• Published 16th Sep 2023
  • 572 Views, 106 Comments

Sonic Frontiers x My Little Pony - BronySonicFan

In search of the missing Chaos Emeralds, Sonic becomes stranded on an island teeming with unusual creatures as he tries to rescue his friends from powerful forces known as the Titans.

  • ...


After a few days of work, the Mane 5 and Team Sonic managed to restore the Tornado IV.

Tails insisted that he didn't wanted to redo the entire thing with just a snap, that he wanted the actual plane that got destroyed when he arrived to the islands with Sonic, Sunny and Zipp.

And so, they returned to Kronos Island and managed to do that: the three seats of the plane, the 4 blade propeller, everything was restored, and Tails only used his powers to only restore some slight and minor details.

But as he checked on the engine for a last minute pre-fly check, Sonic stared to the sunrise with a smile, sitting on the ground and laying his head over Pipp's who was sitting at his side as she covered his back with her wing.

"It's hard to believe it's finally over." Pipp commented after a while.

"Yeah... these have been the two wildest weeks of my life." Sonic said with a smirk, then he looked back at Pipp. "But I'm glad it's finally over. I could get you and the others out of Cyber Space." He added, slightly raising Pipp's chin a little, but not daring to make the first move to kiss her.

If he knew at least something about a relationship, is that he always has to ask consent from his lover if he wanted to do even the slightest move, or at least at first that is. Still, he never kissed Pipp if she didn't wanted him to, so most of the time it was her who made the first move.

However, this time she could appreciate that at least he tried, and then she leaned to crush her lips against his. Sonic moved his hand from Pipp's chin to her cheek and caressed her softly, while Pipp placed a hoof on his chest.

They placed their foreheads together and smiled after they broke their kiss... but even if they both had their eyes closed, Pipp could sense that something was wrong with Sonic, because he usually said something flirty of dorky after kissing with her, and this wasn't the case.

"... Blue Star?" Pipp called out, opening her eyes, and once Sonic opened his and looked at her, she could see worry and a bit of sadness on them. "What's wrong?" She asked him.

Sonic didn't replied immediately, and instead took his time before finally replying. "Sage..." he confessed. "Pipp, she sacrificed her life to save us all... to save me, and to save Eggman... and I couldn't stop her... I-I couldn't save her..." He explained with concern. "I just wish... I just wish I could have done something... anything..." He finished.

Pipp understood now, and smiled softly at him before kissing his chin, making Sonic smile unconsciously. "Blue Star, that wasn't your fault. And, judging by how determinate she was to protect Eggman, I think nothing you said or tried to do could save her. Still, I understand why it bugs you, and let me promise you that I'll be here for you if it keeps making you upset, okay?" She told him with a bright smile.

Sonic couldn't help but smile and finally kiss her with no precaution, while Pipp returned the kiss with a smile. "I don't deserve you, Little Pipp." He said with honesty.

"I should be the one saying that, handsome~" Pipp said on a flirty tone, making Sonic chuckle at her attitude. But then, Pipp frowned with worry all of a sudden. "Do you think... do you think you really defeated him?" She asked.

"Who? The End?" Sonic questioned, and Pipp nodded slowly. "Honestly... I don't think so. He said that destroying that form changed nothing, so... I guess we'll eventually run to him again." He said with a frown, before looking back at Pipp and smiling. "But until then, I say we just enjoy our time together, as we always do. And when he returns, we'll be ready to confront him again, and if possible, defeat him for sure!" He assured to her with a smile.

Pipp smiled back, and once again leaned to kiss Sonic, who returned the kiss to her.

Eventually, they both stood up and walked back with the rest, who seemed to already have finished the Tornado IV, and they also smiled at the couple arriving.

"So... that was fun!" Sonic said with a mocking smirk and a relaxed tone.

Everyone else groaned after hearing that. Tails denied with his head and with a worried expression; Knuckles and Izzy just looked on with bored expressions; Sunny placed a hoof on her face and denied with it, Hitch and Zipp facepalmed, and Pipp looked at him with boredom before kicking him with one of her hind hooves and scold him with a glare, that caused no effect on him since his smirk just got bigger and he even raised an eyebrow.

"But I guess it's time we got moving." Sonic added, now placing his fist on his hip and smiling normally at the rest. "I know you all have big plans." He pointed out.

"You're gonna hardly recognize me when we see each other again!" Tails assured with a smile, while Sonic smirked at him.

"I'll be a little busy traveling around Equestria, so you might not see me in a while." Sunny said with a smile.

"I can't wait to be finally back home. Maretime Bay cannot be protected without the sheriff, after all!" Hitch said, smiling as well.

"I think I will tag along with Tails for a while. There are still some parts of Equestria I will love to explore and research." Zipp said with a smirk.

"It'll be good to get back doing my rounds. At least... for a while." Knuckles said with a smirk as well, and Izzy chuckled at his side.

Sonic couldn't help but smile brightly, so he jumped to the plane's wing and looked on with optimism. "We're wasting daylight. Let's go!" He stated confidently.

After that, Tails sat on the pilot's seat, with Hitch sitting behind him with Sparky and the critters, while Izzy sat behind Hitch. Knuckles stood on the other wing of the plane, and Sunny summoned her Alicorn form to fly along Zipp and Pipp.

Then, Tails turned the Tornado IV on and flew off from the island, making a quick loop in the air before boosting back to Equestria, with Sunny, Zipp and Pipp following behind.

The skies ahead
Are vast and clear
I hold my breath
Step up a gear

Feel the wind
Smell the air
Chances are

Our sights are set
Beyond the moon
We'll show the world
What we can do

Dreams are big
Eyes are wide
Hear the voice
Deep inside

Obstacles are no excuse
Come with me, there's nothing to lose
Turbulence won't stop us
We'll keep pulling through

Challenges life throws our way
Make us even stronger today
This is how we ignite

Boost your spirit off the ground
I'm a spark that won't go out
We can go much higher now
Gravity can't hold us down
We're only at the beginning of this One Way Dream

To life

They said we'd break
They said we'd lose
But here we are
What else is new?

Stronger with
Every fall
Faster with
Every mile

You and me we're built on trust
That's why we can always get up
Even if they laugh we'll never
Bite the dust

Heads up high reach for the top
Give it everything that you've got
This is how we ignite

Boost your spirit off the ground
I'm a spark that won't go out
We can go much higher now
Gravity can't hold us down
We're only at the beginning of this One Way Dream

To life

Boost your spirit off the ground
I'm a spark that won't go out
We can go much higher now
Gravity can't hold us down

We're only at the beginning of this One Way Dream

Eggman spent an extra week on the Starfall Islands.

When The End was destroyed along Sage, the entire Ancient tech was deactivated, Cyber Space included. However, Eggman managed to hack the entire data base of the islands and reactivated it. But how?

Well, it was a large and difficult process, but by connecting all the possible cables he could extract from all the assets he sent across the islands to some Cyber Space portals from Ouranos Island, and then connect said portals to a new computer created exclusively for Cyber Space, he managed to gain access to said place once again.

Now, he was typing on his computer at fast paste, trying to find the files from a certain girl he just got attached to.

When he first realized how 'weak' he became after treating Opaline for dismissing Misty's job, he got a bit scared that this newfound parent side of his will make him regret the idea of create the Eggman Empire...

Big was his surprise when the exact opposite happened.

Protecting Misty and creating Sage didn't made his desires to fade away, no: they boosted even more, because he wasn't making this just for himself, he was creating this to give them a home, an actual home were to grow. No more nonsense battles with Sonic, no more loses, no more defeats; just a place where he could be 'trusted' and were he could see Misty and Sage become better than he ever was.

Loosing Sage that way... destroyed him in ways not even he knew were possible. However, he was also reasonable here, and didn't hated Sonic because of her sacrifice. After all, Sonic seemed to feel bad that he couldn't stop her, so it was clear to him that Sage decided to made that last move by herself... all so she could protect him.

Eggman stopped typing on his keyboard all of a sudden...

He apparently found Sage's code on the Cyber Space data, which did gave him a bit of joy, but... he was also afraid, afraid that Sage will still remember the last thing she did, her sacrifice...

And that's something he couldn't allow, something he wouldn't allow. He tapped something else on the keyboard: a memory eraser code. Sage will still remember everything up to the point where Sonic defeated The End controlling Supreme. Everything else that happened after that battle will be completely erased.

As far as Sage knows: she never piloted Supreme, she never fought The End along Super Sonic, she never went to space, she didn't sacrificed herself to save the entire world and she never made a goodbye lullaby song to Eggman.

It was the perfect plan, nothing could go wrong with this, or that's what Eggman says so.

So, after creating this memory eraser code, Eggman tapped the 'enter' button on his keyboard. And slowly, his computer began to glitch and make weird sounds.

The same strange logo that Sonic and company saw whenever a Koco's soul rested in peace appeared on his computer after a few glitches... and then, a voice spoke.

"F-Father...?" Sage called out... she was back.

Eggman smiled brightly at this, and even resisted the urge to cry. "That's my girl." He said with happiness.

Sound the alarm
Shatter me like glass
Covered in scars
But roses are coming through the cracks

Time that you killed
You promised to help me rebuild
It caught me off guard
Sound the alarm

Said you’d keep me safe, now you’re tearing me down
Am I laid to waste, now that you’re not around?
Come and leave your mark
Vandalize my heart

Fight the pain away, my head is in ruins
Need you in my veins, don't know how you do it
Come and leave your mark
Vandalize my heart

Did we make a work of art just so you could deface it?
Did you let it fall apart just so you could replace it?
Had your name on the side of a burning bridge
Watch it fade when the smoke rolls in

Time that you killed
You promised to help me rebuild
It feels like you planned it
Took us for granted, oh

Said you’d keep me safe, now you’re tearing me down
Am I laid to waste, now that you’re not around?
Come and leave your mark
Vandalize my heart

Fight the pain away, my head is in ruins
Need you in my veins, don't know how you do it
Come and leave your mark (come and leave your mark)
Vandalize my heart

Oh, you’re freaking crazy
Hate me, love you, breaking bottles on the pavement
Just to watch it crash

Said you’d keep me safe, now you’re tearing me down
Am I laid to waste, now that you’re not around?
Come and leave your mark
Vandalize my heart

Fight the pain away, my head is in ruins
Need you in my veins, don't know how you do it
Come and leave your mark (come and leave your mark)
Vandalize my heart

Said you’d keep me safe, now you’re tearing me down
Am I laid to waste, now that you’re not around?
Come and leave your mark (come and leave your mark)

Vandalize my heart

Author's Note:

NOW we're done with this story.

Just so you guys know, I'll be publishing Season 3 in a few days instead of TYT episodes because that Season happens (almost) immediately after this story.

Also, don't expect me to go really deep on the subject of everyone separating for a while (6 months, to be precise). Mainly because I'm gonna treat these events as simply slice of life events that happened 'off-screen'. They will be referenced at some point, but again, don't expect me to go in-deep with this events. I don't wanna get off-track with my story, so I think this decision is for the best.

With that said, I really hope you guys enjoyed this story. We're just 4 books away of the finale (I can't believe this thing is almost done...), so embrace yourselves for what's coming! :pinkiehappy:

Comments ( 4 )

Wow that was an amazing story and a great ending for this and Pipp comforting sonic after what happened to sage, that was an amazing froniter story there buddy

Phew! I was worried Sage’s death would’ve been what drove Eggman to complete insanity.

He’s still going completely insane next season, but at least it’s not because of what happened to Sage.

Anyway, one story ends, and soon some more will begin.

Great story and it was sad but I love it can’t wait for book three of make your mark also thank you for this my friend.

And remember: It still isn't his real form.

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