• Published 7th Oct 2023
  • 162 Views, 3 Comments

Toadal Magic Island - Starlight Fan

What if Toad invites twenty citizens from the land of Equestria to compete for 1,000,000 bits instead of bringing in competitors for the Mushroom Kingdom. Find out what would happen on a brand new version of Toadal Magic Island!

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Dark and Desperate

“Last time on Toadal Magic Island,” Toad began before hearing a familiar high-pitched voice.

“You know this is called Toadal Magic Island Returns right? "You keep saying Toadal Magic Island, but you leave out the 'returns' part, that's the most important part.” Jimmy spoke up.

“I thought I blew you out of this island two episodes ago.” Toad said, baffled.

“I swam all the way back. It wasn’t that hard.” Jimmy shrugged before smiling, “So, can I be your co-host now?”

“Co-host. Bahahahaha, no!” Toad glared at the hammer bro before smiling, “However, I do respect your dedication so I’ll make you an intern as I try to find some new ones.”

“Oh what fun this is going to be. I get to work alongside with the famous Toad." Jimmy smiled excitedly.

“Cool, now get out of my shot.” Toad said before pushing Jimmy into the water, “Last time, the campers were sent into my dreams to destroy the nightmare. However, the nightmares became dangerous and started multiplying. In the end, the Screaming Parasprites did the best at evading the nightmare so they won invincibility and because Snips was a liability, they voted him off. Who will be the next one eliminated? So stay tuned, we've got more brutality coming to you live on Toadal! Magic! Island!”

“Returns!” Jimmy added.

The episode begins with all the contestants in the Mess Hall eating their gruel when Twilight spoke up, “I’m so upset that I got so easily taken down last challenge.”

“Well to be fair, it’s not like dreams are our domain. That’s Luna.” Starlight reminded the alicorn, “Toad honestly shouldn’t have put all his faith in us to deal with that Antasma guy.”

“Hehe. Fair enough.” Twilight smiled at the unicorn.

Meanwhile, Discord was trying to talk strategy with Fluttershy while the others were busy eating their food.

“That’s why I feel it’s best if you, me, Tempest, and Lightning Dust all vote off Rarity or Sweetie Belle at the next elimination.” Discord whispered to the Element Of Kindness.

“Uh… I don’t feel comfortable voting off Rarity or Sweetie Belle. Especially with Lightning Dust.” Fluttershy admits nervously.

“I know you guys aren’t best buds but it’s not like Rarity and Sweetie Belle are the most helpful in challenges. Do you really want our team being held back?” Discord replied calmly which caused Fluttershy to ponder her choices.

Confessional: Fluttershy

“Discord’s been acting weird ever since the dream challenge. Not his usual weird but more paranoid than usual.” Fluttershy admits nervously.

Confessional: Discord

“Tempest and Lightning Dust brought up a good point yesterday. Those ponies aren’t exactly my bestest friends in the competition so if Lightning Dust gets eliminated, they’ll be breathing down my neck next and they could totally eliminate me since they have the numbers. I need to turn this around and FAST.” Discord said with a narrowed gaze.

Confessionals End

We then cut to the campfire where Starlight was talking to Twilight, “Hey Twilight, I know you and Trixie don’t always see eye to eye on everything, but would you be willing to vote with me and her if we lose the next challenge?”

“Sure thing Starlight. I’d be happy to help out.” Twilight smiled at the unicorn.

What they didn’t notice was that Trixie was in the bushes grunting at the sight of the two of them together before walking away from the scene.

“Oh, I’d be happy to help.” Trixie said mockingly before making noises of disgust, “It’s sick, watching Starlight fawn over her. I’m her best friend after all.”

“Ooh, Trixie’s got a girlfriend. Trixie’s got a girlfriend.” Grubber teased mercilessly.

“Sit down and shut up.” Trixie yelled at the hedgehog.

Confessional: Trixie

“Urgh. Things are getting more complicated for Trixie the more Starlight spends time around Twilight. It’s stirring up old feelings of jealousy. I don’t like that, and Grubber has been driving me up a wall more than usual lately.”

Confessional Ends

Suddenly chomping noises were heard which caused everyone to head near the cabins in surprise.

“What the heck is that?!” Tempest asked incredulously before Toad and Bobei showed up to the scene, “Toad, what is the meaning of this?”

“As I said before, after last season went on hiatus, the island got inhabited by monsters. Bobei needs to cross the ocean to get new interns, but the ocean is being occupied by a sea monster." Toad explains.

“Why don’t you just get rid of it?” Rarity glared at the mushroom creature.

“Because you primadona, I’m too beautiful.” Toad smirked arrogantly, “That’s why today’s challenge will be to take out that monster. I’m providing one of you with a super powered bob-omb gun that can take out the monster but you can only use it once since I used up most of the ammo.” He then tossed the guns to both Rarity and Pinkie Pie respectively.

“Ooh! Does it work like a party cannon!” Pinkie Pie asked happily.

“You can say that. The first team to destroy the monster wins invincibility." Toad finishes.

“Ugh. All we’ve been doing for the past few days is running around and doing stuff for you. Why can’t we just have a simple puzzle challenge?” Grubber asked incredulously.

“Oh please, like you’d even be able to do that.” Trixie rolled her eyes causing the hedgehog to glare at her.

The chomping noise is heard again but this time everyone was on the boat.

“Whoa. That must be one giant fish.” Lightning Dust said in awe.

“He never said it was a fish.” Rainbow Dash reminded the Washout.

“Excuse me but I don’t think anyone asked-“ Lightning Dust began before Rainbow Dash slid her hooves underneath Lightning Dust's, sending her falling into the water.

Confessional: Rainbow Dash

“Don’t look at me like that. She was asking for it.” Rainbow Dash scoffed.

Confessional Ends

“Come on guys, we can’t be wasting time now.” Applejack spoke sternly.

“Um… perhaps I should stay here.” Rarity gulped nervously.

“Oh no. You are NOT sitting out in another challenge. We need you in this challenge. You have the bomb gun.” Rainbow Dash reminded the fashionista.

“Well fine, you take it. I’d like to help on the sidelines.” Rarity scoffed before handing it over to Rainbow Dash.

“Not so fast, whoever I gave the gun to must be the shooter." Toad walks over with a smirk.

“You never said that!” Rainbow Dash cried out furiously.

“Well now I did.” Toad smiled before turning to see Jimmy walk over.

“Hey Toad, I got your latte." Jimmy said happily as he held out a cup of coffee but he didn’t see the small puddle on the dock so he ended up slipping and spilling the coffee all over himself.

“AGH! IT BURNS! BUT IT FEELS SO GOOD SINCE IT’S TOAD’S COFFEE!” Jimmy cried out in pain and happiness…

“Oh brother.” Toad rolled his eyes.

With everyone distracted on the Screaming Parasprites, no one noticed Lightning Dust smirking at the bomb gun.

Meanwhile, the Killer Dragons were experiencing some problems of their own with their bomb gun.

“Okay guys, let’s get to it. I have the most swimming experience after all.” Pinkie Pie smirked.

“But how are we supposed to even find the sea monster? You can’t hold your breath forever.” Applebloom reminded the party pony.

“Hmmm,” Twilight rubbed her chin carefully, “Maybe I can cast a spell that lets Pinkie Pie breathe underwater. I’m not sure how long it’ll last though.”

“It’s our best chance at immunity. Just try it out.” Trixie urged the alicorn.

“Okay.” Twilight gulped before placing her horn on Pinkie’s chest before lighting it up for a spell.

“Ooh, I feel all tingly.” Pinkie Pie giggled.

Back with the Screaming Parasprites, Discord smiled as he thought of an idea, “What if I use some magic to make a submarine.”

“You can do that?” Lightning Dust asked incredulously.

“I’m the Lord Of Chaos.” Discord rolled his eyes before snapping his fingers and suddenly a submarine appeared in the water.

“Everyone get in.” Discord instructed the group before they all got inside the submarine and as such, Discord began driving off underwater.

“Oh crud.” Starlight gulped nervously.

“Hopefully Pinkie Pie is doing okay in there.” Twilight looked at Starlight with worry.

We then cut to everyone in the Screaming Parasprites in their submarine nearing a cave where a monsterous growl was heard.

“Okay, that’s where the monster is. Rarity, it’s time you get out there and shoot it.” Discord instructed the fashionista.

“Here goes nothing.” Rarity gulped before Discord snapped his fingers and because of this, she and the bomb gun were now underwater. Rarity was shocked to find out she could breathe underwater before she shrugged, “Must be Discord’s magic.”

Rarity then took aim at the cave and tried to fire her bomb gun but nothing came out, she clicked the button again but it still wouldn’t come out.

“What’s taking so long out there?!” Sweetie Belle cried out impatiently.

“I’m trying but it won’t come out…” Rarity kept clicking the button but suddenly the gun began turning red which she didn’t notice but the others did.

“Uh… Rarity… you might wanna stop that.” Applejack gulped.

“Not now Applejack, I need to-“ Rarity began growling before an explosion occurred, sending the submarine and Rarity all the way back to the dock with all eight members of the Screaming Parasprites groaning in pain.

“Thanks a lot Rarity.” Tempest grunted.

“Oh come on. That bomb gun was impossible to use.” Rarity scoffed before hearing an explosion underwater and after that, Pinkie Pie smiled as she rose above water.

“Hey guys. I just got the monster. It was so big and had so many tentacles. You really should’ve been there!” Pinkie Pie smiled brightly which caused the team to glare at Rarity even more.

“It appears the Killer Dragons have finally nipped their losing streak in the bud and as such, they win immunity today.” Toad said happily as he walked over to the scene.

“You are SO dead Rarity.” Lightning Dust glares at the Element Of Generosity.

We then see Fluttershy and Discord by the campfire when Discord speaks up, “Look Fluttershy, I know she’s our friend but we have to face it. This environment is only hindering her and us as a team. We need to get rid of her. She’ll understand.”

Fluttershy only sighed in response.

We then cut to the elimination ceremony where the Screaming Parasprites were at.

“Well guys, that wasn’t exactly your best performance.” Toad admits.

“It’s not my fault the gun you gave me was clearly a dud.” Rarity scoffed with a roll of her eyes.

“Okay, so the first mushy marshmallow goes to…” Toad began.

“Sweetie Belle.”

“Rainbow Dash.”




Discord, Rarity, and Lightning Dust all stared worriedly at the next two marshmallows before Toad called out,


“Phew.” Discord sighed in relief.

“And the final marshmallow goes to…” Toad began ominously as Rarity sweated at the prospect of elimination while Lightning Dust just glared angrily at the last marshmallow.

Confessional: Applejack

“At the end of the day, it came down to Rarity and Lightning Dust. Rarity’s my friend but Fluttershy talked to me about what Discord said about her not pulling her weight in challenges and honestly…” Applejack trailed off.

Confessional Ends

“Lightning Dust.” Toad tossed the last marshmallow to the green pegasus which caused Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Sweetie Belle to gasp in shock.

“What?! How could Rarity be voted off?!” Sweetie Belle asked incredulously.

“Oh, we’re sorry Rarity.” Fluttershy apologized tearfully as she embraced her friend.

“I’m sorry too.” Applejack sighed, “You just haven’t been doing so well in challenges and… we thought it was for the best.”

“It’s okay darlings. I suppose if I want to win this game I need to put in the hard work.” Rarity admitted solemnly before sadly smiling at her friends, “I’m not mad, thank you for being honest with me.”

Applejack and Fluttershy smiled before getting into a group hug with Rarity. All the while, Rainbow Dash just glared holes in the back of Applejack and Fluttershy’s heads.

Confessional: Rainbow Dash

“I can’t BELIEVE THIS! We have the perfect opportunity to vote off Lightning Dust and they DON’T take it and worst of all, they vote off RARITY! Ugh. Looks like I can only rely on myself for these competitions. I’ll show them what a real winner is.” Rainbow Dash said furiously.

Confessional: Lightning Dust

“Yeah, so I might have tampered with the gun a teensy bit while the others were distracted by Jimmy’s coffee burns to make Rarity look bad.” Lightning Dust smirked, “I’m so glad that worked. Now the three Elements Of Harmony hardly even trust each other and one of their alliance members is gone. This is too good.”

Confessional Ends

We then cut to Rarity at the Hurl Of Shame with Toad getting ready to fling her, “Sorry Rarity. It looks like your own friends have gotten rid of you.”

“Well, may I have a few last words?” Rarity asked with a nervous smile.

“Nope.” Toad smirked before pressing the lever to fling the fashionista away from the island, “No one gets the last word except for me. What will Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust plot next? Will Starlight solve her weird little triangle with Twilight and Trixie? And how will the game go now that the first Element Of Harmony has been eliminated? Find out all this and more on Toadal! Magic! Island!”

Author's Note:

Rarity is a fun character to use but I needed an Element Of Harmony gone before the merge and she was the best candidate for it. She was the easiest to justify leaving due to the fact she isn’t the best in physical challenges. I could also eliminate Rainbow Dash due to her competitive nature but I have plans for her.

Screaming Parasprites: Applejack, Discord, Fluttershy, Lightning Dust, Rainbow Dash, Sweetie Belle, Tempest

Killer Dragons: Applebloom, Cheese, Grubber, Pinkie Pie, Spike, Starlight, Trixie, Twilight