A Cold Ending.

by Knight of Crows

Chapter 1

The day was of the Grand Galloping Gala, knowing what this meant, a tall, hooded and masked figure moved towards the city it would be hosted. The event itself was of no importance to him, but the timing of it. There were others before it of course, but this specific one, what he knew was going to happen, is what made it so. Entering the city itself was easy, the ponies too lax and incompetent to care if they did notice him. All he had to do was wait until the right moment.

*faint howling*

"We're close, just wait a little longer." He covered the ethereal creature that poked its head out of his hood.

Thanks to a few gifts from his allies, he was able to quickly enter the castle without the guards noticing. The closest he had gotten to being discovered was the occasional comment of how "chilly" it had gotten for a moment. An event like this won't usually have anyone flying around, save for one he thought of momentarily, he believed he could hide out above all the attendees in the ballroom where the announcement would be made. Night would fall and he would watch events unfold very closely, it was after all, one of the very few things he had been looking forward to for the past two years.

The first to catch his attention was the Princess of the Sun herself. Once a sight to behold, now the world's greatest failure in his eyes.

The Lunar Princess followed after him, the only one he couldn't decide if she deserves his wrath.

Then one by one, the ones who made his life a living Hell would enter and mingle with other guests.

Discord, the one ultimately behind the Hell Jason endured.

Princess Twilight Sparkle, the hypocrite and most undeserving of everything she has.

Rarity, the manipulative thief. Ironic, considering her Element.

Fluttershy, the coward, and that's being kind to one who doesn't deserve it.

Pinkie Pie, a child in the body of an adult, and that's putting it lightly.

Applejack, the greatest liar of them all.

And last but not least, Rainbow Dash, the boastful "hero" and reckless beyond compare.

Hate, that was the only thing Jason could call what he was feeling in this moment. Hate for their hypocrisy. Hate for their arrogance. Hate for their ignorance. Hate for the wonderful lives they live after causing so much misery to himself and others. This Hatred fueled his gift as it fed his companion, and there would be so much more to create.

"Soon enough, you will have a grand feast, and I will have my revenge at long last." Jason whispered to his companion as he watched the events unfold. Events would play out as he would expect between the aforementioned ponies and other guest. A few non-ponies, the Wonderbolts, and celebrities such as Octavia and Coloratora. He wasn't concerned about them though, only the ponies that taught him how to hate the world itself, of which most aren't present. Near the end of the yearly event, the attention of every creature present was called to Twilight, who stood with the other princesses by her side.

"Hello, honored guests. I want to thank you all for your attendance. As you know, I have recently been on many quests with my friends, the elements of harmony, repairing, strengthening, and building friendships across Equestria. Outside of Equestria though, I've seen others who struggle to do the same, many struggle just to live. In response to this, to spread harmony and friendship to all, I give to you the School of Friendship!" Twilight declared, to which everyone there cheered for this news. Once it died down, she continued.

"This school will have everything the students should need to excel and understand each other: Room and board, multicultural classes, and services and accommodations for all. Everyponies' needs will be met to ensure a safe environment for to prosper!" Cheering erupted once again, but near the end, it was silenced by an abrupt chill that passed by all creatures in the room.

"You have a lot of nerve to announce such a thing, your Highness." Jason spat.

"Who said that? Where even are you?" She asked as everyone looked around the room. It wasn't until Jason descended that everyone knew where it came from.

"You don't need to be omniscient, and certainly not all knowing to know this school would be as much a failure as it would be a contradiction and detriment to everyone." Jason reached into his pocket, ready to pull out a gift from his allies. Another of the attendees, Chancellor Neighsay, stepped forward before speaking up.

"I am inclined to agree with this...thing. When you proposed this school, I assumed it would be for the benefit of ponies. Having other creatures that prey on us is a recipe for disaster!" He growled.

"What'd you say!"

"How dare you!"

"Yak will show puny pony disaster!"

As many of the non-ponies voiced their disapproval, the creature spoke again. "You misunderstand my meaning. I'm not saying that in favor of you or anything. I'm saying that because your kind is ultimately the problem."

Now the chancellor was confused along with everyone else. "I-I beg you pardon?"

Instead of answering, the stallion moved closer, as did the mare. "But, I'll at least commend you for being upfront about your xenophobia instead of hiding it behind the guise of friendship and all that bullshit, of which they are the worst offenders." Jason pointed at Twilight and her friends.

"I don't know what you are talking about, nor will I put up this slander against my character. I've always treated every creature with respect!" Twilight said, stomping her hoof.

"I am living proof otherwise. I could point you to other cases as well where your kind has only created misery and said it was just. Allow me to show you a glimpse at what you and the rest of your town spent years doing to me."

Jason removed his masked as many guests gasped, some even screamed and ran in fear. The elements stood stock still while a pale white skinned creature stared into each of their souls. He had messy grey hair. At least to the ponies, a stern look in his sapphire blue eye that could only be described to fit one word: Hate, pure and unfiltered, perhaps with a tinge of madness. But the scariest feature of this being in front of them was the jagged scar tracing over the left side of his face over a milky white eye.

"Who-... Who are you?" She asked faintly.

"You don't recognize me? That's fine, it has been a few years. For now though," Jason slowly stepped towards her "think of me as either your worst nightmare or your past come to haunt you, my dear princess." As Jason reached for her chin, Rainbow Dash flew in his face.

"Hey! Back off-erk!" Jason grabbed her by the neck, his hand cold enough to freeze even a hot forge, and threw her to the side before pulling out an S shaped horn. Those who weren't focused entirely on defending Rainbow instead recognized the artifact, but couldn't stop him from blowing into it. The closest ones were forced to cover their ears, but once it stopped, they were surprised to see nothing happened.

"The Gjallarhorn..." One of them muttered.

"Now the fun truly begins." Jason cackled, his face expressing he was going to enjoy this.

"Ah don't know what you think is so funny, your horn ain't done nothin'." Applejack got ready for a charge.

"If that was supposed to deafen us, I'm not sorry to say that your plan failed." Rarity added as she lit up her horn.

"Yeah, you big..." Pinkie was about to join in until the same combo she felt at Sugarcube Corner returned. It was much stronger now as Pinkie's breathing picked up. She looked up at Jason, focused completely on him. Her eyes widened as she gazed upon his form. She began to tremble and hyperventilate as she backed behind her friends and cowered under her hooves. "No, no, no, no!"

This action did not go unnoticed. "Pinkie, what's wrong?" Fluttershy said.

"No, no, no!" Pinkie muttered over and over.

"Pinkie, what's gotten into you, darling?" Rarity asks, kneeling to her friend.

"The horn!" Twilight realized. "It must be having some kind of delayed effect!"

"Ah've had enough!" Applejack charged at him, but was quickly stopped by a blue aura.

"You will be still!" Luna stated in a seething tone.

"Princess Luna? What are you doing? Did that horn affect you too? Don't worry, we'll--" Twilight started.

"You and the elements will do nothing!" Celestia spoke with authority.

Before Twilight could respond, Cadence's horn emitted a bright light. When it faded, the crystal princess looked confused. "That's not right..."

"What's not right, Cadence?" Twilight asks.

"I just cast a spell that disrupts mind-altering spell craft. But nothing is affecting my aunts or even Pinkie Pie!"

"There isn't any, Mi Amoré Cadenza. The only thing that did is force us all to play nice." Jason said cryptically. Princess Celestia signaled for everypony to stand down.

"...Forgive the offense. What are your terms?" She asked.

"A place to stay in the castle would be nice."

With a resigned sigh, Celestia spoke. She signaled a couple guards over. "See to it that our guests are placed in the best accommodating room we have to offer,"

The two guards eyed each other before nodding and turning to the pair. "Follow us,"

Jason remained silent as he began to follow the guards. However, before he could leave, Chancellor Neighsay spoke up again. "Princess, what is the meaning of this? Why do you submit yourself to an obvious enemy? I demand an answer!" Many of the other ponies agreed with the chancellor's assessment.

Celestia turned a sharp glare at the brazen pony, who recoiled. "I'd remember my tone when addressing the princess, Chancellor," Fancy Pants suddenly said.

"H-how can you be complacent after what we witnessed?"

"Simple, judging by the Princess's reaction to that Gjallarhorn, it must be an item of great significance. One that grants its wielder liberties that must not be violated,"

"Then, why are we finding out about this all-powerful horn now?"

"I haven't the foggiest idea. Who knows how many mystical items that have been lost through the ages? All I know is that we should trust the only two ponies with any idea about what is happening," Fancy pants gestures to Celestia and Luna.

"Thank you, Lord Fancy Pants. Rest assured. We shall release a statement on the matter tomorrow. Perhaps it best for everypony here to retire for the evening," Princess Luna said.

"Excuse me, princess, but you cannot expect us to just ignore what that thing just did to Rainbow Dash!" Starlight said as she treated her frostbite as best she could. Realizing the damage, Celestia pointed to another guard.

"Bring a medical team here immediately!" She ordered.

"It ain't right! A monster like that goes free after what it did!" Applejack added.

"Like you have any room to talk." Jason turned around walked back to them. "Freak, abomination, monster, I've heard it all from your kind. You do so love your labels and judge anything for any reason, and whatever falls in those categories is better off dead in your eyes. But tell me, if I'm a monster, what does that make those who did this to me?" Jason gestured to his face before gesturing to the rest of his body that was still covered. "What do you think lies underneath?"

"What are you?" Twilight demanded an answer, which Jason ignored.

"If I am a monster for wanting justice, what does that make you for turning me into one? I am no monster, but a victim. I am living proof of your hypocrisy, that everything you stand for is a lie, that you are traitors to your own ideals. Anyone else would've come for blood, I simply wish to see the truth come to light, for your arrogance, your true nature to be revealed to the world. Nothing will bring me greater satisfaction than doing equal damage to your reputations and Equestria's as a whole in one week, the damage you've done to me for years." Jason partially lied about his intentions, taking advantage of a feature regarding the Horn's functionality when not in use.

"Jason Wright?" Discord whispered, his face as pale as a ghost as he finally realized stood before them.

"So, someone does remember me? And of course, it would be the one I never even met before now. We have so much catching up to do, all of us. I'm looking forward to showing the world just how truly evil the its greatest heroes are. For now though, goodbye." Jason turned back to the guards and followed them out.

"If the world seeks my destruction,..."

"Then I'm taking everyone with me..."