Personal Journal of Prosoma Glare

by ProsomaGlare

First published

My life during my time at the hive under her majesty queen Bhramari and beyond .

Hello, I am Prosoma Glare. If you stumble upon this journal, please refrain from destroying it as it contains my life in the hive under Her Majesty Queen Bhramari and beyond.

Entries One and Two

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Greetings, if you have somehow acquired this book from my possession, as you probably already know my name is Prosoma Glare just your average changling and I am one of the many archivists in the Everthrive hive under the rule of Her Majesty Queen Bhramari.

After my superiors realized I was not at all good at the lying part of being a harvester, or the deception of an infiltrator. I was placed alongside many of my brothers and sisters in the grand archive of the hive to help ensure that the history of the hive and all of its knowledge is well maintained preserved well organized and most importantly of all readable

This job includes repairing damaged books and re-doing the words if they start to fade. Repairing the covers of the books if they get damaged and ensuring that the books are in their proper sections and shelves. Oh, the shelves do you know how often they break? Far too often for my tastes, we go thru so much wood.


Among the many different sections. I work by myself in the section containing information on emotion harvesting and the various techniques that were developed over history by our ancestors, as well as the scientific and thaumaturgic processes behind the process of extracting emotions. While it is a rather grueling process and it is necessary that doesn't mean it isn't rather boring.

I am writing in this journal because one of my brothers who is named Costa, suggested it to me so I could burn some time as not much happens here aside from the occasional visitor. I do believe he is right, as I have been writing for over an hour now. Oh, and Costa is one of the lings working in the biology section. I say one of them as it is one of the most extensive sections in this Library as our shapeshifting requires us to have at least some knowledge of the form we wish to change into.

Nonetheless, I must get back to work not that I will be doing much other than standing around. If I think of something worth being written down and shared I shall see you in the next entry if I do write another one. Maybe I should read some of the books in my care it might be fun.


It has been 5 days since my first entry and I have started to go through the texts on emotion harvesting specifically storage after they are extracted. They are quite interesting in the past emotions were stored inside large gemstones as they were conducive to thaumic energy and could store it for a long time.

Nowadays however love is stored inside jelly which is distributed by however much the queen declares you will receive. I have created a copy of a sketch of one of these crystals.

#There is a sketch of the aforementioned crystal adhered to the page#

I find it quite beautiful myself, I wonder why we switched from this to the jelly.

On another note, I have overheard somelings talking about how the harvested amount of love seems to have been decreasing. I have yet to see the reports myself but I can taste the anxiety in the air, as I have the authority as the archivist on emotional harvesting I can try and get a bit more information if only to calm my nerves.

So about 5 minutes after I wrote the last few words, my friend Reduvius came by, reduvius is a harvester so I decided to ask her about the rumors about the lower amount of harvested love, her response was unsettling here is the transcript of what we discussed.

Prosoma's POV
That should do it I thought as I finished the paragraph. I slump down in my chair realizing I need a new thing to entertain me. *Huh now what maybe I can read some more of the books in my care* I am snapped out of my moping by some whisper yelling coming toward me from a voice I recognize.

???: "Hey, are you there, Prosma?"

Prosma:*Wait a second is that* "Is that you, Reduvius?" I ask aloud

As an average-looking changeling rounds the corner, we recognize each other almost immediately. She approaches me with a smirk on her muzzle and says, "Hey, I've been looking for you." I asked why, as we didn't have any plans as far as I knew. Reduvius chuckles and responds, "Do I need a reason to visit a friend?"

I let out a mixed sigh and chuckle, realizing something important. "Hey, Reduvius, can I ask you something?" I asked, hoping to gain more knowledge about the love harvest situation.

"Sure, what's up?" Reduvius replied, sounding confused.

"I wanted to talk to you about the rumors," I said, adopting a serious tone.

"Which rumors?" Reduvius responded, sounding concerned.

I glanced around to make sure we were alone, then leaned in and whispered, "The rumors about a decrease in the amount of love being brought in."

Reduvius hissed in shock, "How did you find out about that?" She quickly covered her mouth, realizing her mistake.

I responded by telling her "As archivists, we collect all types of information, including rumors. And as far as the rules are concerned I have the authorization to know," I explained.

Reduvius sighed and sat down on the floor. "What do you want to know?" she asked, looking up at me.

"Are the rumors true?" I asked, meeting her gaze.

"Yes, unfortunately they are," Reduvius replied grimly.

I stood there for a moment, feeling distressed, before muttering "Buuuuuuuuuuck." After regaining my composure, I asked Reduvius if she knew why this was happening.

She shook her head and replied, "Unfortunately no, and as far as I know noling dose."

At that point, we switched topics to something a bit more light-hearted but that isn't important.

That concludes the transcript. I need to think of ways to undo or even just mitigate the damage the lower love income will cause so this concludes this entry.

Entries Three and Four

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It has been around two days since my previous entry. I have been frantically looking over tens of hundreds of the books in my section of the archive for a reason as to why the amount of love being harvested is dropping. but I have had no luck in finding a reason throughout my questioning of the harvesters by somewhat abusing my authority to do so. None of them have changed how they are harvesting nor have they changed to different targets. So there shouldn't be a change at all in the quantity of love. Unless some of it is being stolen or perhaps someling's cover is blown.

Well, it doesn't matter what the reason is. the amount of love is declining and I need to think of a solution. As I am writing this I am also pouring over the records of emotional harvesting to see if ....... That may work. According to this record one harvester tried to take some emotions from a plant out of boredom to see if it would work and it surprisingly did , but produced only a small amount of emotion so no further experimentation was done. I wonder if the amount varies from plant to plant. This requires further research but how would I get ahold of plants? Maybe I could ask Aphid.

Anyway I have much to do so this shall be the end of this entry


It was only 7-8 hours ago that I finished the previous entry and I have acquired 3 different flowers from the botany department, more specifically from my sister Aphid who is one of the heads of the botanists, she gave me the flowers after I told her what I was planning to do with them, the three flowers are a Carnation, a Purple hyacinth and an Orange Lilie I shall be performing my experiments in that order.

EXPERIMENT 1: Carnation.
The diameter of the bloom is 7cm. Its coloration is a pinkish red and the center is yellow. The stem is 84cm long and is bright green. The care process of the carnation is first Carnations should have four to six hours of sunlight a day. secondly, it is to be Watered two to three times a week, and third To promote reblooming you are to remove any dying blooms or leaves.

I shall proceed with the extraction of emotions from the flower.

Result, It tastes similar to love however it also has the taste of arrogance. I hypothesize that if a large enough field is made it could be an acceptable substitute for the lost love, to be further investigated.

EXPERIMENT 2: Purple hyacinth.

The main plant is 243.84 cm wide and The height of the plant is a titanic 518.16cm, the individual bulbs are 6 inches deep, and 5 inches apart. The stem is a bright green
which fades into purple petals with a white bulb near the end. The purple hyacinth
is a bit more complicated in its care the first part should be obvious Don't overwater the plant ,secondly Fertilize the bulbs with bulb food in the spring when the leaves emerge and then again in the early fall. third Add compost to the soil after it blooms. Fourth allow the leaves to stay on the plant for six weeks after they bloom. finally a note for its environment the cold isn't a problem for this plant.

I shall proceed with the extraction of emotions from the flower.

#The page seems to have gotten wet as the ink seems smudged#

Result while the emotions given off of the flower are edible and in great amounts.
..... it does have some unexpected effects mainly the influence of emotions. Upon consuming the emotions of the flower I was suddenly overwhelmed by great amounts of sorrow.

I hypothesize that if only a hoofull of petals is drained instead of an entire bulb. The effect will be diminished enough so that although the consumer will feel large amounts of sorrow they will not be curled up on the floor for half an hour crying. the reason I am considering this is that the emotions while not as filling as love. It does give large amounts of nutrition, I may want to look into why I am affected by negative emotions and not positive ones. Well, that is a question for later. Now on to the final experiment which I will document on the next page.

EXPERIMENT 3:Orange Liliy.
The diameter of the bloom is 7cm, its coloration is a bright orange the stem is 120 cm long, and is a bright green. the care process for this flower is.

it needs regular watering to thrive. They do best in long-lasting, direct light and should be less than 1 foot from a source of light. Orange Lily likes soil that is well-draining. Your plant shouldn't need added fertilizers if you move it each time it doubles in size.

I shall proceed with the extraction of emotions from the flower.

#The rest of the page seems to be covered in a black substance that has the consistency of dried mucus mixed with vomit #

#The third experiment results are written on the next page#

You may be wondering what the substance covering the rest of the previous page is, Well it is the result of my consuming emotions from the Orange Lilie. it had some unexpected side effects and helped me realize something. If love keeps us alive and healthy then Hate is like a poison. There were always reports of Hatred not agreeing with our biology but not to this extent.

If you are wondering what I mean by that it's best I tell what happened when I consumed the hate. When I consumed the hate I felt powerful more powerful than I have ever felt I'm my life but that only lasted for a few seconds. After that, I felt pain, so much pain. The substance on the previous page was me, parts of my carapace quite literally melted off of me. I was able to use the
Carnation and the emotions stored inside heal most of my wounds but not all of them.

The holes in my carapace the ones all changelings have are wider now it's not that noticeable but if you were to look at them for a few seconds you would be able to tell.

Talk to Aphid and have all Orange Lilie flowers separated from all other flowers. They may be dangerous but the power boost I felt at first should be looked into.

Anyway, this is the end of this entry, I need to lie Down I am still aching from the previous ordeal although my wounds are healed I am still mentally drained, goodnight.

Entries Five and Six

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It has been a week since my previous entry. As I am writing this, I am bedridden from the effect of hate on my body. I can still vaguely feel my chiton melting I know it isn't but the pain is still there. Another unexpected result of the hate interacting with my body is that my body composition seems to have changed. No, I don't think that's the right word changed I mean it has just not completely. It's just more flexible it's just as durable I can just move in ways I couldn't before.

Speaking of the hate as I have been bedridden, I have been investigating why the flowers gave me the emotions they did.
Goodness, that took a while. At first, I thought it was like love impressions. If you somehow don't know what that is, it is the phenomenon where when a being makes something and feels passionate about it they imbed their passion into the object they feel that passionate about.

For example, if a doll maker is crafting a doll but to them, it is just another doll there will be no impression made. Alternatively, if the doll maker is making a doll and feels strongly about the doll those strong feelings will be imprinted into the doll.

However, I was wrong it wasn't that phenomenon that affected the flowers.
So I looked through every book on flowers I had available thankfully I didn't need to go past book 46 when I found a lead. While it was unassuming at first as it was a book on flower arrangement and the meaning behind them. When a phrase caught my eye Flower language or Floriography and while it took a while I found what it meant.

Floriography or flower language is. The art of floriography is that every flower carries its special meaning or symbolism, which can also be influenced by its variety and color. Some flowers even take on a new meaning depending on the number.

That made me curious so I looked at the three simple flowers I got in terms of flower language and here are their meanings in the same order as the experiments.

While the meaning changes depending on the color. at its heart, the basic carnation flower means embracing the ideas of fascination, distinction, and love. The love aspect of the carnation includes everything from a mother's devoted love to a suitor's passion for his bride.
No wonder I liked this flower so much it is practically the plant of love

Purple hyacinth
Purple hyacinths can symbolize multiple things, including sorrow and a desire for forgiveness. The fragrant purple blooms could be a way to let others know you're thinking about them after a death in the family.
Essentially the Purple hyacinth is the flower of mourning.

Orange Lilie
There are lots of colors of lilies, however, the one color that you should stay away from is orange. Orange lilies can symbolize hatred, pride, disdain, and contempt.
No wonder it almost killed me after consuming emotions from this. It is in all practicality an anti-changling flower. Maybe the reason my body is like this is that the carnation's remaining love couldn't nullify the Orange lilies's hate
causing more changes that affected me more than the widening of the holes in my legs.

These connections have to mean something they can't be a coincidence I shall be ending this entry I need to test this more until then.


It has been two days since my last entry. While I haven't had the time to further my research into the connection between the emotions flowers give off and flower language. I have found something just as interesting it is called memory shards.

A memory shard is an odd bit of magic. What it does is take a copy of a memory and preserve and store it for viewing. How do I view it I hear you ask well there are multiple ways.

The first is to stick It into a projector causing the memory to play against a solid surface. The second and more common way is to channel a minuscule amount of magic into it causing you to see the memory from the point of view of the one the memory belongs to. the third way is a mix of the previous two it is where the creator of the memory shard creates a condition. Which if it is fulfilled will cause the memory to play on the surface the memory shard is on. I am also working on a fourth way like that of a camera that the ponies use.

Here why don't you try?
#bellow is what you assume is a memory shard which starts to glow and begins to play on the page#

The image is that of a wooden desk with a few notes strewn about it. A voice rings out from the crystal. "Hello is this thing working?" The voice asks "Ah well I'm going to assume it is always if you have not heard my voice before here it is nothing special is it." A Changling hoof is placed on the desk "Well while I am doing this I might as well show what happened to my body from my admittedly idiotic experiment." Another hoof comes into view and points at the holes in the other hoof with a ruler "See how this hole is 5 inches wide before the experiment it was only 2 inches if that granted this hole had the most growth but all others grew at least half an inch to 2.5 inches. Anyway, I had best wrap this up if I didn't explain it already these memory shards have a time limit determined by their size and purity. This is Prosoma Glare Signing off" With those words, the crystal shard stops glowing and the images dissipate.

That was your crash course on memory shards. While I do wish to write more I have finally gotten permission to do my experiments on a larger scale so I must begin planning I shall write again when I have the time until my next.