• Published 9th Aug 2023
  • 308 Views, 25 Comments

CYOA: The Athlete - Forward Slash

A classic CYOA with Rainbow Dash acting as the love interest of this story.

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Don't Bother.

You let your head sink back into the softness of your pillow, tuning out the alarm from your head and allowing yourself to slip back into the stream of unconsciousness you call sleep.

This is it. This is all you need right now. No world, no society, just...


You feel yourself go light-headed, and within minutes, you're back to dreaming...

Your mind transports you to a small, confined cube of a room. holes cover the walls from corner to corner, surrounding you with at least 50 tiny black holes that seem to lead to blackness. The room is made of stone, and no entrance or exit can be unearthed. The only source of light is a singular bulb hanging from one of the holes in the concrete ceiling...




You lurch up from your once safe haven with an eerie shiver rolling down your spine, now completely awake due to your 8-legged nightmare.

Welp, that's what you get for sleeping in.
