• Member Since 23rd Feb, 2016
  • offline last seen 20 minutes ago

Mind Jack

Bee horse go bzzzzzz. Commission prices and ToS: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/1025389/commission-prices-tos


My entry for the Whodunnit? Youdunnit! contest.

Inspired by Fluttershy's animal sanctuary, Discord helps start a sanctuary to house Equestria's more monstrous denizens. But when Fluttershy stumbles upon a murdered security guard on the grounds, the monster hunters of Equestria are eager to blame the Lord of Chaos. With no experience whatsoever, Fluttershy sets out to prove her friend's innocence.

Also, it's a game! Clues will be presented clearly, so grab a notepad and play along!

Special thanks to my ever-vital coauthor Berserker88.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 2 )

Why is this only one chapter long?

Because splitting it up would have been a formatting nightmare, and I'm already exhausted.

Also, I wasn't sure if the site would go wonky with word counts. I'm really close to the limit, and I didn't want to accidentally go over. Might try to split it up down the line if I ever remaster it.

But I hope you enjoy it regardless!

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