Ferris Bueller’s and Rainbow’s Day Off

by Big Imagination E

Faking Out Rooney

At Mrs Bueller's job she was busy with some work til she heard the phone go off and she answered it. And someone answered on the other line.

"Katie Bueller." She said.

"This is Edward R Rooney. Dean of Students." He said.

"Oh my god. Oh im so sorry. I completely forgot to call." Mrs Bueller said.

"Then you are aware that your son is not in school today?" Rooney said.

"Yes I am. He's homesick. I had a meeting this morning. I know I should have called but it completely slipped my mind. Again im very sorry." Mrs Bueller said.

"Are you also aware Mrs Bueller that Ferris does not have what we consider to be an exemplary attendance record?" Rooney said.

"I don't understand." Mrs Bueller said.

"He has missed an unacceptable number of school days. In the opinion of this educator Ferris is not taking his academic growth seriously. Now I spent my morning examining his records." Rooney said as we see him. "If Ferris thinks he can just coast through this month and still graduate he's sorely mistaken. I have no reservation whatsoever about holding him back another year."

"This is all news to me." Mrs Bueller said.

"Usually is. So far this semester he has been absent nine times." Rooney said.

"Nine times?" Mrs Bueller said.

"Nine times." Rooney said.

"I don't remember him being sick nine times." Mrs Bueller said.

"That's probably because he wasn't sick. He was skipping school. Wake up and smell the coffee Mrs Bueller. It's A fool's paradise he is just leading you down the primrose path." Rooney said.

"I can't believe it." Mrs Bueller said.

"I got it right here in front of me. He has missed nine days." Rooney said.

Then suddenly he saw the number of days going down all the way to 2 days. It was like the computer was hacked. Turns out it was Ferris who hacked the computer.

"I asked for a car I got a computer. How's that for being born under a bad sign?" Ferris said.

"it's A bad sign for you alright." Rainbow said.

Rooney saw this and was not happy.

"Grace?" He said gritting his teeth.

Grace was smelling the Whiteout and clearly wasn't paying attention to him.

"Grace!" Rooney yelled.

"Look I can give you every assurance Mr. Rooney, that Ferris is home and is very ill. In fact I debated whether or not I should leave him." Mrs Bueller said.

"GRACE!!" Rooney said get pissed.

"I can appreciate how this time of year children are prone to taking the day off. However, in Ferris' case I can assure you, he is truly A very sick boy." Mrs Bueller said.

Back at the house we see Ferris playing the clarinet and he wasn't really good at it. Rainbow covered her ears from that noise.

"Dude! Have you even played that before?!" Rainbow said.

"I never had one lesson Rainbow." Ferris said.

"Well that explains why that sounds awful." Rainbow said.

Back with the Rainbooms they were bored out of their minds from the test Flintheart gave them. After 3 hours they all finished the test. And the bell rang which meant everyone was free to go. They all sighed in relieve and headed outside. Once there they sat on the bleachers.

"Whoo! That's better! Tests are no fun!" Pinkie said.

"It's A test Pinkie. They can be fun but in your case yes that one was no fun." Twilight said.

"Though does anyone think that it's still weird that Rainbow didn't show up today?" Applejack said.

"You heard what Principal Celestia said. She's sick. Why do you find that weird? It happens to most people." Rarity said.

"Yeah im sure. I think im gonna call her just to see." Applejack said getting her phone.

"Can't you let her rest? Im sure she doesn't feel like talking right now." Fluttershy said.

"I'll let her rest. After I make sure she's telling the truth." Applejack said.

With Ferris and Rainbow they were dancing to some funky music. They loved grooving along to the beat and Rainbow was sure glad she met Ferris. He seem to know what he's doing. But then Rainbow's phone went off and Ferris stopped the music. She was scared that it was AJ calling her and needed to do something. Ferris took out a tool that made sick sounds and Rainbow started her call.

"Hey AJ. Im afraid I can't talk right now." Rainbow said acting all sick.

"Rainbow. I just wanted to see how your feeling. You ok hon?" Applejack said.

"No. I feel hot and my body's weak. Oh no. I think im gonna puke." Rainbow said as Ferris played a vomiting sound into the phone.

"Ohh ok. I didn't need to hear that. So you are sick?" Applejack said.

"Yes AJ. I told you." Rainbow said acting all sick.

"Ok hon. Im sorry for doubting you. I honestly thought you were faking it to bail on the test. But I can now see that you are telling the truth. I'll check on you later." Applejack said hanging up.

Rainbow hung up and laughed.

"She totally bought it! Usually no lie gets past AJ. Thanks for helping me keep my cover." Rainbow said.

"Anytime. Now let's prepare our day." Ferris said as they headed to call Cameron.

At a different high school we see Jeanie walking through the halls went another girl came to her.

"Jeanie?" She said getting her attention.

"Im really sorry about your brother." She said.

"What are you sorry for? I have to live with the trouser snake." Jeanie said.

"No I mean I heard he's really sick." The girl said.

"Whoa. Whoa. Who said he's sick?" Jeanie said.

"A whole bunch of people. They said he's like on the verge of death. This guy in my biology class said that if Ferris dies, he's giving his eyes to Stevie Wonder. He's such a sweetie. Got to go." The girl said leaving. But Jeanie still didn't believe it.

"Hi Jeanie." Another girl said.

"Shut up." Jeanie said walking away.

Now we see some freshman talking on the phone with Ferris.

"Please do not yank my cord on this. How desperate is the situation?" A freshman said.

"Well, did you see Alien? When that creature was in that guy's stomach? It kinda feels like that." Ferris said preparing his handy tools for making them believe he's sick. "Freshmen."

"Goddamn, are you kidding?" He said.

"No, of course im not kidding. Do I sound like im kidding?" Ferris said playing his sick noise piano.

"Who you talking to?" Another freshman said.

"Ferris Bueller. You know him?" The first one said.

"Yeah. He's getting me out of summer school." The third said.

"We appreciate you letting us know how you're doing. Gotta buzz. Keep a good thought dude." The lead freshman said.

"Thanks." Ferris said playing a vomiting sound.

"Shit. I hope he doesn't die. I can't handle summer school." The third freshman said.

"Wait hang out gimme someone else." Ferris said.

"Yeah sure. Hold on." The lead said as he gave the phone to a girl.

"Did you see Alien?" The lead said.

"Yeah? Why?" The girl said.

They didn't answer and left as the girl answered on the phone.

"Hello?" The girl said.

"Hi." Ferris said.

"Hi Ferris how's your bod?" The girl said.

Ferris played some sick noises as they went to the phone.

"Oh my god you're dying?" The girl said.

"Uh oh." Ferris said as he played more sick noises.

"Is it serious?" The girl said.

"I don't know. I hope not. I think I need a kidney transplant." Ferris said.

"Shit. Are you upset?" The girl said.

Ferris acted like he sneezed. "Excuse me."

"Think you'll be alive this weekend?" The girl said.

"Yeah I'd say I will." Ferris said.

"Great. Maybe I'll see you. Bye." The girl said hanging up.

Ferris smiled at the success of his plan going well so far. Rainbow can say the same.

"Dude you are a freaking genius!! I wish I had those tools back home! I could have gotten out of a lot of history tests years ago!" Rainbow said.

With Rooney and Grace in the office he was still thinking of a way to catch Ferris.

"I don't trust this kid any further than I can throw at him." Rooney said.

"Well with your bad knee Ed you shouldn't throw anybody." Grace said.

Rooney looked at Grace with a look.

"It's true." Grace said.

"What is so dangerous about a character like Ferris Bueller is he gives good kids bad ideas. The last thing I need at this point in my career is 1,500 Ferris Bueller disciples running around these halls. He jeopardizes my ability to effectively govern this student body." Rooney said.

"Well he makes you look like an ass is what he does Ed." Grace said.

Rooney frowned at that. "Thank you Grace. I think your wrong."

"Well, he's very popular Ed. The sportos and motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, wasteoids, dweebies, dickheads they all adore him. They think he's A righteous dude." Grace said.

"That is why I have got to catch him this time. To show these kids that example he sets is a first-class ticket to nowhere." Rooney said.

"Ed. You sounded like Dirty Harry just then." Grace said.

"Really? Thanks, Grace." Rooney said.

Back with Rainbow and Ferris they were still waiting for Cameron. But he wasn't there. Ferris was talking to him on the phone.

"Im serious man this is ridiculous. Making me wait around the house for you." Ferris said.

"Why can't you let me rot in peace?" Cameron said.

"Cameron this is my ninth sick day. If I get caught, I won't graduate. Im not doing this for me, im doing it for you and Rainbow." Ferris said.

"Do you know what my diastolic is?" Cameron said. Rainbow took the phone.

"Cameron! Stop being an asshole and be a man. Just take some Pepto-Bismol, get dressed and come on over here. We're getting tired of this stuff." Rainbow said.

"Shut up." Cameron said.

Then another call rang. "Hey Rainbow. Hold your water for a second, I got another call." Ferris said taking the phone.

"Hello?" Ferris said acting sick.

"Ferris?" Mr Bueller said.

"Hi." Ferris said.

"You sound terrible." Mr Bueller said.

"Really? Darn. I thought I was improving." Ferris said.

"Were you sleeping?" Mr Bueller said.

"Dad? Can you hang on for a second?" Ferris said.

"Sure pal." Mr Bueller said.

"Hang on." Ferris said.

Ferris went back to the call with Cameron.

"Cameron it's my dad." Ferris said.

"Oh great. Keep me out of it." Cameron said.

"If you're not over here in 15 minutes you can find a new best friend." Ferris said.

"You've been saying that since the fifth grade." Cameron said.

Then he went back to the call with his dad.

"Dad?" Ferris said fake sick.

"Yeah?" Mr Bueller said.

"All this talking has made me kind of light headed. I think I ought lie down." Ferris said.

"Take a hot bath and then wrap a hot towel around your head." Mr Bueller said.

"Wrap a hot towel around my head?" Ferris said.

"And then make yourself some soup. Get a nap. Okay?" Mr Bueller said.

"Okay." Ferris said.

"Hey Ferris?" Mr Bueller said.

"Yeah?" Ferris said.

"Love you pal." Mr Bueller said.

"I love you too." Ferris said as he hung up.

"Man im so disappointed in Cameron. Ferris I bet you $20 that he's sitting in his car debating about whether or not he should go out." Rainbow said.

Sure enough she was right. Cameron was sitting in the car debating about whether he should go. It was clear that he's frustrated with this.

"He'll keep calling me. He'll keep calling me until I come over. He'll make me feel guilty. This...this is ridiculous. Okay i'll go, i'll go, i'll go. Shit." Cameron said.

He started up the car but it wasn't cooperating. Then he just turned it off.

"Goddamn it!!" Cameron said.

He tried again but still not working.

"Forget it that's it." Cameron said as he got out. But then realized he's gonna walk over there now. He had no choice.

Back with Rainbow and Ferris they were still waiting. Hopefully that they wouldn't waste the day waiting.

"So Ferris? You got enemies to watch out for? I always had to watch out for that asshole Flintheart." Rainbow said.

"Well I watch out for Rooney. But im always one step ahead of him." Ferris said.

"I tell you are. If AJ was here she catch you in the act. No lies get pass her. But im so glad she isn't." Rainbow said.

"Yeah. Now let's wait for Cameron." Ferris said as they continued waiting for him so they can finally start the day.