Your Name Across The Multiverse -DASH SIDE-


Chapter 5

"Rainbow Dashiell." smiled the black mage, as she put her hand out for a handshake "My name Is Twila Sparkflow, a black mage in training."

"Twila?" said Dashie, as she felt she seen this girl before. The feeling she knows her was creeping up in her mind and she didn't like it.

"I see you met the Divined Moon dragon, Kuu. Forgive her, she's a bit naive and hyperactive...little weird with the licking." said Twila as she gave a soft smile, which made Dashie feel funny. "May I ask where you're from?"

"Oh, umm." said Dashie as she had trouble coming up with an answer and she didn't know why, like she was lost in her beauty. "I'm from...umm.."

"From where exactly?"

"I'm from-" but before she could finish, a weird black aura filled the area, making everyone look behind her. Dashie looked too and could see a burned man, with a open wound on his stomach as he was casting a dark magical spell.

"Ah! It's that monster again!" screamed Kuu.

"He's alive!?" shouted a female thief with full covered mask and hood, as she took out her daggers

"What's going on?" asked Dashie

"This cult leader transformed into a monster and teleported away with our leader. We were tracking them, then we saw the light and thought she won but..." answered Twila as she took out a tome and was ready for a battle.

"I will take back what was promised to me!" said the burned cult leader as the dark aura spread out more and a dark circle was created in front of him.

"He's going to open a portal! Everyone, ready for battle!" said a female Pegasus knight as she ready her sword but Dashie noticed the knight was missing a arm.

"Wait, that's not a portal!" realized Twila as she quickly used her tome to create a counter spell but the cult leader was faster and created a large ball of darkness and started to suck in the group with great force.

"Damn it! Everyone, grab hold of each other!" yelled the big red knight.

"No! I can stop it!" said Twila as she grabbed her book bag and looked for something, until she found it. It was a glowing purple horn. She tried to use it but couldn't right away as the suction pulled her off the ground and was being pulled into the orb.

Everyone was screaming for Twila as she was flying away but Dashie quickly dashed to her and grabbed her hand and with all her might, she tried to pull her back.

"Hold on!"

"My lady! The horn!" shouted the one armed Pegasus knight as she grabbed Dashie by her jacket collar and pulled them. But she too started to get suck in.

"Hold on!" yelled a small female axe fighter as she grabbed the light grayish heliotrope horse tail. She was soon joined by the big beefy red knight, the thief from before, a pink haired white mage, a light green armor female knight and finally Kuu as she grabbed everyone and was trying to fly away but couldn't.

"No, Kuu! Everyone!" shouted the green male knight as he and the remaining group watched in horror as their friends vanished into the black void. As they were gone, the spell ended and the burned man laughed as he turned to black dust.

Dashie could hear screaming within the darkness as they all fell within the void and could feel a strong gust of air as it hit her face. It was so black, that she couldn't see anything. Soon the screams of the others vanished and Dashie realized she was alone...or was she? She could see a purple light in the darkness and started to move towards it. As she got closer, she could see the outline of the black mage, as she was chanting something and had the horn near her forehead and was glowing.


Twila could hear a faint voice behind her and turned her head towards it, to see Dashie but only for them to headbutt each other. Both girls screamed in pain and could feel blood coming from their foreheads and falling on each other as they fell together in the darkness.

"Ugh, my head." groaned Twila, as she wiped her forehead and could see a bit of blood.

"I'M SORRY SORRY!" cried Dashie as she tried to wipe the blood with her sleeve but everything went dark again, as the purple light disappeared. Both noticed that the horn was drop and disappeared behind them.

"The horn thingy!"

"No!" cried Twila, as the wind picked up once more.

Soon, the darkness faded and they could see a old ruined kingdom within the void and they were going to go spat on the brick streets below. Twila grabbed Dashie by her waist and started to scream.

"Help us! Where are you Eirika?!"

As they were going to make impact, Dashie could feel something as she held Twila in her arms. She remember something, a fading memory. A girl falling off a roof as Dashie tried to reach out to save her. She looked down at her and felt a sense of deja vu.

"Not this time." whispered Dashie.

She used the strength she had to turn herself around and Dashie's back was facing the ground. She could see the fear in Twila's eyes as the wind was rushing against her face. She closed her eyes and grabbed onto Dashie chest and repeating "I'm sorry".

"It's okay..."


"You'll be okay. I'll protect you. Just like I promised, Twil-." said Dashie, as the bricks were getting closer and Dashie closed her eyes and waited for impact.

"Huh? Wh-" said Twila, but her voice was cut off as they landed on the bricks and a rainbow explosion of light engulfed the smoke cloud and a crater was created.

Soon the smoke faded and there was blue feathers around the girls as they lay in the crater. Twila looked around and could see Dashie was hurt and unconscious as she was bleeding.

"We...landed?" said Twila, as she was a bit shocked that they landed and alive. "Thank you, I'm not sure how that happen but thank you."

But Dashie didn't respond and was breathing heavy, as her breathing was becoming more labored.

"'re going to be fine. It's not that bad. Please don't die!" cried Twila, as tears fell and was trying her best to stop the bleeding with her cloak. She took a deep breath and placed her head on her chest. "Eirika! What will Eirika do!?"

That what was the last thing that Dashie heard as she closed her eyes, as her blur vision could see a white moon getting closer to them...

Dashie slowly opened her eyes, and could see a white ceiling above her and could hear someone talking nearby. She blinked a few times and could hear the voices a bit clearer, and could see two women sitting down in a chair nearby. She slowly raised her body and could see it was her mother and a girl, the same girl she was seeing before but like always, her face was covered in prism colors. She tried to sit up, but could feel the pain and fell back down.

"Honey! Stay down!" said her mother as she could feel her mom's hands on her shoulders.

"What...happened?" asked Dashie as she touched her bandage head.

"You've been out for days. We were worried that you had brain damage or something, but thankfully that wasn't the case. You were hurt really badly."

"Oh...right..." said Dashie as her memory was a bit foggy, the last thing she remembered was saving someone...this girl?

"How are you feeling, honey?"

"Fine, mom. My head hurts but I'm fine."

"Good." said her mother. "Do you remember the fall?"

"I was in an accident?"

"Yes. The doctors said it was a miracle that you were only hurt and not dead."

"Wait, where's the girl I was with?"


"There was a girl with me, a black haired girl. She was bleeding."

The girl quickly went to her side and placed her face on Dashie shoulder and crying.

"I'm fine!" said the girl.

"Who..." whispered Dashie as her head started to hurt, as flashes of her memory filled her mind. She was on the roof of house, she was helping her dad with fixing it. The girl came over and went up to Dashie room, as she was speaking to her about something.

"Anyone thirsty? I can get some drinks." said her dad as he put down his tool and turned to the girls "What about you?"

"Oh, I'm fine sir." said the girl, as she waved her hand and was sitting on Dashie bed, as Dashie was cleaning her window from the work they were doing

"What about you, kiddo?"

"Hmm, just water dad."

"Alright, be right back."

As her dad got down on the ladder and entered the house, Dashie could feel her hands touching the wet rag and a weird sensation. She looked at her hands and could see they were changing into blue fur.

"W-What's happening?" said Dashie, as her hands turned back into flesh.

"Are you okay, Dashie?" asked the girl, as she noticed something was up.

"Yeah, it's nothing." said Dashie, as she went back to cleaning the area around the window.

"Dashie, need help out there with the cleaning?" asked the girl as she poke her head out of the window

"No, no, it's okay."

"Come on, Dashie. It's not a big deal."

"I know, but you're my guest. I'll do it. Just relax and enjoy this hard working girl in her element!" replied Dashie as she flex her muscles.

"Pffft, sure."

"Seriously, I'll clean it. You go and relax or something."

"I'm helping!" said the girl, as she stepped on to the roof through the window and moved next to Dashie and could see that the sun was blasting the roof.

"Okay, just be careful. We'll clean it together then."

"Sure." smiled the girl.

As the sun rays hit the girl's face, Dashie could see the girl skin was purple a few seconds, until returned to normal.

"Are you okay?" asked Dashie.

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"It's nothing."

Dashie could see the sun was getting hotter as she felt her body sweating more. She was about to take her hat off when she noticed the girl was about to step on the nail.

"Wait! There's a-."


"Look out!"

The girl was able to move back but stepped on a wet rag and fell. Everything went slow for Dashie as she could see the girl was about to fall off the roof, and tried her best to grab her arm, but couldn't. Dashie acted on her feet and jumped off and quickly grabbed her and Dashie spun her body around. She was gonna use her own body to break the fall for the girl. The girl closed her eyes and could feel Dashie arms around her body. Dashie was scared and didn't know what to expect but felt the warmth of the sun as it covered them and she could feel the hot driveway on her back and nothingness.


"Huh?" said Dashie, as she was brought back to reality and was confused by what just happened.

"Are you okay?!"

"I'm fine...wait." said Dashie, as she tried to get up but could feel a sharp pain and her head felt like it was spinning. Everything started to glitch out and suddenly things were different as she was still in the bed but her skin was blue again and everyone in the room was gone.

"Hi, Rainbow Dash!"

Dashie looked to the door and saw the girl from before but her skin was purple, as she was holding a board game.


"I brought your favorite board game! I know how much you like to win."

"Win...board games?" said Dashie. "W-Who are you?"

"It's me, -static-."

"What was that..." said Dashie, as she couldn't hear the name.

"It's me, -static-."

"I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you."

"It's me, -stronger static-".

"What? Who are you?!" asked Dashie as her head was screaming with pain, but couldn't hear the name again.

"It's me, -really loud static-!"

"AHHH!" yelled Dashie, as she held her head in pain and could feel the pain going away as she felt a hand on her leg. She looked down and saw her crying, as she looked hurt.

"Dashie...why can't you remember who I am..." asked the girl, as tears fell from her prism covered face

"I'm sorry." said Dashie, as her voice was cracking up and tears fell down her face. Her heart was breaking. This girl was her world, her everything. But she couldn't remember anything.

"It's me, -faint static-."

"Please tell me. Who are you? I'm trying. I'm trying to remember you. Tell me."

"It's me, T-."

Everything glitched out and Dashie was back at the garden.

"Who's after you!? What does she wants from you?" cried the purple alicorn, as she held Dashie, who was bleeding from chest wounds, close to her chest.


"What is the name of the pony that did this to you!?"


"Please...tell me! Why do you keep things to yourself?"

"I'm not-."

"Why can't you tell me Rainbow!?"

"I don't...know..." said Dashie as she found herself back on the roof top, looking at the setting sun, as it was in the middle of five rainboom halos. The town she lived in was on fire, everything was burning as far as the eye can see.

"What is happening..."


Dashie could hear a different voice but her body didn't want to move, just keep watching the sun set.

"Remember her. Remember her. Please...please."


"Dashie, please."

"I'm trying..."

"We're running out of time. Everything gonna run out of time."

"Running...out of time?"

"'re running out of time. Dashie. I'm begging you. We promised her. Please."

"Who are you?" asked Dashie, as she felt the tears fall down her face.

"You know who I am."

Tears kept falling as she watched the sun increasing in size and engulfing the whole world in endless flames.

Dashie could feel something warm on her body. She opened her eyes and can see Kuu, in her dragon form as she was on top of her and with her tongue out. Both girls stared at each other until Kuu did a big lick on her face, leaving it all wet.


"Ew." said Dashie, as she wiped her face and could see she was next to a camp fire and sitting not too far away from them, was Twila. She was laughing at the funny sight as she watched Kuu trying to lick her again. Dashie was happy that Twila was safe, but her memories were a bit foggy, the last thing she could remember was that they landed on the brick ground.

"Hey, how am not dead?" said Dashie.

"To be honest, I have no idea how we survived the fall but you were badly hurt but lucky for us, Kuu was behind us and healed you." explained Twila as she petted Kuu side.

"Thanks for saving me but my next question is, where are we?"

"We're still in the Fallen City of the void."


"A city that fell to the demon dragon in the first war. There was a curse placed on it, to drag anyone into it and never getting out."

"O-Oh." whispered Dashie, with little clue in what she was talking about. "So, there's no way in escaping this place?"

"There was but I lost the Horn of Spark Magic."

"Oh, that purple horn... that I made you drop when I bump into you. Sorry about that!" blushed Dashie as she bowed
and repeated sorry to her.

"It's not your fault. It's mine. I should've paid more attention."

"No, it was my fault."

"No, it's not. I'm the one who is responsible for everything."

The two kept saying it was their fault, which made Kuu raspberry their pointless back and fourth argument.

"Kuu wanna keep licking candy girl!" happily shouted Kuu as she tried to lick Dashie again, but she wasn't quick enough and Dash was able to avoid her.

"Kuu! Stop it." yelled Twila as she bop Kuu with her staff "Sorry about her. She's not like this when Eirika is around."

"Eirika tastes like cotton candy!" cheered Kuu as she returned in her human form and running around the two.

That name again, who is that?"

"Princess Eirika is the future Queen of Equestira. She's the commander of our small group. By the way, have you seen her? She headed to that area where we found you and that cult leader, who we fought a few times before." asked the mage as she sat down and put Kuu on her lap.

"...she's missing? Hey does she have a rainbow hair like mine?"

"No, just normal blue hair but her Pegasus has colorful mane. Now I look at you better, you look like Aero?"


"Her horse."

"...I see. Hey, this is gonna be weird but let me explain why I'm here." said Dashie as she started to tell her story.

After the long talk, Dashie waited for Twila and Kuu reactions as she sat there, worried.

"I see, your from another world! So the different worlds theory was real! Amazing!" smiled Twila as she got up and her hands on her shoulders "Tell me! Is there magic in your world!"

"Is there more candy looking people!" chimed in Kuu, who was in her human form, as she started to drool, which made Dashie worry a tiny bit.

"Magic, well not really...I think...but we do have a lot of technology, and candy looking people, uh, not really but there are a lot of weird and interesting looking people. My world is very different from yours."

"Wow, a world with this "technology", what would that look like? Oh, how can I get to your world?" asked Twila, as she started to shake her.


"I wanna visit the candy people!"


"Kuu, calm down. We have to help Dashie first, then we can explore her world."

"That doesn't how it works sadly. When I find the shard, only myself is teleported away, but least Eirika will return to this world."

"That's true. That means she'll be stuck in your world if we don't find this Rainbow shard. I'm not sure what will happen to her."

"That's right..." said Dashie. "But, if you can help me, I'll try my best in helping you back. If we survived our fall, the others must of had. I'll help you find them."

"Sounds like a deal. Come on, Kuu." said Twila, as she held out her hand and grabbed Dashie hand. "We can also search for the horn and escape this place."

"Okay, let's do this."

The trio walked away from the camp sit and gone deeper into the dark dead city. The night sky was pitch black as there was no stars or a moon. The three kept their guard up as they entered into a dark alleyway.

"This alleyway is too narrow." said Twila, as she noticed how small the alley was.

"Do you want to walk through?" asked Dashie.

"No, let's keep going."

They went forward and could see the dead end.

"A dead end." sighed Dashie.

"Not really. This looks like a door." said Twila, as she inspected a brick wall. "It looks like it's been sealed off by magic."

"What's this." asked Dashie, as she could see some symbols on the door.

"These are ancient symbols, it's says. The path will only open, if a curse one reveals their markings and accepts another marking to their flesh."


"It's not a surprise a doorway has this. After all, it is the fallen city of the void. Anything can happen in the darkness that was cast by the demon dragon."

"Right, so what's that mean for us?"

"It's asking for the cursed one. I have a solution to this."


"You'll see." said Twila, as she started to take her robe off.

"Wait, what are you doing!" panicked Dashie, as her face was red from seeing Twila taking off her clothes, until she saw a white bra, with a blue and yellow ribbon around the neck, and matching white panties. She was stunned by the sight of her, she could see Twila was more fit than what was believed and a had a bit "more" down "there". But she noticed markings around her body.

"I'm the key." said Twila, as she showed her markings

"Uhh, why? And why are you undressing yourself?!"

"Because the answer is my curse, silly. The symbol of the cursed one are these runes, and it can only be held by the cursed ones like myself." explained Twila.

"O-Okay...but why are you stripping yourself?"

"You don't know, right your not from this world. A curse is like a living disease, as it can be spread through physical contact and by touching another curse item. I need to touch the brick wall and take the curse for myself.

"Ahhh! That means we won't be cursed, as the curse will see your body and only target you?!"

"That's correct."

"Wait, why are you cursed?" asked Dashie, as Kuu went behind her back as she noticed something moving under Dashie jacket.

"Let's just say I did something that I shouldn't have and now I'm paying for it. I'm a bad person and deserves this."

"What was it?"

"I don't want to talk about it."


"It's fine. Here take this." said Twila, as she handed her clothes, bag and staff. Soon her underwear.

"W-Wait." shutter Dashie as she turned around and beaming red.


"Are you okay with being like "this"?" asked Dashie as she started to feel something inside.


"I see. Just making sure."

"Let's go." said Twila, as she approached the door.

She placed her hand on the brick wall, making it glow black as the runes slowly creep up her hand and slowly on to her body. Leaving a new set of runes on her back. The path was opened now, that she turned to Dashie for her stuff back.

"Come, let's keep going."

The three walked through the brick door, which revealed a small pathway. The brick walls were tall and close together, making it impossible to see what was up above. They reached the end of the path, revealing a dark hallway, that was pitch black. The three entered it and walked further in, until a few torches came to life.


The trio noticed the hallway wasn't that long, but there was something weird about it. They kept walking forward and could see a room up ahead. The room looked old and empty. Once they reached the room, it was a big circular room. There was nothing but the floor, as the walls had nothing on them.

"We're in a room?"

"That's strange. There should be a door, but I can't see any doors or windows." said Twila, as she could see the wall had nothing but brick, and even the ceiling had nothing but the same bricks.

"Dead end?"

"Hmm, maybe not. Let's around."

The three walked further in, hoping to find a way out. Dashie walked around the room, looking up and down, searching for a way out, as Twila was using her magic to try and detect a way out, while Kuu was skipping in front of her.

"Nothing here." said Dashie.

"Hmm...let's see. There has to be something here." said Twila, as she stopped looking around the room.

"Is there?"

"Let's take a rest. My mana is a bit low." said Twila, as she sat down, leaning against the wall.

"Good idea." said Dashie, as she too took a seat next to her, while Kuu started to play with herself as she hop around the place.

"So, do you have any family and friends back home?" asked Twila as she took out a mana potion from her bag.

"Well, I do have a family, just parents though, no sisters and brothers." said Dashie.

"You're an only child?"

"Yep, just me and my folks. And friends, well, I do have group of great friends...and there's one person but..." said Dashie, as the memories were still foggy, she knew that something was missing.

"Someone, important to you?"

"I believe so...she's my everything..."

"Sounds like you love her." smiled Twila.

"I'm pretty sure I do...I can't just remember her name, or who she is..."

"You don't remember her name or who she is?"

"'s sad. It sometimes it breaks my heart, you know? I have these memories of her and what we did but I just don't remember those events at all. Sometimes, I can feel her presence, like she's right here with me." said Dashie as she turned to Twila and look deep into her eyes. "Other times, it feels like she's miles away, and I can't reach her. It's frustrating."

"I can see that..." frown Twila as she could see how much she was suffering

"It's like...we had something between us, but now, it's all gone. Everything, just faded away." said Dashie as a tear came down her cheek.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay. You're gonna find her, I promise." said Twila, as she gave Dashie a small smile, while she wiped the tears from her face.

"Thanks." said Dashie as she smiled back.

"It's gonna be fine. You'll remember everything one day."

"You think so?"

"I know so." said Twila, as she gently grabbed Dashie's hand and held it. "Now, let's get out of here."

The two stood up, letting go of each other's hand but Dashie didn't want to let go for some reason. She looked at Twila and felt something as she looked at her. Now she remembers, she had these feelings when meeting other girls with the same hair style. Why was that? She wanted to know, but she was confused.

"Hey, Twila, there's something hidden on the floor." pointed Kuu as she kicked a brick and could see something under it.

"Let's take a look." said Twila, as she and Dashie moved the bricks and found a large hole with a grill cover, almost the size as Kuu in her dragon form.

"Is that a hole?" asked Dashie, as Twila pulled the grill off and took out a stick from her bag and threw it down.

"Let's see."

"It's deep."

"Really deep. It must lead to a room below us." said Twila as she pulled out a glowing stone and tossed it down. "Let's see."

The light slowly faded away and they could hardly see something down below.

"Looks like a room indeed." said Twila.

"Should we check it out?"

"Yes. Kuu, can you carry us down there?"

"Okay!" said Kuu as she shifted into her dragon form.

Dashie took notice of the dragon, as Kuu was the size of a large bear but looking almost like a horse, and her scales were dark blue. She had one long horn that curve upward from her forehead and her tail was thick and long. She was a very beautiful dragon.

"Ready!" smiled Kuu as she lowered herself down on the ground, allowing the girls to get on. As they got on, Kuu jumped down the hole and slowly flapped down as she used her horn to light up the hole. The three slowly descended, and the deeper they got, the bigger the hole was getting, until they reached the bottom.

"We're here." said Kuu, as she lowered herself to the ground.

"Wow." said Dashie as the three got off and looked at Kuu and fully took in there was a dragon in front of her "You're amazing Kuu."

"Ehehe. Thanks." smiled Kuu as she returned to her human form.

"What is this place?" asked Twila, as the three took a look around.

"A library?" asked Dashie.

The three took a quick look around the place and saw it was indeed a library, with many books and papers laying around. They could see shelves lined up against the walls or fallen, dozens of books everywhere about. There were also tables scattered throughout the room, and several desks placed on the door, like it was used to keep something from coming in. The walls were made of stone, and the floors were covered with wooden planks. There was no source of light, other than the light that was coming from Kuu horn. This place was giving off a eerie feeling.

"It seems this was a secret chamber, or someone's study." said Twila.

"Why are the books all over the place?"

"They might've been thrown around during a fight." explained Twila as she picked a random book and noticed claw markings. "It's looks like something attack in here. It might explain the desks that are blocking the door. Looks like they chased it outside before blocking the doorway."

"Who will be so mean and hurt all these books!?" cried Kuu

"Maybe a beast? Or a demon. But that's just a guess. To be honest, now I think about it, why haven't we seen any monsters? I heard the Fallen City had monsters before being sealed away in the void."

"That's a good question." said Dashie, as the group was still on edge as the atmosphere was getting worse. Kuu ran up to the block off door and could see the outside through a tiny broken hole. She looked around and could see a large courtyard.

"It's looks safe outside. Nothing out there." said Kuu.

"Good." said Twila. "Come on, let's leave this place. I'm having a bad feeling about this place. We better get going."


The three approached the door, pushing the desks out the way, and stepped outside, taking in a fresh breath of air.

"Much better."

Suddenly, they all heard something as they looked around. They were still standing in the courtyard, surrounded by crumbling buildings and the starless sky. The wind blew and whistled, making the atmosphere more eerie. The sound came from behind the group, who were slowly look around and saw a very large monster, as it hanged on the tower wall.

"Shit! Monster!" said Dashie.

"Get ready, everyone. Stay close and be careful." said Twila, as the three readied themselves.

"It's coming!" said Kuu, as the large creature jumped from the tower, and landed on the ground with a loud thud. It looked like a giant lizard, but it had many arms, each armed with sharp claws. Its face had many mouths and eyes, with a long tongue hanging out of one of the mouths. It roared, and the three could feel the vibrations in their chests.

"It's a mutated creature!"

"A what?"

"It's a mutated creature. Something that has mutated over the years and now have turned into something else. They are very dangerous, since they're created through the curse that is in the city. It has a very high chance of being a demon or a fiend."

"It's a fiend. I can tell." said Kuu, as she was able to identify the monster, as the fiend got up from the ground and started to run towards the group.

"Let's deal with it. Dashie, stay behind me and be ready to move."


The fiend charged at the group, but it was quickly intercepted by smoke bombs. The girls looked where the bombs came from as they could see a flying Pegasus and its rider, along with two others.

The one who threw the bombs jumped from the flying horse and landed on the monster's back and stabbed it with her daggers. She was wearing a black hood, and her cloak flapped behind her as she slashed at the creature. The monster roared in pain and tried to get the girl off, but it was too late as the Pegasus came swooping down and allowing the thief grab on and escape. The horse flew towards Dashie and the others and landed. The group could see the thief and knight were arguing with each other as the thief and white mage jumped off the horse.

"What the hell is your problem, Vaida?! You were suppose to wait until I gave the signal!" yelled the knight.

"Your too slow, Isadora. They our needed help." replied Vaida as she faced Isadora.

"I'll show you." said Vaida as she pointed her blade at her.

"Oh yeah? Bring it one arm knight!"

"Girls, please stop. We are in a middle of a fight." said the white mage as she got between the two

"I'm sorry Flora. We will settle this later, you dishonorable thief! Twila, are you and Kuu alright?"

"Yes, we're fine." said Twila, as her and the others ready them selves for the coming fight.

"Let's finish it then."

The monster stood up and shook off the blood from its wounds. It roared and ran towards the group. It was faster than expected, but the knight ordered her Pegasus to jump into the air and blocked its attack with its body. The Pegasus was pushing the monster back and away from the others, allowing the thief to sneak behind it and stabbing its legs. It howled and fell to the ground, unable to stand. The Pegasus jumped back, and the knight charged at the creature, stabbing it in the face with her sword.

"We almost have it! Everyone attack!" ordered Isadora as she pulled out the blade from the monster bleeding face.

The others joined her and attacked the fiend. Kuu charged up her mana and unleashed a powerful black lightning strike, followed by a barrage of fireballs from Twila. The monster was engulfed in flames and electricity, causing it to cry in pain and anger. It tried to swat them away, but its attacks were easily dodged. The two girls kept their distance, as they continued their assault. Dashie wanted to help but she was no fighter and had no weapon to use, she could only watch with the white mage, as she was staying behind but readying to use a heal magic if someone got hurt.
The battle raged on, but the fiend was growing weak. It was on its last leg and could barely stand. Isadora, Vaida and Kuu charged at the fiend, while Twila took out her tome and dark green energy started to appear around her. She unleashed a powerful blast of magical wind energy and struck the monster head-on. The air explosion sent the three girls flying back, but they were fine as they watch the head of the monster sliding off its neck and onto the ground, dead on the spot. The white mage was healing Kuu and the others, while Twila was checking up on Dashie.

"Wow! That was so cool!" said Dashie.

"Thanks. How are you doing?" asked Twila.

"Fine, just I could had done something." admitted Dashie as she watched the group checking on the monster and confirming it was dead.

"Don't worry, not everyone is fighter. Not a lot of people are, and that's fine."

"I know, just I don't like being useless."

"You're not useless. You're a person who is helping us. Everyone has their roles and everyone has their place. You have your place and that's helping me find the others and the horn." smiled Twila, as she gently took hold of Dashie's hand, which caused Dashie's heart to beat faster.

"Twila!" said the knight, as she and the other returned to the group. "Are you okay? We feared the worst as you didn't unleash the magical disable spell from the Horn of Spark. You had us worried sick."

"Sorry, but I lost the horn mid flight but Dashie here saved me. We were searching for it with her help." explained Twila, as went on to explain Dashie story and how she got here.

"Is that true?"

"Y-yes." said Dashie nervously.

"Well then, my apologies." said Isadora as she bowed to her "We thought you were a blue skin demon but saving and helping Twila, who is a stranger to you as you came from another world. Such great loyalty and kindness, you are no demon. Forgive us for judging you by your skin. If you could, could you keep joining us in finding the horn?"

"Sure." said Dashie.

"Very well." smiled Isadora.

"I don't know, I still don't trust her. Still odd that she was there, while Eirika was nowhere to be seen and that cult asshole still being alive." said Vaida in the most cold tone as she cross her arms.

"Vaida, I'm sure she's a fine person. You can trust her, can't you?" softy said Flora

"We can't trust her fully until we get to know her better. We can't take any risks, not now. We're very close in ending the demon dragon life and saving the land. I will not let anything or anyone stop us." said Vaida, as her tone changed into a serious one, looking very menacing and intimidating, making Flora shrug back in fear as she pulled down her white hood.

"Vaida!" shouted Isadora as she was finally done with her shit but her horse stepped between the two "Starlight? What is it?"

"Something's not right." said the white mage, Flora, as she looked around. "We should go. I don't want to fight any more."

"She's right." said the knight, as she could hear a very soft sound. "Starlight, go search for the others."

The horse nodded, opened her wings and took off into the sky and flew off to a random direction.

"What's going on?" asked Dashie as she joined them as they hurry out of the courtyard and into the building that connected to it.

"Dashie, can't you hear something?" asked Twila.

"Not really. Why?"

"There's something wrong." said Kuu, as her ears were twitching and she was looking around, her eyes were glowing dark blue. "It's faint, but I can hear growling. They're coming."

"What's coming?"

"Monsters." said Vaida as she was taking point and ninja running. "They must've sense the death of the fiend and are now coming after us."

"That's not good. How many of them?" asked Dashie

The group soon found themselves in a open windowless hallway bridge, they all stopped as they saw it. Outside on nearby buildings, were almost a sea of monsters, as their red eyes glow with evil. They were all types of monster. From zombies, skeletons, ghouls, goblins, orcs, ogres, wolves, lizards, and other unidentified monsters. It was an army, an horde one can say. They were crawling and moving towards the group, as the building started to shake from the amount of monsters were starting to fill up.

"Does that answer your question, Blue?"

"This isn't good." said Dashie, as they all could see the monsters were coming.

"We need to leave, fast." said the white mage.

"We'll have to make a run for it. Dashie, Twila, and Flora, follow me. Vaida and Kuu, take the rear and hold off the horde." ordered Isadora.

"Understood." said Vaida as she was about to turn her back but stopped and was hesitant "Be careful, everyone. Don't die, I don't want a repeat."

"We won't, Vaida. Same to you, my dishonorable friend. See you soon." smiled Isadora.

"Yeah, whatever miss One arm. Come on, Dragon." said Vaida as they took up their position and waited for the horde to come up the building they were on.

"Come on, girls. Stay close." said Isadora as they quickly made a break for it.

"Why did we leave them alone!?" yelled Dashie as was keeping up with the group with ease.

"Kuu is a divined dragon, she can hold her own in a battle like that and Vaida is very skilled in horde battles. She won't be killed easy. They'll catch up later after we find a safe spot." explained Twila

Dashie was following the three, while she looked back and saw Kuu shooting her breath attacks from the top of the building, holding off the horde. As they were running, a group of the creatures tried to cut them off, but Isadora was able to deal with them before they could stop them. However, the monsters were not letting up and were now starting to catch up with them.

"They're getting closer. What are we going to do?!" asked Flora, as she could hear the growls and screams of the monsters, who were now running down the hallway towards the group.

"Don't worry. We have this handled." said Isadora, as the four reached a door.
The knight opened the door and allowed the three to go in first, before going in and shutting the door. The group found themselves in a large room, with several pillars and a huge hole on the floor.

"Isadora, where are we?" asked Dashie.

"Some kind of warehouse, I think." answered the knight, as she looked around. "There's a door on the other side of the room. Let's go."

The group made their way across the room, but they were soon stopped as a giant armor hand came out of the hole. It pulled it self up and stand there was a large knight as smoke was coming out of the cracks of it's armor.

"What the hell is that?!" screamed Dashie.

"An undead titan knight." replied Isadora.

"A what?"

"It's an undead monster, created by the curse."

"How do we kill it?"

"It's not strong, but it's big and armored." said the knight.

"I can take care of it." said Flora, as her hands started to glow white.

"What are you going to do?" asked Dashie as she could a white aura around Flora

"I'm going to make it weak."

The knight nodded and ordered the others to back up, as Flora stood her ground and raised her hands. A magic circle appeared below the titan, as it started to glow.

"Let's hope this works." said Flora, as the light was getting brighter.

"What's going on?!" asked Dashie, as the room was becoming blinded with light.

"Her magic is draining its strength."

The knight's words were soon proven right, as the light faded and the titan knight was weakened. It's body was now fragile and was having a hard time standing, and soon fell backwards and crashed onto the ground, as the shock wave caused the building to shake.

"It's all yours, Isadora." said Flora, as she lowered her hands.

"With pleasure. Stay here, I'll be back." said the knight, as she raised her sword.

The knight ran towards the titan, as the others stayed back. She jumped up into the air and landed on the chest of the titan. With a single blow, the armor shattered and the body was revealed. It was a skeleton wearing a full body suit of black armor than a undead zombie. The knight was about to finish it, but the skeleton had other ideas and pushed the knight off it and threw her across the room. The knight's body was sent crashing into a pillar and fell to the ground.

"Isadora!" shouted Twila, as she rushed over to the knight.

"I'm okay. I can still fight." said the knight, as she struggled to stand up.

"No, your hurt, I'll deal with this." said Twila as she stood in front of her friend and rose her staff up in the air and a green energy circle appeared.

"Be careful, Twila. It's a skeleton, which means it can't be cut by wind magic." warned Isadora.

"Yes. I know. Dashie and Flora, come over here."

"Coming." said Dashie and Flora as the two were about to join Twila.

The skeleton was walking towards the group, but it was stopped as it stared at the seal door that others came from. Everyone notice something. There was no sound, no monsters scratching at the door or even the noises of the horde. Complete quiet...until a musical harp note was heard behind the door. With a flash, the door was cut down and slowly walking into the room was a caped light green knight, as her long hair came out of her helmet and the horn that was on it, glowed with great green magic. A sword floated behind her and stopped, as it was in front of the knight.

"Who the hell is that?" asked Dashie.

"She survived!" cheered everyone

The knight's eyes glowed a dark green under the face mask, as her sword was raised and within seconds, it dash at the monster and with each blow, a musical harp note was playing. It sliced the body, arms, legs and finally pierced its head, causing the skull to explode. The sword stopped in front of her and she turned her attention to the group, and started to walk towards them.

"Who is she?"

"Her name is Sir Lyra, the Harp string Wind Knight." explained Isadora in the most honorable voice as she bowed to the passing knight, who walked over to a fallen weapon shelf and sat down in the most unique way that she found comfy. She opened her face masked and smiled at everyone.

"What's up?" said Lyra in the most chill and carefree tone

"...and the most unique knight in our group..." soft explained Isadora as she looked over to the weird sitting knight and sighed.

"Nice to see you, Lyra. You have a habit of making a dramatic entrance." said Flora, as she walked to her team mate.

"Sorry. It was getting annoying hearing those things on the other side. So, how's everyone doing?" asked Lyra

"We're fine. Just had some problems." said Dashie, as she was now feeling comfortable with these people.

"What's up new girl. Guess you can be trusted if your with the others." smiled Lyra as she looked over to the knight. "Hey, Starry, what's the sitch?"

"We're escaping the horde, as you can plainly see, and don't call me that." sighed the knight.

"Cool cool. I'll help out."

Lyra summoned her sword and tossed it out of the building. Soon the group could hear dying screams in the distance and just as quick, the blade returned and deeply covered in blood and guts.

"Okay, problem solved." smiled Lyra.

"You just killed all of the horde?" asked Dashie.

"Nah, I doubt it. Those things are tough to kill. Just took care of the ones that were near the building. The rest will come, but I think they'll get the idea to stay away for a while. Okay, let's do whatever you guys were doing!" said Lyra, as she got up and clapped her hands.

"Right. We were running from the horde but since that's not a problem right now, we better head back where we came from and meet up with Kuu and Vaida." said Twila, as the others agreed.

The group went back the way they came and were heading back to the bridge. Soon they could see the two as they were with Starlight, who had return. Starlight took notice of the coming group and flew towards them. She landed next to her rider and started to push her face all over Isadora face.

"Easy, girl. Easy. I'm fine. Everything is okay." chuckled the knight.

"It's good to see you too, Isadora." said Kuu, as flew towards them and she smiled, before licking the knight's face.

"We're all glad your all safe, one arm." smiled Vaida, as she landed near them and noticed Lyra "Knew it was you. Who else could use a magical sword like that."

Lyra and Vaida gave each other a high five and then did a fist bump.

"So, I'm guessing you was with the others?" asked Vaida.

"Nope! Landed by myself. Was sitting on a bench and was waiting for anyone to show until I heard the horde and followed a group that was chasing something. Which was how I found Twila and the others." explained Lyra.

"I see. Glad to see you safe and well at least."

"Same. So, guessing the sibling duos are still missing?" asked Lyra.

"Yup." said Vaida

"You didn't see them, Starlight?" asked Isadora as she hop on her horse, who shook her "Then we better find. Come, let's go."

As they all were about to leave, Lyra said to stop, as she was looking at Dashie with an odd look.

"So, did you always had a rainbow tail?" asked Lyra.

"Uh...what?" asked Dashie as she looked behind and could see a rainbow tail coming out above her butt area. She was confused by this as her flashes of memories filled her eyes, before she turned back to the group, with a smile "Well yeah, I always had a tail."

"Interesting." said Lyra, as she was now wondering what happen to this human.

"You okay, Dashie?" asked Twila.

"Yup, never better. Now let's go find the others and get out of this place." smiled Dashie, as she ran pass everyone with surprised speed, almost like she was the wind as she ran off.

"She's seems odd? She acted like nothing was wrong when she has a tail now. Not a bad tail, mind you. Just strange she has one now or how she's not questioning her speed." said Lyra

"Yeah...hey Twila, how did she saved you again?" asked Flora.

"Uhhh...she took the impact from the fall for me but it was weird. I didn't see or feel any magic. I remember seeing blue feathers tho. She was also very warm, I mean her clothes!" panicky corrected Twila as she went red in the face but the others didn't noticed it.

"That doesn't make sense. She wasn't using magic or had a transformation item on her like Kuu has." said Lyra to herself but was quickly explained where Dashie came from "I see but it still doesn't make sense about her body..."

"Lyra. We need to go. If you want to talk about her later, fine, but for now we need to find the others and leave." said Isadora.

"Okie dokie!" happily said Lyra as she hurry past the group and chased after Dashie in the same speed as she ran off with.

"Why am I surround with weird colorful people..." sighed Isadora as she ordered Starlight to give chase and everyone followed.

The group was now running or in this chase, flying, trying to catch up with the blue human girl. Kuu was carrying Twila and Flora on her back, while Isadora and her horse was flying not to far from them and Vaida was in the back, running on the wall until they finally exited the building and was now in the open streets, allowing Vaida to start running on the rooftops. Lyra was almost near Dashie as she called out to her.

"Hey Blue. You can run really fast." smiled Lyra.


"I'm faster." said Lyra as she was beside her now and her armor glowing green with wind magic.

"Oh yeah?" asked Dashie with a competitive smile.

"Yeah." smiled Lyra, as she suddenly started to run faster and left Dashie behind, laughing.

"Hey, get back here." laughed Dashie, as she gave a big jump and ran at a great speed to catch up. Leaving behind a rainbow trail.

"I guess there's a few people like that. Even in other worlds." chuckled Isadora.

The group soon made it to the center of the city, where they saw the two siblings, as they were laying low in the city square building and quickly took noticed of Lyra and the blue skinned girl as they were running laps around the square.

"Lyra, is that you?!" shouted the axe fighter, as she was wearing a checker pattern shirt with a small red scarf and blue shorts with boots.

"Hey, buddy. Long time no see." waved Lyra, as she stopped in front of the small woman and her big brother.

"What's going on? Why are you running around here?" asked the red knight as he limp out of the building.

"Just having a race with Blue here." smiled Lyra as she Dashie stopped beside her.

"And winning!" laughed Dashie.

"Yeah right. You wish." chuckled Lyra.

Both siblings were confused as they stare at each. Soon enough, rest of the group arrived and explained everything. Flora sat the red knight down as she started to heal his broken leg.

"AJ and Big Matthew, how did you survived the fall?" ask Twila as she could see how badly hurt Matt was

"It was pure luck, Twila." explained AJ "When we were falling, Big Matt grabbed me and saw a giant pool of water in a building and we landed in there. Matt broke his leg when he broke the water surface. Wasn't for that, we would had been flat pancakes I tell ya what."

"You're lucky that you survive, sir Matthew." sighed Isadora "If we lost you or your sister, your father, Johnny Appleseed, would of had my head. I did promise him that I'll make sure you two will back to him alive and in one piece.

"Yeah, well, that's life, ain't it?" sighed Matt, as he could feel his pain being taken away by Flora's magic and took off his helmet revealing his white beard and hair, even though he looked young

"I'm so happy your all safe." cried Twila, as she hug both the siblings.

"Thanks Twila. We're glad your all safe as well." said AJ, as she hug her back.

Dashie poked Lyra side and asking what's their story. In fact, what's everyone story as she wanted to know everyone here.

"Okay. Let me explain, since I'm the fastest. This is AJ, short for Abby Jasmine Appleseed. She might be small but she's very skilled with a axe and over there is her older brother, Big Matthew or Matt for short. He's a big guy but a sweetheart. They're both from a well known merc group called Apple Core. Starry knows their father, who was a former knight before quitting and starting his own band of knights. AJ wants to be like her father and wants to prove it. Matt joined us after we saved his sister from the living forest." explained Lyra

"The living forest?"

"It's where the forest is alive, as it's filled with sentient trees that will crush anything or anyone that steps in their territory."

Dashie pictured it in her mind and she suddenly flashes of the Everfree forest and nodded, as she knew what Lyra was talking about.

"Starry there, is a well known knight of the sky kingdom of Torna. She lost her arm years ago in a duel with her former lover. She doesn't want to explain further on that. She joined us after we saved the floating kingdom from falling into the mountains."

Lyra pointed to Flora next "She's pretty new. She's a wandering healer and happened to over hear a plot to kill Princess Eirika during the knight race tournament in Winterfall kingdom. She joined us as theirs a bounty on her head now."

"Who are after her?"

"The Church of the Demon Dragon. Remember that loser? He was one of the cult leaders of it."

Lyra turn her attention to Kuu next, who was trying to lick the siblings and failing.

"This is Kuu. She's the divined moon dragon. She's the last of the divine dragon clan and baby sister to the Sol dragon goddess, Helios. Princess Eirika found her in a underground cave and saved her from a cult leader that she was following. She has a weird habit of licking people. Said I tasted like mint?" laughed Lyra

"You do taste like mint." said Kuu, as she was standing next to her and licking her armored hand.

"Right...Moving on. We don't know why she was in that underground cave but after Eirika and the group she befriended before I came along, returned Kuu to the holy mountain of Sol. There, I was told that Eirika was chosen one to save our world from the returning Demon Dragon and to seek out the holy weapons." explained Lyra as she pointed to herself "Now this is my story."

Lyra did a drama pose and spoke in a cool voice "I'm a magical knight from the Windrunner kingdom. I was on vacation, enjoying my time off from protecting my kingdom. Until I met Eirika and her group. They was fighting the cult and trying to save a baby holy bear, after its mother was on a rampage. I joined them and been with them since."

Lyra pointed to Vaida next, as she was on the rooftop and keeping watch. "Vaida there. She's the leader of the Black Sun, a famous group of thieves. Her and her gang was hired by the cult to steal a ancient scroll that will allow them to find the key, that will remove the demon dragon seal. However, once Vaida read what was written on the scroll, she and her gang refused the contract and tried to stop the cult."

Dashie could see Lyra becoming sad as she went on.

"Her whole gang was killed but we saved her and she joined us. Wasn't until a week later, as we entered a cult hide out, where she found her dead husband body. He didn't know about her second life and she blames herself for everything. She's a really nice woman. Just misunderstood with the anger she has."

Lyra move on and pointed to Twila.

"And Twila, the first person to join Eirika on her quest with Kuu. She was captured at a very young age and was tested on with different curses by the cult for years. But was saved by Eirika. She's a very kind, smart and caring person. She's friendly to anyone or anything. She learned that she could use magic and was trained by the great wizard of the Xeno tower, as Eirika was there to deal with its "rat" problem." explained Lyra as she put her arm around Dashie shoulder and got closer to her face and whispered "Also has a nice butt right?"


"I know you was staring at her butt." chuckled Lyra, as Dashie turned bright red "I'm guessing you like her. It's okay. She's pretty, smart and kind. I would like her if I was you. She's a keeper."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." panicked Dashie.

"It's okay. It's okay. Your secret is safe with me. We butt lovers got to stick together!" laughed Lyra as Dashie couldn't look away from Twila butt and felt something warm inside her. Her heart was pounding and that warmth was building up, until she felt it exiting out of her back.

"What!?" shouted Lyra in awe and confusing, as her and everyone turned to Dashie and seeing two big beautiful blue wings, as it blasted through her jacket and stood tall and hard.

"Whoa...that's amazing." awed Flora, as she was finish healing Matt leg and he was now looking at the wings with amazed as everyone else.

"How did this happen?" asked Lyra.

"What?" said Dashie as she looked behind herself and seeing the wings. That's when memories flashed in her eyes "I always had these?" replied Dashie before quickly turning red as she tried to lower them but Starlight hurry over and pushed Lyra away and using her own wing, hid Dashie behind it. Dashie could see Starlight disappointed face, that read "Pervert.".

"You had wings this whole time and never knew it? What happen to you and your memories?" asked Lyra as Starlight still covering Dashie with her wing and not letting anyone close.

"I'm sorry, guys, but she needs some space. Something clearly is something going on with her. Let her process what's going on and hopefully she'll explain. But for now, let her have some space." calmly said Twila, as Starlight nodded and slowly moved her wing away, and pushed Dashie and guided her to a alley way and left the group.

"What was that all about?" questioned AJ, scratching her head.

"Maybe she has amnesia?" suggested Flora.

"It would make sense. When I talked to her earlier, she said she didn't have any memories of someone or remember her name." added Twila

Vaida jumped down from the rooftops and stood in front of the group. "I don't trust her at all! Even more now! We should push for more info!"

Vaida started to walk to the area where Dashie went but Isadora stopped her by putting her hand on her shoulder. Vaida could see the knight blushing and asked what was wrong.

"I believe she's some form of a Pegasus race in her world. Going by Starlight actions...its best we wait for them." said Isadora, as her face was turning red and her eyes looking away


Isadora sighed and whispered something to Vaida, who quickly turned red as well.

"Right! Let's wait for her!" nervously said Vaida, while Matt and Lyra understood and nodded, leaving the others to be confused.

Wasn't until a few minutes later that Dashie, with her wings finally down, and Starlight returned. Everyone could see Dashie hanging her head in shame, while Starlight was saying angry horse noises as she returned to her master side and still giving the same look to Dashie. Who wanted to die as she sat on the ground couldn't face no one.

"You okay?" asked Twila as she stood in front of Dashie and was worried, as she noticed her face was still red.
Dashie looked up at her and could feel her heart beating again and her wings were slowly moving up again, so she quickly slam her back on the ground floor and pointed two thumbs at her and bit of pain in her voice. "GOOD! I'M GOOD!"

Twila was confused by this but before she could ask, everyone but Dashie could feel something in the air. Something evil as they ready themselves and search the area for it.

"I can feel a dark aura. It's very strong. Whatever it is, it's not friendly." said Flora, as she ready her staff.

"I can feel it as well. This isn't normal. It's too powerful. Whatever it is, must have a huge mana level." added Lyra.

"Isadora, what should we do?" asked Matt, as he stood beside his lil sister and got his sword ready.

"We need to stay calm. Whatever it is, can feel our fear." stated Isadora, as her armor started glowing, as she was charging up her magic and ready to defend her allies.

Kuu, feeling the dark aura, was frightened and quickly jumped behind Twila and cried. Twila held her tightly and whispered to her "Don't worry. We're here."

Vaida, being an expert thief and trained her senses for danger, could hear something moving in the shadows and quickly drew her two blades. "Everyone, ready yourself. It's coming."

Everyone readied themselves and waited for the incoming enemy. The air around them was becoming heavier and darker. Everyone could feel the cold breeze, that made their skin crawl.

"It's here." deeply said Vaida as she stared down a man, who was wearing a cloak. Everyone knew who it was, it was the cult leader, as he approach them with a evil smile.

"Long time no see. You all seem well." greeted the cult leader, as he stop just a few feet from them and everyone was ready to fight.

"We have nothing to talk about. Leave or you'll regret it." demanded Vaida.

"You are no position to be giving orders, thief. In fact, no one is. All you worms need to listen to his voice, the real and true ruler of our world." replied the cult leader as he was holding something in his hand, as Twila quickly noticed what it was.

"The Horn of Spark!"

"That's correct. I won't allow you to escape this void! Not until what was promise to me! You'll stay here forever, as our lord take back what was his. The world!" shouted the cult leader, as he lift the horn up and crushed it with his hand.

As the horn broke into dust, the ground began to shake and everyone tried to stay balance, as the cult leader was laughing as shadows hands broke through the ground and grabbed him.

"Yes! Thank you my lord! Give me the power, so I can strike her down!" shouted the mad cult leader, as he pointed at Twila "So I can free her! FREE MY DAU-" but before he could finish, he was dragged into the ground by the shadow hands and with a mighty earth quake, the square scatter as a giant demonic light darkish blue unicorn came out.

"I WILL NOT BE STOPPED BY MORTAL FOOLS! MY DAUGHTER SHALL BE SET FREE! NO MATTER WHAT THE PRICE IS!" roared the demonic unicorn, as it stomp the ground and making a giant earthquake.

"Daughter?" whispered Twila.

"Twila!" shouted Vaida, as she jumped at her and knocked her out of the way from the falling building behind her

"Thanks." thanked Twila.

"Be careful!" shouted Flora, as she was casting a protective barrier around the group as the shadows were attacking the barrier

"What is that thing?!" shouted Lyra.

"A holy unicorn?" said Isadora.

"No. This one looks too demonic and has a mane made out of shadow." replied Matt, as he pointed at the mane and was right, as the mane was made out of shadows.

"What should we do?" asked Vaida, as the group was stuck between a giant demon and shadow hands.

"Everyone, let me, Lyra and Starlight take care of it." stated Isadora as she got on Starlight back and rose her sword in the air, making it shine with light.

"I'll keep us protected!" added Flora, as she raised her staff and began to cast another spell.

"Let's take the shadows down." said Matt as he charged towards the nearest shadow and sliced through it.

"Yee haw! Right behind you, brother!" shouted AJ as she ran towards a shadow and chop it with her axe.

Lyra leap on Starlight back and summoned her sword.

"Starlight, let's go!" ordered Isadora as they trio took off, towards the demonic unicorn and with a mighty roar, the battle has begun.


"We won't let you, pal!"

The unicorn open its mouth and shoot a large energy ball at the trio, who easily dodge it.

"Starlight, charge the horn and attack!"

Starlight nodded and flew towards the demon, while Isadora and Lyra got ready to strike.

"Take this!" shouted Lyra as she rocket her sword at the unicorn horn, which bounce off and a small crack appeared.

"Nice one, Lyra! It can be hurt!" said Isadora.

However, the demon wasn't finished and it used its crack horn to cast a lightning spell. Isadora and Starlight barely dodged it, but it didn't help much, as Lyra felled off but was able to summon her sword and using it as a hoverboard.

"We're not finished!" shouted Isadora as Starlight flew back towards the demon and charged at the unicorn and allowing Isadora to slash its forehead. The demon roar in pain, as a big gash was seen.

"Isadora!" shouted Lyra as she could see a ton of shadow hands going after all her.

Isadora saw the shadow hands and used her magic, as she blast them away with a magic wave from her sword.

"Nice job!" smiled Lyra as she was near them

"I couldn't have done it without your warning, Lyra."

"We're not done yet! Let's take that ugly demon down!"

"Agreed! Let's get it, Starlight."

Starlight nodded as she and the duo charged at the demon, while the others was busy dealing with the shadows.

"AJ, Matt, we're running low on mana. We can't keep this up." warned Flora.

"Can you blast them? Since are these things weak to light magic?" asked Matt.

"I would if I could, but we're surrounded. There's too many of them."

"We'll have to take them down ourselves then." stated AJ as she slice through a shadow and Matt follow suit, as they was fighting side by side.

"Keep fighting! We got to hold out until Isadora and Lyra can take that unicorn down!" ordered Vaida as she tossed paper bombs at a group of shadows as it was trying to grab Twila and the others.

"Kuu! Keep watch over Twila and the horny one!" ordered Vaida, as Kuu was shaking in fear but nodded, as she stood between the two, trying her best not to be scared.

"Don't worry. We're safe. Nothing can get past her." smiled Twila as she hugged Kuu and whispered "Thank you."

"Gonna be brave! Just like Eirika!" said Kuu, as she shook her head and her body was glowing with a small amount of moon light.

"That's right. Remember what she told you, when she left." smiled Twila.

"No matter what, no matter the time or situation, you gonna be brave! Brave enough to shine through the darkness!." roared Kuu as she shot out a sea of night sky looking flames and burned any shadows that came near.

Twila chuckled as she hugged her "Be the light that the people need..."

Dashie could only look on as everyone was doing their best, while she just watched from the backline. She hated this, hated in not helping anyone as something inside of her was growing. She looked up and saw the fight was happening above them. Isadora was getting exhausted as the demon was too much for her and Lyra.

"We can't win..." whispered Isadora as she was hit by a magic wave and almost fell off of Starlight.

"Isadora!" shouted Lyra as the magical knight caught her from falling, while the duo was able to dodge the next attack.

"We're not going to last long...we're losing...too much mana...and can't get close anymore..."

"Don't give up, Isadora! We can do this! We can win! For our friends, family, and loved ones! If you give up, all that's gonna happen is that the demon is gonna destroy everything and kill our friends!"

Isadora sighed, "You're right, Lyra. Let's do this! Together!"

Lyra smiled as they charged once more at the unicorn, which was charging a large magic attack.

"Starlight! Dodge! It's preparing to attack!" ordered Isadora, as Starlight nodded and was able to avoid the magical beam, but it wasn't the end of it.

"WHAT THE-" shouted Lyra in surprise, as the magic attack change its direction and was heading towards the others at the ground.

"NO!" screamed Twila as she was trying to cast a spell to protect the others, as the attack was about to hit them, but something stop the magical attack. Everyone was stunned at what they were looking at.

"This girl..." smirk Lyra. as she could see Dash holding the beam in place with one hand, while her wings were up and a rainbow halo behind her back.

"Dashie...?" whispered Twila.

"I've had it! I'm not gonna be useless!" snarled Dashie, as she toss the magic attack up into the air and soar into the air, quickly passing Isadora and Lyra, who was amazed by the super sonic speed.

"That speed!?" awe Isadora.

"That girl can really move! Can put us Wind Knights to shame!" smirked Lyra.

"Hey, ugly demon! Let's go, pal!" shouted Dashie, as the unicorn looked at her, while the others at the ground were shock by the bravery Dashie was showing.

"How dare you, fool. To stand in my way, when you should be bowing before the demon dragon teachings!" roared the unicorn.

"You may have a big horn and powerful, but that not gonna scare me, pal! I fought way more ugly monsters!"

"Insolence fool!"

"Enough talking! Time for the main show!"

Dashie was quickly dodging the unicorn attacks, while the demon was growing annoyed with her, as its attack weren't working.

"You're fast. But that not gonna stop me!"

"Not bad, pal! You got some speed, but not enough to catch me!"


The unicorn's body was now engulf with dark flame, while its horn was glowing with a powerful magic attack.

"Is it casting a high magic spell!?" asked Twila, as she was worried about Dashie.

"That's a powerful magic spell! Dashie's not going to survive!" panicked Isadora.

"KID! RUN!" screamed Lyra as she tried to reach her "DAMN IT! I WON'T REACH HER! SHE WON'T GET AWAY IN TIME!"

Dashie, who was just floating in the air with her arms cross, staring at the demon as it was charging up its most powerful magical attack. The unicorn fired a magical beam covered in black flames and Dashie quickly rose her hands and pushed back the beam, with her super strength and speed. Everyone was in shock by the feat, as she was pushing the demon's attack back, not even signs of any struggle.

"Glad this sugar cube is our side." said AJ

"Eeyup." replied Big Matt

"Amazing." gasped Flora.

"Incredible." whispered Twila, as she could only stare in awe.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! SHE'S PUSHING BACK THE ATTACK! WITHOUT MUCH TROUBLE!" screamed Isadora who was also in shock.

"This power..." muttered the demon. "What are you, brat?!"

"Oh, you wanna know my name, pal?" smirked Dashie.


"The name is Rainbow Dashiell! One of the protectors of my world! And you're gonna lose, pal!"

With one final push, Dashie was able to push the beam away from her and the group, sending it into the air, and disappeared. The demon was now starting to grow nervous, as this 'Rainbow Dashiell' was a threat, as she was able to counter its magic attack with ease and her speed.

"This is my chance! Rainbow, we got this!" said Lyra as she and Isadora flew beside her.

"Good timing. You two gonna get the best seats!." smirk Dashie, as she blasted off, leaving the two in the dust.

"Hey, ugly! You wanted me! I'm right here!" taunted Dashie as she flew circles around the demon and making it dizzy.


The demon was about to fire another magical beam, but was suddenly punched in the chest by Dashie and was being pushed into the sky.

"I won't lose!" shouted the demon as it was pushing back.

"We'll see, pal! This is just the start! Get ready for my best move!"

Rainbow Dashie then increase her speed, until the sound barrier was crackling with multiple colors. The unicorn monster could feel its body being crush by the G force.


"Enjoy my Sonic Rainboom!!!"

Rainbow Dash then release her full strength, breaking the sound barrier, and releasing her Sonic Rainboom. Sending the monster into the sky, while the rainbow circle blasted across the void of nothingness.

"This...power." groaned the demon.

"You're gonna regret messing with me, pal!"

The two kept going, until they slam into the ceiling of the void but that didn't stop Dashie, as she kept pushing.

"I won't die here! I must live, for her sake!"

"Sorry, pal, but the show is over!"


"IT IS!"

Dashie took all the power she had and with one big push, she blasted through the ceiling. Scattering the void and freeing the dead city as a blue sky appeared. The rainbow light went further up, the monster could feel its body breaking apart, as it was now being burn by the rainbow energy.


"Too bad, pal. Now you're going down!"

The rainbow energy was now burning away the demon's body, as it scream in agony.


"Sorry, but you've messed with the wrong girl! So, good night."


"Because you threaten my friends! That is reason enough!"

The demon's body was now being destroy, as it scream, crying in pain.


"For being a jerk."


"I'm not hearing an apology, pal!"




"Now, you're going home!"

The demon scream in terror, as its body was being burn away by the rainbow energy, until nothing was left of it. Rainbow Dashie, on the other hand, was fine as she finally stop and floated there. She turned around and could nothing but a beautiful sun.

She smiled at it and but notice it was getting closer and bigger.

"Wait a sec. Suns are not suppose to get that big, and why does it feel so warm than hot?"

Suddenly, the sun became a super large white female dragon before turning into a human and to Dashie, it was this version of Celestia.


"Well, hello. You have done well. You saved this city and set free the cursed people who lived here as they were the monsters in this ruin kingdom. I, Helios, thank you."

"Uhh, your welcome. So, where are we?"

"My dimension. The sun realm, and it's just me. Tell me, other worldly hero, what do you wish for?"

"I need to get home, can you send me back?"

Helios shook her head, as she doesn't have the power to break the wall of the between.

"Then, can you show me where the rainbow shard is?"

"I'll do you one better." smiled Helios as her eyes glowed with yellow light and appearing in front of Dashie, was the rainbow shard. Like always, the shard she has, started to glow and floated out of her pocket. Both watch as the shards slowly becoming as one as the reality around was breaking down.

"Go little one, I pray that you return home and help my chosen one. You and they are running out of time. Here, take this orb. She's going to need it when you return home." said Helios as she handed Dashie a rainbow orb and placed it in her pocket.

"Who? You mean this Eirika person? and what you mean I'm running out of time!?" asked Dashie but Helios said nothing as she vanished and Dashie found herself failing into a bright void as the shards were still fusing. The bright light engulf the whole city as Twila and her friends covered their eyes.

"They're back!" shouted a crossed eye archer, as Twila and the others saw they were back in the field. Both groups were celebrating but Twila looked around and didn't see Dashie anywhere.

"Where's Dashie?" asked Twila, as Lyra and Isadora could only shake their heads.

"She was fighting the demon, but I lost sight of her after the explosion." explained Isadora.

"What!? Are you saying she might have died?!" shouted Twila, as she was trying not to cry.

"There's no way, she died. If anything, the explosion probably killed that cult asshole. Bet Blue is fine." reassure Lyra.

"Right, but where is she? We can't leave her behind!"

"Twila, it's okay. She's-" said Flora but she was cut off as everyone shouted to look at the sky, as the sonic rainboom was still there but slowly fading away into the sea of clouds. In the middle, they all could see a falling rainbow star.

"It's her!" cried Twila as she turned to the group. Isadora, on Starlight, quickly hurry over to Twila and got on.

"Starlight! Go!" ordered Isadora, as the Pegasus opened her wings and took off. The two quickly went through the clouds and could see Dashie, slowly falling and surround by a rainbow energy as she was holding something.

"Dashie! Don't worry, I got ya!" cried Twila, as she reached out her arms, as Starlight was flying faster.

"Just a bit more!" cried Isadora.

"Almost there!" shouted Twila, as her and Isadora almost caught Dashie, but were blasted away by a pillar of rainbow light.
Twila could see Dashie was disappearing into the light, and was unable to reach her.

"DASHIE!" cried Twila, as tears were coming out of her eyes.

Dashie opened her eyes and could see Twila, Isadora and Starlight. Soon she could see Kuu, Lyra and other Pegasus knights that are part of Eirika group, were flying behind Lyra.

"See ya around..." cried Dashie as she gave Twila and the others a see you later hand gesture and disappeared into the light.

"DASHIE!" shouted Twila, but she was too late, the rainbow pillar disappeared and the sky was returning back to normal. "Dashie..." cried Twila, as she shed a tear before looking back into the sky, as a rainbow appeared between the clouds. "Hope you find and remember her. See ya around." smiled Twila as Lyra and the others arrived. Lyra put her hand on her shoulder and letting her cry some more.

Dashie opened her eyes and she found herself back in the garden. The alicorn was there, as she looked at her.

"They're not going to last for much longer. Do you remember her yet?"

" but memories of her...I think I'm remembering the time I had with her. I think I'm starting to remember her face." explained Dashie as she held her chest, as she was crying again.

The alicorn closed her eyes and the garden was freaking out as Dashie could see a black ooze pony, with bright white eyes, behind the alicorn.

"Please, hurry. If not, everything and everyone is doomed."

"Don't worry, I'm not going to forget you. You and I, are the same, I remember that now." smiled Dashie, making the alicorn opened her eyes with shook.

"Wait, do you remem-" but she was cut off as everything disappeared into the rainbow light but Dashie smiled as she floated within it.

"I'm not letting you go again. I'll save you this time, even if I'm not really "me". Right Dash and Dashie..." softly whispered Rainbow Dashie as she flicker between Dashie, Dash and a third Dash who was wearing a dark blue jacket...

The rainbow light disappeared and Dashie could feel herself floating without falling. She opened her eyes and could see a purple moon, as it started to glow bright and blowing up with great force. She could see the earth in front of her as the moon chucks disappeared. She realized she was in space. She closed her eyes and felt herself being pushed back into the planet pull. Her body was hot as she reentry and falling towards a island. She crashed face first into the grassly field. She wasn't in pain and she didn't know why. She could hear voices and she slowly looked up and could see pony AJ, Pegasus Pinkie Pie, who was wearing a red dress and Scoots as a griffon.

"Who is she? Where's Bolt?" asked Pinkie

Scoots took out a tablet and scanned Dashie and was surprised by the readings.

"Can't be? The readings are a match with Bolt! This is Bolt the Pegasus!"

Dashie stood up and unknown to her, her human ears were replaced with pony ears and face looked more like a pony now, while her body was still human shape.

"Name isn't Bolt. My name is Rainbow, Rainbow Dash!"

end of ch5