• Published 23rd Oct 2023
  • 213 Views, 2 Comments

How do you save someone who’s already broken? - Phoenix_Flame

Sunset Shimmer knows she’s not ok. She also knows she needs help. But she convinces herself that if she tells her friends they can’t save her. How do you save someone who’s already broken?

  • ...

“I’m fine”

“Clouds. They’re a beautiful thing. Floating freely through the air. I wish I could be more like them. Free, happy. Comparing myself to a cloud seems stupid. I swear something is wrong with my brain. Maybe it was when I went through that portal, or maybe I was just born this way. Whatever. Who really cares anyways.”

“Hello? Earth to Sunset?” Rainbow said waving her hand in front of sunset.

“Huh…” sunset replied snapping out of her trance.

All the girls were staring at her with concern looks by now.

“Are you ok darling. You seem kind of… distant” Rarity questioned.

“I’m fine. Just kinda zoned out.”

“If you say so…” replied rarity.

Luckily for her they dropped it after that. Sunset went back to staring up at the clouds and the girls went back to whatever they were doing. She knew she was far from fine but didn’t think she was quite ready to tell them that yet. She knew she should… eventually… but today wasn’t the day for that.

She looked down at the sleeves of her leather jacket. Or, more precisely, what was underneath them. The secrets they held. Cutting had become a regular thing for her. Ever since the fall formal she couldn’t help but feel like she didn’t deserve any sort of friendship or forgiveness. But here she was, laying here on a chilly autumn day with the 5 people she hurt the most. The people she tormented and broke apart. Just because she wanted to be powerful. She knew she was an idiot and still was.

“Oh no! It’s already 3:00. Sorry girls. I have to go. I volunteered to help out at the animal shelter a little more this weekend.”

“It’s ok Flutershy. We total understand. I have to head home too. I have a few assignments I have to catch up on.” Rainbow said.

“Me too. I have to finish the sewing for an absolutely fabulous dress I’ve been working on.”

The girls agreed that they all had something they had to do and started heading home.

I guess I’ll just go home and find something to do. And by home I mean the abandoned warehouse I’ve been staying in.

*the following Monday at school*

“Look who we have here.”

Sunset nervously turned around to see Gilda staring at her with a grin. Ever since the fall formal Gilda had been making Sunsets life ever more miserable than it already was but Sunset stopped trying to fight back because she knew she deserved it after everything she did.

“Does the she-demon wanna play.” Gilda said as more of a statement than I question.

All Sunset could do was stand there. She knew exactly what was going to happen and she knew she couldn’t fight back. So she just stood there and awaited what was about to happen.

“You are so worthless” Gilda said as she shoved Sunset into her locker and started punching and kicking her. First in the stomach, then the leg, then her side, and it kept on going for a few minutes. “No one wants you hear you she-demon. You’d be better off just offing yourself.”

After hearing those words Sunset finally dropped to the ground and Gilda finally started walking away with a grin of satisfaction.

Just then the bell rang but instead of heading to class Sunset ran straight to the bathroom. She hid in the farthest stall and slid down the wall and curled in on herself. She reached into her backpack and felt around for a minute before pulling out a small red and black pocketknife. She pulled up the left sleeve of her jacket and held the knife to it. She slashed it as spots of blood started to trickle out as she did it a few more times before putting the knife back, pulling her sleeve back down, putting her head to her knees, and sobbing, blood still running down her arm.

“Maybe Gilda’s right, maybe I am worthless, maybe I should kill myself.”

Author's Note:

So this is the first chapter of my story. Sorry if it isn’t the best. Constructive criticism is always welcome and I will try to take your advice for chapters to come and I may even edit this one a little too. Anyways, I hope you liked it and are willing to read more. This is Phoenix_Flame and I hope you have an amazing day!