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Chapter 5: The end of the Elites.

Pinkie Pie was exchanging blows with Ragna for half an hour now. None of them was able to deliver a fatal blow to their opponent and the fight turned into a stalemate very quickly.

“Okay, this is getting dumb” said Ragna. “Obviously, neither of us can deliver a definitive blow to the other...So i propose to settle this with a game...”

“Sounds fun!!” said Pinkie. “What kind of game do you like?”

“Let’s see which of us can cause the more destruction!!” shouted Ragna. “The winner can ask anything to the loser, who is obliged to comply. Of course, if i win, you will give me your magic geode!!! If you win, well, you can ask me anything and i will comply!!”

“I like a challenge, but where would we fight?” asked Pinkie Pie.

“Activating Target practice mode!!” shouted Ragna.

The room’s cannons disappeared to make place to a shooting range setting.

“As you might guess, this will be a speed and precision based challenge.” said Ragna. “The one getting the highest score in 5 minutes win...The blue targets give you ten points, the red ones give you a hundred, the star-shaped ones give you a thousand. Of course, they move way more quickly than blue and red ones. The skull-shaped targets reduce your score of a hundred points. You can use any weapons you want, as for me, i don’t need any...”

“Guess i misjudged you!!” said Pinkie. “You’re not as boring as i thought! If we were not enemies, we could be amazing friends!!”

“You don’t want to be friend with someone like me, girl.” said Ragna. “You use your talents to make people happy, to entertain them. I use my talents to bring pain, fear, destruction and death. I take joy in my actions. We’re not the same, Pinkie Pie. I’m way beyond redemption...Let me tell you my backstory...It ain’t a pretty one...”

“I love backstories!!” she said.

“As far as i can remember, i was always passioned to see things explode.” said Ragna. “Balloons, fireworks, bombs...When i discovered i had an affinity with magic, i knew exactly what kind of magic i wanted to master. But no one wanted to teach me, except, of course, him. Grogar. I didn’t care if he was evil, he was offering me a way to follow my passion. He taught me to imbue my magic inside things and to turn them into bombs. I am extremely grateful to him for teaching me what i know today...Gratitude i’ll show by giving him your geode...Now, time to play!!”

Ragna was the first to take on the shooting contest. When he heard the start signal, he immediately started shooting explosive marbles at the targets. Pinkie Pie was looking at him go while munching popcorn.

“You’re doing great, Ragna!!” she shouted.

Ragna was confused by her cheering. Why would she encourage him, knowing what was at stake.

“Why are you cheering me, you idiot?!” asked Ragna, angry. “I’m your enemy!! You do know what’s at stake for you, do you?! Unless you’re trying to distract me!! In which case, it worked!!!”

Ragna finished his game with a score of 7840 points.

“I could have scored higher hadn’t you distracted me with your cheering...” he said. “Now, your turn...”

Pinkie Pie advanced to the stand and pulled a paintball gun from her hairs. She loaded it with sugar bombs then placed herself in position. As soon as the counter started, Pinkie started shooting.

“Nice cake you have there!!” said Ragna.

“Thanks!! Glad you like!!” she said.

She made a confused face.

“Wait, what cake is he talking about?” she said. “I don’t see a cake anywere...”

While she was thinking it out, she was loosing precious seconds.

“I was refering to your ass, dummy!!” said Ragna. “Are you that dense?!”

“Ooooh!” she said. “But what’s the connection between a cake and my butt?”

“You’d want to eat both of them” answered Ragna with a grin.

“Oooh” she said. “You want to eat my butt? I don’t know, i already have a boyfriend...”

“What are you talking about? I was just distracting you, dummy” he answered. “It seem you lost 15 precious seconds overthinking my joke...More than what i expected...You didn’t think i was gonna be fair and let you play normally, did you? Especially considering what’s at stake if you lose...”

Pinkie realized she had been distracted by Ragna but she wasn’t mad at him. She already knew the issue of this plot and wasn’t worried in the least. Ragna, however, was nervous after seeing Pinkie’s score getting close to his.

”I have to do something!!” he thought. ”She won’t get distracted by my words again. Wait, it’s a perfect opportunity to shoot her, while she’s focused on this challenge. A clean shot to the head blowing it right off, it would be so easy...But why am i hesitating...Did she somehow got to me?”

Ragna wasn’t even looking at the score anymore, torn by conflicting emotions. He was taken out of his transe by Pinkie Pie.

“Well, i guess we’re tied” she said.

He saw that her score and his were the same.

“It seem so” he said. “I guess it’s time for plan C!!”

He grabbed Pinkie Pie by the neck.

“Objects are not the only thing i can turn into bombs...” said Ragna. “I can turn living beings into bombs too!!”

Pinkie wasn’t afraid at all, in fact, she wasn’t even trying to broke out of his grasp. That confused Ragna even more.

“Why aren’t you afraid?! Why don’t you defend yourself?!” he said. “Everyone should be afraid and try to save themselves from being turned into a bomb!!”

“Why did you hesitated to kill me, earlier?” she asked, calmly. “You could have taken the shot at anytime...You know what i think? You’re not a bad guy, Ragnarok. You’re simply misguided, lost. Would a bad guy challenge his enemy in a contest where both participants have an equal chance to win? You didn’t even started pouring magic into my body...”

Ragna released her and punched a wall, multiple time.

“DAMN IT!!!” he yelled. “DAMN EVERYTHING!!”

He was crying of anger. His body was starting to glow. Pinkie Pie hugged him, like a mother would do to reconfort her confused child.

“Everyone deserve hapiness...” she said to him. “You deserve better, you deserve a better life...I can give you a better life, Ragna, the life you deserve, the life that should have been yours.”

Ragna stopped glowing and calmed down. He looked at Pinkie Pie.

“It’s too bad you’re already taken” he said. “That guy must be one lucky stallion to have someone like you in his life...I’m almost jealous.”

“You’re not really my type anyway” she said. “You’re too hot-headed, too brash and too...extreme for my taste. Kinda like my sister Limestone Pie!! Why don’t i introduce you to her?”

“You’re already assuming that i’m gonna make it...” he said. “You and i both know that won’t be the case...Grogar will punish me for my failure, even more for my betrayal...”

“I won’t let him kill you” she said. “I’m gonna make sure you survive to that, somehow...”

She showed him her pinky.

“Pinkie promise!” she said.

“Fine...” said Ragna. “I promise to definitively not sacrifice myself to save you.”

“You better not!!” she said.

They then pinky swore. After what, he knocked Pinkie Pie unconscious. They disappeared from the room and reappeared in the middle of an intense fight. Twilight saw him holding Pinkie Pie in his arms.

“She’s not dead” he said. “I just knocked her out to get out of that room...Wait, do i see a cake in danger?!”

Pinkie Pie woke up.

“A cake in danger?!! Not on my watch!!” she shouted. “Oh, we’re back!! Oh, Hi Twilight!!”

“Let me assist you” said Ragna to Twilight.

“He’s on our side, don’t worry” said Pinkie. “Turns out the Elites of Darkness are not as evil as Moonlight makes them to be”

“I’m only doing this to meet that sister of yours!” he said. “And maybe because i feel awful about what i’ve done...”

“So, who else is here?” she asked.

“Sunny, Applejack, me, Rainbow Dash, Razor, Shira and Silva” answered Twilight.

“Shira and Silva, i’m not surprised” asked Ragna. “But Razor? I don’t buy it...”

“Applejack spared him” answered Twilight. “We offered him to join us, but he refused.”

“Sound about right” said Ragna. “Of all of us, he’s the most devoted and loyal to Grogar.”

In another room, Fluttershy and Hearts were still fighting. If Fluttershy saw animals as friends and equals, Hearts saw them as tools, inferior species. Fluttershy didn’t impose her will upon animals. Those who’d answer her call did it out of respect for her. As for Heart, she’d just take over their minds, force them to obey her command.

“You’re a disgrace, Hearts” said Fluttershy. “Someone that use animals for their own selfish agenda doesn’t deserve mercy from me.”

“You’re the one who’s a disgrace, Fluttershy!” said Hearts. “We’re at the top of the food chain. Animals exist to serve us!!!”

“I see it’s useless to reason with you” said Fluttershy. “It’s time to end this farce...”

“I agree...” said Hearts. “Beasts, attack!!! Tear her to pieces and bring me her geode!!”

“You might control their minds” said Fluttershy. “But you don’t control their heart!!”

The beasts walked toward Fluttershy, but didn’t attack her. They started licking her face, arms and legs.

“I said attack!!” shouted Hearts.

“Who’s a good tiger? Who’s a good tiger?” said Fluttershy. “Yes, it’s you!! That meanie doesn’t understand how great you are...You’re not her tools, you’re living beings, who can think, feel and love. You’re proud, intelligent and pure-hearted creatures.”

The predators looked at Hearts with agressiveness.

“Obey me!! Obey me, you stupid beasts!!” she yelled.

“They’re done being the tools of a monster” said Fluttershy. “They’re done with your shit...”

The animals jumped at Hearts and started tearing her to pieces.

“Tell them to stop!! Please!!” shouted Hearts. “Save me!!”

“I’m afraid i can’t” answered Fluttershy with a smile. “You had this coming, bitch!”

The next moment, Fluttershy was back in Canterlot. With the mangled body of Hearts not far away. The women was severely injured, but still alive, at Fluttershy’s disappointment. Rainbow Dash saw her and immediately joined her sides.

“Fluttershy!! You’re here!!” she said. “Woah, is she still alive?! What did you do to her?!”

“She is, unfortunately...” answered Fluttershy. “And i didn’t do this to her. Her own pets turned against her...”

“Did you try to persuade her to join us?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“No” answered Fluttershy. “You know i always see the good in bad people... But that girl...She didn’t have any kindness in her heart.”

“Sounds like Hearts, alright!” said Ragna, who was listening. “That girl is one crazy, sadistic, cruel, irredeemable bitch...I’m Ragna, by the way, Nice to meet you, girl!”

“The pleasure is mine” she said. “Where are the others?”

Rainbow Dash explained her the current situation.

“That only leave Rarity, Sunset, the Sirens and Stygian.” said Fluttershy.

“Correction, just Rarity and Sunset” said Stygian, who appeared.

Kleaver was standing behind him. He seemed traumatized.

“What did you do to him?” asked Ragna. “Dude’s looking like he saw a ghost”

“Turns out him and i have a lot in common.” answered Stygian. “As for why he’s like this...”

“Those harlots” said Kleaver. “Tempting me with their bodies!!”

“...He can’t stand thots” said Stygian. “My buddy Kleaver see himself as a paragon of purity...”

“I made an oath to remain pure of body and mind.” said Kleaver. “That mean no alcohol, no sex, no gambling, no vices and no temptations. That oath had for purpose to hone my willpower and concentration, which are very important qualities for any magic user...My only mistake was to let Grogar sway me with his words, mistake i will atone for by fighting with you! Oh, hi, Ragna!”

“Hi, pal!” he said.

“Hi, Darlings!!!” said Rarity. “I’m back!!”

“Hi, Rarity!” said Rainbow Dash. “How did your fight went?”

She threw him on the floor. The guy was in very bad shape, and unconscious. Kleaver and Ragna were shocked.

“You beat him?!” asked Ragna. “You’ve got my respect, girls. That dude was one crazy, violent and angry motherfucker!! And that’s coming from me!”

Rainbow Dash told them a summary of the situation. Ragna, Shira and Kleaver were having a deep, meaningful conversation. Tirek, Chrysalis and Sombra retreated once again. Meanwhile, Silva made it to the place where she felt Moonlight’s presence. This one tried to get Nightmare to stay immobile, at no avail.

”I just need for my spell to connect so i can extract him from her body and trap him in this.” he said. ”But the spell require using two hands, so i can’t immobilize him and cast the extraction spell at the same time...”

This is when the ground around Nightmare fell down.

”Gravity magic?” he thought. “Then it can only mean...”

He saw Silva appear behind Cozy Glow.

“Hold her down” said Moonlight

Moonlight was able to cast the spell on Cozy Glow. Nightmare yelled and was extracted from her body. Moonlight then emprisoned him in a magic cube taken from Grogar’s collection of relics.

“You can release your magic, now” said Moonlight. “She’s not a danger anymore...”

Silva stopped her attack and looked at Moonlight with teary eyes. She threw herself at him and slapped him in the face.

“That’s for being a jerk to me all those years” she said.

She slapped him again.

“And that’s for not trusting your B.F.F/Girlfriend!!” she said. “I would have helped you kill Grogar if you just asked me to, you know!!”

Moonlight tried to talk, but she kissed him.

“Your friend told me everything about your motives, but why did you treat me like that?” asked Silva. “I am your best friend, you were the reason i put up with that monster’s grueling training and teachings...When you stopped talking to me, looked at me with that cold stare each time we saw each other...It really broke my heart, Moonlight!!”

“I was not myself back then” said Moonlight. “I was mad at Grogar for lying to me all those years and my hatred spread to you and the others working with him. I couldn’t bring myself to trust anyone anymore, not even you. But 3000 years passed since then and i’ve learned to trust again...But never a single day, did i forgot about you, Silva. You don’t know how much regret i have for leaving you behind. I know i can’t make up for the 3000 years you spent in the Limbos...”

“We’ll discuss about that later” she said. “For now, we’re joining the rest of our friends.”

“Right” said Moonlight. “Hold on to me”

When he and Silva joined up with the group, Sunny smiled. Twilight explained the situation to him, telling him about Ragna, Shira, Kleaver and Silva joining the group, And Razor, Shredder and Hearts refusal to join them. Those 3 were maintained prisonner by Rarity.

“The Elites of Darkness were more divided than i thought” said Moonlight. “Anyway, glad to see you 4 made the right choice...As for you 3, i’ll decide your fate later...”

“Make that 4” said Sunset. “That girl gave me quite the trouble, with her ability to change the biome of that room at will. But i was able to defeat her...”

She threw a defeated Flare on the ground. She was in a vegetative state, as if her brain had been shut off.

“Is she gonna be okay?” asked Ragna.

“I cut off all the motricity functions of her brain” she answered. “She can’t move a muscle...I’ll reverse it when we’re done with Grogar.”

“Who’s the loser now, bitch?!!” said Silva to Flare.

She spat on her.

“So, what is Grogar gonna do next?” asked Sunset. “I bet he’s running out of options now...”

”That’s where you’re wrong, girls.” said this one by telepathy. “I’ve got a big surprise for you...”

Suddenly, an x-shaped rift appeared in the sky and monsters started pouring out of it.

”Let’s see you get out of that one” he said. ”I would have prefered not to bring him in this world, but i’m willing to do anything to see my dream fulfilled. Meet the most fearsome, the most evil, the most powerful being you’ll have the honor to laid eyes on!”

A yellow, triangle shaped, one-eyed being, with a hat and a bowtie, appeared in front of the group. A blue flame appeared on his left hand and in his eye.

“Tell me, young ladies...” said the strange being. “WANNA MAKE A DEAL?!”