Games and Treats

by Spyder27

First published

Sunset Shimmer can't stop playing games on Halloween. When she finally brings herself out of her room, she realizes just how long she's been inside. Now, it's up to a mischievous siren to get her out of the house~

Tis the month of Scream Fortress! For a gamer like Sunset, this means new fun game modes and cosmetics! Until it gets... boring. Sunset decides to take a small break from her game, but little does she know she won't be returning to her computer anytime soon.

Hello, everyone! Spooktober is here~ This story is part of my two year anniversary celebration! I started writing Sundagio content two years ago on October 15th. This is the second update out of three that I am posting on the anniversary. The first is the next chapter of A Dazzling Trio and the third is a story called Once Upon a Dream. Check them out! I am also using this story as an entry to the Sunset x Villain AU competition~ Have a great spooktober!

(Rated teen because of a potential butt grab. Credit to RileyAV for the cover art~)


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“Yo, who’s not moving the cart?” Scout yells at his teammates just as a bunch of flying bats materialize in his hand. Effortlessly, Scout throws the ball of bats towards a red Medic, laughing as if the sight is hilarious. Though, it probably is to him.

“Move that gear up!” Engineer yells just as Scout runs past him, stopping on the teleporter to the dismay of Soldier. Within a second, Scout appears at the front lines, all due to the Engineer’s handy device. Although, Scout could have made it here in two seconds, unlike literally any other mercenary.

Running around a corner, Scout’s eyes widen to the size of dinner plates just as four rockets fly towards him.

“Oh my… That’s the fifth time,” Sunset sighs, trying her best to keep her cool. Even though the respawn timer is only three seconds, it feels like an eternity when she keeps dying to new sentry nests. Of course, she could switch to Spy to take care of those machine guns, but she would be kidding herself. She isn’t great at Spy at all… “Could we switch to a different map? This one is so annoying,” Sunset mentions with a small roll of her eyes just as her Scout dies to a critical rocket. “Fucking random crits…”

“I mean, we have a contract for this map. I’d kinda like to complete it before we switch,” Twilight’s voice comes through Sunset’s headphones, a slight nervous tone to her voice. “I’m sorry you keep dying… Maybe you could try Pyro?”

“No, I just need a second to calm down,” Sunset responds with another sigh. “I’m going to make myself something to eat. I’ll be back.” Without waiting for her friend to respond, Sunset minimizes Team Fortress 2 and makes sure her Discord is muted. Standing up from her chair, Sunset takes a deep breath as she looks around her dark room. She could have sworn she just saw light outside her window, but the clock tells her a completely different story. In a way, the red-haired Equestrian can’t help but feel like she wasted the day, all for some new items. However, it is the last day of the Scream Fortress event and Twilight wants to finish the last few contracts on their list before the event is over.

Walking out of her room in nothing but a shirt and some underwear, Sunset chuckles at the realization that this is the first time she’s left her room all day. Has she really been grinding this whole time as Scout of all classes? No wonder she feels bored now. Stepping down the stairs, Sunset doesn’t bother to turn on the overhead lights. There’s enough natural light from the moon spilling in to let her see where she’s going. The kitchen is the area that benefits the most from the blue light. It’s almost beautiful to see a normally busy area at peace like this.

Opening her water bottle, Sunset presses it against the dispenser on the fridge door. A small yawn escapes her lips, making her realize just how tired she feels. Mostly due to boredom, to be fair. If she suggested playing any other game, Twilight would politely decline and say that she is going to finish the contracts. Still, the thought of leaving Twilight to her devices so that she could play Left 4 Dead 2 is appealing to the previous unicorn.

A slight breeze brushes against Sunset’s arm, making goosebumps run up towards her shoulder. Turning her gaze to the left, Sunset rolls her eyes. The window on the opposite side of the table is slightly ajar.

“How many times do I have to tell her to close this window when she leaves the house? I swear that siren doesn’t listen to any voice besides her own.” Sunset stops filling her bottle, walking around the table to close the window. Is it too much to ask Adagio to close one window? It almost makes Sunset rethink dating her. Although, she would be lying to herself if she said she didn’t love that siren. “She’s been out of the house for a while now,” Sunset whispers to herself, trying to remember when she saw her girlfriend last. It’s not unusual for Adagio to go out, especially on a holiday like Halloween. Still, a part of her misses that mischievous siren.

Walking back towards her bottle, Sunset briefly thinks about going out to find Adagio. Twilight would be able to finish the last contracts without her help. It would be more lonely for her, but Sunset could always explain that she needed to find her missing lover.

“Well, I technically don’t need to,” Sunset whispers with a small smile. “I want to.”

A creak stops Sunset’s thought process, looking around herself. For a moment, Sunset neglects breathing just so she can hear any additional sounds. Moving her foot, the creak echoes again, making Sunset look down.

“Since when has this floorboard been creaky?” Sunset asks herself in a joking tone, trying to calm herself down her beating heart.


Sunset immediately jumps backward, turning to the source of the sound. Her eyes look downward and notice a window cleaner fell from the counter. The can rolls into the hall, being submerged in shadow. Sunset’s quick breathing slows down, trying to rationalize what just happened. If Adagio was the one who placed the can too close to the edge, Sunset can’t help but imagine what she’d like to do as some sort of punishment.

“I don’t need scares like this on Halloween of all days due to her clumsiness,” Sunset states with a sigh, walking towards the hall. She slows down dramatically as she gets to the exit of the kitchen, looking down at the cleaning can with slight apprehension. Even though there’s nothing different about tonight than any other night, the fact that it’s Halloween has some effect on Sunset’s mind. There’s nothing different about this night. She’s not one who believes this day opens a gateway to hell. However, years of conditioning have made her a little suspicious of more eerie events on days like today. “Thanks, mom and dad,” she whispers to herself, finally bending over to grab the can.

Within a second, something grabs Sunset’s behind.

AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!” Sunset screams, jumping to side to try and get away. Her frantic eyes look back at whatever just tried to attack her. Surely this is because Adagio left that window open. Sunset’s breath halts as soon as her eyes focus…

In front of her, a tall witch looks down at her. Magenta eyes accompany a smug smirk as green magic briefly lingers around the red gem at the center of the witch’s necklace. A chuckle escapes her lips, making the fear in Sunset’s heart turn into anger.

“Boo,” Adagio whispers with a smile, seemingly proud of herself.

“Adagio!” Sunset exclaims with a frown, quickly getting up to her feet. “What the fuck are you doing?”

“Relax,” Adagio responds with her hands up. “There’s no reason to be angry. No one’s broken in.” Tearing open a small candy wrapper, Adagio tosses the gum drop into her mouth, a cheeky grin on her face.

“Still! Did you really have to do that?” Sunset asks her girlfriend, trying her best to not yell.

“Kinda. You’ve been stuck in your room all day. What better way to get you in the spirit of Halloween is there?” Adagio chuckles once more, walking towards Sunset. Wrapping her arms around Sunset’s neck, Adagio gives her puppy eyes without hesitation. “Come on, don’t tell me you plan on staying in the house on Halloween. There’s so much to do out there. Parties to crash. Candy to eat.”

“But today is the last day of Scream Fortress,” Sunset tries to object before Adagio places her finger on Sunset’s lips.

“You have played that game this whole month. I’ve heard you complain all day about it. Let your friend complete the event herself.” Dragging her finger along Sunset’s chin, Adagio plants a kiss firmly on her partner’s lips. For a moment, Sunset almost feels like this one kiss makes up for the scare she just experienced. However, Sunset knows deep down that it would take a few more to fully make up for that. “And you can spend some time with me. Out on Halloween night. How does that sound, my little pony? All it takes is one word~” The look in Adagio’s eyes is as tempting as a glass of water at the end of a long day’s work. Every one of her words latch onto Sunset’s mind, making Sunset’s breathing hitch for a few seconds. It’s true that she has been thinking about leaving the game and doing something else. Besides, she’d get some more time with her girlfriend.

“I’d need to take a shower,” Sunset mentions with a nervous giggle. Sunset’s eyes widen when she’s pushed towards the stairs by Adagio, wondering what brought on this energy.

“Come on then~ I’ll take a shower with you. Once our steamy shower is done, we can go get some candy, drink a bit, and run into a little trouble with the law.” Adagio laughs out loud at her own words, but Sunset can’t help but raise her eyebrow at them.

“What was that last part?”