Twilight"s revelation

by That-one_person-

First published

Twilight sparkle faces something she has only seen in her nightmare's

Twilight Sparkle faces Trauma from her past missions, this has lead to a thought provoking and heart-wrenching thought. Will she be able to face her past or will she sink into a void of despair?

The begining.. (Technically chapter 1)

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The sun slowly sets, filling the windows of the large tree with bright streaks of light colored purples,blues, and oranges . The light glistened off the spines of the books covering the walls of the tree. Soon the whole room glistened as the golden letters shone brightly. A purple colored unicorn closed her eyes taking in the sun’s warm rays like a never ending embrace.Opening her deep purple eyes just in time as the sun cast its final glints of daylight. The unicorn continued to stare out the window as the moon greeted her with its radiant beauty.

“Hey Twilight,” a small purple and green dragon said lifting a book high and triumphantly in the air. Startling Twilight as her horn let out a spark of magenta magic.

“Thanks Spike. He he,” she said, still a bit spooked rubbing the back of her deep purply-blue mane with a lighter purple and pink highlight.She took the dark colored book from the small dragons grasp. Just then her horn lit up a magenta outline engulfed the book as she pulled open the cover glancing at the title “Constellations and Major stars” Heading up the stars snug in the far corner of the room she found the page she had been looking for Vega it read “The brightest star that makes up Lyra the Harp,” Twilight often found constellations interesting as each had its own story to tell, such as the brave Hercules or the graceful Cygnus.Looking at the sky glimmering with millions of lights finding this singular star would be difficult. As she admired each star she recognized the big and little dipper and Cygnus. This led her straight to Lyra the harp adding it to her map of the path to the heavens. Looking out the starry sky a sense of calm rushed over her as she took in the serene beauty of the vast landscape.

A small yawn escaped her, as she felt her body beckoning her to rest. When she didn’t head the call her limbs began to feel heavy… Still she didn’t listen.She continued to look out into the starry abyss, all night long. She listened to all the crickets,owls, and Katydids. These created an orchestra with the moon as its spot light. The tree’s seemed to sway as if dancing to the symphony.As she blinked slower and slower her eyes started to close. Before she drifted into a sea of dreams she noticed a large almost blinding pinkish light in between her heavy eyelids.She threw her eyes open noticing a bright star but where had it come from, she pondered. She then began thinking aloud quietly whispering to herself. Getting lost in a web of thought she didn’t notice the bright glow from the large star fade as an even brighter light appeared in the sky.

The world seemed to awaken as flowers shook off the droplets of dew from their petals. Her train of thought on a long,twisting path was derailed as the sunlight shot through the window into her eyes. Covering her eyes with her fore hooves she stumbled back. She hadn’t studied the star long enough to place it on her map. Darn it, she said hoping it would be there tonight. Climbing back down the stairs she scurried into the kitchen for some coffee as she had been awake all night. Once she had more than her fair share of coffee Twilight started scavenging the shelves and shelves of books looking for anything about the stars. To explain the pink glow illuminating and engulfing the sky with its bright light. Just thinking about what she had saw overwhelmed her brain. I never thought that would be possible or at least that bright, twilight said with a puzzled look on her face. Suddenly a loud boom startled her. Quickly Twilight sprinted to the wooden red door preparing herself for anything.Opening the door to letting all the sunlight through filling the Golden Oaks library with its warm glow.

Not even five steps out she instantly noticed her friends standing in an almost complete circle. As she trotted closer and closer she remembered Pinkie Pie’s confetti cannon and how she had forgotten about brunch. “Oh, I am so sorry girls I got wrapped up in thinking and finding this book,” she trailed on.

"Whoa,slow down sugar cube," an orange earth pony said with a brown ranchers hat on.

“Dear, Applejack does have a point, why on Celsetia’s name would we be mad at you?” a light colored unicorn with a purple mane curled on the ends said.

“How was I so lucky to end up with friends like you,” Twilight said smiling sheepishly. Well from the time it took you to come out of your tree I'd say we still have some time for brunch," said Rainbow dash a blue Pegasus with a bright rainbow mane and tail. Pinkie Pie a bright pink earth pony,started hopping toward Sugar cube corner, a small establishment that made all sorts of delectable desserts.

"Hey! Pinkie wanna race",Rainbow dash said speeding by as her mane’s colors shown brightly in the sun’s glow. Twilight looked back as Rarity and Apple Jack stood back five or six feet.

Turning around Twilight said, "Are you girls coming?”

Why yes, but go on a head me and Apple Jack have something to discuss,”

Twilight thought nothing of it as it wasn’t unusual for someone to not include her but she didn’t mind it as she didn’t need to be included in everything.As she continued walking faint whispering sounds could be made out.
"Don’t ya think she was act’n strange," stated Applejack with a hoof covering the side of her face
"Why yes she knows that she really didn't need to apologize like that," Rarity whispered.
That was all she heard before the two trotted up to join the rest.

"Come on what took you guys so long," Rainbow dash said while hovering over the ground with her hooves crossed," I'm starving especially since Twilight was ten minutes late."

Twilight lowered her head and her ears flicked down. "I'm so sorry," she said tearing up. Her mind rushed with all sorts of thoughts like are they going to leave me, oh of course they would, who would want to be friends with a know it all like me. There was a high pitched ringing in her ears and the last thing she saw was five blobs before everything went black.