• Published 10th Oct 2023
  • 511 Views, 9 Comments

Diamond Encrusted Apples - TrackdNTraild

After meeting Diamond Tiara for the first time in several years, Applebloom is filled with complicated feelings about her sexuality, and what it truly means to forgive.

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Chapter 1

Today is a regular day on the Apple Farm, the same old work as ever. Today, a texas yellow mare has been tasked with filling barrels with the apples collected for the day. Dozens of crates line the walls of the barn, filled to the brim with apples. For a change, she is thankful she doesn't have to buck apples as well as organize these barrels.

Applebloom lets out a sigh before she grabs her note cards and begins walking down the lines of crates. She places a note card on each of them, marking them with a number in the order she wants to organize them. The most important thing to her ordering is that she judges it based on the sheen the apples in the crate carry. The ones that shine the least will be taken care of first, and the best is saved for last.

With the large size of the barn, it takes her some time before she reaches the ends of the lines and places the last of the cards. When her hooves are empty, she knows she can begin work. She trots off out of the barn to a cart filled with empty barrels. Attaching it firmly to her back, she pushes forth and digs her hooves into the dirt to drag the cart inside the barn. She approaches the first crate and detaches the cart from her back.

She takes the card from the crate, and attaches it to the first barrel she rolls down onto the ground. Sitting it back up and removing the barrel's top, she lifts up the crate and begins to dump apples into it. Some of the apples fall from the crate onto the ground, and others barely teeter off the edge before falling into the barrel. She knew to expect this, and still she doesn't do anything to prevent it.

With a sigh, she grabs the apples from the ground and wipes them off on the pink shawl wrapped around her shoulders. She knows she's going to have to wash the shawl later, and makes a note to do so when she leaves the house. She shakes her head and focuses back on her work, polishing the fallen apples and depositing them in the barrel. When the barrel is full, she places the top and leaps on top of it. With a few firm stomps of her hooves, the top is sealed back in place, and the barrel is rolled to the side to be picked up later.

Barrel after barrel, the process repeats. She lifts a crate and dumps apples, polishes the ones that fall, puts in the fallen apples, shuts the top, and rolls the barrel away. Hours are spent taking care of the apples. Even though the cool breeze outside is blowing through the barn, she's still sweating and feels like she's on fire. When she reaches her final barrel, the sun is setting on Sweet Apple Acres, and the orchard is casting shadows on the road to PonyVille.

She is dragging her hooves as she approaches the final crate, and takes the top off the last barrel. Again, she dumps the apples into the barrel, and picks up the ones that fall. As she throws in the last of the apples, a brilliant gamboge mare enters the barn from the side opposite her. She barely notices the mare is there until the hoofsteps draw in closer and she speaks.

"Workin hard, sugar cube?" the mare says, startling Applebloom and making her drop the apple she was holding.

"Celestia, AJ, ya scared me," Applebloom laughs as she lifts up the apple and polishes it again.

"Suppose you were awful focused, hm?" Applejack laughs alongside her younger sister. "Can't say I blame ya. You've been in here all day, haven't ya?"

"Of course!" Applebloom exclaims with a nod. "Ya know me, I love gettin' busy. Ain't no stoppin' me once I get started."

"Ah'll have to get Big Mac in here to pick up all them barrels," Applejack said, pointing her head to the collection of barrels.

As Applebloom had went down the line, the barrels she filled were placed in front of the crates she'd emptied into them. Some barrels were filled with one crate, and others were just able to fit two. Barrels were placed in front of empty crates and sometimes between two to showcase that. An uneven line of them covered the crates against the walls. Applebloom blinked in surprise at how much work she'd done, and it was then that she realized just how late it was.

"Ah... didn't even realize just how late it is..." Applebloom mumbled as she cast her gaze outside.

The once blue sky was fading into reds and yellows as the sun descended. Twilight was already lowering it, and Applebloom had been completely oblivious. She had a habit of doing that; she often got so fixated on her work that she forgot to eat. And judging by the way her stomach growled just then, she had missed her dinner. Applejack could tell.

"It's time you take a break, sugar cube," Applejack said as she faced her sister. "You go on and relax now, and I'll get yer brother so we can take care of the rest of this work."

"You sure you'll be fine without me?" Applebloom asked hesitantly. "I can assure ya that I'm much stronger than I used to be. I could help ya carry the barrels."

"You've earned your rest, Applebloom, don't you be talkin' about workin' now," Applejack said firmly with a nod. "Why don't ya get your bits pouch and head into town and enjoy yourself? Get some dinner, buy somethin' you've been wantin', hang out with your filly friends. You just be back before the moon rises, ya hear?"

"Yes ma'am!" Applebloom laughed and nodded repeatedly.

Applejack had successfully convinced her, and Applebloom was thankful she did. As she trotted back outside to head in the house and get to her room, she became aware of just how badly her hooves were aching. She still felt as though she were carrying a dozen barrels thousands of miles. She winced as she ran up the stairs to her room, and pushed open the door. Her room was the same as ever, though she had significantly less plushies than she did as a filly.

That made things easy for her as she walked to her side table and pulled open the drawers. She could never find her bits pouch, because she never seemed to put it back in the same place she grabbed it from. Thankfully, she did do that this time, and her bits pouch was in the top drawer. She grabbed it from the drawer, and untied the thread sealing it shut. She wrapped the thread around her shawl and attached the pouch to it.

After making sure it was secure and wouldn't fall off, Applebloom trotted out of her room. All she wanted to do was get dinner, so she didn't think about getting her saddle bags. She descended the staircase and walked back to the barn. Big Mac and Applejack were already together, clearly in a serious conversation about something. As always, Big Mac had little to say as he did his work and Applejack talked his ear off.

Applebloom didn't know what they were talking about, but she wasn't particularly concerned with it. She trotted around the barn and headed for the farm entrance. As she walked below the arch and followed the path leading to PonyVille, the only thing that filled her mind was what things she could get for dinner. She didn't even know what she felt like eating. Would it be worth it to continue thinking about it right now?

Well, maybe she should consider where she wants to eat first... A lot of cafes and shops had opened up in PonyVille over the last few years, ever since Twilight became the ruler of Equestria. A lot of things in general had changed, and she still wasn't the most used to them. Her thoughts began to drift as she thought about it, and her pace slowed to a walk as she entered the streets of PonyVille. Her eyes met the ground, and her expression must've showed that she was deep in thought.

Where to eat was one thing, where to go was another. She didn't know if she'd have time to go anywhere else or do anything else after dinner. She almost wondered if she would've had a better chance just making her own food back home. But, she was out on the streets now, so it was too late for her to consider going back. She felt her stomach growl again, and it forced her back into reality. Had she not eaten anything today?

She was pulled out of her hungry thoughts when a voice called to her. It was a voice she hadn't heard in a few years.


Applebloom lifted her head and looked to where the voice called from. A few hoofsteps behind her was a perfume pink mare, whose white and wisteria mane flowed in gentle waves around her shoulders and wrapped around her body. Her steel blue eyes locked with Applebloom's roman red eyes, and they stared at eachother purely in surprise. The perfume pink mare turned to fully face Applebloom. The silver tiara on her head glistened, as did the diamond encrusted trio of collar, choker, and matinee necklaces one would think only a bride could wear.

"...Diamond Tiara," Applebloom said, just barely loud enough for the other mare to hear.

Diamond Tiara blinked. As if she were nervous, she glanced from her left to her right before she approached Applebloom. Only out of kindness did Applebloom face her, rather than turning and walking away.

"I haven't seen you in years," Diamond Tiara said with a nervous laugh, brushing her wavy mane out of her face.

"I didn't think you still lived in PonyVille," Applebloom hummed. "Would've figured you'd be livin' in Canterlot by now or somethin'."

"Oh, no, never," Diamond Tiara chuckled lowly, her ears drooping. "PonyVille is my home... As much as my mom wanted me to, I don't think I could leave this place."

"I get it," Applebloom said with a sigh. "I could never leave Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack told me a story about how she once thought she wasn't supposed to be there as a filly, so she moved to this big city, but... somethin' brought her back here, and she's stayed ever since."

"I guess she just missed home," Diamond Tiara mused as she met Applebloom's gaze again. "I would probably have a similar story if I ever left."

Applebloom knew the full story, but she didn't feel like saying it. At least, not to her. She really was genuinely surprised that Diamond Tiara still lived in PonyVille... and she didn't like it very much. Seeing her now only made all her thoughts of their childhood together flow back into her mind. It felt suffocating, and it put a heavy weight on her heart that she hated more than anything. The awkward silence they had placed themselves in didn't help matters either.

Neither did the growl in her stomach. Diamond Tiara blinked in shock hearing the sound, and blush exploded on Applebloom's face. Her reddened face nearly blended into her mane, making her features almost disappear.

"Haha- wow, would you look at the t-time!" Applebloom laughed, looking at a fake watch on her hoof. "I should really be gettin' back to Sweet Apple Acres before Applejack gets to worryin' about me... I-it was nice talkin' to ya DT, but-"

Applebloom moved to skirt around the mare to walk the way she had come from... but Diamond Tiara stood in front of her again to stop her.

"W-wait, Applebloom, don't leave yet!" Diamond Tiara said, a look of guilt and fear crossing her features.

Applebloom paused, blinking down at the perfume pink mare. She had rarely seen Diamond Tiara react to a situation like this. Very few times did it come up when they were fillies. Applebloom chose to avoid Diamond Tiara even then, mainly for her own protection. Diamond Tiara understood then; Applebloom was sure she understood now.

"I... I'm actually glad I ran into you," Diamond Tiara said when she had taken a breath to calm herself and stand up straight. "I wanted to talk to you. I-it's nothing too serious I just... well, judging by your stomach growling you seem hungry so... maybe you could join me at a cafe or something?"

Applebloom was shocked even with that. She tilted her head to the side with a raised brow and a perked ear.

"You're... serious?" Applebloom asked hesitantly.

"One-hundred percent." Diamond Tiara nodded.

Applebloom considered it. With the way Diamond Tiara was acting, it didn't seem like this was some sort of drawn-out scheme of hers. Silver Spoon was completely absent, and Applebloom herself was alone. No Scootaloo, no Sweetie Belle, no Babs... it was just them. Applebloom couldn't imagine Diamond Tiara had much reason to continue tormenting her right now anyways. They were adult mares; that sort of harrassment could get the guards called.

But she still wasn't sure if she felt the most comfortable being alone with her, even if it was just a sort of 'friendly' dinner date. The look on Diamond Tiara's face told Applebloom that she could read into her thoughts. She could feel the distrust and the discomfort, and maybe she was regretting even asking. However, Applebloom was sure she gave off a similar energy.

...She decided to humor the mare, and spoke after a small sigh.

"Just this once," Applebloom said. "I need to be back before the moon rises. Applejack told me that."

"I can respect that," Diamond Tiara said with a smile. "It'll be quick, I promise"

"You're not um..." Applebloom cleared her throat. "You ain't gonna bring me to one of them fancy restaurants are you?"

"W-What?" Diamond Tiara asked with a stutter.

Applebloom raised a brow. Clearly, she had been considering it. Though Diamond Tiara tried her best to change, she was still a rich pony at heart. Diamond Tiara shook her head and quickly deflected with a wave of her hoof.

"Oh no no, y-you don't seem like the kind of pony who would like those fancy fru-fru restaurants anyways," Diamond Tiara laughed, refusing to meet Applebloom's gaze. "Uh... h-how about you pick where we go?"

Applebloom rolled her eyes. This mare had barely changed. The only thing that was really different was her lack of insulting and name calling.

"Well, that's what I was strugglin' with before I ran into ya..." Applebloom mumbled as she turned and cast her gaze at the surrounding homes and buildings. "Lots of places have opened up since Princess Twilight became ruler of Equestria."

"You've noticed that too, hm..." Diamond Tiara mused as she ran a hoof through her mane. "It doesn't make things much easier, that's for sure. How about we walk around for a little until we find somewhere interesting?"

"Fine by me," Applebloom said curtly.

Diamond Tiara swallowed hard as she walked to stand at Applebloom's side. The two offered eachother a silent nod before they began walking down the road. They passed by shops selling authentic artifacts, ancient relics, breads and pies... they even walked straight past Sugar Cube Corner. Applebloom considered walking inside, but with what seemed to be the sounds of a hyperactive foal, she'd rather not... Besides, she needed actual food and not desserts.

She glanced at Diamond Tiara, who refused to look back at her. Her eyes were scattered at her surroundings, and it was hard to tell what she was thinking. Obviously she was trying to find a restaurant or something they could eat and chat in, but perhaps she was too caught up in picking a restaurant that wasn't horribly fancy to make a decision. She did say Applebloom could pick after all... maybe that was a good thing for both of them.

Thankfully, Applebloom finally found a restaurant that she had never been to. She looked up at the overhead sign, which was rectangular with the emblem of a martini cup with two baguettes crossed in an X behind it. Was it a bar?

"...Hey Diamond Tiara, have you ever been to a bar?" Applebloom asked offhandedly.

"No..." Diamond Tiara replied hesitantly. "I've never been to one, but they never seem like the kind of place I'd like to go."

"Well, maybe you should get outta yer comfort zone," Applebloom teased lightly. "What if we try this one? I've never been here myself, but I've been to a few bars in the past."

"That sounds like an interesting story," Diamond Tiara hummed. "Alright... since you insist, I suppose I'll give it a shot. I'll save my rating for the end of our adventure."

"Don't worry about it, we'll just go sit at a booth," Applebloom reassured the mare.

The two pushed through the painted black door and entered the dimly building. It was a small place, and the building was brand new, but it had a historic feeling to it. The walls were plastered with black and white photographs, which seemed to be taken during the early eras of the camera. The wallpaper stapled into the walls was black with golden cracks that resembled marble, and black sconces befitting of the Canterlot Castle were spaced evenly along the walls. The floor was covered in white tiles, occasionally spotted with silver and gray.

As Applebloom had promised, she lead Diamond Tiara to a booth that was further away from some of the other patrons. Settled by a window with white decals of various cocktails, the booth featured a dark wooden table and red velvet banquette seats.

"Well, it's certainly comfortable," Diamond Tiara hummed as she settled down in the seat in front of Applebloom. "It doesn't seem like the most popular place though..."

"Probably 'cause it's new," Applebloom mumbled as she rested her hooves on the table. "Not many ponies are talkin' about it I guess."

"Depending on my experience, perhaps I could boost its popularity a little..." Diamond Tiara mused.

Applebloom bit her tongue before she could respond to Diamond Tiara's musings. It seemed like the mare still had a tightly-knitted ego cloaking her completely. She didn't want to start anything, however, so she didn't say it out loud. Instead, she choose to deflect the conversation.

"At least we're comfortable so far," Applebloom said to continue the topic elsewhere. "I've been to places worse than this, though most of em' aren't really set in PonyVille."

"So you've been to bars outside of PonyVille..." Diamond Tiara said as she cast her gaze on Applebloom.

"Only some," Applebloom laughed nervously. "They aren't really my sorta place either, but I like branchin' out every so often. It's nice to get outta yer comfort zone. Helps ya learn more about yerself."

"I see..." Diamond Tiara nodded slowly. "I suppose that's something that I could pick up on myself. I've never been... one to go outside of the things my mother and father would tell me. I guess I never assumed that they could be wrong about how I could develop."

"Explains why your mom was so shocked when ya helped with the playground," Applebloom chuckled.

"Well, mom was always like that," Diamond Tiara sighed, crossing her hooves on the table and resting her head on them as she looked out the window. "She didn't like the idea that I would pick something outside of her 'area of expertise'. It was always be rich or be poor, and the line was very harshly drawn. If I dared to deviate, she'd make me pay for it."

"You had a rough life at home I'd imagine," Applebloom mumbled.

"Oh very much so." Diamond Tiara lifted her head and rested her hooves on the seat again as she nodded. "I suppose that's part of the reason that I picked on you so much..."

Applebloom flinched, pressing her hooves into the table. She pursed her lips and stared down at her hooves before a question crossed her mind. She took a deep breath and looked up at Diamond Tiara with a stern expression.

"That's somethin' I've wanted to ask ya for a long time, DT," Applebloom said. "Why were you so obsessed with bullyin' me n' Scoots n' Sweetie Belle?"

Before Diamond Tiara could answer, a pony approached them. In silence, they used their purple unicorn magic to lower a menu before each of them. They dipped their head and walked off, giving the two the time they would need to order what they wanted. Diamond Tiara sighed as she rested her hoof on the menu, and lifted the other so she could pick it up.

"It's... a long story."

Author's Note:

hey yall! welcome to another ongoing story of mine! if you're a long-time fan you probably hate me for starting so many stories all at once, and i don't blame you. my motivation just be like that sometimes.

when i was going to bed last night i was watching MLP, and it was the episode where granny smith goes to the schoolhouse and tells the students how ponyville was founded. it got me thinking about diamond tiara and applebloom's relationship, about how much darker the show could've been if it really explored what applebloom went through because of diamond tiara.

i decided to take those darker thoughts and throw them into a story. i thought a romance fic would work best to really delve into applebloom and diamond tiara as characters, while also exploring the sort of chemistry they have as a rich mare and a farm mare.

diamond tiara's redemption in season 5 felt really forced to me. the fact that the crusaders accepted her 'new self' so quickly didn't feel right to me. i didn't want to completely ignore all the suffering she put on them, so that's what this fic aims to explore. diamond tiara is a better pony now, but she still had to take time to adjust so she didn't go back to her old ways. on the same wavelength, applebloom needed room to recover from all the thoughts diamond tiara inserted into her head, thoughts that stuck with her even after she got her cutie mark.

anyways enough rambling, i hope you guys enjoy the story! and even if it goes on hiatus soon, i want to be able to finish this story. i promise i'll get to that point.