Nowhere, Never

by amastelaire

A tchat with a maker

This was clearly a test, I didn’t know what prompted this ”friendly” wolf to jump on me, but it wasn’t here to joke around, at least not anymore.

Sigh, A fight was exactly what I needed to wake up.
I am not the best at quick-time reaction, and I can say that its first hit got me right in the muzzle, and I was not expecting so much raw strength coming from something made out of, well, shadows.

I was now upside down, the wolf facing me on the other side of the room, showing its teeth like it was trying to make me cower. But jokes on you, terrestrial shadow-monster, because I am a pegasus, and I can fl–



Yeah… maybe I won’t try flying for this fight.
But, to be honest, the sound was so loud it seemed to leave the wolf dazzled. The poor creature seemed unable to even flinch for at least a full twenty seconds.

And twenty seconds were enough to give me back the upper hand, the enemy wasn’t the most resistant either, as a single it punched a hole through its smoke-like body, promptly sending it back to reality and waking it up from whatever mode my crash had put it in.

The wolf tanked a few kicks before finally turning back into puffs of smoke, which dissipated quite quickly afterward, only leaving behind its broken eyes-orbs, which also melted away into nothingness, lasting only a few seconds longer than the rest. Safe to assume I had just killed it, or at least incapacitated him for a while.

This win was answered by a loud shifting sound, coming through one of the wall, where the black shifted to white, before totally disappearing, leaving an opening to the hallway behind.

The white hallway was still white, even after all the time that had just passed, the only difference were some mirrors placed sparsely across the walls.

A few mirrors could seem loke not that big of a deal, but it was the first time I was able to fully see myself, a light gray pony, its coat close to the that of a stone, with two larges wings merged at its sides, making it a pegasus, its mane a pure orange, like the one of a pumpkin, with a single streak of oak brown across it, two fiery piercing eyes, colored by an orange similar to its mane, if not a little brighter, and on its flank, no cutie mark, at least yet.

It's a little weird to not have a cutie mark, especially when you are a fully grown pony, it felt like I should have one, but I can’t remember anything I’ve ever been particularly good at. It was unnerving.

The corridor was still going in both direction, I could either go back to the place I started, the “SPAWNPOINT” as called in the note, or I could go deeper, the next door seeming only a few dozens steps from here.

“Hello?” a voice called.
“Is this working? You should be able to hear me.” Called the voice again.

“Are you… what’s the name again? Stargazer?” I answer, sending back a question to the strange voice.

“Well, Yes. I go by Stargazer here. I needed to talk to you in person after that weird interaction you and the wolf had. It really didn’t go as planned.”

“Yeah! What was all this nonsense?” I almost yelled “What did it mean by ‘made’?”

“Slow down, Slow down” Stargazer answer, his voice slightly wavering “One thing at a time. First, I am sorry about all of this, well, mess, there is no other way too put it, I did not think you would wake up this soon, and nothing was ready.”

“And is that why everything was strangely proportioned?” I asked.

“Oh, that, humm… I may have spent too much time here and forgot what a pony place look like… not my proudest moment, that’s certain.”

“What do you mean?”

“Anyway, you look quite stunning, and you made all of this by yourself! This is more impressive when you know that…”


“That you are inside a story, that I’m writing”

“What does this me–“

“You still exist, Nebula, you are not just a random puppet I can play with, you made who you are by yourself. That was what the trials were supposed to be for, to see who you truly are, but now I guess there is no reason to go on with them anymore…”

“Wait, Who’s Nebu–“

I didn’t get to finish my sentence than the ground was already shaking, the randoms walls around me faded into the grounds and as all disappeared, the white, the black, the mirrors, the buzzs and the hums, it finally felt calm, everything replaced by grass, an endless grass field stretching across the infites.

A long pause aired in the air before Stargazer said “Well, now we’re getting to serious business, and you’ll need to meet somepony for that.”