Your Name Across The Multiverse


Chapter 3: Magic and Heroes

Wanda, with her rocket wings jetpack, leaped across the tree line as she was getting closer to the crater, as she could see the fighting was ending as less beams of light were going off. She saw a red beam of light shoot up in the sky as she arrived to the site and was suddenly heading towards her. Wanda used her horn to take out a small device from pocket and active it just as the beam landed near her. She was saved by bubble barrier as she hovered in front of the smoke. The bubble pop as it expired and she slowly landed and could see a very small person as they were holding something bright. She stepped forward and called out to it. "Excuse me, are you alright?" It was not until she walked closer that she could see a tiny chibi creature was in fact, a blue pony wearing a rainbow dress and having a rainbow mane. "Ah another version of "her". I hope "Three" is doing okay without me back home." thought Wanda as she trotted to the chibi pony.

The little one looked up and spoke. "You are not her, but you look just like her." said the chibi pony.

Wanda stopped, realizing what she meant, and looked at the small pony. "I am sorry, my name is Wanda, and you are?"

The pony smiled. "My name is Blue Berry Rainbow and I am a magical girl pony and member of the Magical Element Fruits! Oh and this is my partner, Tank! He's a space turtle." said Blue as she pointed at the turtle on her head, who waved at Wanda.

Wanda chuckled at the cuteness. She could see that this Blue Berry is just a cute, innocent soul, but her comment caught her attention. "What did you mean that I am not "her"? Did you know someone like me?"

Blueberry smiled and was going to say something until a voice was heard.

"I think she's talking about me!"

Wanda looked down and could see that Blue Berry was on top of a human woman with the same purple hair but she was wearing a witch outfit.

"Oh my! Are you okay?" said Wanda, as the human woman sat up as Blue Berry hop off of her.

"Yah, I am fine. My name is Dr. Sue Wonder or just Dr. Wonder and I am the protector of Equestria universe-8720! The witch who guards the harmony stone!"

"Aww, your outfit is so pretty!" smiled Blue Berry as she was touching the cape but turned into wings and petted her.

"Thank you. Yours is too?" said Dr. Wonder as she stared at Blue and started to sweat "She's so cute but has such unbelievable magical power, that even beats the Harmony stone magic...the multiverse can be scary..."

Wanda, who was looking at the crater, did not notice the staring contest between Dr. Wonder and Blue Berry, as she noticed some familiar faces coming from the forest, it was the people she met before.

Flash stopped running and stop in front of Blue and waved hello to her. "Hi tiny version of me."

"Hi Big Me. I have a name you know. It's Blue Berry." She answered back.

"Well, mine is Flash." She replied

Terra came at a dashing halt as she bump into Flash and fell backwards on the ground. "Feels like I crashed into a steel wall!"

"Thank you! I'm proud of my back muscles!" laughed Flash as she started to flex.

"I was not complimenting you! More like complaining." replied Terra.

"It was a complement." laughed Flash.

Terra was not amused as Dr. Wonder and Blueberry giggled at the exchange and the two got back on their feet and looked at the two women. "Sorry, my name is Flash, and the one that has a big mouth is Terra. It's nice to meet you." smiled Flash as Terra gave her a stare of anger.

"Nice to meet you too." replied the doctor as the three shook each others hands.

"You said you something about the multiverse. Do you know what happened here?" asked Wanda as the other turned their attention to her.

"I'm from the Equestia universe known as 8720 because that's where my universe number in line is after it branched off from the prime Equestia. Going by that logo on the jetpack, I take it your from 2014, the world where Elements Watchers are protecting the earth from Dark Storm. That explains the futuristic jet pack. I can also pin point all of you in your own numbered universe with easy too."

"That's correct. You seem to be knowledgeable." replied Wanda.

"Well, I was a librarian, before becoming the Sorceress Supreme. So it makes sense that I would know who comes from." smiled Dr. Wonder.

"So you know our universe and all that?" asked Terra.

"Yup. This isn't my first time dealing with the multiverse or the danger it comes with." said Wonder as she pointed to falling reality above them. "Another Monday for me."

"So this isn't your first time. What do you make of this mess? And do you have any idea what caused it?" asked Wanda as she trotted over to her.

"Not a clue but I will find out and help...sorry didn't catch your name?" said Wonder.

"Dr. Wanda." smiled Wanda as she fixed her glasses and rose her hoof for a hoofshake.

"Ah, other doctor! I will help and get to the bottom of this." said Wonder as she reached out for a handshake.

As she was doing this, Tank, the space turtle, was looking at the sky and started to wave at something.

"Is something wrong, Tank?" questioned Blue as she felt her little friend moving on her head.

He kept pointing at the sky and was flapping his arms, which got everyone's attention.

"He's not a happy turtle." said Flash.

"Do turtles normally smile?" said Terra as she was leaning forward at Blue's head.

"Let me see..." said Dr. Wonder as she moved past them and was staring up. She then gasped. "Everyone, behind me now! Quick!"

"What's wrong?!" said Terra.

"Something is coming!"

The group followed Dr. Wonder orders and were behind her, looking at the sky, waiting for the mysterious object.
"You might want to brace yourselves, whatever this thing is, is heading straight towards us at lighting speed." said Dr. Wonder.

"I don't feel anything yet." replied Flash as she tried to sense any magical power level.

"Well, I have a good feeling it's not friendly." said Wanda as she could see a blur coming their way without any signs of slowly down.

"Tank, hide!" said Blue Berry as Tank hid inside her mane.

"This is going to be bad." said Terra.

Dr. Wonder and Wanda put up their barriers in front of them and waited for the object to come.

"It's here!"

Everyone watched as a blur flew pass the barrier and slammed into the ground. Both doctors dispelled their barriers and looked at the figure, as red eyes started to glow from within the smoke. "What is that?!" said Wonder

"Thought you knew everything?" asked Flash as she ready herself for a fight.

"I was a librarian! I just know general stuff about the multiverse. I don't know everything within it!" admitted Dr. Wonder.

The smoke cleared and slowly hovering towards them, was...

"Another version of me but scary!" cried Blue Berry as she hid behind Wanda's leg.

The light blue anthro pony woman eyes kept glowing red as she scanned the group and finally spoke "What happened to my world! Was it you!?"

"Your world? Oh, no thi-"said Wanda before getting cut off by a strong gust of wind and watching as Flash punched the woman but she didn't move or reacted to it.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" yelled everyone

Flash turned her head to them and grin "She's strong! I wanna to fight he-" but before she could finish, Flash was punch in the sides and was sent flying through the trees but quickly returned and both women clashed with each other.

"Trying to strike me down with such power!? You must had done this to my earth!" yelled the woman as she blasted her laser vision at Flash's face, who stopped the clash and blocked the beam with her hands.

"You can have a go at it later, you two. You two need to stop!" yelled Dr. Wonder.

The woman stopped her beam and in a flash, she kicked Flashing away and turned to the group. "Stop me!? How!?"

"This!" said Dr. Wonder as she did hand symbols, and then suddenly, the woman was trapped inside a magical barrier.

"You think a barrier can stop me!? Let's see if you can contain this!" said the woman as she unleashed her heat vision but with more forced behind it. It was like the barrier was holding a small sun inside.

"This isn't good." said Terra.

"I agree. Dr. Wonder, do something." said Wanda.

"I'm trying! But there's a reason why the barrier isn't breaking. She has a lot of power and I don't know how long it will last!" replied Dr. Wonder.

"Then what should we do?! We can't just let her destroy the barrier!" replied Wanda.

Flash returned and was blowing air at her burned hands and turned to the others. "Guys! What is happening!?"

"Flash, you freaking idiot, you caused this mess! Can you deal with her somewhere else?" angry replied Terra as she grabbed Flash by her collar.

"But I-"

"No buts! You're going to get us killed if you don't!" said Terra.

Flash looked at the burning barrier and sighed "Okay." and with that, she ran towards to the barrier and lift it and kicked it into the air.


"What the fuck! I need to be close to the person or the spell won't last!?" yelled Dr. Wonder.

Flash was about to answer when a loud boom was heard and the group could see a explosion in the sky.

"We're fucked now. Great job, Flash." said Terra.

Flash was about to reply until the woman appeared in front of her and grabbed her by her throat and lifted her up.
"You're a strong one, aren't you? But no matter, I am stronger."

"Flash!" said Wanda as the others watch the two.

"Oh no, we need to think of something or Flash is going to be killed." cried Berry

"To be honest, let it happen." whispered Terra in a dead pan tone.

"I second that." chimed in Dr. Wonder.

"But that's mean." cried Blue Berry

"And?" replied Terra.

"If that is the case, then I will try to do something!" yelled Berry as she ran towards the caped woman while her wand was beaming with blue color magic.

"Blue Berry, stop!" yelled Dr. Wonder in fear as the others were confused. "She's going to use the ultimate magical spell that beat me in battle!" explained Dr. Wonder as she summoned a barrier around everyone.

"Ultimate spell?" asked Terra as they watch Berry stopped in front of the woman and jumped at her head, hitting her and nothing happening.

The woman touch her head and blue dust came falling out. "What is this?"

"The Blue Beam of Love and Justice! My greatest attack! And now, for the finale!" said Berry as she spun her wand around and then pointed it at the woman.

"No way." said Flash as she was amazed by Berry power as she could see a blue star above them.

"Now, Stop fighting!"

The wand sparkled and fired a tiny beam at the woman and once hit, the blue star came crashing down and crushing her and Flash. Everyone was confused at what they saw and slowly turned to Dr. Wonder, who wasn't shock by it. In front of them was a huge blue berry cake.

"A cake?" said Flash as she got out of the cake and was covered in white cream.

"Yes, a cake." replied Dr. Wonder.

"You was beaten by a cake?" asked Terra as she tried to hid her laughter from a blushing Wonder.

"The most tastiest and powerful cake in the world! It's made from the love and justice of every past blue magical girl! One bite, and you will instantly give up!" said Berry as she was floating in the air and looking at the group with her arms crossed.

"But, that cake should have been more than enough to turn them into a pile of blue dust. So how?" wondered Wanda as she walked over and checked the cake as Flash was eating it.

"Cake?" whispered the cape woman as her head pop out and licking the frosting from her face. "This is pretty good."

"Oh, you're alive?" replied Wanda as she was surprised to see her.

"Alive? Yes, but not okay. This cake has defeated me and now, I will live a life of a blue berry." laughed the woman as she floated out of her delicious dessert cell and over to Blue Berry and kneel to her level "Do you mind sharing the recipe with me?"

"Recipe? Well, it's a secret but I can teach you how to make one if you like." smiled Berry.


"Hold it! Not so fast, you!" pointed Terra in disbelief "You were trying to kill us and now your all friendly!?"

"I'm sorry, I jump to conclusions after seeing this place. I was flying above my world and trying to get a sample of the passing comet trail and I found myself being covered in a light and saw the world..." said the woman as she looked around the ruin universe " this."

"You have been transported from a different reality to this one, like the rest of us. Who, by the way, are different versions of each other. You can guess by looks or by the hair." explained Wanda.

"I see." said the woman as she turned to the others. "I apologize. Let me introduce myself, I go by Superpony as my super hero name, but my real name is Flare Rainbow." said Flare as she did a slight bow.

"I'm Blue Berry. Nice to meet you!" smiled Berry as she did the same.

"Nice to meet ya. The name's Terra and if you ever attack us again, magical baker girl here will beat you again." laughed Terra as Berry was upset by her new name.

"My name is Dr. Wanda, a scientist and a talking horse."

"Flash!" yelled Flash as she waved at Flare and still eating the cake.

"Dr. Wonder, a sorceress and also a super hero like you."

"Nice to meet you all. Now that's settle, care to explain what's going?" said Flare as she flew over to Dr. Wonder and was waiting for an answer.

"Well, we were going to find out why as well. We know as much as you do." explained Wonder as the others nodded.

"Great, so how do we leave here?" said Flare as she started flying around and looked at the island was slowly breaking away and vanishing into the surrounding colorful cracking void.

"Leave? We don't have a way of doing that. The best chance we have is to find the one who brought us here, so we're checking ground zero here for answers or clues of what happened." explained Wanda as she walked passed Flare and look down the crater.

"I see, then I will lend a hand. I'm a fast learner." said Flare as she joined her at the crater.

"Let's see."

They climbed down and started to check out the crater. Flare used her x ray vision and scanned the area while Wanda took out a tablet and scan the dirt. Meanwhile, Dr. Wonder sat down and started to chant a spell.

"What are you doing, Ms. Wonder?" asked Berry.

"I'm going to turn back time and look into the past and see what happened." said Wonder as she waved her wand around and her necklace started to float in front of her.

"Wait, like time travel!?" asked Terra

"Not really turning back time, it's a type of spell that allows me to look back in time. But I can only look and not touch."

"Like watching a movie?" replied Flash as she came over after eating the whole cake.

"Yes, that's a good example." said Wonder as her necklace started to glow and the area became engulfed in light.


"Everyone, look." said Terra as she looked at Wanda and Flare, and was pointing behind them as a light appeared and it started to become clear.

In the middle of the crater was a large crack, four figures were staring down each other but something was wrong. The vision was all blurry. "No, the spell should have work. Why isn't it? Even the Harmony stone isn't powerful enough?" whispered Wonder as she kept the spell going.

"Maybe it's because of the explosion or the blast wave destroyed everything that could be used to recreate it, even time itself." explained Flare as she hovered to Wonder.

"Then we can't learn anything from this?" said Wonder as she closed her eyes and the vision disappeared.

"Maybe we can!?" shouted Wanda from the middle of the crater.

"How so?" said Terra as the others join her in walking to Wanda.

Wanda was holding her tablet as she turned to everyone. "Whatever exploded, damaged everything, including time and your time magic is like rewinding a movie, maybe we can repair it like fixing a movie tape." explained Wanda.

"But is there a way for us to do that?" asked Berry.

"There is one way." said Wonder as she looked at the necklace, which started to float above her and she pulled out a rainbow crystal stone. "This is the Harmony stone, one of the strongest artifacts in the world. It's able to control all types of magic, even time itself."

"But didn't you just said it wasn't a enough?" asked Terra

"I did, by itself but If we had another version of it from another universe, the spell might work as it becomes stronger."

"So, if we get one from a different universe, the spell will work? And we can find out what happened and maybe undone everything?" asked Flare

"Yes." said Wonder

"Where do we find one?"

"I'm not sure..."

Everyone went quiet as they're only plan didn't had a way for them to do it. Wanda put the tablet back and thought for a moment, while Dr. Wonder looked down at her necklace and wonder what her Celestial Master would do. She would probably have the answer and would tell her something like "Just believe in the harmony". She always tells her this.

"There has to be a way!" cried Berry "Never give up! Friendship always finds a way! That's what Grape Jelly always say when things look bad!"

"Grape Jelly?" said the group

"She's the leader of the Magical Element Fruits! She also looks like you guys." explained Berry as she pointed to every purple hair women here.

"Element Fruits?" said Wonder as Berry's words were sinking into her head, until she floated over to Berry "Blue Berry, why is your group called that?"

"Why? Oh, because of Tank!" smiled Berry as she pulled Tank out of her mane and held him to her "He's a living avatar of the Element of Fruits. It's how I'm in this form right now."

"Element of Fruits? Could that be?" whispered Wonder.

"It could be?" replied Wanda.

"Yes, it could be!" smiled Terra

"Yes, it has to be it." said Flare as she nodded

Flash was completely lost on what's going and turned away from the egghead talk and suddenly see Rain as she was standing on the edge of the crater but with her hands up.


"What's up..." said Rain.

"Rain!?" yelled Terra as her and the others took notice of her "Why are your hands up?"

"Because this chick has me by..." stopped Rain as she turned her head behind "A stick?"

"Horn cutter!" said a voice from behind her and a purple beam was shot in the air as it flew close to Rain's hair.
Rain quickly turned back in facing the group, and the beam wielder's body came into view. It was a woman in some kind of armor suit and the helmet had purple glowing grill lights but the helmet broke down by piece and into the sides of the helmet, revealing the face of the new person.

"Who are you people? Things? Whatever you are! Where the fuck am I?" yelled the power suit woman as she looked around and sweating.

"Ah, another version of "us" I see." Said Wonder as the others looked at the new person.

"Who? Another version?" shouted back the woman. "So, a clone?"

"No, a version of you. Just like Wanda and Terra over there." explained Wonder as she slowly floated to her but stopped as a laser beam was shot at the ground in front of her.

"Stay back or the next one goes through your head." threatened the woman as she was pointing a gun at her and back to Rain head.

"Wait, calm down, we can talk about this." yelled Wanda

"Yeah, you can't just show up and point a gun at someone and attack them, if you just met them!" angry said Flash as everyone looked at her in the most pissed off look ever.

"I been through a lot! How do I know your even real!? Is this the Pillar fucking doing!?" she shouted as she looked around and seeing something that wasn't there as she heard voices.

"Aaira, make us whole..." whispered a bloody and yellow skinned female doctor with long pink hair, as she slowly walked out the shadows and standing behind Aaira and slowly rising her head, to reveal her eyeless eyes and bloody deep cuts face "I’m so cold, Aaira. It hurts. Where are you?"

Aaira trip as she backed way from the dead looking woman and firing her horn cutter at her. "YOU AREN'T REAL! SHE'S DEAD! FAYE IS DEAD!" yelled Aaira as she fired at the bloody woman known as Faye but nothing happen and the dead woman walked toward her. "No, this can't be happening! You are dead, Faye! They are all dead!" cried Aaira as she could see other people that died in the Element Runner extraction spaceship.

"Why do you think that is? That’s right. Ignore the pain. Bury it deep inside. Let me fester, let us rot."

As this was happening, Rain quickly dash to the others and hid behind Terra and was asked by the group what's happening to the woman.

"No fucking clue! Crazy bitch caught me off guard and been talking to herself like that as we were walking here."

"What's wrong with her? Did she hit her head?" asked Berry

"Not sure but maybe, she's having a form of schizophrenia." guessed Wanda

"So, she's crazy?" said Flash.

"That's the not medical term for it." angry replied Wanda

"Okay, so what do we do?"

"Calm her down." said Flare as she flew up to Aaira

Aaira continued to have delusions of her dead friends and her lover, Faye, as she trying to fight them off, but nothing was working. Then a blue light came into her view and she looked to see a white suited woman floating before her.

"Get away!" yelled Aaira as she aimed her horn cutter at her.

"We're not going to hurt you." said Flare calmly "Just take it easy."

"Who are you!?"

"I'm Flare and I'm a super hero. So, don't worry, you are safe."

"Super hero? What are you, a comic book character or a cartoon character." laughed Aaira as the delusion got stronger and they're moving closer to her.

"It doesn't matter who I am. Just put the gun down."

"Yeah, I can't do that. Because if I do, I'll be dead." said Aaira.

"Dead? What do you mean?"

"These dead people want me to die."

"Dead people? Who are they?"

"People who died to the Changers. All my friends, my lover, Faye. They all are dead and are here. They want me dead, and I can't die."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I can't die anyway. Not yet. Not until I get destroy all those fucking Pillars."


"Of course. Those bastards spread them around the system and caused the second Changers outbreak. They have to be destroy or else, I'll never be free from the pain. Right...?" whispered Aaira as she pointed her gun to her head "Right Faye?"
The gun fired and the laser bullet was inches from her face but was caught as Flare flew in front of her at light speed and held the beam in her fist.

"Stop, don't do this. Just calm down." said Flare

"Don't touch me!" yelled Aaira as she was pushed back and fell to the ground and started to hyperventilate. "Faye! Faye, I'm sorry! I should had never made you go!"

"Look at me, not them." demanded Flare as she walked through the dead bodies and looked down at her. "I'm real and here for you."

Aaira was struggling as her mind was fighting against her. She could see the white-suited girl's hand on her but also see the bloody hand of Faye touching her. She closed her eyes and felt both hands and knew one wasn't real, but which one was real? Her mind was going crazy.

"Just breathe, it's going to be okay."

She open her eyes and looked up to see Flare's face, she wasn't smiling but was concern. The bloody hands from her dead friends and Faye were gone and Flare was the only thing she could see.

"That's it, keep looking at me."

"You're real. You're real."

"Yes, I am. And we'll help you."

"Why, you don't even know me."

"True, but I know you need help. I'm a super hero, remember? We do that."

"A hero, huh. Kelly said I was a hero, for destroying the Pillar on that planet and saving the universe from the first Changers outbreak. I didn't feel like a hero. I let my friends and the woman I love, die! Aren't heroes meant to save people they care!"

"Yes, but not everyone can be save."

Aaira push Flare away and crying as she held her head in shame "You don't understand my pain!"

"I do." whispered Flare.


"There was a little girl, a big fan of mine as she would write to the league every chance she got. Her pen name was Scoots." Flare smiled as she remembers all those letters "She wanted to be me, someone cool and caring. She wanted me to visit her city. Soon, the letters stop and never heard from her again. One day, I stopped a villain from attacking her city and was heading home as I heard a weak voice..." explained Flare as sadness filled her face "Calling me Dashing Girl, a nickname she gave me. I hurry to where I heard her weak voice and found her in her older brother basement..."

"What happen to her?"

"She was dead, right in front of me, I wasn't fast enough. I told myself I should had asked Nightmare where the letters came from. It was my fault she died, as she was writing me to notice she was hurting, needed help. I wanted to kill her brother so much!" cried Flare as she shook her fist in rage.

"Did you?" asked Aaira as she looked up.

"No, killing her brother won't bring her back. It's my fault and I have to live with that."

"Why tell me this?"

"Because, no one is perfect. We aren't all strong and save everyone, even the people we care. It's a hard thing to understand, but it's a part of being a hero. You can't be everywhere and sometimes, the ones you want to save are out of your reach. I understand your pain and can't stop your suffering, but I can be with you as you walk the path. I'm sorry."

"No, don't be. You did what no one did for me, you listened. I thought I was going mad. I was ready to end my life, until you came. I'm still a bit crazy, but thanks...sorry, didn't catch your name?"

"Flare and anytime miss." smiled Flare as she reached down and offered her hand to Aaira.

Aaira reached and took her hand, as Flare pulled her up "Name is Aaira Kaison. I'm a engineer."

"Tv news reporter myself."

"So, you are a superhero, huh. So, does that mean I'm in a comic book or TV show or something."

"Nope, we're all real and this is the real world....well what's left of it." said Flare as she looked around the destroyed reality.

"Can someone fill me in?" asked Aaira as the group came up to her.

As the group was filling Aaira in about what was happening, Flare, Wanda and Dr. Wonder were hovering over the forest and could see the island was getting much smaller and reality breaking down at faster rate.

"We're running out of time." said Flare

"Yes, if our theory is correct, we can use Blue Berry magical pet and see into the past." replied Dr. Wonder as she held her necklace tight

"After that, whatever we see, we can understand what caused this but I have theory myself..." chimed in Wanda as she looked up and seeing the Rainbow Comet still frozen in time but glitching out more "...and I think it has to do with the comet."

end of chapter 3