• Member Since 19th Aug, 2023
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago



This story is a sequel to Ori And The Dragon In The Blind Forest

Taking place months after Spike was called by the Spirit tree to save the forest of Nibel, Spike has been becoming quite used to his new life. But he still feels worried as he has now become a hybrid of a dragon and Spirit guardian, and he feels afraid that he may lose himself. His fears of losing himself may come to be. because after he, Ori and they're new little sister Ku go on a flight, they are separated from him from a storm. Spike and Ori awaken in a new land called Niwen and they go on a journey to find Ku and save this new land from a terrifying threat.

Meanwhile the main 6 and two dragons, Garble and Smolder are sent to Nibel to try to find they're missing friend, while Garble is seeking to make up for what he did, with his sister Smolder seeking to help as well. but this may all come down when they see that Spike and Ori are out in a new dangerous place and they fear they all may never get they're chance to see him again...

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 12 )

Good start on this sequel & glad you had Spike go though his molt before the adventure started! :moustache:

Have you played this game and if so what do you think of it?

Sadly I haven't played it yet, gonna have to pick it up.:moustache:

you should it's only 30 bucks but it is amazing as a game

Once more into the breach for Spike/Ori it seems, not a fan of Spike's new wings getting damaged so early on though, hope that changes soon!:fluttercry:

On the Equestria side I really hope they can get to where Spike is soon & that the dragon sibs can get to meet him & maybe Garble/Spike bury the hatchet.:moustache:

Spike could try and redeem Shriek like he did Kuro, or maybe ku could start a friendship with her those are always missed opportunities with fanfic writers.

Loving this so far!:heart:

As for when Garble/Smolder should meet with Spike maybe just before they find Ku, more claws on board for the upcoming perils would be nice.:moustache:

Are you finishing the other story before this? Because it's fine if you are.

yeah it's only a few more chapters before facing Drek, i'll be done by the end of the week, then i'll get back on this, i just think it's best i focus on one at a time without burning myself out you know?

Ooh, that sounds like an interesting story for Spike's next adventure. Go for it!

Just to let you know, Ku is a girl.

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