What If Dr. Robotnik Was In MLP: The Movie?

by BenjosComixInc

Evils Leaving Earth, Enters A New World

(Stop at 1:09)


On earth Sonic was fighting Dr. Robotnik who was flying in his ship losing the battle, sonic curled into a ball and kept smashing the ship until it couldn't take any more hits. Sonic skeets back as he see's the damage he's done to Robotnik's ship, Robotnik looks up and glares at Sonic with hatred. ''Ooh! Now you've done it!!'' He yelled. ''Guess what, Eggman?'' Sonic yells out to Robotnik. ''I'm not leaving Earth.'' Robotnik grits his teeth with hatred and glares daggers at his enemy. ''You are!'' ''Donut lord!'' Sonic says to Tom Wachowski which he responds by running to the back of Robotnik's ship and throws a ring behind the floating vehicle and forms into a portal to another planet. Sonic smirks at Robotnik as he boosts towards Sonic with pure anger wanting to finish that blue menace once and for all. Sonic does the same as he runs at quick speeds towards the ship, as they both boost towards each other Sonic jumps in the air and curls into a ball hitting directly in front of the ship pushing it backwards into the portal. ''NOOOOOooooooo!!!!!'' Robotnik screams with a frightened face as he's pushed into the portal never to be seen again.

But this time he didn't end up stranded on a Mushroom Planet, He ended up in a magical land were he'll soon be taking over.

For himself...


In The Storm Kings palace, the storm king was getting ready to take over Equestria preparing his army for battle and his airboats-he was sitting on his throne panning in till commander Tempest came.

''Your excellency the ships are ready to invade Canterlot, should I give the orders to leave?'' Tempest said bowing to The Storm King.

''Very good Tempest soon that-'' He hesitated for moment sticking his tongue out in disgust. ''Bluh, Cute pony land will be under my control, gather the troops and prepare to leave Tempest!'' He said to the dark pony who bows to his master.
''Yes your excellency I'm on my way'' But before she could leave a giant ring appeared before them and a ship came out of it that was flying directly toward them. Tempest jumps out of the way and so does The Storm King. The ship lands on top of the throne, destroying it.

Tempest looks up at the huge machine with a surprised look, The Storm King however was not happy at all as he got up and glares at the ship ''Watch where you're going!!! You could've-'' But before he could say anything else he sees a bipedal creature come out of the broken ship who looked very angry.

''When I get my hands on that little-'' Before Robotnik can finish that sentence he notices that he was surrounded by storm guard's pointing spears at him, Robotnik didn't take this very kindly as he slowly presses the threat detector on his broken ship to initiate weapons.

''Who do you think you are coming in here in my kingdom, destroying my throne, and almost killing me?! Now you're really gonna get it!!!'' The Storm King yelled as the guards were ready to charge, but what they didn't know was behind under the right wing of the ship was one of Robotnik's drones and it was still alive after being initiated.

''I'm sorry mister...'' Robotnik asked The Storm King's name. ''It's Storm King to you, now you better come along quietly before my guard's put holes in you!!! The Storm King commanded, Then Robotnik presses some buttons on his gloves, making the drone that's hiding cock it's missiles.

''I suggest you stand down... Before you hurt yourself.'' Robotnik said menacingly. Making The Storm King madder as he yelled out. ''That's it! Guards get rid of this clown!!'' And just like that the drone pop's out revealing itself and starts shooting missiles at the guards, all the missiles explode on impact into the guard's pushing them back into the walls, all of them becoming unconscious. As Robotnik sees that they're all beaten, the drone floats right beside him.

The Storm King is shocked on what he saw, that machine took down all of his guards in a matter of seconds. The Storm King looks towards Tempest and yells, ''Well what are you waiting for!? Tempest get him!!!

Tempest nods and jumps in the air kicking a stone bomb towards Robotnik, He saw this coming and pressed some buttons on his gloves causing the drone to go in front of Robotnik and charge at the oncoming bomb hitting it and sending it towards the Storm King. Hitting him! The Storm King scream's as he slowly turns into stone. ''NOOOOOooooo-'' And just like that he was turned into stone, Robotnik gave a smirk before he heard Tempest charging at him. Tempest was about to buck him until the drone came charging towards her sending her into a wall. She tried to get up but she heard Robotnik say, ''Nah-ah-ah! You better not move!'' Tempest looked and saw the drone pointing guns at her, she felt horrified as she looked at Robotnik who smiled evilly. ''Now... You're going to tell me what I want to know or else my drone will blow your brains out! Where am I?

''S-storm Island... on the planet Equss...'' Tempest said shakily.

''Equss?'' Robotnik said, 'So I'm on another planet, perhaps I should see if they have anything that can take me back to earth?' He thought ''Do you have Dimensional portals here?!

''I- I'm not sure, maybe the rulers of Equestria do, they have powerful magic!'' Tempest said gaining Robotnik's attention.

''So magic exists here too, extraordinary.'' Robotnik said. ''Where is this... Equestria?

''I can show you, we were going to invade the land on The Storm Kings command.'' Tempest said.

''... Perhaps you could be of use to me.'' Robotnik said making the drone drop its guns from Tempest, making her sigh in relief. ''This is perfect! With this army on my command, I can finally finish what I started.'' Robotnik said chuckling to himself until that chuckle became laughter.