Origin Of The Big Bad Grffon Bird

by DisneyBird64

First published

Based on The True Story Of The Three Little Pigs by Jon Scieszka

History of this idea: This all started as early as 1st grade (I'm an 8th grader and started writing on this site in 7th grade) I joined a three little pigs club (Don't know why something so specific had its own separate club) we never did much in that class, only watched a reading of The True Story of The Three Little Pigs, and tried to build a straw house, don't think we ever got it finish)

I forgot about that for a long time until I wrote Twilight Sparkle and Friends and after I released The Three Young Creatures chapter which reminded me of The True Story of The Three Little Pigs book, but that idea was debatable, since it wasn't Disney related and only somewhat of an original idea it had new elements but overall the same story as the book.

The origin of The Big Bad Griffon formerly known as Gallus and it is not what you expect as opposed to most stories. Despite the source not being Disney related it still takes place in The Twilight and Friends universe

The Cake

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Here's the thing about griffons, were actually nothing like how ponies and overall any other Equestrian creature portrays us.

I'm The Big Bad Griffon formerly known as Gallus to clear things up we griffons are not aggressive, have an appetite for living non-griffon creatures, powerful roars and blow down houses. In fact i'll go as far as to say that the whole reason that a portrayal of us exists and the reason we are not allowed in populated areas is because of me.

I'll get to all that later, in reality we griffons are aggressive but only towards each other and only roar were frustrated or upset usually at each other and the blowing house things, seem to either be from the fact that our huts have to often be rebuilt due to over usage or more likely it was just something that stemmed from what I did.

While it is true that we do, hunt and feed on other non-griffons, these creatures are actually bunnies, rabbits, squirrels, wolves, pigs, rats antelopes, cattle etc, and it not our fault we like to eat innocent little creatures it just how are, live, survive etc.

Not only do we not hunt ponies, dragons, hippogriffs and other Equestrian creatures, the reason why they consider us rare creatures is cause we don't like outsiders coming into Griffonstone or like being around other creatures. With all that cleared up, my main point is that the reason why i'm like this and hate other creatures espically Twilight Sparkle and those Three Young Creatures is because of a experience that happened a while ago.

I woke up in my bed, not only did I feel groggy, I also felt way more tired than usual and nauseous. I could already feel my throat soaring and my nose clogged, runny and a bit itchy, I was sick and knew this day would be miserable to get through. My parents were still asleep and my sister Gilda had left somewhere.

I checked my calendar and saw that today was my mom's birthday, I wasn't that surprised since I would often forget my family's birthday until I checked my calendar. I decided to make a cake, I would basically do this for all the birthdays since I couldn't think of anything else to give, but I felt like this basic cake routine was getting a bit to repetitive and boring, but at the same time I didn't want to make this harder than it already was with my cold/

I grabbed all the main cake ingredients, and looked into the recipe book, I had bookmarked the page where the vanilla cake recipe was but when I flipped to it turns out I bookmarked the page behind it, I was about to flip back only for this page to catch my attention

The cake on the page looked eye-catching and divine, This cake had one basic ingredient flour and 6 unique ingredients that were in a different font which empathized their uniqueness. The first 3 special ingredients were a griffonstone which were widely available here, a bottle of liquid love, a can of yak food, which my parents had obtained during a hunting trip. the love was just a basic pink liquid, not a love potion and yak food was just a can of mystery mush that tasted good.

I threw the first 3 into the flour but the last 3 ingredients were ones I've never seen before, they were a cup of gold dust found on Mount Aris, the hippogriff kingdom, a rare rock candy ruby or gem found in Canterlot the pony kingdom, and 3 dragon eggs found on The Dragonlands, the dragon kingdom.

I sighed tried to clear my throat, twitched my nose and started pondering whether I should try to bake this cake or not. Eventually I just went screw it, grabbed my recipe book, flour mix, spread my wings out and took off into the sky out of Griffonstone and onto a quest to collect these last 3 ingredients.

My first stop was at the hippogriff kingdom, I flipped to the page which illustrated a cup of this gold dust there was a large amount of steps to build a contraption to catch the dust. Not wanting to read all that I ripped that part of the page out, rolled it up into a ball and threw it where a gust of wing caused it to hit a pink hippogriff in the back of the head, who was currently fishing.

The paper ball caused the hippogriff to yank her fishing rod with a clam on it back it was somehow long enough to hit me directly in the beak.

"Oh sorry about that, the paper ball broke my focus, you see I love collecting seashells and clams." the pink bird then looked inside the clam and found a pearl inside, she then threw the clam into a treasure chest.

"Hey I know this might be a bit weird to ask, but do you know a way to collect a cup of gold dust?" I asked holding a measuring cup in my claw.

"Oh yeah of course, you can collect the gold dust at the top of Mount Aris, but you'll have to ask Seaspray for permission cause if you trespass you'll be shot down like this." the hippogriff snapped her claws, which at first left me confused by then realized she meant how fast they'll shoot you.

I sighed, tried to clear my throat, but when I twitched my nose i let out a sneeze which knocked the pink hippogriff's chest of clams back into the pond. "COME BACK!" the hippogriff yelled putting a snorkel mask on and diving into the pond.

I arrived at what I assumed was the building this Seaspray was at, it was made out of concrete unlike all the other houses in this hippogriff kingdom, there was no guards at the entrance which was weird. I knocked on the door and waited a few seconds. No response, i knocked again the same thing, I thought third time's a charm and knocked again and still no response.

I got annoyed and started to think about trespassing to the top, trying to find a way to bypass the laser that could shoot me, when I felt my nose itch, not wanting to wreck a hippogriff house I ended up sneezing at the concrete building, which created a huge dust cloud once it all cleared up I found out that a hippogriff was inside it was a blue hippogriff with a white mane, who seem to have been crushed under the debris and stopped moving.

Since I haven't eaten anything all day I made a difficult decision and chose to eat the hippogriff, since it looked pretty dead. I also noticed that the security lasers seem to have been deactivated I assumed when the building collapsed. I wiped my nose, flew to the top, collected the cup of gold dust, added it to the mix and crossed it out.

My cold had calmed down a little by the time I had arrived at my next destination was the pony kingdom more specifically a place called Canterlot, where the rare candy gemstone could be found, the page described it as about the size of a ball, sugar coating and extra shiny appearance.

Near the entrance of Canterlot there was a stand with rock candy, i grabbed a pack that had sugar coating and was extra shiny but wasn't the right size so I threw it aside. The next one was the size of a ball but no sugar coating or shiny appearance, every other piece I grabbed had something wrong about it and was never an exact match.

Annoyed, I used all my strength to rip the stand out of the ground, threw it where it unintentionally hit 2 earth pony tourists.

"You do realize those are just souvenirs." I turned around and found a sand colored, seaweed green maned earth pony, in full miner attire along with a miner helmet, behind him he carried a container full of gemstones. "Hey by any chance do you have a rare rock candy gemstone?"

"I don't unfortunately, the mine containing those type of gems were emptied out a long time ago, pretty sure they're government owned now." My eye twitched from the pony's explanation of another government owned ingredient, I sneezed which almost knocked the miner's container of gemstones.

"HEY! Watch the gemstones." he says having saved all his treasure from falling to the ground and shattering, he tips his helmet off to me and then walks off.

I walked to the entrance of the castle and there were 2 ponies dressed in camouflage clothing and held guns, as soon as they spotted me they pointed their weapons at me.

"Sorry but no pony just walks into Canterlot" one soldier said pointing his free hoof as a sign for me to leave. As I walked back away from the entrance a delivery truck drove by and dropped a basket containing a sheep skin, which gave me an idea.

"Hey I think you dropped one." I heard one of the entrance soldiers inform the driver, he rolled his eyes and with the help of the other soldier unknowingly carried me into Canterlot castle.

Once the coast was clear and the soldiers had left, I jumped out of the sheep skin and immediately found a rock candy ruby inside a chest plate of gold armor which was weird since this place had new type of security. As soon as I grabbed the chest plate off the rack an alarm went off.

"He's trying to steal Equestrian history!" a grey unicorn, with a black mane and bulletproof vest yelled leading a group of armed soldiers. Not wanting to be shot to death i tried to find a exit but there was not windows or doors in sight so I wiggled I nose and let out a sneeze I thought it was just gonna create a hole but instead it caused the entire castle to collapse.

I hid under the armor rack and found that not only was the armor unharmed but also the rack, I guessed the armor was a lot stronger than it looked so I put it on. All the soldiers were crushed in the collapse and feeling hungry again I found that the unicorn looked pretty dead so just like the hippogriff I ate him.

I placed the rock candy ruby into the mix and crossed it off and headed off to the final location the dragon kingdom or The Dragonlands, but unlike the other 2 locations this one actually provided a challenge for me, cause this one had extreme head, don't think I had ever sweated so much in my life.

Despite this huge setback I pushed on, trying to draw as little attention to myself as possible to avoid encounters with dragons.

All of a sudden a dragon grabbed me and placed me into a chair which was hooked up into an entire contraption which seemed to detect something with my voice.

"I've never seen you around, which makes you perfect for my lie detector prototype test." The dragon in question was an orange one in full construction attire, this time with a container of blueprints "Question 1 is war bad?"

"Uh yes" I responded that sound clip was replayed on a phonograph and then was sent through and entire scientific process, with beakers, liquids, and electricity which eventually ended up at a machine which detected my answer to the question as a lie.

"You aren't actually lying ARE YOU?!" she demanded holding a mechanical claw which held a brush covered in soap "NO!" I responded, leaning back against the seat and starting to sweat a little, the lie detector picked that up and in the end also detected my statement as another lie.

"Must be an error on my part I apologize for that, Frostbite darn it! I still don't have it right." the dragoness then rips up one of her blueprints up, pulls me out of the chair, picks it up and flies off with it.

After that was all over I headed towards the biggest cave and luckily the dragon eggs weren't government owned in fact didn't think this place had a government just a ruler. I saw 3 dragons eggs inside a small lava pool, i reached for them only for my claw to be frozen.

"Ice in a lava kingdom?" I asked myself before a dragon made completely out of ice, eyes glowing blue and mist coming out his body landed in front of me.

"So you really think you can steal our young and get away with it? Name's Frostbite the dragon lord." He introduced himself, then pulling out a staff with a red crystal on it.

"I've heard about the destruction you've caused from my fellow allies, a hippogriff named Skybeak was covering for Seaspray, while he was at meeting with me and Bulletproof, the unicorn's undertaker told me about you." Frostbite explained leaving me completely shocked, of course I knew exactly how to get out of this situation, I wiggled my nose but I didn't feel anything, I tried again and then again with the thought that third times a charm, I eventually concluded that my cod had somehow gone away by it self.

"Leave the Dragonlands before my patience drains" Frostbite warned me, I walked away disappointed and pondering weather i should just use normal eggs, just make a vanilla cake or just make my mom a birthday card "Beat it you lionbird"

"Lionbird?...LIONBIRD I'LL SHOW YOU A LIONBIRD'S ROAR!" At that moment something inside me seemed to snap, my pupils turned from blue to red and then I let out a powerful roar which was enough to send the dragon leader through the back of the cave and when I looked out the hole, turns out he had landed in a lava pool and since lava and ice cancel each other out the lava turned to obsidian which also froze 2 dragons hanging out in the pool.

After I had cracked the dragon eggs, added them to the cake batter and left the cake for my mom back in Griffomstone, I returned to kingdoms,I now hated the hippogriffs, ponies and espically the dragons for having to make me go all through that just to bake The Kingdom Cake, so I went crazy destroying multiple buildings in each of the kingdoms, which ended up making headlines in all of the kingdoms.

I returned to Cantelrot, the castle already half reconstructed. I hid behind a wall where neither the soldiers or the castle security system would detect me, I heard the unicorn which I assume was Bulletproof, and had somehow come back to life talking about a social experiment that involved sending 3 creatures out into a flat terrain to go live on their own. I opened a map of Equestria and found an area which was near the Everfree Forest that was considered a pretty flat terrain. I knew this was my chance to get revenge on the 3 tribes, by eating their representatives.

I even went as far as to legally change my name from Gallus to The Big Bag Griffon which for some reason Griffonstone allowed.

And that's my story, why i'm like this, why i'm considered unique among the griffons, the reason were portrayed as dangerous and aggressive. Although this incident and my change in personality had caused me and my family to grow further apart, Gilda still visits me and sometimes helps me with my schemes and I still stay in touch with my parents.