• Published 2nd Aug 2023
  • 147 Views, 1 Comments

It All Could Be Better - CombatProductions

After getting the results back on his cancer test, Anon is transported to a strange world where he decides to start a criminal organisation.

  • ...


Anon fell back against the wall of the hot tub with a grunt. A bright gold and silver mare got off of his lap and layed against the wall next to him.

"Wow that was something." Anon said as he looked up at the celling.

"You sure said it sweet heart." The mare said as she gave his cheek a poke.

He smiled and looked at the mare, she looked right back at him before she moved her head towards his and they both shared a kiss.

"You know... we could always go another round." The mare said in a sultry tone.

"I would, but I need time to rest." He said.

"Well tough, because I'm ready," She moved herself back on to his lap, letting her hind legs sit on either side of him while her forelegs came to rest on his shoulders. "Come on, let's get started."

"I already said I'm not ready." He tried to move her off of him but she held on. With a sigh he stopped trying to move her and simply wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in close.

She let out a soft sigh at his embrace and tucked her head under his.

"Well, this is better than nothing." She said in a gentle tone. His finger brushed through her mane as he scratched her scalp and behind her ears. They sat like that for a while until the silence was rudely interrupted by the sound of a phone ringing.

Moving only one of his hands Anon moved around and grabbed his phone which was sitting on top of his clothes next to the hot tub. He quickly read the name on it and he frowned.

"Fuck, I gotta take this." He said in a slightly irritated tone.

"No problem sweetheart." The mare cooed.

Anon clicked the green button and held the phone up to his ear.

"Hello." He said in his most calm voice. The call didn't last long with anon speaking few times and simply nodding his head.

"I'll be right there." He said before hanging up the phone.

"Who was it sweetheart?"

"Just work, they need me there to help fix a problem going on."

"Oh? What sort if problem?"

"Their having some transaction problems. And I've always been the guy better with technology." He gently moved the mare from his lap and stood up before making his way to the stairs that led out of the tub.

"How long will you be?" The mare asked.

"Hopefully not the long." He said as he began to dry himself off.

Anon marched down the narrow hallway towards the large metal door at the end of it. Upon reaching the door he swung it open and entered the room. He had to crouch down slightly just to get through the damn pony sized doors. There was a faint smell of blood in the room.

When he looked up he saw three stallions standing around a fourth stallion tied to a chair. He looked as if he had been beaten senseless, but Anon knew this stallion would still be thinking clearly.

One of the other stallion was about to go in for a swing with a bat, but Anon stopped him.

"I think our friend here has had quite enough." He said as his hands came down to the stallions shoulders. He felt the stallion tense up imminently at his touch. "Now... let's get down to business."

He walked around in front of the stallion and sat down on a chair that was prepared for him. The stallions head was hung low and Anon leaned forward.

"You are in a whole help of trouble aren't you?"

The stallion slowly nodded, while he kept his eyes glued to the floor. Anon leaned back and scratched the back of his head.

"Like... wow, one of my own employees stealing twenty thousand bits from me? That takes some balls to do." Anon said before chuckling. "You know, I would have been impressed if you hadn't gotten yourself caught."

He layed out his hand and one of the stallions but a bat in his hand. Anon quickly examined the bat and took note of the blood on it.

"And I must say your pretty tough, to take hits from one of these." He gave the bat a test swing next to him. "Wow, this thing feels powerful."

He threw the bat to the floor and looked at the stallion. His eyes where unreadable, the other stallions couldn't tell if Anon was going to kill this pony or just ask them to beat him up more.

"Well today's your lucky day kid. I'm not gonna kill you, nor am I gonna take all my money back from you."

The stallion looked up at Anon in shock. Anon finally got a good look at the stallions face, one of his eyes were swollen shut, bruses littered his face and there was a faint trickle of blood from his mouth.

"What you tried to pull toom guts and I need guts if your gonna do this sorta thing. What did you work as before you got caught?"

"I packed boxes full of your product." The stallion said shakily.

"Not any more, now you will be part of the hiring team and help employee more people to our little organisation." Anon said "And I will even let you keep half of what you stole."

"T-thank you sir." The stallion stuttered out.

"Don't mention it... but if I do catch you stealing from me again, I will personally cave your fuckin skull in." Anon said as he signaled another stallion to cut him free. "Now get the hell out of here."

The stallion sprinted out the room as fast as he could as Anon stood up from his chair.

"Sir, was this the best idea?" Asked one of the stallions.

"I'm not sure, but that kid is going places. Just have some of the guys keep an eye on him."

Anon walked out the room and down the hall towards the exit.

Anon slowly opened the front door to his home and stepped in. It was late, very late. He knew his lover would already be fast asleep in bed and when she woke up she wouldn't be very happy. As he walked towards their room, he felt something warm trickling from his nose. His hand came up and felt the warm liquid. When he pulled his hand away he saw a red stain on the tips of his fingers.

He silently cut in to the bathroom and looked in to the mirror. His nose was bleeding and quite alot at that. He grabbed the box of tissue that where next to the sink and took some tissues out and held them over his nose.

After some time he took the tissues away. The flow of blood had stopped but there was still a red stain under his nose. He turned on the tap and splashed water on to his face before clearing it all off. He leaned over the sink looking down in to it.

Everyday he felt weaker and weaker, and more and more tired. It was getting difficult to get up in the morning. But he knew he had to. He looked up at the mirror and sighed.

He would think about this later, but for now, it was time for bed.

Author's Note:

Hope you all enjoyed opening. Please give me your thoughts on it and anything you would like to see.