• Member Since 4th Jul, 2015
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


That one guy who writes twenty stories, and doesn't update any of them.

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I can't remember the name · 11:08pm Feb 5th, 2019

I recently reshelved a number of fan-fics that I had read, and I found that there was one story that I was missing, and for the life of me I can't remember what it's called.

It's a Scootaloo x Sweetie Belle story where they accidentally drink a modified version of the love poison potion from Hearts and Hooves Day. The two fillies start realizing that they've become a couple, meanwhile Apple Bloom is running all over town trying to tell them they drank a faulty potion.

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  • Viewing 33 - 37 of 37

Thx for adding one of my stories to 2 of your bookshelves!! :pinkiehappy:


Thanks for faving the story.:pinkiehappy:
Enjoy the ride.:raritywink:

Thx for the fave.

Huh, thanks. :pinkiesmile:

  • Viewing 33 - 37 of 37
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