• Member Since 1st Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


I'm a brony and a Pinkie Pie fan but I like all of the mane six, as well as Spike. I hope to provide some entertaining and interesting fanfics for the Brony community.


(Originally published on Fanfiction.net and Deviant Art. Based on a comic sketch by MatiasDiplinLps on Discord, in turn inspired by Potty Training the Princess by JAC59COl on Deviant Art. Contains mild flush and toilet vore, as well as mild potty humor. Rated Teen as a precaution.)

When Shining Armor happens to need to go to the bathroom, he decides to use it as a teaching opportunity to show Flurry Heart how to go potty like a proper pony. After all, children learn best by example.

However, Flurry Heart soon grows bored of sitting on her potty chair and decides to have a little fun. When the little one sees what looks like a treat, she tries to grab it, not realizing what it really is.

Before Shining knows it, he's being flushed down the toilet by his daughter! And Flurry doesn't seem to realize what she's doing to him. How will it all end for father and daughter?

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 8 )

this is too funny. I do like the D ending though that was pretty funny.

11585213 11585219 Comedy wasn't really my intention with this one, but I'm glad you still found it funny and enjoyed it.

this is the horror story what we didn't want but we deserve it...

Flush him down... wow this is a comedy horror for sure.


There were so many things that you could have done with this... flurry heart uses the plunger to get Father out instead he went in... and Princess Candance comes in and asks where is my husband? well... you told me how to unstuck a toilet but ummm... my father was stuck in the toilet and I used a plunger to get him out however it backfired. Flurry heart makes an innocent look.

Alright, I've decided to read this one just because I'm morbidly curious how somebody managed to get 8,500 words out of an idea like this. Wish me luck.

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