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Chapter 6: Weirdmageddon, part 1

The yellow, triangle-shaped being that was standing in front of our heroes introduced itself.

“First off, let me introduce myself!!” it said. “My true name would melt your puny human brains, but you can call me Bill Cipher!!”

“What the hell are you?” asked Sunset Shimmer.

“Nice of you to ask, Sunset Shimmer.” answered Bill. “I’m an Interdimensional, deal-making, reality-warping, all-powerful and all-seeing demon from the Second Dimension. My powers are unmatched, even by your universe’s best. The rift you see in the sky is called Weirdmageddon and every second it’s active, it increase my power. Oh! And don’t even try to close it, that portal is linked to me. To close it and save your world, you’ll have to kill me, if you can, that is, which you can’t, because you’re puny, weak and stupid mortal lifeforms.”

“Grogar summoned you in our world, didn’t he?” asked Moonlight. “He must be very desperate...”

“And i’m thankful for that!!!” said Bill. “It’s been ages since i last took over a dimension!!”

“We won’t let you” said Sunset. “Doesn’t matter how powerful you are, the power of Friendship will win the day!!”

Bill started laughing like a madman, then stopped laughing abruptly.

“That was a joke, right?” he asked. “You don’t think you can actually BEAT me, right?!”

“There’s nothing stronger than the power of Friendship” said Twilight.

“Ugh, Gross!” said Bill, about to puke.

Bill was blasted by a magic beam in the eye.

“MY EYE!!” he screamed. “Who did that?!!!”

Moonlight was smiling at the demon.

“All-seeing, uh?” he said, snarkingly.

“You’re lucky the old man want you alive!!” said Bill. “Stupid deal...”

He turned giant and flipped the world upside down.

“Let’s see how you fight when the earth and sky are flipped!!” he said.

Moonlight grunted and casted a spell on everyone. The spell gave them wings.

“There!!” he said. “That should do it!”

“Thank you, Moonlight!!” said Twilight. “Was that reality-warping magic that thing just casted?!”

“I thought only Discord, Cosmos and Eris could do that kind of stuff” said Sunset.

“Well, Think again, puny girl!!” said Bill. “You haven’t seen what i’m capable of...Like this, for example!!”

He fired a beam at Shira, who got turned to stone upon being hit. Bill laughed.

“One down!!” he said.

A strong gravity field slammed Bill to the ground.

“Let’s see if you can resist being crushed by the gravity of a black hole!!” said Silva.

“You can control gravity?” he asked. “Two can play that game!!”

He turned off the gravity with no effort.

“He removed gravity!!” said Sunset.

“Let’s see if you can fight at zero gravity!!” said Bill.

This one fired another beam, aimed at Silva. Kleaver deflected the attack just in time with a barrier. Rainbow Dash and Applejack tried a combined attack on Bill. Rainbow turned around herself, holding A.J by the foots. She then launched her at mach speed toward Bill. Applejack’s fist tore through his body, leaving a huge hole in it. Twilight stopped her trajectory.

“Oh no!!!” said Bill, dramatically “The pain!! I’m dying!!! Curse you, humans!!! Nah, just kidding...and hop!!”

Bill regenerated his body easily.

“So, he can regenerate” said Twilight. “Great...”

“From anything you puny humans can throw at me!!” answered Bill. “Even completely desintegrating my physical body can’t kill me!! Cause i also exist on the spiritual plane!!”

“So, we would need to erase you physically and spiritually to kill you? Is that what you’re saying?” asked Moonlight.

“That’s exactly what i’m saying” said Bill. “But good luck forcing me to ditch my physical body!!”

Pinkie Pie threw an explosive cupcake at Bill. This one destroyed it with zero efforts.

“Really? A cupcake?” asked Bill, looking at Pinkie Pie. “A fucking cupcake?!!”

“You don’t like cupcakes?” said Pinkie. “Everyone likes cupcakes!!”

“I do love cupcakes” said Bill. “They’re a go-to for parties...Especially those made of humans, they’re my favorite!!”

“Okay, i’m grossed!” said Pinkie.

“So, Sunset...” said Moonlight. “Got any idea on how to force him to ditch his body?”

“I don’t” she answered. “But maybe we don’t need to. If i can enter his mind, i might be able to attack his spirit directly.”

“No!” said Sunny. “That’s way to dangerous!!”

“But that might be our only shot at him” said Moonlight. “Bill doesn’t take us seriously, he’s certain that none of us can stop him. And that leaves him wide open for a surprise attack. We need to strike while his guard is down...Go for it, Sunset...me and Sunny will cover you!!”

Moonlight and Sunny charged toward Bill Cipher. Sunny turned into a Salamander and spewed flames at the demon. Moonlight used space magic to cut him in half. Bill effortlessly regenerated himself before grabbing Moonlight and Sunny with his giant hands.

“Caught you!!” he said.

Moonlight sliced the hand holding him to pieces. Sunny bit Bill’s finger with her fangs, releasing both of them from his grasp.

“My hands!!” shouted Bill.

Ragna threw dozens of explosives at him from above. The explosion blew off the top of his head.

“My hat!!” he yelled.

Followed by an explosive cake in the eye.

“Not again!!” he said.

“Now, Sunset!!” said Twilight.

Sunset, powered up into her demon form, touched Bill’s forehead and made contact with his mind. Sunset’s astral projection found herself in a replica of Canterlot. Bill appeared in front of her, looking kinda mad.

“Hey!! Who gave you the permission to be here?!?” he asked.

“You said that complete spiritual destruction could kill you.” said Sunset. “If i destroy you here, you’re done...”

Bill bursted of laugher, then stopped.

“Because you think you can destroy me in my own mind?!” he yelled. “I can regenerate from spiritual damages, you know!! So unless you can erase my own memory, which i definitively won’t let you do, you’re good as dead!!”

Sunset disappeared from Bill’s mind and came back to her body.

“I know how to beat him!!” she said to her friends via telepathy ”Apparently, the only way to kill him is destroy his spiritual body!!”

”That leave us two options” said Moonlight, by telepathic link. ”We can force him out of his physical body and blast his spiritual body with a Rainbow Laser or...”

”...We can enter his mind and erase his memory, destroying his spiritual body, or have him enter one of ours and erase that person’s memories, destroying his spirit completely.” Said Sunset. “That’s our two options to deal with him.”

“Either way, that’s going to be a tough one to pull off!!” said Rarity. “If Bill kill only one of us, the Rainbow Laser strategy won’t work!! And if Bill kill you, Sunset, we won’t have any mean to enter his mind...”

“Give me some time, and i might be able to come with a counter to his magic” said Moonlight. “If i can somehow decipher the secret of his magic...”

“I’ll help you too!!” said Twilight. “With my brains and your magic expertise, it’ll be a piece of cake!!”

Moonlight nodded. Sunset and the others turned their eyes toward Bill.

“Even if you know how to destroy me” he said. “You don’t have the power to do so!! So, do your worst!”

Bill turned giant. He grew 6 arms and started pulling out buildings and skyscrappers from nowhere. He then threw those buildings at the heroes. Stygian effortlessly broke through one, Applejack punched another one to rubble. Rainbow Dash dodged another effortlessly. Pinkie Pie also dodged one. Kleaver casted a barrier to block one, which Ragna climbed on.

“Applejack!!” he shouted. “Throw this one at him.”

She obeyed and threw the building at Bill. With his powers, Ragna turned it into a bomb and jumped off. The improvised missile exploded in Bill’s eye.

“Bullseye!!” said Rainbow Dash.


“Because it’s funny, duh!!” answered Pinkie Pie. “Also, your eye is literally a big target screaming HIT ME!!”

“Uh, fair enough” said Bill. “To be honest, the way you fight as a team is really getting on my nerves...And trust me, you don’t want to see me mad...”

Stygian flew behind Bill and hit him behind the head with a giant gleam fist. The Dazzlings blasted him with soundwaves and Sunny blasted him with electricity. Bill slapped Sunny away and with a beam from his eye, turned Aria to stone. Stygian caught the statue and deposed it on the ground.

“He got Aria!!” said Adagio. “You piece of shit!! You’re gonna pay!!”

She charged at Bill, blasting him repetitively with soundwaves. As Bill fired a beam at her, Sonata pushed her away and took the attack. She turned to stone and fell on the ground. Stygian caught it just in time.

“Sonata!!!!” yelled Adagio. “Why?!”

Bill grabbed Adagio and turned her to stone. He dropped the statue, which was caught by Stygian.

“Who’s next?” he asked.

He looked at Stygian, who placed the 3 statues together. Ragna blasted him with another explosive building. Him and Applejack were making a dynamic duo. Bill turned around and fired a beam at Ragna, that was deflected by Kleaver.

“Not on my watch, buddy!!” he said.

He got hit with a truck, thrown by Stygian. Then, it was another projectile that it him, gift of Pinkie Pie. This one had brought two big party cannons she was loading with baking goods. Sunny, far from done, was now lauching giant ice spears at him. Fluttershy was giving air support to Rainbow Dash. Rarity and Kleaver were covering their friend, Silva, who was using her powers to keep the gravity normal, as well as the bodies of Shredder, Razor, Flare and Hearts. Sunset woke them up.

“We need your help” she said.

“Why would we help you?” asked Razor. “We’re not betraying Grogar.”

“This ain’t about him, right now!!” answered Sunset. “That monster is bent on killing every single one of us, you included!!”

“Did Father summoned him?” asked Shredder. “That mean that thing is our ally.”

“That thing is anything but your ally!!” answered Sunset. “Grogar released a monster far more powerful than him, and if this thing beat us, he’s next on the chopping block.”

“If that thing is indeed a menace to Father” said Flare. “Then we have to deal with it!! Fine, we’ll help you take him down, but after that, you’re next on the list...”

Sunset freed the 4 bad guys.

“So, what is that thing and how powerful is it?” asked Flare.

“That thing’s name is Bill Cipher” answered Sunset. “As for how powerful he is, he claimed to be stronger than any Draconequus.”

“You mean, those all-powerful magic beings that can do anything with their magic?” asked Hearts. “And you say that this thing, Bill Cipher, is more powerful than them?”

“Doesn’t matter how powerful they are, those who pose a threat to Father must be dealt with!!” shouted Razor.

“What do you want me to do?” asked Hearts. “I see no animal that could possibly hurt this thing...”

“I can see a hidden potential inside you, Hearts” said Sunset. “I can see you’re the only one of your group that hasn’t awoken it...”

“I tried” she said. “From putting myself at death’s door to meditation, nothing worked!!”

“That kind of power comes from the heart, not the mind” said Sunset. “Each of your companions got something or someone they hold close to their hearts, that motivates them. That’s what allowed them to unlock their true potential.”

“That’s because she care about nothing, but herself.” said Razor. “Trust me when i say that girl has no heart, despite her name.”

“Everyone care about something, or someone” said Sunset. “Even Hearts. When she’ll stop denying what she care about and who she is really, she’ll awaken her potential.”

“Then, she’ll stay put for now” said Flare. “I really hope she can figure it before it’s too late for us.”

Her, Razor and Shredder headed toward Bill. Sunset told Moonlight to give them wings, because they’ll be fighting on their side. This one obeyed. From their dimension, Discord, Cosmos and Eris were assisting to the fight.

“I really think we should jump in!” said Eris. “Bill is too powerful for them to handle!!”

“This is not our battle” said Discord.

“We should at least try to protect Sunset Shimmer and her friends from his magic.” said Eris. “Bill could easily turn them into inanimate objects, erase them from existence or turn them to stone. So, i propose we use our magic to protect Sunset Shimmer and her friends. Would you really let Sunny or Moonlight be erased from existence?”

“They don’t need our help” said Discord. “Beside, we’ll have to clean up everything after this is over...You know the drill: Restore everything and erase everyone’s memories of the events.”

“Bill will put them to the test, but they will prevail.” said Cosmos. “Still, i admit that the queen of Malice in me admire Bill Cipher.”

“You would make a great couple, that’s for sure!!” said Discord. “He’s cruel and sadistic like you...”

“He’s not my type” said Cosmos. “And he’s definitively not boyfriend material either. As far as lover goes, he’s by far the worst type of guy you can date...”

“Hey!! I heard that!!” said Bill’s voice. “I’m prime boyfriend material, you should know! And you’re one to talk!! As far as girlfriend material goes, you’re sloppy seconds, girl! No wonder your first boyfriend dumped you!! You’re by far the ugliest creature i’ve laid eyes upon, and i’m friends with Pyronica!!”

Discord held back a loud chuckle.

“Oh...you’re gonna get it, you one-eyed jerk!!!” said Cosmos.

She opened a portal to Canterlot. Discord held her back before she left.

“Don’t fall for his taunting” he said. “That’s what he wants!”

“He called me ugly!! And sloppy seconds!! I can’t let him get away with this!!” she yelled.

“You’re better than that!!” said Discord. “Don’t fall to his level!!”

“My level?!!” shouted Bill. “You’re nothing but a clown, Discord. You even got the look to back it up!! You low effort, overrated hack!!”

“Well, your father called and he want his hat and bowtie back!!” said Discord. “Seriously, that style so doesn’t suit you, Bill!”

“You’re one to talk!!” he said. “You look stupid with those mismatched body parts!! You’re like a build-a-bear that a blind kid would make!!”

“You’re gonna let that pass?!!” asked Cosmos. “Don’t you have any self-esteem?!”

“Bien au contraire!!” answered Discord, with a french accent. “I love myself too much to be affected by petty insults...”

“Well, if Bill Cipher want to die so much, i’ll be happy to oblige!!” said Eris. “He’s begging for a beating!! Don’t you want to fight him, Discord?”

“I’m burning to fight him, trust me...” he answered. “But we need this arc to last 2 more chapters!!”

“Stupid plot...” said Cosmos.

“Well, screw the plot!!” said Eris. “I say we’re going in and beat this clown’s ass!!”

“But...the plot!!” said Discord. “You can’t just change it!! Okay, fine!! We’ll jump in for the third act!!! Now, sit your asses down and enjoy the show!!”