Hitch Ships

by Snugglewarmscale

Hitch Trailblazer X Honey Bee (Pony X Gryphon)

A gryphon flew through the skies of Equestria; her feathers were yellow with black highlights around her eyes. She dived through a cloud as she exited the bottom she saw a town down below. It was the town of Maretime Bay. She smiled as she continued to dive towards the town. She spread her wings a moment later and glided, she scanned the crowds of ponies beneath her, searching for her prey. She soon found an easy target and swooped down into the crowds. She barley made any noise as she silently approached her target, she extended her fore-claws; the tips seemed to gleam in the sunlight. Then, in a single swift motion she grabbed hold of her prey.

Sparky squealed in delight. “WHEEEEEEEE!”

The gryphon giggled as she held the young dragon in her claws. He laughed his little head as he was taken into the sky. She heard his father yell. “Honey Bee!”

She turned herself around; holding Sparky in her claws as he continued to laugh. She hovered in the air for a moment, before she moved Sparky closer to her beak and said. “Fly to Daddy.”

Sparky growled in approval and then she let him go. He for a moment he free-fell; only to quickly open his small wings, he giggled and laughed as he glided down like a paper air plane. He slowly fell back to the ground, going round and round in a small circle, while his father got underneath to catch him. He squealed happily as he was caught by his father.

Hitch smiled happily as he hugged his baby, he said. “Good job, buddy.” He chuckled as the gryphon landed in front of them. He smiled at her and walked up to her, they hugged each other as Sparky purred happily in between them. As they broke the hug Sparky reached for her.

Honey smiled and said. “Come here, little guy.”

She took Sparky from Hitch, the little dragon purred happily as he buried his face in her chest. He giggled a little as her feathers tickled his little nose. She smiled and nuzzled the little dragon before he started to climb to her back. When he was settled Hitch walked up next to her, he gently nuzzled her before they started walking together. As they walked she unfolded one of her wings and draped it over Hitches back.

Hitch asked her. “How was your day at work?”

She replied. “Boring.” She nuzzled him again before asking. “How about you?”

He answered. “Just another day of reminding ponies to.” He noticed somepony miss a trashcan, before he could even say it, the pony had picked up their litter and properly threw it away. He smiled before he continued. “Keep their trash off the streets.”

Honey giggled again and they continued walking through the streets. It was rather hard to believe that the two of them had come this far in their relationship. They had started dating two years ago, it was shortly after the Gryphons had reunited with the ponies. Two years of dating and they were already living together in his home. Honey Bee not only loved him but she also loved his son. To her the little drake was as cute as a hatchling. There were times the little guy could be a clawfull, but she loved him like he was her own.

Hitch heard her yawn and asked. “Wanna go home and take a nap?” She nuzzled him in response. They turned down a street and started to head towards the station.

Hitch smiled lovingly at his son as he covered his tiny body with his blanket, his son purred happily while gripping his favorite toy close to his body. He chuckled a little before he walked away from the crib. He looked at the bed and saw his girlfriend resting peacefully. A smile was stretched across her beak, her feathers looked so soft and clean, he could also hear a small purr coming from her. He walked over to his side of the bed and gently crawled in. As he got comfortable he moved closer to Honey, when he was nose to beak with her she surprised him. Honey had wrapped her claws around him and pulled him closer to her. She rested her head in the crook of his neck, while her wings wrapped around him.

She commented. “Much better.”

Hitch chuckled before he nuzzled her, he replied. “You say that every time.” He kissed her on her forehead.

She replied. “Because it's true.” She shifted her position a little, now she was fully pressed against his body, and she had intertwined her tail with his.

Hitch loved snuggling with her, feeling her soft feathers pressed against him, while listening to her gentle purring, feeling her warmth. He used to think all of this was just a really good dream. But, now he accepted this reality and enjoyed every second of it.

He whispered. “I love you.”

She replied. “I love you too, Hitch.”

Sparky's eyes fluttered open and he looked around, he noticed that he was in his crib; he wondered when they got home. He could hear his dad and mom, turning his head he saw them resting in their bed. He babbled his baby talk as he stood up in his crib. He looked at them happily; while stretching his arm through the cribs bars. He whimpered a little, wanting one of them to come and pick him up. But, they remained in their bed. With a slightly growl he started to flap his wings. He watched his mother do this multiple times; maybe he could do it like she did, all he had to do was flap his wings. He flapped them harder and faster; they were practically buzzing. He giggled a little as he felt his feet leave his bed.

Honey looked over Hitch's shoulder and gasped. “Sparky!”

Hitch immediately sat up; thinking that his son was trying to climb out of his crib again. But, as he turned and looked he sat their shocked beyond belief. Both of them watch as the little dragon hovered over his crib, he was spinning in a small circle just above the top of the crib. Eventually, he somehow stopped himself from spinning and aimed himself for their bed. He giggled before he stretched his arms out and flew towards them. He moved at a flying turtle pace, but the little dragon was flying. For a moment he fell and nearly hit the floor. But, he was determined to fly towards them and he flapped his wings harder. He stopped just above the floor and flew back up.

Hitch watched as his baby flew to him, his tiny claws stretched out, and he was giggling none stop. When his baby was close enough; he reached out and grabbed him. Sparky laughed happily as he reached for his father. Hitch felt tears welling in his eyes. His son, his baby, he just flew on his own for the very first times. He didn't glide down like he would do when Honey would drop him. No, he kept himself in the air and flew to them.

Hitch sniffled before saying. “Oh, Sparky.” He pulled his son into a loving hug; he felt his son nuzzle his chest, while purring happily. He continued. “My baby is growing up.”

Honey bee smiled and gently rubbed the back of Sparky's head. When he became aware of her he reached out for her. She purred happily as she was handed him, she hugged him like a mother who just saw her child fly for the first time. Like Hitch, she was also proud of the little drake.

She spoke happily. “Good job, baby.”

Sparky nuzzled her only to yawn a shortly later, she noticed the sleepy look on his face, flying that far must have burned a lot of his energy. She looked at Hitch before both of them layed back down. All three of them rested peacefully in the bed now. Sparky was snuggled in between the two; while they happily wrapped their arms around him and each other.