• Published 20th Oct 2023
  • 248 Views, 0 Comments

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy - daOtterGuy

Starswirl must protect his legacy. At any cost.

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Legacy. Such a tantalizing word. As intoxicating as the ambrosia of the Gods. Greatness. Power. Success. All embodied within a single concept. A name passed down through generations, always present in the back of the minds who choose to follow after. An echo that can be heard through a millenia.

Starswirl will be one of those names. It was inevitable. He will be known. He will be remembered. He will persevere against time itself in his quest for legacy.

He will not be found at the bottom of some bargain bin in a used bookstore, his name carrying the same weight as some hack philosopher or new age trash monger. He will rise above the filth he came from. Away from his weak-willed, pitiful mother who couldn’t even manage to remove herself from the gutter of her own grief to see the greatness of her son. Just another ungrateful wretch that deserved to be left to live in squalor as he ascended through the ranks of greatness.

These fears would soon be nothing as he would finally defeat time. Visions of his power flooded his mind. Visions of that upstart being beaten by him. Visions of that purple sodden peasant grounded into the dirt under his hoof.

There was, of course, a minor snag. Apollo was using him.

But Starswirl was no fool. He knew this, and was simply being pragmatic to achieve his goals. Sacrifices were required, less than pleasant ordeals. He would be Apollo’s so-called “entertainment,” so long as his name was truly made synonymous with that oh-so-glorious legacy.

It mattered not what was lost or what was sacrificed in the name of his goals. Whether it be him or others. Only what Starswirl could achieve by doing so was important.

His fur fell away, his skin peeling to reveal bone. His eyes burned in his sockets, consumed by green flames as ichor poured from them like a fountain. His heart pumped to an unnatural rhythm, unaffected by the arrow pierced straight through it.

Pain was momentary. Legacy was forever. He would endure. He would persevere. He would never be forgotten.

When his transformation was complete, he would become whom he was meant to become. Though a plaything of a God, he would ensure personally that no one would ever forget his name.