. Let me in. Let me in. Let me in." chanted Faye as Aaira tried to ignore the voice and the illusion, but she couldn't.

Rain noticed the tears, and how Aaira was ignoring her. She then did the only thing she could think of, and that was to hug her, which made Aaira break the trance.

"I lost someone who was like a sister to me. She was everyone sun, and we loved her dearly. But she was taken from us, and it broke our hearts. Tara took it the hardest though. She blamed herself, closed herself off from everyone and became distant. No one could reach her. She was falling into the deep end. But I was able to bring her back..."

"How?" whispered Aaira as she turned to her

"Like this." softy said Rain as she pulled back her arm and made a fist. With a powerful blow, she punched Aaira in the face, knocking her back.

"Ouch!" cried Aaira, as she rubbed her cheek.

"She needed that, and so do you!" shouted Rain as she stood up and crossed her arms "You sit here closed off, locking your self away, from all the people who want to help you! That's nobody's limitation but your own! Mark my words! My drill will open a hole and that hole will be the a path for those that want to help you see a better tomorrow. A tomorrow that she wants you to see! For her sake, move forward!"

Everyone just stood there in awe at what they were seeing, it was almost like Rain had a aura of strong will beaming out of her.

Aaira held her hand out and could see a hand grabbing it, she looked up and it was Faye, the real Faye, not the twisted one.

"She's right, you have to move on. You have to let me go."

"But, I can't."

"You can, and you will. It's time to move on, Aaira." said Faye, as she slowly started to fade.

"I don't want you to go."

"You know..." smiled Faye "This is the first step. Keep going. I believe in you."

Aaira watched as Faye disappeared and for the first time, in a very long time, her mind was at peace, even if it won't last forever.

"You're right. I can't keep living like this, I can't keep letting the past or the pillar control me." said Aaira, as she turned to Rain, who was smiling, which caused Aaira to smile back.

"See, you can move forward. If you just let others help you."


"Come on." smiled Rain as she reached out her hand.

"Okay." smiled Aaira as she grabbed her hand and was pulled up.

"We boring normal girls got to stick together!" laughed Rain as she patted Aaira back "Sure, you might have a cool power suit but you don't have super powers, a badass sword, magic or psychic powers!"

"I have kinesis though..."

"Eh?" said Rain, before she dropped to her knees and screaming she WAS the lamest one here, causing everyone to laugh.

Bolt smiled as she saw everything talks. They all needed this. She started to jog in placed but stopped as Heat came over and stood next to her.

"This reminds me of us, when you finally showed me the way. Believing in others and helping them out, even if you didn't know it. It's something we all need to remember, isn't it?"

"You can say that again."

"You're a good Pegasus Bolt, a really good friend too."

"Thanks. That means a lot coming from you. You're the best, Heat."

"Thanks." smiled Heat as she turned to Bolt, who was looking up.

"Something wrong?"

"Nothing, just thinking."


"How we keep meeting each other like this. First, is was our universe collapsing into each other, then the Element emeralds sending me and Scoots to your universe, and now this. It's just a lot to take in."

"Yeah, but maybe it was meant to be."


"Our emeralds brought us together, and they both have the power of creating a miracle. Maybe the reason they're bringing us together is because, they know the truth."

"What's the truth?"

"That we need to be together. I was brought into your universe to save me, and to make me realize the error of my ways, that I shouldn't do things alone. Then the Element emeralds sent you to my universe to teach me another lesson, to show me that I need to put faith in others. The two of us together are greater than apart."


"I don't know how, or why, but the emeralds have a plan. One, we are apart of. Two, that our and their friendship, and trust, and love, is the key to saving this universe."

"You can say that again." laughed Bolt as she looked back at the sky, "I don't know, but something is telling me that they're is more to this. More than we could have ever imagined."

"Probably, but that's not going to stop us."


"Then let's keep moving forward, until the very end. Until the emeralds can shine brighter than ever, and our future is as bright as the sun."

"Hell yeah!" smiled Bolt as she raised her hooves in the air "Let's do this!"

Heat nodded in agreement as the two watched the sky. Bolt slowly put her hoof on Heat's hoof and spoke "Maybe this time, we won't say our goodbyes again. And maybe, just maybe, we can have our happy ending."

"I would like that." smiled Heat as she put her arm around Bolt's waist.

Bolt was caught off guard but she soon hugged back.
"I love you."

Heat blushed deeply as she heard those words. Bolt didn't know it but it was the first time someone said that to her.
"I...love yo-." whispered Heat but she was suddenly cut off as Berry, with tank on her head, flew between them and both were crying, making them both realize that everyone were watching.

"You guys are so cute, I can't stand it! Ahhhhhh, this is too cute, even for me!"

"Berry! You are ruining it!" said Wanda

"Am not! it's too cute for words. I want to have a relationship like theirs! Two star crossed lovers!"

"Lovers!" shouted Heat as steam started to come off of her as she grew bright red.

"Yes, yes you are." said everyone, who was nodding and agreeing.

"Ahhhhhhh, so cute! I could eat you both up!" Berry went on, as she started to cry even more.

Bolt could feel a large amount of heat coming from Heat body, as she could see she was freaking out from the embarrassment.
"Heat!? Calm down." said Bolt as she tried to get free from her grip

"Oh, look at that, they're so sweet, they can't keep their hands off each other." teased Layla

"They're the perfect couple, the love of each other life!" chimed in Flare

"They're so cute, I could die." gushed Aaira

"It's too much!" screamed Rain, as she started to fake cry too

"Remember to invite us to the wedding! Have a lot of kids!" Berry said as she was ugly crying now

That was the straw that broke the camel's back, as Heat repeated "wedding" and "kids" as her body released a pillar of flames, burning poor Bolt to a crisp...

"Heat. Please. Calm. Down!" said a charred Bolt as her body was covered in soot and her mane was burning as everyone was laughing.

Up in the broken sky, the Rainbow Comet was glitching with more force than ever. A small crack appeared in the middle of it, leaking out a black trail...

end of ch5