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Chapter 8: Weirdmaggedon, part 3.

The heroes were relentlessly attacking Bill Cipher. Each of them had a role to play in the fight. The 10 Elites of Darkness, now whole again, were attacking him from his left. Tirek, Sombra, Chrysalis, Stygian and the Dazzlings were attacking him from the right. Sunset’s friends were standing at a distance, waiting for the right moment to strike Bill as soon as he ditches his physical body. As for Sunset herself, she had powered-up into her daydream form and was assisting the two groups. Grogar, him, was looking at the battle with a grin on his face.

“I told him not to underestimate those girls.” he said. “He’s taking the fight seriously, but it’s far too late to do so. Also, those girls will never stop to amaze me. Seeing how they were able to turn their enemies into allies is nothing short of a surprise. If i’m not careful, they could do the same with me. Then again, Moonlight is dead set on killing me, and now that he fully awakened his ability, he could probably do so. But i predicted such a thing happening and i’m already prepared to put my counter-measure in action...”

Grogar laughed. Back to Canterlot, the battle was still going and no side had a clear edge over the other. Bill was unable to just turn his enemies into puddles of goo and had to destroy them the old fashioned way. But each time he was close to kill someone, another would step him and get the person out of danger. As for the heroes, all the damages they were inflicting on Bill were immediately cancelled out by his regenerative abilities. Tirek’s draining magic was doing nothing to the demon. All the magic he was absorbing was immediately replenished by Weirdmageddon. Sombra’s shadow crystal, who had magic disrupting properties, was doing nothing to Bill either. Even Chrysalis’ armor, Embedded with fragments of stone from her throne of which had anti-magic properties, didn’t prevent Bill from using his powers. She was still protected against his magic, since the stone shared the same properties of the Unicorn Hair Barrier. To avoid affecting her allies, she was standing high above them and firing at Bill. Occasionally, she would jump in to save them whenever they were in danger. As such, she was the team’s most valuable asset, aside from Moonlight and Sunset. In short, the battle was at a stale. Bill was finally the one getting sick of it first.

“Time Out!!” he said to the group. “It seem this battle is at a stale...I can’t kill you and you can’t kill me. I propose we settle this another way, because this is getting dumb.”

The heroes were staying on their guards.

“And how do you propose we settle this?” asked Moonlight.

“With a deal, of course!!” answered Bill. “How else?!”

“You don’t seriously believe we would accept a deal from you, right?” asked Sunset.

“Everyone got a price” answered Bill. “Everyone desire something from the bottom of their heart. Weither it’s fame, money, love, power, vengeance, freedom or seeing their lost ones again, every humans crave for something.”

“You’re not wrong about that” said Moonlight. “We all got something we want more than anything. But some of us already got what they desire.”

“But not all of you!” said Bill. “Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, Sunny Flame, Silva, Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, Sonata Dusk, Kleaver and Ragna. All of them already got what they wanted most and so, have no desire in their heart. But for the rest of you, Moonlight, Tirek, Sombra, Chrysalis, Razor, Shredder, Flare, Hearts, Shira, Nightmare and even Grogar, you all crave something. Moonlight and Chrysalis want vengeance, Sombra, Grogar and Nightmare want power. Hearts, Flare, Razor and Shredder want violence and destruction. As for Shira and Tirek, they want freedom. I could give those to you, in exchange of something, of course.”

“And what would that be?” asked Sombra. “Our soul?”

“Nah, that would be too cliché...” answered Bill.

“Tempting, but no” said Chrysalis. “You’re definitively gonna add a twist to your deal...I speak from experience...”

“If i had to guess, the twist would be that you’d take over our bodies” said Tirek. “Am i right?”

“Correct” said Bill. “I suppose it take a schemer to see through another schemer’s scheme. As for you 4, Flare, Hearts, Razor and Shredder, i wouldn’t expect you to accept a deal either due to your loyalty to Grogar. Which leaves only Moonlight and Shira...Which one of you want to make a deal with the devil?”

“I’ll get my freedom on my own conditions” said Shira. “I refuse to be trapped with you forever in that other dimension...”

“Understandable” said Bill. “What about you, Moonlight? I could give you the power you need to get your revenge on that old bastard who murdered your mom. Then, after it’s done, your body and soul will be mine in exchange of my services...”

“Right!!” said Sunny. “There’s no way he would even accept your offer!! Right, Moonlight?”

But this one was thinking.

“Are you kidding me?!” she shouted. “You’re seriously considering his offer?! We don’t need his help to beat Grogar!!”

“Maybe” said Moonlight. “But i refuse to put you in danger, Sunny. Grogar will not hesitate to use you or Silva against, or your daughter against you. Or Sunset against her friends and vice-versa. With his power, i could make short work of Grogar and no one would have to die.”

He looked at Bill.

“I put one condition on your deal” said Moonlight. “After taking over my body, you will leave this world and their inhabitants alone and return to the Nightmare Realm.”

“Hell no!!!” said Bill. “I’m not returning to this dimension!!!”

“Then the deal is off” said Moonlight. “Unless you’re willing to negociate new terms. I have a deal to make with you, if you’re interested.”

“Oh oh!!” said Bill. “You have balls proposing ME a deal...I can respect that. Okay, i’ll hear you out...”

“I can’t let you take over this universe, but...I can negociate with Discord to find another for you to reign supreme...” said Moonlight. “One that is already doomed or on the brink of destruction, with minimal to no interference from Discord and other draconequus...You’d be free to cause havok and chaos as much as you want...”

“Keep going...” said Bill, mildly interested.

“The only thing i’m asking in return is for you to tell me how your powers work” said Moonlight. “Your reality-warping magic and precognitive abilities, i want to know everything about them...”

“Only dream demons like me can wield those powers” he said. “But i suppose that won’t be a problem for you, right? Since you’re now able to change your magic nature at will.”

“Do you agree with those terms?” asked Moonlight.

“You got a deal!!” answered Bill.

He offered his hand to Moonlight.

”What an imbecile...” thought Bill. ”As soon as he shake my hand, i’ll take over his body and destroy those puny mortals one by one. They will never dare attack one of their friends...they won’t want to risk injuring him or killing him...”

Moonlight reluctantly shook Bill’s hand.

“You idiot!!” Said Bill. “Now that we shook hand, your body is mine!!!”

Bill shed his physical body, who turned to stone and appeared in his spiritual form. As he was about to enter Moonlight’s body...He saw him smiling and looked at the girls.

“Now!!” Shouted Sunset. “Let’s blast him!!”

...The girls blasted him with a Rainbow Laser.

“Oh shit...” Said Bill.

The Rainbow Laser hit him. At the same time, Sunset blasted her magic at him. The combined effect of the Rainbow Laser and her demonic psychic magic was destroying Bill. He started glitching and taking different forms. Somehow, he was still resisting.

“Not bad...” said Bill. " But i can also regenerate my soul!!”

Moonlight touched Bill’s body and started burning him with his own fire.

“You mentionned earlier that your flames could burn souls...” he said. “Let’s test that, shall we?”

Bill yelled in agony as he was gradually being burned away by Moonlight with his own magic. He looked at Moonlight with hatred.

“How...could i be killed by...lowly humans!?!” He said “Damn it!!! I have no choice but to pray upon HIM!!!”

He looked at the girls.

“Don’t think i’ll be gone forever!! For i shall return!!!” he shouted.

Bill shouted a phrase in an unknown language before being erased completely. The rift he opened started closing almost immediately after he disappeared. Discord took down the magic barrier covering the city and kicked the Weird Gang out of his dimension directly to the Nightmare Realm.

“Come back next year!!!” shouted Discord.

Back on Earth, Everyone was taking a well deserved break.

“He’s gone...” said Sunset. “Riiiiiight?”

“Yes, he’s gone” answered Moonlight. “I don’t feel his aura anymore.”

“We won!!” shouted Rainbow Dash. “Take that, Bill Cipher!!”

“So, now what?” asked Fluttershy.

Flare, Razor, Shredder and Hearts, as well as Chrysalis, Sombra and Tirek moved away and faced the heroes.

“Now that Bill Cipher is dead, our alliance with you is over” answered Razor.

Sunset Shimmer, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Stygian, Adagio, Aria, Sonata, Sunny, Moonlight, Kleaver, Shira, Silva and Ragna took a battle stance.

“I wasn’t expecting anything else from you” said Sunset. “I’m offering you one last chance to redeem yourself and fight against Grogar...”

Her and Twilight transformed and were about to blast the villains should they choose to fight for Grogar.

“You’re not going to win against us, you know that, right?” asked Moonlight. “You 3 got your asses handled to you 3 times and you 4 got defeated by those girls once...”

“And we can do it again...” said Applejack.

Moonlight looked at Tirek, Sombra and Chrysalis. With his magic, he removed their artifacts from their body. Applejack and Ragna disposed of them quickly.

“Grogar can’t do shit against you, now” said Moonlight. “He doesn’t have a hold on you anymore...So, what will you do?”

The trio looked at each other. Sombra was the first one to act and joined the heroes’ side. Pinkie Pie hugged him.

“Let’s face it, girls” he said. “Going up against Grogar is a bad idea, but going up against you is an ever worse idea. So, i’m on your side, girls. That’s what Hope would want me to do, if she was still alive...”

Tirek was the second one to move to the heroes’ side.

“I prefer taking my chance with Grogar than with you, girls...” he said. “But after he’s defeated, i’m back to the wilderness!! Got it?”

Chrysalis was the only one left and she felt everyone staring at her. She sighed and walked over to the heroes’ side.

“I guess i can always start a new hive on my own...” she said. “Don’t make me regret my choice, Moonlight...”

“And you?” asked Sunny to the 4 villains left.

“Dying for Father is the biggest honor for us...” answered Flare. “I’ll stand by his side t’ill the bitter end.”

“Same for me...” answered Razor.

“I’m not afraid to die...” answered Shredder. “I’ll protect Father if it’s the last thing i do!!”

Hearts hesitated.

“My heart lays not in this fight...” she finally answered. “Sorry, guys, Flare, but my near-death experience and my heart to heart with Sunset Shimmer opened my eyes. I want to try this friendship thing of theirs...”

She joined the heroes. Fluttershy hugged her then put her mouth close to her ear.

“Don’t think i’ll forgive you so easily, Hearts...” she whispered. “I’m keeping an eye on you...”

Hearts swallowed her saliva loudly.

“But i’m glad you’re willing to give friendship a chance...” she said with a smile.

“I prefered the old Fluttershy” said Rainbow Dash. “The new one creeps me out at times.”

“I can arrange that for you...” whispered Discord to her ear. “I don’t like that new Fluttershy either...Sending her to the past so she can gain confidence by facing her bullies was a bad idea, all things considered...”

“Wait, it was you?!” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Of course!!” he answered. “Who else do you think can do that kind of stuff?! Now, excuse me a moment, i’ll be back!!”

He disappeared and reappeared a few seconds later. Fluttershy was suddenly submerged by a new flow of memories.

“Done!” said Discord.

Rainbow Dash grabbed Fluttershy.

“Oh, hi Rainbow Dash!!” she said, with a shy voice. “Did i do something wrong? If so, i’m sorry...”

She looked at Hearts. This one memories of her being mangled by beast while Fluttershy was looking were replaced by Fluttershy showing mercy to her.

“I’m glad you’re on our side, sister...” said Fluttershy. “You won’t regret your choice...”

“I hope so...” said Hearts for herself.

“Well then, it’s you 3 against all of us!!” said Moonlight. “Sunset, Twilight, you know what to do...”

The two girls blasted the remaining villains. Razor, Shredder and Flare held hands and looked at each other. But their lasers were reflected back at the two of them. They were knocked down and fell to the ground. Sunny catched Sunset before she hit the ground. Applejack caught Twilight.

“He’s here...” said Moonlight. “Grogar finally showed up...”

Grogar was standing between his loyalists and the heroes.

“Yes, i am here, at last...” he said.