A Ghost And A Commander


A Dream And A Future To Protect

Tragedy of a endless and meaningless war that we're trap in the middle of, against two aliens races that are so far from human they seem more like killing machines as they fight each other. One side are the biomass hunters creatures known as the Changelings and the other side, is a high tech aliens known simply for their skin color, the Greys. While us, the human race, is stuck in the middle of it all, with 98% planets wipe out by these aliens, we're going to die before they can kill each other.

But we'll be the ones to survive the end of this war, only because of "her", our commander, our hope, our light in this darkness. And her name is "Brigitte Rainbow" and my name is "Terra Spark", her body guard and lover. But I'm here, in a place that not many can see. I hide in plain sight with my cloaking suit, as I'm a Ghost, a horn psychic soldier, able to move things with my mind and read people minds. I can also use my psychic powers to attack my enemies, by either attacking them with force or their minds.

As I hide above the rooftops, I look at her, Rainbow, as she stands there in her black power armor, that covers every part of her, I soon see her blue face and her bright pink eyes, as her long rainbow hair flows with the wind. We're visiting a backwater planet that our former Empire left behind, as they fall back to the capital home world when the Changelings attack, the people here are scared of her, but she's not here to hurt them, we're here to protect them, as it's our job, as she's the last hope of our people and our last chance at survival.

As she talks to a small crowd, that's gathered in the town square, I look around the area, looking for any danger, that may pose a threat to her, but as I'm scanning the area, I feel her presence, I know what she's thinking, what she wants and what she needs. But soon, her voice echoes through my head.

"I feel you Terra, are you doing alright?"

"Yeah, just making sure that your safe."

"I am, I promise, the people here are friendly, so don't worry."


"Come on, trust me. I'll be fine."

"Alright, if your sure."

"Thank you, now stop reading my mind and join us."


I turn my head away, as I know she can sense me, even if I'm cloaked. She knows how much I care about her, that's why she has me around.

"Terra, come on down, you can't be a ghost right now."

I jump off the roof and land beside her, the crowd is looking at me, not knowing that I'm here, they don't know what a ghost is, as ghosts are rare nowadays. As they are staring at me when I decloak, I look at Rainbow, who nods her head, before she turns back to the crowd, while I turn my attention to the people, as I stare into the eyes of the many. So many scare or distrusting.

"You're here for a reason, yes? Why are you here?"

"We're here to protect you all, the Empire knows what's going to happen, which is why they left you to rot, and we're here to protect you. This is for your survival, the Changelings are almost upon this world, but we'll fight, no matter the cost. Please head south, our battlecruiser, Loyalty, is there, waiting to take you all off world."

They don't respond to her words, which makes her sigh, before she starts walking away, which surprises the crowd. They soon start to follow her, which makes me happy, but then a child speaks up, which stops her.

"Are you leaving?"

"What? No, I'll never leave you all, I'm going to protect you all."

She kneel down to the same child and place her hand on her head.

"Because I seen too many good lives wasted by this pointless war. That's why I'm fighting. Fighting for those that can't and for the future, for you and those that will soon follow. You and them, you all deserve a better tomorrow."

I see her tears, she's crying, as she feels for the children that have suffered during this war, but soon, the child hugs her, which makes her cry harder, before the other children joins her. Soon the crowd starts cheering and crying, making her smile, while the people around the town will know that they have hope and will be saved.

"Thank you. Thank you all."

"We're thankful to you, Commander. Bless you"

She nods, before walking away, as she knows we have a war to fight and people to save, but I follow her. I will always follow her, no matter where she goes, I'll protect her and her dream, everyone's dream rest on her shoulders. I'll gladly throw my life away for her, it's what I'm good for. I'll gladly help her reach it, but I'll never live it, never see that tomorrow.

"Terra? You okay?"

I see her turning on her custom hover bike that she park outside the town, she's looking at me with worry in her eyes, before she sighs, as she knows what I'm thinking.

"You also deserve that future, darling."

"I'll only have a future if you make it."

"Don't talk like that."

"I'm sorry. It's just how I feel."

"You're more than a body guard. More than a Ghost. You're a friend. A lover."


"You deserve happiness, just like everyone else."

"Not as much as you do. I'm not a good person. I have blood on my hands. I'm not a great leader like you, I got squad members killed. I failed to save lives when it mattered the most. You are everything that I'm not. That's why I'm protecting you. So, I can repent. To give my worthless life meaning, even if it means dying for it."

"Don't say that. Don't you dare!"

"Why not?"

"Because I love you."

She gets off her bike, before she softy and carefully hugs me. She doesn't want to break me, but I'm already broken. I hug her back, as I'm crying, she's the one, the only one, the only one that can see through me and see me, not a killer, not a failure, not a ghost, but a person, a real person, with real feelings.

"I'll give you that future. I promise. Just please, trust me."

"I'll trust you with my life. Because your my heart and my love."

"You're the same to me, my darling Terra."

She looks up at me, her pink eyes filled with love, as she softly smiles at me, which makes me smile. She's so beautiful, her blue skin, her long rainbow hair, her pink eyes and her soft smile, makes me smile every time I see it.

"We'll get through this, I know we will."

"We will, and I'll make sure of it."

"I love you, Terra."

"I love you too, Rainbow."

We both share a kiss, which makes us both smile. But then, we hear a noise coming from above the forest line, its our dropships, as its heading towards the town, our ground forces are on it, and our air units are already here as they tag behind. We both get on her hover bike, before she drives off. I turn invisible and hold on to her.

"Time to save some more people, Terra."

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

We dash off to the next town and soon the next battlefield, as we have a world to save and lives to protect. A dream and a future to protect as well.