Toadal Magic Island

by Starlight Fan

First published

What if Toad invites twenty citizens from the land of Equestria to compete for 1,000,000 bits instead of bringing in competitors for the Mushroom Kingdom. Find out what would happen on a brand new version of Toadal Magic Island!

What if Toad invites twenty citizens from the land of Equestria to compete for 1,000,000 bits instead of bringing in competitors for the Mushroom Kingdom. Find out what would happen on a brand new version of Toadal Magic Island!

(I do not own Toadal Drama Island Returns, all credits go to Toadal Drama Official. This takes place after Season 8 Episode 26 of MLP:FIM)

Disharmony Is Magic Part 1

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The episode begins with an uncharted island being filmed with a Mushroom headed creature named Toad standing on the dock of said island before smiling at the cameras, “Hello everyone! I’m not gonna introduce myself because you’re not stupid. Welcome to Toadal! Magic! Island! Here’s the dealio. Originally we were going to get some of the Mushroom Kingdom inhabitants to compete here but there are complications due to a bunch of stuff you don’t wanna hear about so we brought in twenty competitors from Equestria instead. Should be fun for me and not so fun for them.”

Suddenly a fat green Shy Guy was seen falling into the Dock Of Shame to which Toad just turned to him pessimistically, “Yeah just roll the opening sequence Bobei. Time is money, the money you're not getting anytime soon."

"The view is nice, señor snuggles." Bobei said weakly.

(After theme song)

The episode continued on with Toad and Bobei looking to be in an argument with each other.

“But I thought you picking up the contestants." Toad said in shock.

"I was." Bobei replied, “But I accidentally went through the entire Bob-omb factory, and the entire van blew up."

“WHAT?!” Toad asked incredulously, “That was rental, I was gonna throw it in the river, but you blew it up. Great Bobei, just great!”

Suddenly Trixie and Starlight fell from the sky and onto the Dock Of Shame with Trixie landing on top of Starlight.

“Ow…” Starlight grunted painfully.

“Thanks for breaking my fall Starlight.” Trixie chuckled nervously.

“Trixie… just zip it…” Starlight rolled her eyes in annoyance as the two finally got up.

“And our first two contestants are Starlight and Trixie who surprisingly fell from the sky somehow.” Toad raised an eyebrow in confusion.

“Trixie wanted to teleport us here herself from the boat and before I could stop her, she went ahead and did it.” Starlight explained to which Trixie bashfully looked away at.

“Well as long as you’re not dead, that means you can compete, which means more episodes, which means I get paid.” Toad smiled, always looking on the “bright” side.

“Right.” Starlight rolled her eyes.

The first boat to show up was Rarity and Sweetie Belle’s and Rarity immediately began to feel uneasy once she stepped hoof on the island.

“So… this is the place?” Rarity asked half-heartedly.

“Yep. This is the island alright. Aren’t you excited?” Toad asked happily.

“Ecstatic.” Rarity smiled politely but her eye was clearly twitching at the prospect of being here while Sweetie Belle just rolled her eyes at her sister’s behavior.

Confessional: Sweetie Belle

“Y’know, I know Rarity‘s my sister and all, but she could have a better attitude than this. I mean c’mon. This place can’t be that bad.” Sweetie Belle smiled optimistically.

Confessional Ends

Another boat soon arrives with Spike, Pinkie Pie, Cheese Sandwich, Applejack, Applebloom, Scootaloo, Twilight Sparkle, and Prince Blueblood.

“Woohoo! We’re finally here! It’s time to par-tay!” Pinkie Pie cheered excitedly.

“I agree there.” Cheese smiles before high-fiving Pinkie.

“This… isn’t a party show…” Toad reminded the party ponies with visible signs of confusion.

“Excuse me, but I must ensure that this place is proper for a prince.” Blueblood began complaining snootily, “After all, somepony with such high caliber as myself would surely not be caught mingling in this dirt infested island and-“

“Don’t mind him. He’s been yapping like this for hours.” Applebloom rolled her eyes.

“Yeah, it’s gotten really old.” Scootaloo grunted.

“Sorry bub, you signed a contract. You’re pretty much stuck here.” Toad said in annoyance which caused Blueblood to scoff before walking over to the dock.

Right on cue, the next boat to show up was with Rainbow Dash, Snips, and Snails.

“Man, it’s great to be out of there. I really needed to stretch my wings.” Rainbow Dash smirked as she jumped onto the dock with Snips and Snails following.

“Yep. It’s everyone’s favorite Rainbow Dash.” Toad said optimistically.

“I’m pretty sure she and Applejack get super competitive in environments like this.” Twilight whispered to the mushroom creature.

“Oh really? Good to know.” Toad snickered in amusement.

“So when do we get something to eat?” Snails asked happily.

“Yeah, we’re really craving food right now!” Snips nodded enthusiastically.

"When I feel like paying Bobei to go get some food." Toad replies in which Bobei growls at Toad in frustration.

Toad ignores this however in favor of looking to see the next contestants arrive, “Here comes another bunch.”

An airship arrives carrying Tempest Shadow and her hedgehog sidekick Grubber while Lightning Dust flies over on her own wings. After that, Discord and Fluttershy are teleported near the dock.

“Why is Discord here?” Applejack asked in confusion.

“Yeah, I figured he would’ve been a host or something.” Spike admits.

“He’s one of our replacements after Cozy Glow went to rehab.” Toad smiled optimistically, “Right dude.”

“Oh of course. And may I say I’m just bursting with excitement to be competing with my old friends.” Discord smiled before picking up Starlight and Trixie to embrace them, the former looking more happy to see him than the latter.

"Now that all twenty of you have arrived, I can further inflict competition on all of you. This way to the Mess Hall." Toad said happily.

“This oughta be good.” Tempest muttered in interest.

Later, everyone had arrived at the Mess Hall where Toad began explaining the rules, “Welcome to the mess hall, where you all will be chilling in-between challenges."

“Who’s gonna be cooking for us though?” Grubber asked excitedly, “Are they a five-star chef?!”

“Ahahaha, no!” Toad laughed, “It’s just gonna be Bobei.”

"So where are the bathrooms?" Fluttershy asks curiously.

"They're just out the door." Toad replied. "They also serve as confessionals for people to dish out any secrets they have."

Confessional: Lightning Dust

“Alright. A competition with nineteen other losers to cream. Especially Rainbow Dash! She’s gonna pay for messing with me.” Lightning Dust gritted her teeth.

Confessional Ends

All twenty contestants were later at the campfire where Toad began speaking yet again, “So this is the elimination ceremony. Every time a loses, they must come here to the elimination ceremony at the campfire. The player who receives the most votes will be eliminated and leave the competition. And they can never come back. Ever!”

Confessional: Spike

“Alright then. This competition will help make sure creatures notice me as the useful competitor that I am. I may be small but I can totally hold my own.” Spike said confidently before snickering, “Nothing scares me.”

Suddenly the door opens causing Spike to scream.

“Whoops. Sorry Spike.” Fluttershy’s voice could be heard before the door closes again.

“Th-That was a fluke. I’m sure I’ll do great.” Spike smiles shakily.

Confessional Ends

"So now it’s time to put you guys onto teams." Toad continues before calling out names, “So…”

“Discord, Tempest, Lightning Dust, Applejack, Sweetie Belle, Rarity, Blueblood…” Toad began before Rarity cried out in despair causing Toad to shush her, “Host talking here. Then we have Snails, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash. You guys are now the Screaming Parasprites. Which means that…”

“Starlight, Cheese, Scootaloo, Twilight, Grubber, Pinkie, Trixie, Spike… wait, where is the little guy?” Toad asked curiously before Spike called out.

“I’m right here!” Spike grumbled.

“Oh my mistake dude.” Toad snickered before continuing, “Anyway, and Applebloom and Snips. That means you guys are the Killer Dragons.”

Confessional: Rarity

“Out of all the ponies on this island, I get stuck with BLUEBLOOD?!” Rarity shrieked, “Ugh, this sucks!”

Confessional: Starlight

“Yes! I’ve got Trixie, Twilight, and Spike on my team. Not a bad lineup at all.” Starlight beamed excitedly.

Confessional: Sweetie Belle

“It’s gonna be tough being apart from Applebloom and Scootaloo but at least I have Rarity with me.” Sweetie Belle said brightly.

Confessionals End

"Toad, Toad it's an emergency, your coffee machine is broken." Bobei said frantically as he ran over to the campfire.

"Well go fix it then." Toad replies angrily and as Bobei went to do so, he tripped on a Bob-Omb which exploded, sending Bobei flying.

“Is he gonna be alright?” Twilight asked in concern.

“He’ll be fine. He’s survived worse.” Toad calmly reassured the alicorn, “So here's the first challenge: since the island was abandoned for so long I decided to hide the budget for the season’s food and challenges. Problem is, I forgot where I put it. So it’s up to you guys to find it all before sundown.”

“But if it’s so well hidden, how do we find them?” Applejack asked incredulously.

“With these GPSes.” Toad said happily, causing the contestants to cheer before Toad added, “But they’re all out of battery…”

The contestants all groaned in annoyance at hearing this.

“Why don’t YOU go look for them?” Trixie asked snidely.

“Because some dangerous monsters have infiltrated this island while we were gone, and I figured you would all be more experienced with putting your lives at risk so better you than me.” Toad explained which earned him glares from the cast, “The first team to find the crate win immunity from today’s vote and the losing team will be heading to elimination. Now GO!”

The twenty creatures all ran off with Toad turning to the camera, “Well who will find the coin stash first? Will Blueblood ever shut up? And will Bobei get back in commission and make me my coffee. Find out on Toadal! Magic! Island!”

Disharmony Is Magic Part 2

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The episode begins with the Killer Dragons walking around the forest when Applebloom decided to speak up, “Guys. I don’t think we’re going the right way. We’ve been walking for hours.”

“Yeah, honestly. You might be right.” Starlight said awkwardly.

“I think something’s watching us.” Grubber said shakily, “I don’t want any part of this!”

Grubber then ran off in horror as Twilight grunted at how fast the hedgehog took off.

“Guys, forget about all that right now. We need to go after Grubber.” Twilight sighed in annoyance.

"Maybe we can split up." Applebloom suggested.

"I like that. Half of us look for Grubber, and the other look for the crate." Scootaloo smiled back at her friend.

“Oh yeah! Search party!” Pinkie Pie cheered excitedly.

“This is more of a search and rescue mission Pinkie Pie.” Trixie rolled her eyes.

“I’ll go with Spike, Trixie, and Pinkie Pie to find Grubber. The rest of you should probably go after the treasure.” Starlight suggested, which the team didn’t seem to have any objections to.

Confessional: Starlight

“I would have preferred to stick with Twilight instead of Pinkie to establish a four-way alliance with her, Spike, and Trixie, but I don’t want to look too suspicious.” Starlight explained before adding, “Also, someone needs to keep those kids away from danger and I’m not sure how much I trust Pinkie Pie and Cheese to do so.”

Confessional Ends

Meanwhile with the Screaming Parasprites, they were all getting worn out by how much walking they’ve been doing, except for Discord who just resorted to flying.

“Alright guys. Here’s how it’s gonna work. I’m the leader of this team and that’s final.” Rainbow Dash declared boastfully.

“Oh please. Why should you be our leader?” Lightning Dust glared hatefully at the pegasus.

“Because I’m not super reckless and hateful.” Rainbow Dash smirked at her rival which caused her to growl.

Confessional: Lightning Dust

“I cannot STAND that pony!” She screamed out furiously.

Confessional Ends

“How are we gonna find the crate though?” Fluttershy asked curiously.

“Just follow me.” Rainbow Dash told the team before she ran off with the rest of her team following her.

“I swear, we better get this over with. I can’t have mud on my hooves.” Blueblood began complaining which caused those such as Discord and Sweetie Belle to glare at him.

“Oh yeah. This is gonna end well.” Applejack mutters sarcastically while Snails had a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Confessional: Snails

“Y’know, with Snips and I on different teams, I think I really need to prove my worth to these guys.” Snails admits sheepishly before smiling, “But that shouldn’t be too hard, right?”

Confessional Ends

Back with Starlight, Trixie, Spike, and Pinkie Pie, they were wandering hopelessly through the forest when Starlight sighed miserably, “Guys. Once again, we’re clearly lost.”

“Pinkie Pie just had to lead us off track because she ‘smelled something lucky’.” Trixie grunted in annoyance.

“But I did!” Pinkie Pie whined, “I swear I smelt something good.”

“We’re supposed to be looking for Grubber and the coins, not whatever food you most likely are smelling and the Great and Powerful Trixie is very infuriated right now!” Trixie cried out venomously.

“Oh my gosh!” A familiar lisp cried out to which Starlight beamed at.

“That’s Grubber! Come on guys!” Starlight cried out happily to which the group followed her deep into the woods to find Grubber next to a broken crate full with a pile of bananas.

“Hey guys! While I was gone, I found all these bananas!” Grubber said excitedly.

“Oh, that must be what I smelled.” Pinkie Pie giggled, “This is awesome! Now we can have a banana party.”

Trixie’s eye twitched furiously much to Starlight and Spike’s worry.

Confessional: Trixie

“Just when you think things could not be any worse, you find out that the team is full of morons!” Trixie said venomously.

Confessional Ends

Back with the Screaming Parasprites, they were still basically wandering around aimlessly through the forest when Rarity groaned, “This is absolutely dreadful. The other team probably found that box already.”

“We need to think of something quick if we’re going to win this challenge.” Fluttershy sighed sadly.

“Or maybe we should leave this section of the forest before something bad happens.” Sweetie Belle gulped nervously.

“If we stop the challenge, we are so voting you off.” Lightning Dust glared at the filly before Rarity stepped to her defense.

“Leave Sweetie Belle alone. She’s just saying we should look somewhere else.” Rarity glared furiously at the former Washout.

“Ugh. Well I am simply done with this challenge. I want to eat already.” Prince Blueblood cried out indignantly.

We then see a dinosaur foot stomp near Blueblood causing him to scurry and hide behind Discord much to his annoyance.

The dinosaur roared at the Screaming Parasprites much to their fear before suddenly a purple blast hit the back of its head, knocking the creature unconscious.

“Why’d you do that Twilight?” Snips voice was heard as he spoke curiously, “You’re helping the enemy.”

“I had to help them, I couldn’t just let them die!” Twilight explained to the colt as she, Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Cheese had appeared nearby.

“Thanks losers. We’re gonna win this thing.” Lightning Dust smirked mockingly before flying off to the closest path in front of them.

“Hey! I’m the leader here missy!” Rainbow Dash cried out angrily before speeding off to catch up to her.

The rest of the Screaming Parasprites grunted before following the two competitive pegasi.

Soon, Starlight had teleported with Spike, Trixie, Pinkie Pie, and Grubber in tow next to Twilight’s group.

“Oh hey! You found Grubber!” Cheese cried out happily.

“But we still don’t know where the budget is.” Trixie reminded the group worriedly before Snips seemed to smell something and beamed when he did.

“The money for the season! I can smell it!” Snips jumped up and down excitedly before running off to the left path to which the Killer Dragons looked confused by but followed Snips anyway.

Confessional: Snips

“I have a knack for knowing the scent of money. What can I say? It’s a gift.” Snips smirked.

Confessional Ends

Back with the Screaming Parasprites, Lightning Dust had finally stopped flying when she saw a crate was nearby and smirked, soon after that, Rainbow Dash had arrived.

“What do you think you’re doing?!” Rainbow Dash began lecturing, “I made it perfectly clear that I’M the leader.”

“And I made it perfectly clear I don’t care for your opinion.” Lightning Dust replied smugly.

The two then devolved into endless bickering so by the time the rest of the team arrived, they were all glaring at the rivals.

“Oh my word, are they still fighting?” Tempest rolled her eyes.

“You get used to it.” Applejack scoffed.

“Look, it’s the crate!” Sweetie Belle cried out giddily.

“Yeah, I was the one who found it.” Lightning Dust stopped arguing with Rainbow Dash to boast which caused the Element Of Loyalty to groan.

“Stand aside.” Applejack told her team before kicking the crate with her hind legs and once it opened, what came out was… a bunch of cookies and cupcakes.

The entire team gasped in shock while Lightning Dust looked on in horror at what just happened.

“I thought you said you found the crate.” Rainbow Dash smirked.

“I did… or… I thought I did.” Lightning Dust admitted sheepishly.

However, the Killer Dragons were all cheering when they found all the coins in the crate they found just earlier thanks to Snips.

“You’re welcome. You’re welcome.” Snips said boastfully, “It was no trouble at all.”

“Yeah, thanks.” Trixie replied shortly, still not exactly liking the colt.

We then see Toad fly by on his helicopter with a smile on his face, “Thanks for finding me the budget guys. My interns will collect it for me later. Anyway, the Killer Dragons win today’s challenge which means that the Screaming Parasprites will be the first team to eliminate a contestant at the campfire ceremony." Toad announces. "As for the Dragons, there's a delicious treat waiting for you in the mess hall. Enjoy."

We then see that the Killer Dragons were in the Mess Hall with the food they got as a reward, it was just gruel.

“So this is our reward?” Trixie asked in disgust as she held up her bowl of gruel.

“Well since we don't have it in the budget to buy real food yet, we just dug up whatever ingredients we could get.” Toad explains which causes the Dragons to groan.

“You cannot be serious.” Spike whined which made Starlight pat his back sympathetically.

"More serious than a monkey's bottom on a hot summer day in the middle of gritzy desert." Toad replies.

"That doesn't even make any-" Applebloom began before Toad interrupted.

“Well I have an elimination to host. When you're done, go to the west cabin that's where you'll be staying." Toad told the winning team.

We then see the Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity in the Screaming Parasprites cabin discussing the vote.

“I say we vote off Lightning Dust, she totally found the wrong crate. Don’t tell me you can’t see why she should be eliminated?” Rainbow Dash said sternly.

“Well, I can see that, but…” Fluttershy began before Rarity interrupted.

“Blueblood never stops complaining and doesn’t care about anyone except himself.” Rarity said furiously.

“We can get rid of him at anytime but Lightning Dust has to go NOW.” Rainbow Dash argued in annoyance before she left the cabin leaving the other three mares together.

“Girls, can we talk?” Rarity asked curiously to which Applejack and Fluttershy nodded at.

Confessional: Rarity

“If there’s one pony I can’t stand on this team, it’s Blueblood. He’s an absolute egomaniac and shows no effort whatsoever. Lightning Dust can wait, clearly it was an accident she found the pastries.”

Confessional Ends

We then see Lightning Dust grumbling to herself as she paced around the arts and crafts center before she heard a chilling voice, “Getting all worked up over the challenge, I see?”

She then turns over to see Tempest giving her a stone-faced look which caused the reckless flyer to glare at her, “Well Duh. I’m sure Rainbow Dash is getting all her friends to vote me off right now.”

“Ah yes. It is quite a shame, isn’t it?” Tempest nodded, “But what if I told you I could help you escape elimination tonight?”

Lightning Dust raised an eyebrow before smirking, “I’m listening.”

We then cut to campfire as all ten members of the Screaming Parasprites sat in their stumps, “Welcome team of ten losers." Toad begins. "I would be standing here to say how sorry I am that you're here, but I'm not because you didn't find my budget for me. Instead, you found a stash of pastries, MY secret stash of pastries."

“Wasn’t hidden very well.” Applejack rolled her eyes.

“And that’s why you’re one of the campers I respect more than others Applejack, you got spunk.” Toad admitted fondly before getting back to business and holding a tray of nine marshmallows, “Here at camp, these marshmallows symbolize life. If you don't receive a marshmallow, it's game over and you're out of the competition for good. Which is good because some of my interns are suffering from malnourishment, and I can't look over the likes of you all season. Anyway, the first marshmallow goes to.."






“Sweetie Belle.”


“And… Rainbow Dash.”

Lightning Dust and Prince Blueblood looked worriedly at the last marshmallow as Toad spoke up, “Only one marshmallow left for tonight. Lightning Dust, the campers of the Screaming Parasprites feel like you're an untrustworthy member in alliances, yet good at challenges. Prince Blueblood, all you do is complain consistently and don’t do anything useful for the team. The final marshmallow goes to…” Toad began.

“Lightning Dust.”

“YES!” Lightning Dust cried out victoriously while Blueblood stared in shock at the fact he lost.

Confessional: Tempest

“I mentioned to Snails and Discord how Blueblood does nothing for our team and voting him off now would be our best option. I should’ve told you sooner, but I came for the million.” Tempest spoke with a smirk.

Confessional Ends

We then cut to Prince Blueblood in some sort of catapult in which Toad begins explaining, “So because of budget cuts, I can’t exactly send you out by the Boat Of Losers Blueblood, so I made you this nifty Hurl Of Shame. Should be fun for me and not so fun for you.”

“Um… sir, does this thing have a seatbelt-“ Blueblood begins complaining before Toad launches the catapult with Blueblood flying off into the distance.

“Man, that was really satisfying." Toad smiled. "One down, too many to go. Who will be the next one eliminated? How will Rainbow Dash deal with Lightning Dust breathing down her neck? Will Pinkie Pie ever stop being so creepy? And how much longer can Trixie stand Grubber? Find out next time on Toadal! Magic! Island!"

Where There’s A Will, There’s A Starlight

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“Last time on Toadal Magic Island! The campers were sent to find the budget for this season! Prince Blueblood awoke a sleeping monster and
the girls of the Killer Dragons got into some heated arguments. In the end, Snips ended up leading his team into my gold coin stash. At the campfire ceremony, it all came down to Lightning Dust and Blueblood. Lightning Dust was going to get out due to her poor attitude and recklessness but ultimately it was Blueblood who got the boot in my awesome new catapult. What do I have in store for the campers? Well I'm not gonna tell you, you'll just have to watch this next episode of Toadal! Magic! Island!!"

The episode begins with the contestants being called over to the beach of the island when Toad began speaking to the two teams, “Welcome to your next challenge." Toad began excitedly.

“Seriously? We didn’t even get to finish breakfast!” Applebloom said incredulously.

“And that’s my problem, how?” Toad asked.

“Because it’s literally your responsibility-“ Applebloom began before Toad cut her off.

“Exactly. It’s not.” Toad smiled which caused the filly to grumble to herself.

"Anyway, I was just informed that my coffee machine was broken." Toad began explaining, "I was going to send you all to the junkyard to find me a new one."


“But Bobei fixed it,” Toad finished before saying, “but then I realized I was thirsty, but I didn't have my favorite bean to make my favorite drink."

“Which is?” Spike raised an eyebrow.

“A triple shot super bean espresso." Toad answered.

“That’s the most expensive coffee machine in the BeanBean Kingdom.” Tempest raised an inquisitive eyebrow.

“Yeah, it costs a whole lot of coins for that drink.” Sweetie Belle recalled.

“That’s why I bought off their coffee machine.” Toad snickered.

“What about the beans?” Trixie asked curiously.

“I lost the beans when the series last ended." Toad explains, “But I think there may be one or two beans somewhere on the island."

"So where are the beans already?" Discord asked with a roll of his eyes.

"At the tippy top of Mount Toadstone." Toad replies pointing at a large mountain with lightning striking in the background.

“This will be fun.” Starlight muttered sarcastically.

“Wait. Did you take every landmark and name it after yourself?” Spike asked curiously.

“Is there a problem with that?” Toad asked impatiently.

“Nope. All good.” Spike gulped with a nervous smile.

Confessional: Spike

“Man, Toad’s freaky.” Spike shivered.

Confessional Ends

We then cut to the teams near Mount Toadstone to which all of them looked nervously at, “Okay, all you have to do is be the first player to bring me my bean." Toad explains giddily, "The first team to do so wins invincibility, and the other team loses a member tonight. Oh and one more thing. Anyonewith wings and magic can't use them to climb the mountain. It’s more fun and interesting this way.”

“Not again!” Starlight, Trixie, and Discord growled in frustration.

“Excuse us, team.” Rarity said in a dignified manner, “But me and Sweetie Belle will be sitting out after eating that horrid prison food last episode.”

“Whatever. Just don’t interfere with our victory.” Lightning Dust rolled her eyes.

“Okay Dragons. This is our chance to crush the Parasprites.” Starlight smirked as she began motivating her team, “They lost a member yesterday and two of them are sitting out. We got this!”

“What about climbing the mountain?” Scootaloo asked curiously.

“Already on it!” Pinkie Pie bounced up and down the mountain before tripping and falling on top of Trixie which made Starlight smirk a bit.

Confessional: Starlight

“Don’t judge me. Trixie kinda had that coming after our little introduction.” Starlight chuckled.

Confessional Ends

“The Great and Powerful Trixie demands you GET OFF!” Trixie screamed furiously at Pinkie Pie.

Back with the Screaming Parasprites, Fluttershy was gulping at the prospect of climbing the mountain, “Um guys, I have a confession. I’m afraid of heights.”

“Oh for crying out loud.” Lightning Dust grunted as she, Rainbow Dash, Discord, Tempest, and Applejack were seen climbing the mountain.

“Come on Fluttershy. It’s not that scary.” Discord smirked reassuringly, “I’m not even using my powers and I’m doing fine.”

“Well… if you say so.” Fluttershy smiled nervously before slowly climbing up the mountain.

“I’ll stay down here and keep watch.” Snails called out happily as he looked towards the other team and smiled at Snips, “Hi Snips!”

As Lightning Dust and Rainbow Dash were climbing, Lightning Dust had kicked Rainbow Dash in the face whilst climbing causing her to stumble.

“Stand back Crash. That immunity is mine.” Lightning Dust smirked arrogantly.

“Oh, you did not just say that!” Rainbow Dash yelled furiously.

“Guys! We’re in this thing together! Stop fighting already!” Applejack spoke sternly.

Meanwhile on the Killer Dragons, Grubber, Snips, Applebloom, Scootaloo, Spike, Pinkie Pie, Cheese, and Trixie were all climbing up the mountain as Starlight and Twilight were keeping watch.

“Okay, this is going well. I think we can actually pull this off!” Starlight smiled optimistically before Grubber suddenly slipped up on grabbing the next rock, causing him to tumble and cause a rockslide, sending all eight players tumbling down back to the bottom of the mountain.

“Are you kidding me?” Starlight sighed solemnly before Twilight spoke up.

“Don’t worry. We can still win this. We just have to try again.” Twilight reassured Starlight which seemed to work as the unicorn smiled at Twilight.

“Yeah. I guess you have a point. Thanks Twilight.” Starlight smiled softly.

“Hey guys. I saw the top of the mountain and only one bean was there!” Grubber said excitedly as he popped up from the pile.

“Why didn’t you grab it?” Twilight asked curiously.

“Couldn’t reach that high.” Grubber shrugged.

“Look! It’s Discord.” Cheese smiled enthusiastically as he saw that Discord was inching closer to the top of the mountain.

“Great! We’re going to lose thanks to the midget here.” Trixie rolled her eyes as she glared at Grubber before beaming, “Wait! I have an idea!”

Trixie then went into her cape and grabbed a smoke bomb which she smirked at before crying out, “This is for making me look like a fool! Discord!”

Trixie then chucked the bomb Discord’s way and miraculously it ended up hitting him, causing him to fall all the way down the mountain.

“YES! The Great and Powerful Trixie did it!” Trixie cheered ecstatically.

“Come on, we better start climbing.” Scootaloo commented.

“I’ll help too.” Spike commented happily which caused Grubber to jump in fright.

“How long have you been there?!” Grubber asked in shock which caused Spike to facepalm.

Meanwhile the remaining Screaming Parasprites were all climbing with Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust ahead of all of them, shouting insults and snarky remarks at each other the whole way through.

Fluttershy and Applejack were starting to get tired of climbing but persevered nonetheless.

“Oh Celestia, I’m not sure how long I can continue…” Fluttershy began before slipping down the mountain.

“Fluttershy!” Applejack cried out in horror but thankfully she landed safely in Discord’s arms.

“Oh, thank you Discord.” Fluttershy said gratefully.

“No problem. What are friends for?” Discord smiled back as he embraced Fluttershy.

Rainbow Dash began finally making it to the top of the mountain which did not sit well with Lightning Dust.

“Hey get back here! I’m supposed to be the big hero!” Lightning Dust said furiously before jumping up to the top of the mountain and tackling Rainbow Dash but little did either of them know, was that the mountain began shaking and trembling and finally it formed another rockslide which headed right for the Screaming Parasprites, crushing them all in it except for Snails who stared in shock at what just transpired. The bean then fell right next to him.

“Pick it up Snails. Pick up the stinking bean.” Rainbow Dash groaned from in between the rocks.

“Wh-What?! Where?!” Snails cried out in confusion as he looked around frantically.

“I’ll take that.” Trixie shoved Snails aside to pick up the bean with her mouth and immediately ran over to give it to Toad.

“Congratulations to the Killer Dragons for winning the challenge.” Toad smiled as all of them cheered for their victory but none were more excited than Trixie, Starlight, Spike, Grubber, and Twilight right now.

“As for you Screaming Parasprites, you suck majorly.” Toad said in disappointment, “Meet in the Mess Hall for dinner and then you will vote someone off.”

“We’re back…” Sweetie Belle said happily before seeing the state her team was in as they got out of the rocky pile.

“What in Celestia happened here?!” Rarity asked incredulously.

“We lost no thanks to your assistance.” Lightning Dust glared at the two unicorns.

“I apologize on that behalf, but we needed to sit out. Next time, we won’t. We promise.” Rarity reassured the pegasus.

“Don’t turn this on those two. You’re the one who attacked me over jealousy.” Rainbow Dash glared at the try hard.

“To be fair, Snails did fail to get us the bean.” Discord crossed his arms.

“Hehehe.” Snails chuckled nervously.

Tempest, seeing all of this, just raised an eyebrow in interest.

Confessional: Tempest

“It appears Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust are getting all worked up over being major threats this season and that weakness is something that can work to my favor.” Tempest chuckled, “I may not be evil anymore but I do love a good challenge.”

Confessional Ends

We then cut to Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Sweetie Belle, Discord, and Tempest all discussing strategy.

“Can we all agree to vote off Lightning Dust?” Rainbow Dash asked incredulously.

“Why should we? Snails is the one who screwed up the challenge.” Discord rolled his eyes.

“But if Lightning Dust hadn’t tackled me. There wouldn’t have been a rockslide!” Rainbow Dash argued in annoyance.

“We’ve lost two times in a row Rainbow Dash, we need to consider taking out the weakest links and if Snails cannot simply pick up a bean, then he will be of no help in the future.” Tempest narrowed her eyes.

Applejack raised an eyebrow at this comment but Rarity and Sweetie Belle looked thoughtful at what Tempest said.

At the campfire, the Screaming Parasprites were all sitting down as Toad began speaking, “Second time guys, very disappointing. You guys did quite an awful job on this challenge. Anyway, marshmallow time. Marshmallows go to…”






“Sweetie Belle.”

“And Rainbow Dash.”

“One marshmallow, two contestants, one of your journeys ends tonight.” Toad said ominously towards Lightning Dust and Snails.

“Lightning Dust.”

“Are you kidding me?! You guys voted off Snails over Lightning Dust?!” Rainbow Dash asked incredulously to which Fluttershy and Applejack looked just as surprised as Snails was while Discord simply shrugged, Lightning Dust smirked as she ate her marshmallow, Rarity and Sweetie Belle looked guilty, and Tempest kept a stone-faced demeanor.

Confessional: Tempest

“Too easy.” Tempest clicked her tongue in satisfaction.

Confessional Ends

We then see Snails in the Hurl Of Shame with him speaking frantically, “Wait! Please don’t send me out! I promise I’ll do better. Can I at least say goodbye to Snip-“

However, Toad didn’t give him that wish as Snails was promptly launched away from the island.

“Phew. I thought he’d never shut up.” Toad sighed in relief, “With Snails gone, only eighteen remain. It doesn’t matter how many people are left so long as I’m getting paid. So don’t click that button because there’s more backstabbing action next time on Toadal! Magic! Island!”

Smolder Boulders

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“Last time on Toadal Magic Island…” Toad began the recap before a Hammer Bro suddenly walked over.

“Hi, I’m Jimmy.” The Hammer Bro known as Jimmy said happily.

“Who the heck are you?" Toad asks in confusion.

"I'm your new co host." Jimmy answered giddily.

"WHAT!? I do not need a co-host. What kind of sick joke is this because I'm seriously about to lose it. Where's Bobei?!” Toad began complaining as he ran off to find his head intern.

“Last time on Toadal Magic Island,” Jimmy began the recap, “Both of the teams climbed the treacherous mount Toadstone to retrieve the bean for Toad's morning coffee. Rarity and Sweetie Belle sat out for the challenge after eating that awful crap Toad calls food. However, Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust had an epic standstill in the end, but it was Trixie who gave the Killer Dragons immunity. Since Snails failed to simply pick up a bean, Tempest and Discord advocated for his elimination. What will happen next-“

“NO! I’m supposed to say that.” Toad whined as he pushed Jimmy aside and glared at the camera, “So what will happen next? And what are the chances Lightning Dust will dodge another elimination? Also, what is the possibility of me shoving Jimmy into the Hurl Of Shame.”

“WHAT?!” Jimmy cried out in horror but Toad continued the intro anyway.

“Find out right now on Toadal! Magic! Island!”

The episode begins with Starlight and Spike in the Mess Hall together as Spike was trying to comprehend what Starlight just asked him.

“So you want me, Twilight, and Trixie in an alliance together with you?” Spike asked curiously.

“Yes.” Starlight nodded firmly.

“Look Starlight, I’d love to be in an alliance with you but you’re forgetting something, Trixie has jealousy issues when it comes to Twilight.” Spike admitted sheepishly.

“I’m sure I can get them to be civil.” Starlight smiled optimistically, “Twilight doesn’t seem to mind Trixie that much and Trixie isn’t that bad when you get to know her.”

“If you say so.” Spike sighed.

Confessional: Spike

“Starlight’s great and all, but Twilight and Trixie in an alliance together sounds like it’ll be a big hassle.” Spike admits nervously.

Confessional Ends

We then see the Screaming Parasprites enter the Mess Hall with everyone looking tired except for Rarity who continued to babble, “And that’s why we should secure the cabin just in case of any monsters. I mean, think of the multiple dangers on this island. We need to keep this Island safer for our sakes.”

“Oh geez.” Rainbow Dash groaned tiredly.

“That unicorn kept us up all night with her constant babbling.” Lightning Dust rolled her eyes.

“Yikes. That sounds rough.” Starlight said sympathetically.

“Ya think.” Discord growled furiously.

Meanwhile in the Killer Dragons’ cabin, Snips sighed despondently at the prospect that Snails was gone which attracted the attention of Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Grubber.

“Hey buddy, what’s up with you?” Grubber asked curiously.

“I miss Snails.” Snips admits solemnly, “He always knew how to have fun and now he’s gone.”

“Cheer up Snails.” Scootaloo smiled reassuringly, “You can still try and win for him despite that.”

“You think so?” Snips asked with a smile, starting to brighten up a bit.

“Yeah. Any of us could win this show if we try hard enough.” Applebloom smiled back at the colt.

“Hmm, maybe you’re right.” Snips beamed.

We then cut to Toad walking onto the beach of the island before gasping in shock as the Shy Guy interns destroy his statues of himself.

“No!” Toad cried out in despair as he saw the statues now destroyed.

“We're sick of being your slaves." A yellow Shy Guy spoke up, “We're not sticking around for another season of your sick jokes and twisted challenges. We quit, no matter what our contract says we're going to hijack your boat and leave."

The interns then ran to the boat which they immediately boarded and began cheering as it went off.

“Maybe I shouldn’t have gotten rid of that Jimmy guy.” Toad muttered to himself before seeing that the eighteen contestants had arrived.

“Toad, what is going on?” Starlight asked curiously.

“Well my interns just ditched me, and all my statues are broken, so its time for a challenge." Toad said happily.

“Seriously?!” Rainbow Dash asked incredulously, “I didn’t get any sleep, or food!”

“Well, right before my interns quit, they just found where I stashed the food on this island." Toad admitted nonchalantly.

“Wait. Does that mean we could have some?” Rarity asked happily.

“Yep.” Toad smiled, “Once you complete today’s challenge.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Starlight rolled her eyes.

Confessional: Starlight

“I’m not exactly a picky eater. My taste buds have pretty much died once I got older. I mean, why else would I have allowed Sugar Belle to make subpar muffins back at my village.” Starlight said sheepishly before glaring at the camera, “But I want some actual quality food and if it means we have to do these dumb challenges, so be it.”

Confessional Ends

“So what’s the challenge fungi for brains?” Discord glared at the mushroom creature.

“First is a bowling challenge, where you will each take turns taking a rock and throwing it the furthest." Toad explains. "The team with the most points wins an advantage in the second challenge."

We then see the contestants at the rocky grounds of the island where the bowling challenge would begin.

“Each of you will take turns throwing your smoldering piece of rock into one of five sections." Toad explained to the contestants.

“Uh Toad, don’t the Dragons have to sit two people out to make this fair?” Rainbow Dash asked curiously.

“Oh that’s right. Sit two people out guys.” Toad told the Killer Dragons.

“Grubber and Snips will sit out.” Trixie spoke immediately.

“Why us?” Grubber asked curiously.

“Do you really want me to answer that?” Trixie rolled her eyes, causing the two to glare at her.

Confessional: Snips

“Trixie still can’t be mad about me and Snails exposing her as a fraud by causing an Ursa Minor to attack… could she?” Snips asked sheepishly.

Confessional Ends

“Okay, starting strong we have Scootaloo and Discord.” Toad said happily as the scene cut to a field with five signs with the signs one through five signifying how many points they would get.

“Pinning me against the Lord Of Chaos. How is that fair?” Scootaloo whined.

“I never said it was.” Toad shrugged, “Ready. Set. HURL!”

Discord snapped his fingers and the rock was now in the five point mark while Scootaloo tossed her rock into the three point mark.

“Up next is Fluttershy and Twilight.”

Fluttershy lightly threw her rock to the two point mark while Twilight levitated her’s to the four point park.

“Okay, it looks like both teams are tied at seven points. Next up we have Rarity and Cheese.”

Rarity used her horn to throw her rock into the three point range while Cheese winded up his hoof and then threw his to the five point mark.

“Next up is Rainbow Dash and Starlight.”

“Watch how a super athlete does this Starlight.” Rainbow Dash boasted before throwing her rock into the five point zone.

“Oh no. Whatever will I do to win now?” Starlight cried out in fake worry before smirking and levitating her rock before throwing it into the five point zone much to Rainbow Dash’s shock.

“Alright then, it looks like the Killer Dragons have seventeen points while the Screaming Parasprites are barely behind with fifteen. Next up is are Lightning Dust and Pinkie Pie.” Toad said happily.

Lightning Dust glares at the pink pony before kicking her rock which landed in the five point zone.

“Ha! Beat tha-“ Lightning Dust began to boast before noticing Pinkie Pie had already gotten her rock to the five point mark as well.

“That was a good game. You did great.” Pinkie Pie said kindly which only flabbergasted Lightning Dust even more.

“Next we have Applejack and Trixie.”

Applejack bucked her rock to the four point mark easily while Trixie was lucky enough to get to two points.

“Now Sweetie Belle and Spike.” Toad smiled as he enjoyed how the challenge was going.

Spike threw his rock into the three point mark while Sweetie Belle just threw her’s into the two point mark.

“Phew.” Spike sighed in relief.

“And finally we have Tempest versus Sweetie Belle with the scores being twenty-six to twenty-seven.” Toad said happily.

Tempest and Sweetie Belle kicked her rock as far as she could but by a surprise, both of them made it to the three point margin.

“And with that, the Killer Dragons win the advantage.” Toad said happily.

“Oh geez.” Rainbow Dash grunted furiously.

We then cut to Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo standing by the beach together with Scootaloo deciding to ask, “So what do you think the next challenge will be?”

“Probably something dumb like trimming Toad’s toenails or something.” Rainbow Dash playfully remarked getting Scootaloo to laugh.

“That’s actually really funny, Dash.” Scootaloo smiled but what neither of them noticed was that Tempest was watching the scene with a raised eyebrow.

Confessional: Tempest

“Rainbow Dash is quite the tricky one. She’s great in challenges and has a solid social game but if she thinks she can pull other contestants from the other team into her corner. She can think again.” Tempest narrowed her eyes.

Confessional Ends

Tempest then walked over to Starlight which surprised the reformed cult leader, “Oh hey Tempest. What’s up?” Starlight asked happily.

“Nothing much. I just can’t help but notice how well the Elements Of Harmony get along with everyone.” Tempest begins the conversation which causes Starlight to raise an eyebrow.

“What do you mean?” Starlight asks curiously.

“Look around. They’re able to connect with so many creatures even if they’re on different teams.” Tempest points to Pinkie Pie and Cheese playing some board game, Fluttershy talking with Discord, Applejack and Rarity hanging out with their sisters, and Rainbow Dash talking to Scootaloo, “They’re quite the social butterflies around here. They’d probably do well in this game.”

“Yeah…” Starlight gulped nervously before she saw Spike and Twilight talking to each other as well before gaining a suspicious look, “Why are you telling me this?”

“Simple. We both want to win this game, don’t we? I’m prepared to do you a favor and I expect you to return this favor down the line. If we are able to decrease the connections the Elements Of Harmony have in this game, the better.” Tempest held out her hoof for a hoof shake to which Starlight looked hesitant at before shaking the hoof.

“Fine, but just warning you, I am not voting off Twilight or Spike.” Starlight affirmed.

“That’s fine by me.” Tempest smirked, “I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship.”

Confessional: Starlight

“I really hope I’m making the right decision here, but Tempest is reformed like me. I’m sure everything will work out fine.” Starlight smiled nervously.

Confessional: Tempest

“Starlight is a valuable ally to have in this game given her connections with Twilight and Trixie. Considering her history, we can find common ground there. Rainbow Dash isn’t the only one that can get friends on the other side.” Tempest said in content with how her plan is going.

Confessional Ends

We then cut to the campers at the beach where Toad began speaking.

“Welcome to the next challenge, for the rest of the day all of you are my servants." Toad announces, "First I want you to fix the statues the interns broke. The Killer Dragons advantage is half of their statue is still intact."

“Yes.” Snips hissed in excitement.

“Wait… so we’re basically you’re servants now?” Grubber asked incredulously.

“Well for the challenge at least.” Toad said happily.

“Sorry, but the only ponies I work for are Twilight and Rarity.” Spike smirked confidently.

“Not anymore.” Toad replied smugly.

“Uh… then mess with the Killer Dragons.” Lightning Dust pointed at the opposing team desperately.

“Okay then. Twilight, kiss Pinkie Pie.” Toad smirked mischievously.

“NO!” Twilight, Pinkie, and even Starlight cried out in anger to which Twilight looked confused at Starlight.

“Why’d you say no Starlight?” Twilight asked curiously.

“Well… you’re clearly not into her that way, and you’re one of my best friends.” Starlight blushed nervously.

"Okay, the first team to assemble my statue wins invincibility, and a delicious dinner of actual food first and no magic is allowed." Toad explains, "Your time starts now."

We then cut to the Screaming Parasprites at their team’s statue when Rarity started complaining, “Do we have to assemble the statue in this heat?”

“Yes, now suck it up. Lightning Dust said angrily causing Rarity to roll her eyes at the pegasus.

“What we need is a fearless leader.” Sweetie Belle told the group.

“Uh, in case you forgot. I’M the leader.” Rainbow Dash pointed to herself.

“Actually, I’m the leader.” Lightning Dust said smugly.

“Oh would you just-“ Rainbow Dash began before Applejack interjected.

“I think that’s why Sweetie Belle says we need a leader.” Applejack narrowed her eyes at the rivals.

“I nominate Discord.” Tempest said simply.

“What?!” Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity cried out in shock.

Confessional: Discord

“Well it’s about time someone realizes how needed I am to the team.” Discord smirked smugly, “Once I show off what a good leader I am, I will make it to the final three.”

Confessional: Tempest

“Of course I don’t want the Lord Of Chaos as the leader but I need to build social capital with my team before I end up being eliminated next.” Tempest groaned.

Confessionals End

“Alright guys, let’s start building already.” Sweetie Belle said happily as Discord, Rainbow Dash, and Lightning Dust began picking up pieces to build when Applejack stopped upon a certain piece.

“Ew. Is that Toad’s butt…” Applejack asked incredulously before realizing, “Wait no. That’s just a part of his face.”

Confessional: Sweetie Belle

“Ahahahahahahahaha! Oh that was awesome.” Sweetie Belle laughed hysterically.

Confessional Ends

Meanwhile with the Killer Dragons, true to Toad’s word, half of their statue was already built.

“Come on guys. We need to finish the statue for the challenge.” Twilight tried motivating the team.

“Ooh, Ooh! I wanna help!” Grubber said happily as he grabbed a statue piece.

“No hedgehog. You’ll just mess up everything.” Trixie narrowed her eyes angrily, “Go sit down.”

“You don’t gotta be so rude. I can help too.” Grubber glared at the showboat.

“You literally sent us all tumbling down a mountain and Trixie does not want us losing any challenges anytime soon.” Trixie began yelling to which Starlight interfered.

“Trixie, calm down! Grubber can help as much as he wants.” Starlight said calmly before turning to the hedgehog, “I’m really sorry about that Grubber.”

“No biggie.” Grubber shrugged amicably.

Confessional: Snips

“Man. This team is starting to crack at the seams. If I wanna do good on this show for Snails, I gotta make sure my team wins challenges.” Snips said worriedly.

Confessional Ends

Snips then turned to Applebloom and Scootaloo with a bright smile, “Guys! I have an idea! If we can carry pieces together, we’ll be able to finish faster.”

“That sounds good to me.” Applebloom smiled back with Scootaloo nodding.

We then see Starlight was struggling a bit to lift a big piece of statue when Twilight comes over and helps her carry it and place it on the ever growing statue.

“Thanks for the help Twilight.” Starlight panted.

“No problem. You’re my teammate after all.” Twilight smiled reassuringly before going off to continue building the statue as Starlight smiled and blushed as Twilight left.

We then cut to the Screaming Parasprites where they were halfway done with the statue.

“Excellent work everybody. We’re right where the Killer Dragons are. We can still win this.” Discord smiled ecstatically, “I’m doing such a great job as leader.”

“I’m sure you are Discord.” Fluttershy said reassuringly.

Confessional: Applejack

“I don’t know what Tempest is doing with Discord but I certainly don’t like it. Especially since Discord’s getting all big in the head.”

Confessional Ends

Rarity is then seen trying to lift a piece of the statue as much as she can but she falters at the last minutes and drops it into the sand.

“I can’t do this. It’s too hot. I’m so sorryyyyyyyy.” Rarity said dramatically to which Sweetie Belle and Applejack rolled her eyes.

“Oh no! They’re almost done!” Fluttershy cried out in horror and as such, it would appear to be as all that’s left of the Killer Dragon’s statue was the left side of Toad’s head which Snips, Applebloom, and Scootaloo were struggling to carry over.

“W-We got it.” Snips grunted before noticing Rainbow Dash was grabbing the last piece to the Parasprites’ statue.

“Quick. We gotta throw it in now.” Snips alerted Applebloom and Scootaloo before they heaved the last piece and chucked it into the statue but instead of completing it, it just caused it to fall apart.

“Are you KIDDING ME?!” Trixie cried out incredulously which caused the kids to sweat nervously.

After that, Rainbow Dash placed the last piece on the statue and completed the Toad replica flawlessly.

“We did it!” Fluttershy said happily.

“Congratulations Screaming Parasprites, you aren’t the suckiest of all today.” Toad said happily.

“Yes!” Rainbow Dash cheered.

“There’s a fresh dinner waiting for you in the Mess Hall. Also you don’t have to vote anyone off tonight.” Toad reminded the winning team which caused them all to cheer ecstatically.

“As for the Killer Dragons, that was awful and I'll see you all at the campfire ceremony shortly.” Toad shook his head in disappointment.

We then see Starlight was sulking by the cabins before Tempest walked next to her.

“Well well well. How are things going over here?” Tempest asked curiously.

“What do you want?” Starlight asked in annoyance.

“I’m sure you’re confused on who should be eliminated tonight. Is that true?” Tempest guessed.

“Yeah…” Starlight trailed off, clearly confused on where Tempest was going with this.

“Well I have an idea on who you should vote off.” Tempest smirked.

We then see the Killer Dragons were now sitting at the campfire ceremony where Toad began speaking.

“Okay by the way you all voted it was obvious who you all wanted out. So here we go, since this your first elimination these marshmallows represent life in this game. If you don’t get a marshmallow that means you’re out of the game and can’t come back.” Toad said before calling out names, “Marshmallows go to…”








“And… Snips.”

“Huh?” Snips asked in confusion before accepting his marshmallow.

“Campers, the final marshmallow goes to…”


Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Snips gasped in shock at this as Trixie laughed boastfully and accepted her prize.

Confessional: Starlight

“I know it doesn’t seem nice to vote off a filly… but we’re all here to win this and Scootaloo is known for her recklessness at times. It wasn’t to hard to convince the team to eliminate her.” Starlight admitted sheepishly.

Confessional Ends

We then see Scootaloo was in the Hurl Of Shame with Toad speaking up, “I’m sorry you got blindsided like that.”

“It’s okay. I figured this might happen-“ Scootaloo sighed before Toad laughed.

“I was kidding. I don’t care about your sob story.” Toad smiled.

“Wait!” Rainbow Dash’s voice cried out.

“Oh brother.” Toad groaned.

“I’m sorry that you got eliminated, Scootaloo.” Rainbow Dash sighed sadly as she approached near the catapult where Scootaloo was on, “I’ll kick some serious butt for both of us.”

“I’d be honored.” Scootaloo gave out tears of joy before Toad finally flung the filly from the catapult which caused Rainbow Dash to sigh before walking off.

“We really are getting rid of some losers now.” Toad said happily, “Will my interns ever come back and what do I have in store for the contestants tomorrow. Find out on Toadal! Magic! Island!”

In Your Wildest Dreams

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“Last time on Toadal Magic Island! My group of interns quit so I had the campers do my bidding. Some people sucked but the Killer Dragons sucked even harder and since Scootaloo sucked the most, she got eliminated. Who is really safe in this show? Will Starlight ever admit her feelings for Twilight? And will Spike ever stop being the butt of the joke… actually, we all know the answer to that one. If you thought the last challenge was bad. This one will be a nightmare. So stay put and enjoy this next episode of Toadal! Magic! Island!”

The episode begins with the campers all sleeping in their cabins and we cut to Spike sleeping in his bed and murmuring softly into his pillow, “Why yes I will marry you Rarity.”

Suddenly an airhorn went off causing all the contestants to wake up, “Meet me in the main lodge! The next challenge is about to begin!”

“Seriously?!” Starlight asked incredulously as she got out of the cabin, “It’s two in the morning!”

“Welcome to today’s challenge.” Toad said happily as he and Bobei stood in front of the contestants outside of the cabins.

“At this late in the night?” Fluttershy yawned.

“Yes. It’s a sleeping challenge.” Toad beamed which just confused everyone so he elaborated, “ "I raided Ludwig's lab last season and stole a bunch of devices. One of them being 'The Dream-a-Tron 3000'."

“What does it do?” Spike asked curiously.

"It enhances my dreams tenfold, so anyone can go inside my dream." Toad answers. "Your challenge is to go inside my dream and destroy the nightmares I've been having for days. The first pony to do so wins invincibility for their team."

"Princess Luna could've easily done that for you." Twilight remarks with a roll of her eyes.

“Yeah, but this way is more fun.” Toad laughed.

“I feel there’s a catch to this challenge. It seems way too straightforward.” Trixie whispers to Starlight.

"Well of course there's always a catch to everything. There's alway a catch." Discord scoffed, having overheard his fellow reformed villains’ conversation.

“Okay fine. The catch is that you can die in the dream world without dying in the real world." Toad rolls his eyes.

“Isn’t that basic logic?” Applejack scoffed.

“Don’t question my techniques!” Toad cried out furiously before calming down, “However, if you die in a dream world, you will wake up and the challenge will be over for you. Everyone ready?"

"No we haven't even had any breakfast." Lightning Dust complains.

"Zap away Bobei." Toad ordered.

Bobei then used the Dream-a Tron 3000 and soon all seventeen contestants were transported to the dream world.

We then see that the Killer Dragons were altogether in some distorted version of the island. It was now purple and blue instead of green and brown.

“Where are we?” Trixie rubbed her head in confusion.

“Inside my dreams, this challenge is so on." Toad said over the loudspeaker.

“Hustle everypony. We need to-“ Twilight began before Pinkie Pie began gasping in awe at the sights of the dream world.

“We should totally go sightseeing guys! It’s not everyday you have a dream where you know you’re having a dream.” Pinkie Pie suggested happily.

“That’s sounds great! I’m in!” Cheese beamed excitedly.

“Me too!” Grubber, Applebloom, and Snips cheered before running off with Pinkie Pie.

“Guys… GUYS!” Twilight cried out but the five teammates had already ran off before looking to see only Spike, Starlight, and Trixie were still nearby.

“Come on guys.” Twilight sighed miserably, “Let’s go find the nightmare.”

“What about the others?” Spike asked in concern.

“Who cares?!” Trixie scoffed, “They’re probably not gonna be much help considering what they just pulled.”

“No. We’re all a team. We need to find them as well.” Twilight reminded the showboat, “Just follow me.”

Twilight and Spike immediately began walking together with Trixie following, Starlight gave a look of concern before following as well.

We then see the Screaming Parapsrites were together as Discord was once again trying to take charge.

“Alright team. As the team leader, I suggest we all split up.” Discord smirked confidently.

“You do realize that you were only the team leader for one challenge right?” Fluttershy reminded her friend.

“Let’s just do what he says. It’ll save us a lot of time.” Rainbow Dash said, deciding to go along with the Draconequus’ plan.

“I’ll go by myself if that’s alright.” Lightning Dust smirked arrogantly.

“Oh but please, don’t let us stop you.” Rainbow Dash said sarcastically.

Lightning Dust rolled her eyes but flew off regardless.

Back with Twilight, Spike, Starlight, and Trixie, it was clear that there was some tension in the air but sooner than later, Twilight and Spike began to have a private conversation.

“Hey Twilight, you seem to be a little down. What’s wrong?” Spike asked in concern.

“I don’t know Spike, it’s just that sometimes I feel that our friends don’t take me that seriously.” Twilight sighed miserably, “I mean, you saw what happened earlier. The rest of the group ditched us to go sightseeing!”

“Well… that does sound kinda rough, but they are your friends, I’m sure they’ll take you seriously when it counts.” Spike said in an attempt to comfort Twilight which made the alicorn smile a bit.

Meanwhile, Starlight and Trixie were having their own conversation.

“You want us to do what?!” Trixie whispered in surprise.

“I know it seems crazy, but Twilight and Spike are two of my best friends like you. It would just be really great if all of us were in an alliance. It’s a great power play.” Starlight explained giddily.

“But what if it comes down to the four of us and Pinkie Pie. We all know Twilight would rather vote off Trixie over her.” Trixie reminded her best friend.

“That’s true, but I plan on convincing Spike to vote her off if it comes down to that.” Starlight smiles uneasily, “And besides, if we’re lucky, we’ll never get to that point.”

Confessional: Starlight

“I want to protect Trixie from the vote just as much as I want to protect Twilight and Spike. I just hope I can get Spike to vote off some of Twilight’s other friends.” Starlight admits nervously, “I know, I know it’s probably a sucky thing to do to Twilight but it IS a game.”

Confessional: Trixie

“Trixie does not want to place her faith in Twilight’s assistant that he will vote our way.” Trixie shakes her head in disapproval, “Sorry Starlight, but Trixie needs to take matters into her own hooves.”

Confessionals End

Back with Pinkie Pie’s group, they were all staring at the rainbow waterfall above them which made them all at awe.

“Wow! This is super duper amazing!” Pinkie Pie hopped up and down, “I should visit the dream world more often.”

“I’m glad you’re having fun Pinkie.” Cheese smiled before gaining a look of concern, “But we should probably look for the nightmare now. That is the challenge after all.”

“I gotta agree with Cheese. Twilight and the others can’t do all the legwork for us.” Applebloom admits sheepishly.

“Yeah, I agree there. Let’s save the dream world!” Pinkie Pie cheered ecstatically which made Cheese and Applebloom smile.

“Hey guys. Do you all know what this is?” Snips asked as he held up a Bob-omb.

“Snips, watch out! That’s a bomb!” Grubber gasped as he ran over to Snips to slap the bomb out of his hands but all it did was cause it to explode and make Grubber and Snips disappear in smoke.

“Oh crud.” Applebloom groaned once she realized that both of them were out of the challenge.

Meanwhile Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash were all walking together in the caverns when they came across Rarity and Sweetie Belle.

“Hey girls, why don’t you come with us.” Fluttershy offered kindly.

“Really? Are you sure about that?” Rarity asked, “Discord did tell us to split up.”

“Yeah, and besides, the two of us are together. I’m sure we’ll be fine.” Sweetie Belle said reassuringly.

“Well… it was just a suggestion.” Fluttershy shrugged before she, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash walked off and once they were far enough, Rainbow Dash decided to speak.

“Okay girls, we gotta talk strategy.” Rainbow Dash told her friends.

“Why do we gotta discuss strategy now in the middle of a challenge?” Applejack asked incredulously.

“Considering Lightning Dust is still in the game, I think it’s for the best to ensure one of us doesn’t get voted off.” Rainbow Dash scoffed indignantly.

“This again.” Applejack sighed in annoyance, “Maybe we should just focus on finding the nightmare and deal with the vote when it comes down to it.”

“I agree. Strategy talk makes me feel uncomfortable.” Fluttershy smiled weakly.

“Fine.” Rainbow Dash groaned.

We then cut to Lightning Dust having some sort of meeting with Discord and Tempest in the caverns.

“Okay, so I officially declare this the first outcast alliance of the Screaming Parasprites.” Lightning Dust said sternly.

“Okay really? How are all of us outcasts when you’re the only one with a target on your back?” Discord raised an eyebrow.

“I think we’re meant to presume that if Lightning Dust gets eliminated, the remaining Elements Of Harmony will just target us next.” Tempest explains dryly.

“Yep. That’s exactly what I meant.” Lightning Dust smirked proudly before speaking again, “So now that the two of you are in my alliance.”

“No one said that we were…” Discord trailed off.

“You need to protect me from the nightmares and the dangers to keep me alive in this challenge." Lightning Dust said, not knowing that shadowy purple hands were appearing behind her.

“Behind you!” Discord and Tempest cried out in horror before the purple hands blasted Lightning Dust from behind, turning her into stardust.

“Welp… she’s out.” Discord gulped before he and Tempest noticed the hands going after them next, causing Discord and Tempest to scream before Discord snapped his fingers to teleport them out.

Back with Rarity and Sweetie Belle, they were hiking through the forest together. It was silent, very silent and it was starting to creep Sweetie Belle out.

“I think we should go back. I’m starting to regret not teaming up with Rainbow Dash and Applejack when we had the chance.” Sweetie Belle gulped.

“Sweetie Belle, I’m sure we’ll be alright. After all, this is all only a dream.” Rarity smirked confidently, “Besides, as long as I’m here, you’ll be fine.”

Suddenly a screech was heard causing Rarity to scream before regaining her composure, “Fear is only in the mind.”

“Uh-huh.” Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes dryly.

We then cut to Twilight’s group near a cave when Spike gasped, “Guys, look! Maybe the nightmare’s in there!”

“In that case, be quiet. You might alert them or something.” Trixie said harshly.

“Should we go in?” Starlight asked curiously.

“Sorry, but I don’t feel comfortable letting either of us face anything that terrifying alone.” Twilight spoke adamantly.

“Well someone has to go in… well except me of course.” Trixie rolled her eyes.

“Uh-huh.” Spike said unamused.

“Hey guys!” Pinkie Pie said happily as she, Cheese, and Applebloom all made it over to the cave.

“Pinkie! I’m so glad to see you!” Twilight smiled optimistically before raising an eyebrow, “But where’s Snips and Grubber?”

“They encountered a bob-omb and got blown out of the dream world.” Applebloom sighed.

“At least all of us are together again.” Cheese said optimistically, “What’s going on here anyway?”

“We’re trying to figure out who should go in this cave.” Trixie replied pessimistically.

“Ooh, I can go. I have a lot of experiences with caves.” Pinkie Pie said optimistically.

“Okay… I’ll go with you just to be safe.” Twilight gulped nervously.

“You sure about this, Twilight?” Starlight asked worriedly.

“Well I’d rather let myself go through this than any of you. I’m sure I’ll be fine though.” Twilight said reassuringly before going inside the cave with Pinkie Pie following her.

Suddenly a rabbit showed up much to the surprise of the rest of the Killer Dragons but Applebloom was quick to gush, “Aw. This rabbit is so cute.”

“Yeah. It really is.” Cheese began admiring the bunny himself.

“Wait, what is a random bunny doing inside the dream world?” Spike asked curiously.

“Yeah, it doesn’t make any sense.” Trixie raised an eyebrow but Starlight’s eyes widened in horror.

“Guys! Get away from the rabbit now!” Starlight cried out in realization but the bunny suddenly grew purple arms and zapped Cheese and Applebloom before they could react, causing the two to become stardust like Lightning Dust was.

“RUN!” Trixie immediately ran off while the hands made a move to try and blast Starlight and Spike but Starlight was quick to form a shield and then lowered it to blast the purple hands herself while Spike joined by breathing fire, putting them in a standstill.

Back with Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash, they were still trekking through the forest together when suddenly Trixie ran over screaming.

“Trixie. What’s going on?” Applejack asked worriedly.

“The nightmare attacked us from the cave!” Trixie panted dramatically, “Trixie was lucky enough to escape with her life!”

“What?! Where’s your team?!” Rainbow Dash asked incredulously.

“Uh… Trixie doesn’t know. Trixie ran off and assumed they followed me.” Trixie said sheepishly.

“Ugh.” Rainbow Dash facepalmed, “C’mon. We gotta head to that cave.”

Rainbow Dash then flew off with Applejack running after her. Trixie just turned over to Fluttershy before they both followed.

We then see Rarity and Sweetie Belle continuing to explore the forest when a flash appeared in front of them much to their surprise before realizing it was Discord and Tempest.

“Phew. Thank goodness we found you.” Discord sighed in relief, “Lightning Dust just got taken down by the nightmare.”

“What?! Did you just lead it right to us?!” Rarity cried out indignantly which caused Discord to laugh comfortably.

“Would you relax? I literally teleported. I’m sure the nightmare isn’t anywhere near us.” Discord scoffed in amusement.

“Hold up, you’re the Lord Of Chaos. Why didn’t you just use your powers on the nightmare?” Tempest said in realization.

“I just saw Lightning Dust get blasted! I panicked!” Discord crossed his arms in annoyance.

“So the one time you could’ve used your powers for the good of the team and you fail to do that. Way to go.” Rarity rolled her eyes.

“Don’t you dare pin this on me. I’m doing my best.” Discord argued in annoyance before they suddenly heard a shrill scream and saw that a purple hand had grabbed Sweetie Belle and threw her into a black portal.

“Sweetie Belle! No!” Rarity began tearing up as Discord readied himself for battle.

“Alright. No more Mr Nice Guy.” Discord growled before snapping his talons and immediately sent a bunch of ice cream cones to attack the nightmare hand before conjuring up a cage and taking advantage of the distraction and trapping the hand inside. The hand tries to escape but the cage was really strong.

After that, Discord snapped his fingers again and the cage began electrocuting the hand which made it disintegrate.

“Phew. Now that that’s over with, we better go.” Tempest said in relief.

“What about Sweetie Belle?” Rarity said in distress.

“She’ll be fine. It’s only a dream. Now come on.” Discord told the unicorn before snapping his fingers to send them elsewhere.

We then see that Starlight and Spike were starting to grow tired from fighting the shadowy hands and it looked like they were about to be blasted by them before Rainbow Dash suddenly punched the both of them away.

“Haha! Nailed it!” Rainbow Dash said happily.

The hands then began trying to grab the rainbow pegasus but because of the impact of the punches and their earlier fight with Starlight and Spike; they were getting tired and worn out, just enough for Applejack to lasso the both of them up and pin them to the ground.

“You did it girls.” Fluttershy sighed in relief as she and Trixie made it to the scene.

“Hey. We’ve faced against a power hungry centaur and a Changeling Queen. At this point, these nightmares are practically nothing.” Rainbow Dash scoffed arrogantly.

Suddenly Discord teleported over with Rarity and Tempest by his side.

“Ah. Glad we found all of you.” Discord smiled in relief, “Is everyone alright?”

“I’m good.” Starlight said weakly, “How about you Spike?”

“Oh… I’ll be fine…” Spike said drowsily.

“Wait. Where are Twilight and Pinkie?” Trixie asked worriedly.

Suddenly two laser beams were seen from inside the cave and soon Twilight and Pinkie Pie came out looking worse for wear.

Suddenly, a gigantic anthropomorphic bat appeared floating out of the cave with a nasty glare.

“You vill regret messing vith my dreams. For I am the Bat King of Nightmares Antasma, and you vill not get away vith this!” Antasma growled before charging up an orb in his hands before blasting pretty much all of the contestants into the wall, turning them into stardust.

After that, Toad had finally woken up with all of the contestants doing so as well.

“Well… there are worse ways to spend my night.” Toad sighed in annoyance, “All of you failed to destroy the nightmare for me. Just great.”

“Oh give it a rest. I’m pretty sure the rest of us have suffered enough.” Rainbow Dash groaned.

“Whatever. Since the Screaming Parasprites did the best job of evading the nightmare. They win the challenge and can go back to bed.” Toad grunted, “Killer Dragons, let’s get this elimination over with so I can hit the hay.”

“How about you hit it right now amigo.” Bobei smirked before blasting Toad with the dream beam, sending the mushroom creature to sleep.

We then cut to the elimination ceremony for the Killer Dragons when Bobei began announcing, “Okay primera, the creature that receives a marshmallow can continue on Toadal Magic Island, or should I say Bobei's Magic Island."

“So you’re the host now?” Trixie asked in confusion.

“As long as Señor Toad is in the dream world, I Bobei have complete control of the show." Bobei replied smugly.

“Whatever, I guess.” Trixie rolled her eyes.

“Anyway…” Bobei began.

“Senor Grubber.”






“And Spike.”

Pinkie Pie and Snips gulped as they saw the final marshmallow in Bobei’s hands.

“Pinkie Pie.”

“Aw man.” Snips said sadly, “I was doing so good.”

“Next time, don’t play around with a bob-omb.” Grubber scoffed.

“Noted.” Snips sighed sadly.

Snips was seen on the Hurl Of Shame when Bobei asked, “Any last words Senor.”

“Not really.” Snips said solemnly before Bobei flung him out of the catapult.

“Huh? That wasn’t really as dramatic as I thought it’d be. Perhaps I should wake up Senor Toad.” Bobei sighed before doing the frantically outro, “Tune in next time what happen to the rest of the campers. How mad will Toad be since I trapped him in his own nightmare? Who will be the next camper gone? And what will be in store for the Killer Dragons? Tune in next time for ISLA! DEL! MAGIC!" Bobei said frantically.

Dark and Desperate

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“Last time on Toadal Magic Island,” Toad began before hearing a familiar high-pitched voice.

“You know this is called Toadal Magic Island Returns right? "You keep saying Toadal Magic Island, but you leave out the 'returns' part, that's the most important part.” Jimmy spoke up.

“I thought I blew you out of this island two episodes ago.” Toad said, baffled.

“I swam all the way back. It wasn’t that hard.” Jimmy shrugged before smiling, “So, can I be your co-host now?”

“Co-host. Bahahahaha, no!” Toad glared at the hammer bro before smiling, “However, I do respect your dedication so I’ll make you an intern as I try to find some new ones.”

“Oh what fun this is going to be. I get to work alongside with the famous Toad." Jimmy smiled excitedly.

“Cool, now get out of my shot.” Toad said before pushing Jimmy into the water, “Last time, the campers were sent into my dreams to destroy the nightmare. However, the nightmares became dangerous and started multiplying. In the end, the Screaming Parasprites did the best at evading the nightmare so they won invincibility and because Snips was a liability, they voted him off. Who will be the next one eliminated? So stay tuned, we've got more brutality coming to you live on Toadal! Magic! Island!”

“Returns!” Jimmy added.

The episode begins with all the contestants in the Mess Hall eating their gruel when Twilight spoke up, “I’m so upset that I got so easily taken down last challenge.”

“Well to be fair, it’s not like dreams are our domain. That’s Luna.” Starlight reminded the alicorn, “Toad honestly shouldn’t have put all his faith in us to deal with that Antasma guy.”

“Hehe. Fair enough.” Twilight smiled at the unicorn.

Meanwhile, Discord was trying to talk strategy with Fluttershy while the others were busy eating their food.

“That’s why I feel it’s best if you, me, Tempest, and Lightning Dust all vote off Rarity or Sweetie Belle at the next elimination.” Discord whispered to the Element Of Kindness.

“Uh… I don’t feel comfortable voting off Rarity or Sweetie Belle. Especially with Lightning Dust.” Fluttershy admits nervously.

“I know you guys aren’t best buds but it’s not like Rarity and Sweetie Belle are the most helpful in challenges. Do you really want our team being held back?” Discord replied calmly which caused Fluttershy to ponder her choices.

Confessional: Fluttershy

“Discord’s been acting weird ever since the dream challenge. Not his usual weird but more paranoid than usual.” Fluttershy admits nervously.

Confessional: Discord

“Tempest and Lightning Dust brought up a good point yesterday. Those ponies aren’t exactly my bestest friends in the competition so if Lightning Dust gets eliminated, they’ll be breathing down my neck next and they could totally eliminate me since they have the numbers. I need to turn this around and FAST.” Discord said with a narrowed gaze.

Confessionals End

We then cut to the campfire where Starlight was talking to Twilight, “Hey Twilight, I know you and Trixie don’t always see eye to eye on everything, but would you be willing to vote with me and her if we lose the next challenge?”

“Sure thing Starlight. I’d be happy to help out.” Twilight smiled at the unicorn.

What they didn’t notice was that Trixie was in the bushes grunting at the sight of the two of them together before walking away from the scene.

“Oh, I’d be happy to help.” Trixie said mockingly before making noises of disgust, “It’s sick, watching Starlight fawn over her. I’m her best friend after all.”

“Ooh, Trixie’s got a girlfriend. Trixie’s got a girlfriend.” Grubber teased mercilessly.

“Sit down and shut up.” Trixie yelled at the hedgehog.

Confessional: Trixie

“Urgh. Things are getting more complicated for Trixie the more Starlight spends time around Twilight. It’s stirring up old feelings of jealousy. I don’t like that, and Grubber has been driving me up a wall more than usual lately.”

Confessional Ends

Suddenly chomping noises were heard which caused everyone to head near the cabins in surprise.

“What the heck is that?!” Tempest asked incredulously before Toad and Bobei showed up to the scene, “Toad, what is the meaning of this?”

“As I said before, after last season went on hiatus, the island got inhabited by monsters. Bobei needs to cross the ocean to get new interns, but the ocean is being occupied by a sea monster." Toad explains.

“Why don’t you just get rid of it?” Rarity glared at the mushroom creature.

“Because you primadona, I’m too beautiful.” Toad smirked arrogantly, “That’s why today’s challenge will be to take out that monster. I’m providing one of you with a super powered bob-omb gun that can take out the monster but you can only use it once since I used up most of the ammo.” He then tossed the guns to both Rarity and Pinkie Pie respectively.

“Ooh! Does it work like a party cannon!” Pinkie Pie asked happily.

“You can say that. The first team to destroy the monster wins invincibility." Toad finishes.

“Ugh. All we’ve been doing for the past few days is running around and doing stuff for you. Why can’t we just have a simple puzzle challenge?” Grubber asked incredulously.

“Oh please, like you’d even be able to do that.” Trixie rolled her eyes causing the hedgehog to glare at her.

The chomping noise is heard again but this time everyone was on the boat.

“Whoa. That must be one giant fish.” Lightning Dust said in awe.

“He never said it was a fish.” Rainbow Dash reminded the Washout.

“Excuse me but I don’t think anyone asked-“ Lightning Dust began before Rainbow Dash slid her hooves underneath Lightning Dust's, sending her falling into the water.

Confessional: Rainbow Dash

“Don’t look at me like that. She was asking for it.” Rainbow Dash scoffed.

Confessional Ends

“Come on guys, we can’t be wasting time now.” Applejack spoke sternly.

“Um… perhaps I should stay here.” Rarity gulped nervously.

“Oh no. You are NOT sitting out in another challenge. We need you in this challenge. You have the bomb gun.” Rainbow Dash reminded the fashionista.

“Well fine, you take it. I’d like to help on the sidelines.” Rarity scoffed before handing it over to Rainbow Dash.

“Not so fast, whoever I gave the gun to must be the shooter." Toad walks over with a smirk.

“You never said that!” Rainbow Dash cried out furiously.

“Well now I did.” Toad smiled before turning to see Jimmy walk over.

“Hey Toad, I got your latte." Jimmy said happily as he held out a cup of coffee but he didn’t see the small puddle on the dock so he ended up slipping and spilling the coffee all over himself.

“AGH! IT BURNS! BUT IT FEELS SO GOOD SINCE IT’S TOAD’S COFFEE!” Jimmy cried out in pain and happiness…

“Oh brother.” Toad rolled his eyes.

With everyone distracted on the Screaming Parasprites, no one noticed Lightning Dust smirking at the bomb gun.

Meanwhile, the Killer Dragons were experiencing some problems of their own with their bomb gun.

“Okay guys, let’s get to it. I have the most swimming experience after all.” Pinkie Pie smirked.

“But how are we supposed to even find the sea monster? You can’t hold your breath forever.” Applebloom reminded the party pony.

“Hmmm,” Twilight rubbed her chin carefully, “Maybe I can cast a spell that lets Pinkie Pie breathe underwater. I’m not sure how long it’ll last though.”

“It’s our best chance at immunity. Just try it out.” Trixie urged the alicorn.

“Okay.” Twilight gulped before placing her horn on Pinkie’s chest before lighting it up for a spell.

“Ooh, I feel all tingly.” Pinkie Pie giggled.

Back with the Screaming Parasprites, Discord smiled as he thought of an idea, “What if I use some magic to make a submarine.”

“You can do that?” Lightning Dust asked incredulously.

“I’m the Lord Of Chaos.” Discord rolled his eyes before snapping his fingers and suddenly a submarine appeared in the water.

“Everyone get in.” Discord instructed the group before they all got inside the submarine and as such, Discord began driving off underwater.

“Oh crud.” Starlight gulped nervously.

“Hopefully Pinkie Pie is doing okay in there.” Twilight looked at Starlight with worry.

We then cut to everyone in the Screaming Parasprites in their submarine nearing a cave where a monsterous growl was heard.

“Okay, that’s where the monster is. Rarity, it’s time you get out there and shoot it.” Discord instructed the fashionista.

“Here goes nothing.” Rarity gulped before Discord snapped his fingers and because of this, she and the bomb gun were now underwater. Rarity was shocked to find out she could breathe underwater before she shrugged, “Must be Discord’s magic.”

Rarity then took aim at the cave and tried to fire her bomb gun but nothing came out, she clicked the button again but it still wouldn’t come out.

“What’s taking so long out there?!” Sweetie Belle cried out impatiently.

“I’m trying but it won’t come out…” Rarity kept clicking the button but suddenly the gun began turning red which she didn’t notice but the others did.

“Uh… Rarity… you might wanna stop that.” Applejack gulped.

“Not now Applejack, I need to-“ Rarity began growling before an explosion occurred, sending the submarine and Rarity all the way back to the dock with all eight members of the Screaming Parasprites groaning in pain.

“Thanks a lot Rarity.” Tempest grunted.

“Oh come on. That bomb gun was impossible to use.” Rarity scoffed before hearing an explosion underwater and after that, Pinkie Pie smiled as she rose above water.

“Hey guys. I just got the monster. It was so big and had so many tentacles. You really should’ve been there!” Pinkie Pie smiled brightly which caused the team to glare at Rarity even more.

“It appears the Killer Dragons have finally nipped their losing streak in the bud and as such, they win immunity today.” Toad said happily as he walked over to the scene.

“You are SO dead Rarity.” Lightning Dust glares at the Element Of Generosity.

We then see Fluttershy and Discord by the campfire when Discord speaks up, “Look Fluttershy, I know she’s our friend but we have to face it. This environment is only hindering her and us as a team. We need to get rid of her. She’ll understand.”

Fluttershy only sighed in response.

We then cut to the elimination ceremony where the Screaming Parasprites were at.

“Well guys, that wasn’t exactly your best performance.” Toad admits.

“It’s not my fault the gun you gave me was clearly a dud.” Rarity scoffed with a roll of her eyes.

“Okay, so the first mushy marshmallow goes to…” Toad began.

“Sweetie Belle.”

“Rainbow Dash.”




Discord, Rarity, and Lightning Dust all stared worriedly at the next two marshmallows before Toad called out,


“Phew.” Discord sighed in relief.

“And the final marshmallow goes to…” Toad began ominously as Rarity sweated at the prospect of elimination while Lightning Dust just glared angrily at the last marshmallow.

Confessional: Applejack

“At the end of the day, it came down to Rarity and Lightning Dust. Rarity’s my friend but Fluttershy talked to me about what Discord said about her not pulling her weight in challenges and honestly…” Applejack trailed off.

Confessional Ends

“Lightning Dust.” Toad tossed the last marshmallow to the green pegasus which caused Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Sweetie Belle to gasp in shock.

“What?! How could Rarity be voted off?!” Sweetie Belle asked incredulously.

“Oh, we’re sorry Rarity.” Fluttershy apologized tearfully as she embraced her friend.

“I’m sorry too.” Applejack sighed, “You just haven’t been doing so well in challenges and… we thought it was for the best.”

“It’s okay darlings. I suppose if I want to win this game I need to put in the hard work.” Rarity admitted solemnly before sadly smiling at her friends, “I’m not mad, thank you for being honest with me.”

Applejack and Fluttershy smiled before getting into a group hug with Rarity. All the while, Rainbow Dash just glared holes in the back of Applejack and Fluttershy’s heads.

Confessional: Rainbow Dash

“I can’t BELIEVE THIS! We have the perfect opportunity to vote off Lightning Dust and they DON’T take it and worst of all, they vote off RARITY! Ugh. Looks like I can only rely on myself for these competitions. I’ll show them what a real winner is.” Rainbow Dash said furiously.

Confessional: Lightning Dust

“Yeah, so I might have tampered with the gun a teensy bit while the others were distracted by Jimmy’s coffee burns to make Rarity look bad.” Lightning Dust smirked, “I’m so glad that worked. Now the three Elements Of Harmony hardly even trust each other and one of their alliance members is gone. This is too good.”

Confessional Ends

We then cut to Rarity at the Hurl Of Shame with Toad getting ready to fling her, “Sorry Rarity. It looks like your own friends have gotten rid of you.”

“Well, may I have a few last words?” Rarity asked with a nervous smile.

“Nope.” Toad smirked before pressing the lever to fling the fashionista away from the island, “No one gets the last word except for me. What will Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust plot next? Will Starlight solve her weird little triangle with Twilight and Trixie? And how will the game go now that the first Element Of Harmony has been eliminated? Find out all this and more on Toadal! Magic! Island!”

Crapture The Flag

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“Last time on Toadal Magic Island Returns. The campers went on an underwater mission. Twilight used one of her spells to help Pinkie Pie breathe underwater while Discord outright made a submarine out of magic. Lightning Dust sabotaged the bomb gun Rarity was meant to use and because of that, she was sent to elimination by her own friends. Ouch. Only fifteen left, can the remaining players anticipate what I'm gonna do to them? No, of course they can't, but that's what makes this job fun. Stay tuned for Toadal Magic Island Returns!" Toad recapped.

Outside the cabin, we see that Starlight and Trixie were having another conversation.

“So you seriously got Twilight and Spike on our side?” Trixie asked curiously.

“Yep.” Starlight smiled at her best friend.

“Awesome. So we control half the votes.” Trixie began to squeal, “I was thinking in the next vote we target Grubber. He’s so annoying.”

“Actually… I was kinda thinking we should target either Cheese or Applebloom.” Starlight admits sheepishly.

“What?! Why?!” Trixie asked incredulously.

“They’re both big social threats, and Cheese and Pinkie don’t have the best attention spans and I’d rather get rid of Cheese than Pinkie.” Starlight explains.

“Oh come on. Grubber is clearly the bigger nuisance.” Trixie groaned.

“Okay.” Starlight sighed, “How about we make a pact. Whichever one of the three does the worst in the challenge and if we lose, we vote out the worst performer.” Starlight compromised.

“Fine.” Trixie groaned.

We then cut to Applejack and Fluttershy at the cabin, awkwardness in the air.

“Y’all get the feeling that maybe we shouldn’t have voted off Rarity?” Applejack asked curiously.

“I’m so glad you asked that because I’m not sure if we made the right call ourselves. Especially with how hard Rainbow Dash is taking it.” Fluttershy admitted sheepishly.

“Yeah, I tried to say good morning to her but she didn’t even acknowledge me.” Applejack raised a confused eyebrow.

“She must be really upset with what we did.” Fluttershy sighed guiltily.

“What’s done is done.” Applejack said sternly, “The best we can do is try and win today’s challenge and try to talk with Rainbow Dash later.”

“You think she’ll listen?” Fluttershy asked curiously.

“I wanna say yes, but I know how she is.” Applejack rubbed the back of her head nervously.

Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie and Cheese were playing around with a ball decorated in stars.

“You’re really good at this Cheese.” Pinkie Pie complimented.

“Thanks Pinkie.” Cheese said happily as they continued playing around with Grubber watching the two to see what would happen when he heard a Psst noise.

“Huh? Oh hey Applebloom.” Grubber smiled at the filly.

“Look Grubber, I hate to say it, but I don’t think you and I are very popular with our teammates.” Applebloom admits nervously.

“What do you mean?” Grubber asked curiously.

“I mean, look around us. The teams are split into duos. Pinkie and Cheese, Twilight and Spike, and Starlight and Trixie and they get along real well so that leaves you and me.” Applebloom said solemnly.

“So… you saying you wanna make some sort of pact to get one of them out?” Grubber raised an eyebrow.

“Exactly my point.” Applebloom smirked at the hedgehog.

Meanwhile, Twilight and Spike were discussing in the mess hall, about a potential elimination.

“So I was thinking in the next elimination we could vote with Starlight and Trixie to vote off Cheese. He’s not exactly very focused in challenges.” Spike told the alicorn.

“Are you sure? Pinkie would be really upset about him leaving…” Twilight said nervously.

“Twilight. This is an elimination game. All of us have to go at some point and we’re not as close with Cheese as Pinkie is. If we don’t start pulling some moves, then we’re going to be the next ones gone at some point.” Spike said in a lecturing tone.

“Sorry Spike.” Twilight sighed sadly, “I’m just a little shaken up after Rarity’s elimination and all.”

“Yeah, and I really miss her too, but we need to at least try to do the best we can to win.” Spike comforted.

“Okay, I’ll try to be less sensitive.” Twilight smiled at the dragon who smiled back.

“Challenge time!” Toad spoke from the loudspeakers causing everyone outside the cabins to groan in annoyance.

“Hey, stop complaining. I practically give you food around here." Toad said angrily.

“Do we really need to make another joke on how bad the food is?” Rainbow Dash asked sarcastically.

We then see both teams in the forest meeting with Toad, Bobei, and Jimmy.

“Today‘s challenge is capture the flag.” Toad said happily.

“Boring.” Discord and Tempest chorused.

“With bazookas.” Toad added.

“Oh.” Discord and Tempest spoke in intrigue.

“Each team will have a world base. The objective is to prevent your flag from being taken by the other team. In your base you have a large supply of weapons and ammo. Guard your flag at all costs, if it's stolen and brought to the other base, your team loses. Also, if you get hit at all, you'll be teleported to the rest zone until someone presses the release button sending all the captured back on their team." Toad thoroughly explains.

“What do you mean by world bases?” Applejack asked curiously.

“These.” Toad answered vaguely, “Hit it Jimmy.”

“Aye aye.” Jimmy smiled before pulling a lever which caused the contestants to teleport to their world bases. Half of it was a winter wonderland while the other was a dry and sandy desert.

“These are the world bases. The Killer Dragons have the dry desert base while the Screaming Parasprites have the ice sherbet base.” Toad said happily.

“Please tell me the ice can hold us all up.” Fluttershy whimpered.

“I’m sure it can.” Applejack said reassuringly.

"Okay then, I will transfer you to your world zones, and on the horn you go." Toad instructs.

"But what if-" Spike was cut off by a horn going off.

“Alright guys. Let’s open this crate already.” Rainbow Dash said angrily before using her hooves to try to open the crate.

“Need some assistance, Rainbow Crash.” Lightning Dust taunted.

“Only the Wonderbolts can call me that!” Rainbow Dash cried out indignantly before punching the crate open and what they ended up seeing was a few bazookas and lasers.

Meanwhile, the Killer Dragons were in the desert base and were about to open their crate.

“I wonder what we got.” Grubber questioned before he opened the crate and what the Killer Dragons saw was a bunch of bazookas and lasers.

“Don’t worry everyone. We have a literal God of Chaos on our side.” Sweetie Belle said optimistically.

“Why thank you Sweetie Belle.” Discord smirked smugly.

“But they have two of the most powerful magic users of all time, two party ponies who bends the laws of physics daily, a dragon that can breathe fire, a filly who has farm strength, well there’s Trixie and Grubber but we may be outmatched.” Tempest reminded the others.

“I’m sure we all can use our own strengths to win this challenge. And there’s no use in giving up.” Applejack said in a motivating tone.

“We just need to hide our flag so we don’t lose.” Fluttershy told the group.

“I’ll do it.” Lightning Dust volunteered before grabbing the flag and flying off.

“She better not lose this for us.” Rainbow Dash grumbled.

We then cut back to the Killer Dragons with their weapons as Trixie spoke up, “Now we just need to figure out how to steal their flag.”

“Weaponry!” Grubber shouted out.

“Anyway we could do it without needless violence?” Starlight asked with a roll of her eyes.

“You don’t like weapons?” Grubber asked curiously.

“Not when we might not even need to use them if we can come up with another plan.” Starlight explains.

“Alright you guys, this is war we’re talking about.” Pinkie Pie suddenly spoke, wearing a pink camouflage military uniform, “Survival of the fittest. Get your flanks in gear.”

“Since when are you a general?” Twilight asked incredulously.

“Were you instructed to speak private! Grab a bazooka and let’s go!” Pinkie Pie commanded.

“Aye Aye General Pie!” Cheese cried out enthusiastically as Twilight groaned at her friend’s antics.

Back in the ice territory, Lightning Dust finally buried the last bit of snow on top of the flag before smirking in satisfaction, “Perfect.”

“So… who's gonna be our spies?” Rainbow Dash asked sternly.

“I’ll go.” Tempest said roughly.

“Uh… how about I go.” Applejack said nervously, clearly unsure about letting Tempest go off alone.

“Both of you can go for all I care. Just don’t screw up.” Rainbow Dash scoffed in annoyance.

Confessional: Applejack

“Discord may have been the one to blindside Rarity but someone had to put that idea in his head. He ain’t exactly strategic after all. Lightning Dust is too reckless and Sweetie Belle would never vote her sister off so that leaves Tempest.” Applejack spoke sternly.

Confessional Ends

“So that just leaves me, you, Sweetie Belle, and Discord to protect the flag.” Fluttershy raised an eyebrow at Rainbow Dash.

“Ha. I have this in the bag. Here comes the Lord Of Chaos.” Discord emphasizes arrogantly.

Sweetie Belle just sighed miserably.

We then cut back to the Killer Dragons at their base.

“Let’s get down to business to defeat the Parasprites.” Pinkie Pie said sternly.

“How does this thing work?” Cheese asked curiously as he fiddled with his laser until he accidentally fired it with a blast heading towards Starlight’s direction.

“No no no!” Starlight cried out fearfully before getting hit by the laser.

“Aw great.” Starlight grunted before fading away, we then see later that she was teleported inside a gigantic cage.

“Oh great Cheese. Now we just eliminated one of our players.” Spike said angrily.

“Sorry.” Cheese gulped.

“It was an accident that General Pie is willing to forgive. Anyway: Cheese, Applebloom, and Spike, come with me. The rest of you stay here and guard the flag. Now let’s move out.”

We then see Applejack and Tempest hiding behind a cactus field when Tempest began speaking, “I’ll go ahead and scout.”

“Oh I’m sure you will. Plan on doing another sabotage?” Applejack narrowed her eyes.

“What is your deal?” Tempest asked incredulously.

“My deal is that I know you’re the one who got Discord and Lightning Dust to eliminate Rarity and thinking further, you likely sabotaged her bomb gun.” Applejack said angrily.

Tempest’s eyes widen at this accusation but she hums in thought before speaking.

“I campaigned for Rarity’s elimination, that is true but I most certainly did not sabotage the weapon she was using in the last challenge.” Tempest explained neutrally.

“Oh really?” Applejack narrowed her eyes.

“Indeed. Why would someone do that? It would take extreme recklessness and idiocy to pull a move like that.” Tempest scoffed indignantly.

“Wait a minute… Lightning Dust.” Applejack’s eyes widened as she gasped in shock.

“Are you sure?” Tempest raised an eyebrow, “She is very competitive and I doubt she’d want to lose any challenges.”

“I get what you’re saying, but she thoroughly enjoys messing with Rainbow Dash. You just gotta trust me on this.” Applejack told the former commander.

“Why should I do that after you accused me of sabotage?” Tempest scoffed, “Not exactly a solid foundation of trust to me.”

Applejack just sighed and facehoofed at the mistake she made.

Confessional: Applejack

“Maybe I shouldn’t have jumped so far to conclusions. So much for making up for my mistakes.” Applejack sighed nervously.

Confessional Ends

We then cut to Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Sweetie Belle, and Discord sitting together and playing cards.

“Got any threes.” Discord smirked at Rainbow Dash who groaned and gave her cards to the Draconequus.

“Ugh. You’re totally cheating.” Rainbow Dash grunted furiously.

“I’m doing no such thing.” Discord gave a mocking smirk, “You just have horrible luck.”

Suddenly they heard a scream from Sweetie Belle and saw her fading away, alerting them of Pinkie Pie, Cheese, Applebloom, and Spike’s presence.

“Aw man. Sorry Sweetie Belle.” Applebloom cried out to the skies.

Spike then began breathing a fireball which Discord and Rainbow Dash dodged but Fluttershy wasn’t so lucky as she got hit in the chest.

“Ow!” Fluttershy grunted before falling to the floor, she then faded away afterwards.

“No one messes with the Lord Of Chao’s teams and gets away with it.” Discord growled before snapping his fingers and summoning a giant fireball and aiming it at Spike.

“Wait wait, come on Discord, let’s talk about th-“ Spike began before he and Cheese were then hit by the gigantic fireball and knocked backwards. The two males immediately faded away afterwards.

“Retreat!” Pinkie Pie cried out before running off fearfully with Applebloom following.

Discord smirked at his handiwork and turned to a stunned Rainbow Dash, “Come on. Go and see where the Killer Dragons hid that flag.”

“Yeah okay.” Rainbow Dash gulped nervously.

Back at the Killer Dragons’ base, we see that Pinkie Pie and Applebloom have returned.

“It’s about time you guys showed up. Where’s the flag?” Trixie asked curiously.

“We got chased off by Discord.” Applebloom grunted.

“Aw man.” Grubber said sympathetically.

Suddenly a Bob-omb dropped from the sky near them which caused Trixie to begin freaking out, “AH! That’s a Bob-omb. Everyone run!”

“Not so fast!” Rainbow Dash cried out confidently as she ran over to the remaining Killer Dragons, “I’m here for that flag, so we can do this the easy way or the hard way.”

“Rainbow Dash, now is not the time to-“ Twilight groaned before an explosion was made, causing all of the creatures nearby to be hit by it, including Applejack and Tempest who were still hiding and then faded away after all was said and done.

In the empty desert; Lightning Dust immediately swooped downward from the sky and took the Killer Dragon’s flag and headed back to the ice base where Discord was waiting.

“Where’s the others?” Discord raised an eyebrow.

“Don’t worry about that. We won!” Lightning Dust said happily.

“And she is correct. Because Lightning Dust got the flag, the Screaming Parapsrites win invincibility.” Toad walked over with a smile.

“Woohoo!” Discord cheered.

“Yes!” Lightning Dust pumped a hoof in the air.

“But seriously, where is everyone who got captured?” Discord asked curiously.

We then cut to everyone in a giant cage but even with the cage’s large size, it was still very cramped.

“Well this bites.” Starlight rolled her eyes.

The elimination ceremony was now taking place, with everyone sitting at the logs.

“Alright, you know the drill. So let’s get this show on the road.” Toad said brightly.

Confessional: Starlight

“I’m voting off Cheese. He got me out of the challenge first and like I agreed with Trixie, the worst performer has to go.” Starlight explained bluntly.

Confessional: Cheese

“Spike DID get both me and him out by targeting Fluttershy.” Cheese said nervously.

Confessional: Trixie

“I can’t take it anymore. I’m voting for Grubber. Sorry Starlight, but he needs to go.” Trixie said solemnly.

Confessionals End

“Okay, marshmallows go to…” Toad began.





“And Trixie.”

“The rest of you all got votes for this elimination.” Toad told Spike, Cheese, and Grubber.

“Wait, the three of them got votes?” Starlight whispered as she raised an eyebrow before glaring at Trixie furiously who chuckled nervously.

“The next one safe is… Grubber.” Toad tossed a marshmallow to the happy hedgehog.

“And the final marshmallow goes to…” Toad began.


“What?! I don’t understand! What did I do wrong?!” Spike asked in shock.

“You kinda angered Discord to the point where he chased us off.” Applebloom said awkwardly.

“Sorry Spike, but it was a really hard choice.” Pinkie Pie said solemnly, “You are honorably discharged.”

“I’m so sorry Spike.” Twilight apologized sincerely, “You really don’t deserve to leave. I didn’t even vote for you.”

Twilight and Spike just shared a solemn look before Toad turned to Spike, “Spike. The Dock Of Shame awaits.”

“Awwwwwwwww.” Spike groaned while Starlight gave a piercing glare towards Trixie who gulped nervously.

Confessional: Starlight

“I can’t believe it!” Starlight said indignantly, “Trixie totally went against our deal! Does she not realize how badly she just screwed us over?! Now if we lose, it could be me or her going home next!”

Confessional Ends

We then see Spike at the Dock Of Shame with Toad next to a cannon.

“So the Hurl Of Shame can no longer be rented due to budget cuts, so we made something infinitely cooler. The Cannon Of Shame.” Toad said with a smirk.

“Let’s just get this over with.” Spike sighed solemnly before getting in the cannon to which it immediately blasted him away from the island.

“Only fourteen contestants left. Will anyone live to see tomorrow? Will Starlight regain control of the game? And will Pinkie actually get somebody killed? Find out on the next episode of Toadal! Magic! Island Returns!” Toad said happily.