• Published 28th Sep 2023
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Wiggly Dancing in Equestria - Big Imagination E

The Crusaders are excited for the Wiggly Big Show! But they need to learn some dances. Let's all wiggle!!

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Great Morning for Dancing!!

It was a beautiful Saturday morning. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and all the ponies in Ponyville are enjoying their day. In the park we see 3 little fillies on the playground. They were the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They got finished playing on the playground and headed for their clubhouse. Ever since they found that TV in the Everfree Forest they been traveling to see their new friends: The Wiggles. And after they helped them fixed the Big Red Car they got invited to join them for The Wiggly Big Show. They were so excited to be in the show that they decided to practice some more dances for the big night. In the clubhouse they were getting ready to practice.

"Ok girls. Were only a few days away from The Wiggly Big Show. I thought maybe we practice some dances the Wiggles did." Apple Bloom said.

"Good idea Apple Bloom. But where do we go to practice?" Sweetie Belle said.

"I thought maybe we could practice at Twilight's castle. Spike's there today. Twilight and her friends won't be here til later." Apple Bloom said.

"Good thinking Apple Bloom. Now let's go practice and soon we'll all be wearing those dresses they left us." Scootaloo said as they all went to the castle. But after Sweetie Belle got the radio.


They walked to the castle and arrived. Scootaloo knocked on the door and Spike answered it.

"Oh hey girls. If you're looking for Twilight she's not here." Spike said.

"Oh no Spike. We came here to practice for a big show we got coming up." Apple Bloom said.

"A show? What show are you three doing?" Spike said.

"It's known as The Wiggly Big Show. It's a concert where our friends the Wiggles are performing and we got a chance to shine in the spotlight." Sweetie Belle said.

"Wow that's cool. Well you can practice here. Just don't wreck anything." Spike said.

"Of course Spike." Sweetie Belle said as she and the Crusaders got inside.


In the library of the castle we see the Crusaders all getting ready for practice. Sweetie Belle placed the radio on the table and got a song ready.

"Ok girls. I think the first song we should do is this one about brown ants." Sweetie Belle said.

"Alright girls let's dance." Scootaloo said as Apple Bloom started the song.


They started dancing and repeated the lyrics when Greg sung his part. They danced like ants and continued til they finished the song and posed.

"Alright not bad. Now how's bout we dance to a faster song? Maybe one with Captain Feathersword?" Apple Bloom said.

"I got a really good one girls let's dance!" Sweetie Belle said as she started the song and got dancing.


They danced just like pirates and grooved real hard til they reached the end of the song and posed once more.

"That was fun. But we still got a few more songs to go girls. What's next?" Scootaloo said.

"Well I think we should do that dance that Ms. Cheerilee taught us in class. I think it was about a girl dressed in brown?" Sweetie Belle said.

"Well we can do that. Alright play the song." Scootaloo said as Sweetie Belle played the song.


They all danced to the music and did all the dances the song said to do. First they danced to the music, then they skipped to the music, finally they singed with the music. The song ended and they posed again.

"And that's break girls. Let's rest for a bit and we'll continue later." Apple Bloom said.

They all decided to take a break from dancing and rested til they recharged their energy.

Author's Note:

The Crusaders are practicing for the Wiggly Big Show! How will Rarity, Rainbow, and Fluttershy react when they find out? Since Twilight, Applejack and Pinkie already met the Wiggles?