• Published 8th Sep 2023
  • 176 Views, 0 Comments

I am umbra - Babycord

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My name

Nightmare moon.

The stories tell of her transforming into a dark evil version of herself that Princess Celestia managed to defeat using the elements of harmony as soon as she witnessed her sister become something monstrous.

Do you think that's true?

No, it's not but every single pony and none pony alike would claim this to be true. To be a mark upon equine history that can never be forgotten. A living testament to how easily jealousy and rage can corrupt one's soul.

I'm not surprised however after all I once was a pony myself so I know just how foolish and single-minded you can be. With that being said I was still better. Greater and stronger than you can ever hope to be because I knew the truth. I knew what lay beyond the walls of comfort, false happiness, and an overwhelming desire to remain blissfully unaware of how dark and twisted reality is.

As we speak I can see it in your eyes. You pity me, have it in your mind that im just some poor soul who forgot what friendship and love were supposed to be. That all I needed was guidance and a hoof to pull me close and tell me that everything was gonna be okay.


I don't need pity I don't need love I don't need guidance.

I need power.

Power is what decides it all for you power will either break you or smother you in its embrace until you rise and become something new. Something that mere words can't express. You see real power isn't limitless nor does it simply go beyond everything you know. Real power is knowing the path you took to become what you are and how you will continue to walk that path because fear or the unknown that clings to said fear aren't the ones in your way. No, the thing that truly stands in your way is the lack of will to move forward. To accomplish what is yours not by birthright, but by doing what needs to be done to ensure your legacy.

You wanna know the truth? Simple There was no nightmare moon or Princess Celestia or the so-called elements of harmony. There was no good vs.s evil nor a happy ending.


There was only war.

A war that ravaged the land, destroyed natural resources, separated soldiers from families, and ended more lives than I could care to count.

This war was fought for the same reason im here today. The only difference is that I don't try to hide who or what I am. For you see you are ruled by willed cowards who are too ashamed of their past to admit who they are.

I was merely a filly back then smarter and stronger than the rest but still held back by weak flesh. Not like that mattered for I wasn't alone.

Oh yes, I can tell by the expression on your face that you didn't expect such a statement to leave my lips.

I told you I was and still am the smartest pony to ever live and because of said brilliance I saw a future. A future beyond simply starving to death behind a dumpster like the rest of the weak-willed fools, but to do that I needed time, resources, and allies.

It wasn't hard, especially when you've spent endless nights wandering seeking just a moment of bliss to block out the harsh reality of the world. In those moments when you have almost nothing left Fortune tends to bless the desirable.

My allies we're useful. They were capable ponies who didn't need to be told constantly about what to do. Each of them had a dream and a desire of their own they wished to see come true in one form or another.


Do you think I would grant you of all ponies their names?!

No, I won't grant you the mere knowledge of their birth titles let alone the color of their mane. All you need to know is that our goals were aligned and so we decided to use that to our advantage.

The Queen of the Crystal Empire back then wasn't much weaker than the one in power now. Weak, compassionate, foolish, and even worse by her inability to choose a side during the war. Regardless it wasn't getting close. No. Because of the growing number of assassination attempts, there were only certain ponies were able to get into hoofing distance. Loyal ponies that proved themselves to the queen time and time ago.

So what did I do?

I became a dog.

For years I put on the facade of a happy-go-lucky foal with great magical potential. Crafting a well-thought-out sob story about how my parents were soldiers who died defending our land from the chaos outside. While I was during this the others were tasked with weakening the kingdom from the inside out. Creating even more problems that a certain pony can come along and find solutions for. All while under the watching eye of our so-called great ruler.

Do you realize how long this took? By the time she finally acknowledged my greatness I was already a full-grown mare.

A mare who wasted a good chunk of her life playing by the roles and taking care of others even if there wasn't a single reason to. Fortunately, while I was playing my part the others discovered something. A book of sorts with certain magical secrets. Secrets that we used to strengthen myself to an even higher degree than previously thought possible.

Of course, this was a wise decision because a month or so after I did the Queen wanted me to meet with her. I in turn quickly accepted already knowing that attacking Than would be the only chance I had at taking over the throne. Especially when her guard was down.

I was wrong.

Yes, you heard me.

Don't get me wrong In all other situations I would have easily won. The Queen may have experienced battle but I trained myself to unlock my full magical potential as well as craft a spell that used one's fear against them. This would have allowed me the time I needed to act and detached her head from her body. If that didn't occur I found myself preparing execution a backup plan was devised where my allies would start where I left off.

That didn't happen.

No, instead I walked into the throne room preparing for a battle that would never come. Why? Because what lay before me wasn't the Queen.

It was a heart.

The crystal heart.

Only it wasn't like what you witnessed before you. There was no bright light or the feeling of a magical surge that came with it. There was no sense of hope nor anything that you could gain from merely looking in its direction.

What I saw was a dark green sphere glowing with magic, not much different from my own, and under the said sphere of whirling dark ancient energy were the bodies of my allies.

Screaming...they were screaming.

Whatever magic was being used it was torturing them. Putting them in a state of constant agony while also granting them the ability to never die. As such they looked upon me with desperation wanting a savior who would end their suffering.

All while the Queen watched.

I've never felt a more primal state of rage before in my life.

The Queen was speaking. Perhaps telling me of her grand plan or perhaps not. It did not matter as the magic I'd practiced and used for a decade began to change me. Using my hate and rage to morph me. Making me into a being of pure darkness as well as granting me the power only akin to a god.

It wasn't enough.

The magical energy you know now as the crystal heart began to weaken me. Using the same thing that made me stronger as a way to strengthen itself to complete the spell.

I lunged. Aiming for something but I do not recall.

What happened next I do not remember.

All I do remember is the sensation of pain so great I screamed even after my body could no longer feel such sensation.

It was only then did I noticed that I was inside the Crystal Empire, and no matter how hard I tried I could not enter its domain. As such I wandered outside of the lands in firmless smoke.

How long? I cannot remember.

Fortunately for me, my magic grew as the crystal shared stayed the same. Perhaps it needed time to be at full power. Or perhaps the ritual was flawed as such it needed to be redone. However, with you standing before me now, I can guess it was the former.

Ah, if only I ended your life sooner.

No matter because with my power I shall rule once again. Only this time I don't show any mercy.

They call me a lot of things. Tyrant, the damned one, the shadow queen, the twisted ruler, but I have a favorite.

A name that wasn't given but created.

A name that I shall carry until I have enough strength to not only rule but recreate what was lost.


The name that shall eclipse the world.

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