• Published 18th Aug 2023
  • 432 Views, 33 Comments

Equestria Girls: Digimon Genesis - Prince Dustin Hogan

A fanfic where an OC and the Main 7 get transported to the Digital World.

  • ...

Share a drink, bust a move, fight a monster







Digimon Analyzer

Our young heroes were standing at the shore of a massive lake. It was a rather beautiful sight to see to say the least. The water was blue and crystal clear, there were a few gorgeous looking trees littering the shallows, and the fact that the sky was clear of any clouds made it an even more magnificent sight to behold.

“How beautiful!” Rarity said with awe at seeing the natural marvel. “What did you say this was called again?”

“Lake Nimue.” Mercurymon replied as he examined the map. “One of the most gorgeous lakes Avalon has to offer.”

“A perfect spot to replenish our water supply.” Leomon replied as he pulled out a canteen and uncapped the lid before filling it with the lake water.

“Pardon me…”

The gang look to see a figure standing near them. It resembled a human clad in wolf-themed armor that was a mix of white, purple, and gold, and in one hand he held a sword with two yellow bladed.

Digimon Analyzer

Name: BeoWolfmon
Level: Hybrid (Mega Equivalent)
Type: Warrior
Attribute: Variable, Free

BeoWolfmon, a legendary warrior Digimon who is just as graceful as he is mighty. Possessing both the wildness of beast and the intelligence of a men, even some if the fiercest of opponents know when to steer clear of this lupine warrior.

“Art thou the humans blessed with the relics of days long passed?” The figure named BeoWolfmon asked.

“If you mean the DigiPendants, then yes.” Sunset said as she and her friends revealed their D-Gens, and BeoWolfmon was surprised

“So the legend is true “ BeoWolfmon said before genuflecting with his sword held downwards. “At last, I have found thee. I come to ask thee of thine aide.”

“Aide?” Thrill Ride asked with a perplexed look. “For what?”

“A monster has ravaged mine king’s feasting hall last night. Mine king has beseeched me to gather thee.”

“Us?” Rarity asked with surprise. “Why us?”

“Thou doth possess the DigiPendants, doth thou not?” BeoWolfmon replied. “Thou should help mine king in vanquishing the foul beast that doth plague mine king’s land once and for all.”

“Shakespeare in the park?” Rainbow muttered to herself with a roll of her eyes, making Applejack elbow her in her ribs.

“Well…” Sunset pondered, “Why don’t you take us to your king? Maybe we could get a better understanding on what is is we're dealing with.”

“Splendid!” BeoWolfmon replied as he got up. “Come. I’ shalt take thee to mine king.” BeoWolfmon motioned to his right, the group looking to see what looked like a white colored plesiosaurus with blue stripes and small orange fin-like protrusions tailing down its back.

As Plesiomon was taking our heroes to BeoWolfmon’s king, they asked BeoWolfmon some questions.

“So, where exactly is your king located?” Fluttershy asked.

“In the Pendragon Isles. The crown jewel of Avalon!” BeoWolfmon answered. “King Vikemon and Queen Ophanimon are the current rulers.”

“And you say that this monster that attacked last night at a dining hall?” Twilight asked.

“Yay, milady.” BeoWolfmon responded. “Gullhǫll is king Vikemon pride and joy.”

“Gullhǫll?” Thrill Ride asked. “Is that the name for the place?”

“Yay, milord.” BeoWolfmon responded with a nod. “Tis a place for celebratory feasts. In fact, the night the Beast attacked was when we were celebrating the first day of Níudagr, or “nine days”. A nine day festivity where all residents of the eight remaining islands flock to mine homeland of Arthurian Island to commemorate the unison of all nine kingdom of the Pendragon Isle.”

“Nine days?” Rarity asked with surprise.

“Indeed.” Leomon chimed in. “Each day of Níudagr has a certain festivity. Day one is Konungrdagr, or “king’s day”, where a championship tournament is held. Championship fight to become the champion of the king.”

“Yay, dear Leomon.” BeoWolfmon replied with a proud smile. “In fact, tis I who hath one the tournament. Mine opponent however showed not any relent, I shan’t lie.”

“Day two, which is today, is Grǿnndagr, meaning “green day”.” Nohemon chimed in. “It’s practically a harvest day, where people gather many crops they have grown.”

“Day three is Járnidagr, or “iron day”.” BeoWolfmon explained. “That day is where the finest of blacksmiths compete for the illustrious prize of ten-thousand etherium.”

“Etherium?” Sunset muttered with a deadpan expression. “As in the crypto currency?”

“Yes.” Mercurymon interjected. “Day four is Nitendagr, meaning “beast day” or “day of the beast”, where farmers gather and showcase their finest livestock for a prize known as the wreath of seasons.”

“Day five is þrekdagr, or “strength day”.” Nohemon continued. “Many of the strongest men and women gather to compete to test their limits in many feats of strength.”

“Feats of strength?” Twilight asked. “You mean like sports?”

“Yay, milady.” BeoWolfmon nodded in response. “These include boulder throwing, Grizzlymon wrestling, and even heavy lifting.”

“Whoa.” Rainbow Dash muttered in surprise, casting a smirk to Applejack. “I bet you could beat those guys easily.”

“Ah don’t know.” Applejack replied. “Even with mah geode, ah doubt I would even last a minute.”

“Day six is Seidhdagr, meaning either “magic day” or “day of magic”.” Mercurymon explained further. “That day, many of the finest magicians and sorcerers gather in magical competitions to test their magical prowess. The winner becomes the royal vizier.”

“Day seven is Fjalldagr, meaning “mountain day”.” BeoWolfmon continued to explain. “Many of the skilled mountain climbers are tasked with climbing Mount Skadi, the highest mountain in the Pendragon Isles.”

“The highest?” Thrill Ride asked in total shock. “How high are we talking?”

“What’s the highest mountain in your world?” Mercurymon replied.

“Mount Everest, which is about 29,029 feet or 8,848 meters high.” Twilight answered. “Why?”

“Because Mount Skadi is roughly twice that, measuring at 58,058 feet or 17,696 meters high.” Mercurymon responded, making the humans go wide eyed in response.

“Tis even believed to beith the home of Hexeblaumon, who is aid to have created the Pendragon Isles.” BeoWolfmon interjected. “Day eight is Eldurdagr, meaning either “fire day” or “day of fire”.”

“The event held at that day is known as the torch chase.” Nohemon interjected. “Two players run with a lit torch in hand. The objective is simple: keep the torch lit as long as possible. Whoever makes it to the finish line first while their torch is still lit Is the winner.”

“And the ninth and final day is Andidagr, meaning “spirit day”.” Leomon explained. “That day is where many honor the lives of their ancestors. Basically a celebration of life.”

“Wowie!” Pinkie Pie muttered in awe. “A nine day party! That would be quite fun!”

“Ah, we hath arrived!” BeoWolfmon replied with a smile. The others look so see they were heading to shore.

Before them stood a mighty castle, beside it stood a massive mead hall that appeared ro be made of a golden brown wood with a what looked like a massive dragon skull mounted woth two broadswords behind it in a x-formation at the entrance.

“Friends, I welcome thee to Arthurian Island, home of King Vikemon’s kingdom and Gullhǫll.” BeoWolfmon said, motioning towards Gullhǫll and the castle up ahead as Plesiomon landed.

“Whoa!” Thrill Ride spoke in awe as he and the others looked towards the enormous mead hall. “This is place is so… so…!”

“Beautiful!” Rarity spoke, equally as awestruck as her friends. “I give credit to your king. He certainly has a creative vision.”

“I appreciate your praise, milady.”

The group turns to see two new figures. One was an animalistic humanoid with a white shaggy fur coat, cerulean eyes, and two fangs protruding from his mouth. He wore attire reminiscent to that of a Viking, two shoulder pads thar resembled Viking shields, and a pair spiked makes strapped to his back.

The other was an angelic woman clad in teal armor holding a golden Lance, six golden metallic wings along with a larger pair of feathered wings, and long golden hair.

Digimon Analyzer

Name: Vikemon
Level: Mega
Type: Beast Man
Attribute: Free, Vaccine, Data, None

Vikemon, a mighty Viking Digimon. It can survive in the coldest of climates while also resembling ice crystals to grant it protection.

Digimon Analyzer

Name: Ophanimon
Level: Mega
Type: Angel, Throne
Attribute: Vaccine

Ophanimon! A beautiful angelic Digimon. Known by the title of “Holy Mother”, she has a very caring and compassionately personality. But if you get on her bad side, then her Eden’s Javelin or Sefirot Crystal attacks will impart some divine wrath.

“My lieges.” BeoWolfmon said before genuflecting before Vikemon and Ophanimon. “As thou hast requested, I hath brought the Digital World’s destined heroes to thee.”

“This is king Vikemon?!” Sunzet asked as she looks to Vikemon, who definitely towered over her and the others by a staggering 20 feet. “Forgive me but… you’re…”

“Huge?” Vikemon finished for Sunset, speaking in a deep and gruff voice with thick Norse accent with, chortling with an amused smile, “I get that often, my dear.”

“Oh my, aren’t they just so precious?” Ophanimon asked with a smile a she knelt down and cupped Pinkie Pie’s cheeks.

“Love, they’re not toddlers.” Vikemon replied with a sigh as Ophanimon released Pinkie. “I thank you for your arrival. I assume you know why you’re here?”

“Y-Yes, sire.” Thrill Ride replied with a nod. “BeoWolfmon told us that you had a monster problem.”

“Come. Well discuss more details inside.” Vikemon said, beckoning the others to follow as he and Ophanimon walked odd towards Gullhǫll.

The others followed suit, eventually making their way inside of Gullhǫll. The exterior was already a sight to behold, but the interior was on another level of breathtaking.

The place was well furnished, multiple tables were positioned at the sides while leaving plenty of space in the middle for anyone in the mood to dance, the tables were adorned with silken tablecloths and had some fine garnishing of flowers and wreaths. In the center was a fire pit, On the roof hung chandeliers what had crystals in place of candles and located in the back were two thrones, obviously for Ophanimon and Vikemon to watch and enjoy the party. At the left of the thrones was a stage where musicians would play music, there were multiple draconic skulls mounted on the walls, and located near the rite was an empty barrel rack to place barrels to ensure drinks were being served. Overall, the place looked like something straight out of a fantasy film.

“Man, oh man!” Rainbow Dash spoke in awe upon seeing the room. “This place is freaking amazing!”

“Yes, glorious is it not?” Vikemon said with a proud chuckle. “Gullhǫll was built the moment I ascended to the throne. A perfect place to throw a feast as a way to celebrate a victory.”

“Truly stunning.” Rarity muttered in amazement. “Truly amazing. You certainly have an eye for detail”

“Well, me and my men did the building, while my dear wife did the decorating.” Vikemon said with a smile to Ophanimon. “So, I can’t take all the credit.”

“What can I say, I have way to make a room stand out.” Ophanimon said in a boastful manner.

“Anyway, about the monster you’re having trouble with?” Leomon asked the two monarchs.

“Ah, yes.” Vikemon stated before clearing his throat. “As BeoWolfmon told you, last night we were attacked by Cyclonemon. Well, it wasn’t the first time we’ve been visited by him.”

“How long has this been happening?” Fluttershy asked.

“Back when my grandfather was ruling the lands.” Vikemon replied, taking the heroes by surprise. “When my grandfather went to face Cyclone, he was overpowered. So as a result, my father took his place as king.”

“That far back?” Sunset replied with disbelief. “Well, hopefully he was able to do something.”

“He did, dear.” Vikemon replied. “He lead an army of his finest troops to deal with the beast, but Cyclonemon managed to rise on top as usual. So if he couldn’t defeat Cyclone, than he could at least try to keep at bay.”

“What did your father do?” Twilight asked.

“He managed to gather the most skilled sorceress in the land, and with their skills in magic, they’ve managed to seal him away in Mordred Cave.” Vikemon responded. “And for a while, it proved affective. But I guess the magic seal that held Cyclonemon for a while ultimately wore off.”

“When the beast deigned approach last night, I tried my best to vanquish him.” BeoWolfmon looked away in shame. “But alas, even he proved to be a worthy foe.”

“So you’ve want us to get rid of it.” Thrill Ride asked.

“Yes.” Vikemon replied with a nod. “When I’ve heard that the bearers of the DigiPendents arrived, I had to request their aid to fight off Cyclonemon once and for all.”

“But sire,” Sunset responded, “so far, only me, Thrill Rife, and Flutterhsy managed to access out DigiPendants’ power.” Sunset motioned to Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, and Rainbow Dash. “They, however, haven’t.”

“Luckily, I’m here to help!”

Everyone present turn to see a new figure had entered. The new person was what looked like a human man with salmon pink hair and red eyes, he was clad in a red mechanical suit with his head covered in a glass dome, and eight mechanical arms. In each hand he wielded various tools or weapons.

Digimon Analyzer

Name: Vulcanusmon
Level: Mega
Type: Deity
Attribute: Data

Vulcanusmon is a masterful blacksmith, and is a Digimon god of metallurgy actuality. With an artisan’s pride and a stubborn personality, he has made some of the most legendary weapons in the Digital World.

“Ah yes, you must be one of the contestants for the smithing contest for Járnidagr.” Ophanimon said with a smile.

“Yes, I am.” Vulcanusmon replied with a bow. “Vulcanusmon, master blacksmith of Cú Chulainn Island. At your service. If you are in need of a weapon, or if you have a weapon in need of fixing, I’m your go to blacksmith.”

“Really?” Rarity asked with a hopeful smile. “You can help us?”

“Indeed, milady.” Vulcanusmon replied. “I can forge you fair maidens a weapon in less than five minutes flat.”

“Really?!” Sunset asked with awe.

Vulcanusmon looks to Vikemon and Ophanimon. “Care to show me to your forge, your majesties?”

They had arrived at a forge in Vikemon and Ophanimon’s castle, Vulcanusmon was standing near an anvil and had a large pile of metal and other materials to work with.

Vulcanusmon grabbed a piece of golden metal and placed it on the anvil, and cracking his knuckles, he grabbed the tools needed to do his work.

"Pinpoint Weapon Works!" Vulcanusmon roared out before exuding a plume of fire from the fuselage on his front to heat the metal. And with near impossible speed, Vulcanusmon began hammering at the molten metal, everyone watching in in awe as he managed to pound a block of molten metal to a a swords blade and tang in less than roughly fifty seconds.

Once the metal had been shaped, Vulcanusmon quenched the blade in a nearby tub of quenching oil, and once the blade was good and quenched, the blade was finished.

But Vulcanusmon wasn't done yet, for now he grabbed a piece of what looked like ivory before carving it into a handle for. And after adding the cross guard, handle, and butt of the weapon, Vulcanusmon had managed to turn a simple chunk of metal to a fully functional sword under less than 92 seconds. And a rather visually stunning sword to boot.

The blade had a silver trimming around the edge, a series of strange silver symbols running down the base. The cross guard resembled a small bird with its massive wings outstretched, the handle was not top thick yet not too slim, and the butt of the sword was shaped like a fleur-de-lis.

Vulcanusmon then walked to Rarity, "Your sword, fair maiden." Vulcanusmon said as he knelt while presenting his handiwork to her. "Forged from Gold Digizoid, the holiest of Chrome Digizoid alloys."

"Oh my." Rarity uttered in awe upon seeing the beautiful crafted weapon before picking it up. Surprisingly it wasn't too heavy, nor was it to lightweight. "Gorgeous and easy to use! You truly do God's work."

"I aim to please." Vulcanusmon replied with a flattered chuckle at Rarity's praise.


After four minutes of blacksmithing, Vulcanusmon had managed to forge a weapon for each of our human heroes. Applejack wore a pair of gauntlets, Rainbow Dash held a spear and shield, Pinkie Pie wielded a pair of crossbow-like blasters, Twilight Sparkle held a trident with a crystal located in the central prong, Sunset Shimmer held a spiked whil, Fluttershy held a staff with a crystal adorning the top, and Thrill Ride held a pair of katanas.

"Man, these are some really sick looking weapons!" Rainbow Dash complimented as she examined her spear.

"And you've made these in just under four minutes flat!" Thrill Ride agreed as he examined his katanas. "Boy, those other blacksmiths are up for a challenge."

"I most appreciate your praise." Vulcanusmon replied with pride.

"Hopefully these should do this Cyclonemon in." Rarity said with concern. "BeoWolfmon is Vikemon’s greatest fighter, yet even he had't managed to strike it down."

"Indeed so." BeoWolfmon replied, knowing Rarity was right.

"I've fought Cyclonemon before." Vulcanusmon, surprising the other. "Look on your weapons. Do you notice the symbols etched onto them?"

The humans looked to their weapons, indeed noticing a bunch of strange symbols on them.

"Those are blessings written in Digicode." Vulcanusmon stated. "When I faced Cyclonemon, I found that blessed weapons prove very affective against him."

BeoWolfmon looked to Rarity's sword, seeing the blessing engraved along the blade.

"Goldramon almighty, lord of the Heavenly skies, with thine blessing cast upon me I shalt smite mine foe with swiftness." BeoWolfmon read aloud with surprise. "How did I not know this?!"

It was not late evening, and the sun had almost fully set. Thrill Ride, the Main 7, and even Leomon, Nohemon, and Mercurymon were in Gullhǫll with Vikemon, Ophanimon, and a group of soldiers from various parts of the Pendragon Isles. Even BeoWolfmon and Vulcanusmon were there.

"Alright everyone." Vikemon said to the mass. "Tonight, we'll be waiting for Cyclonemon to arrive. When the beast shows, we'll be ready for him!"

"Well strike him with everything we've got!" Rainbow Dash said while tapping her spear on the ground, the head of it sparkling with electricity whole her shield protruded four triangular blades.

"My king!" A human-like Digimon in white jumpsuit with a cape made of feathers, a golden shield, and a golden bird mounted on his shoulder. "the sun has now fully set!"

"Good! Well lure the beast in!" Vikemon said. "We sing a bit, maybe cook a little something, and Cyclonemon will be drawn in like a fly to dead flesh!"

"Already ahead of you, dear." Ophanimon said before snapping her fingers, and a bunch of angelic men in while jumpsuits with six wings arrived with trollies stacked with food items, ranging from roasted turkey and boar, to salads and soups.

"Haha! You never cease to amaze me, love." Vikemon said with a hardy laugh.

"And as for the singing part, I think we've got that covered!" Rainbow Dash said before looking to Thrill Ride. "You a singer, dude?"

"Am I?" Thrill Ride asked with a smirk before clearing his throat.

Thrill Ride: There was a dozen virgins
Friesians, Danes and Franks

As Thrill Ride sang, Vikemon smiled as he and, BeoWolfmon, and many of the men present stomped the ground to form a rhythm.

Thrill Ride: We took them for some swifan
And all we got were wanks

All men: Oh, we are Beowulf's army
Each a mighty thane


Just a few feet away of Gullhǫll, the sound of heavy footsteps was heard followed by a low growl

All men: We'll pummel your asses
And ravage your lasses
Then do it all over again

(Back Inside)

The men were singing with no relent.

Leomon: The fattest of the virgins
l knew her for a whore
l gave her all my codpiece
And still she wanted more

Vikemon: Her sister was from Norway
She cost me 20 groats
She showed me there was more ways
Than one to sow my oats

Thrill Ride: Her mother was from lceland
And she was mighty hot
She'd need a whole damn iceberg
To cool her burning...

Suddenly, a heavy knock was on the door. Everyone looked to see the door was barred shut while something seemed to tried to bust the doors open, like a big animal was trying to busy through.

"Alright! Ready yourselves!" Vikemon said as everyone present drew out their weapons, he looks to Ophanimon. "Love! Let's welcome our "guest of honor", shall we?"

"Sefirot Crystal!" Ophanimon cried put as she fires a barrage of crystals to destroy the wooden beam that held the doors closed. And suddenly, the doors flung open to reveal a horrendous Digimon.

It resembled a draconic humanoid with a yellow hide. It's head had a brown helmet with a single spike and a single eye hole located on the left side of its face, with a blue eye visible from it. It's right arm was more thick and stocky with two digits capped with red claws, while it's left arm wasn't as thick and had four claws. It had a metallic shoulder plate with two spikes on its right shoulder, and the tip of its tail was covered in four metal segments.

Digimon Analyzer

Name: Cyclonemon
Level: Champion
Type: Dragon
Attribute: Virus

Cyclonemon! Ferocious in both looks and behavior. Fueled by uncomfortable bloodlust, the sooner this beast is slain, the better.

“Me come to destroy you!” Cyclonemon roared furiously with broken grammar while the Main 7 were flabbergasted upon seeing him.

"That's Cyclonemon?!" Rarity gasped in terror while Flutterhsy hid behind her in terror.

"He's even uglier than I expected!" Thrill Ride spoke before looking to Sunset. "Get ready."

And with that, Thrill Ride, Sunset Shimmer, and Flutterhsy held out there D-Gens.

DIGIREMNANT SYNCHRONIZE, NEO EVOLUTION!” Thrill Ride, Sunset Shimmer, and Flutterhsy cried out in unison as they were enveloped in a fire spout, a teal and black energy pillar, and a tornado of flower petals respectively before their Digimon forms were revealed. “FLAMEKNIGHTMON/CALAMITYMON/USAGIMON!”

Cyclonemon roared like a wild animal as he looked at the three new Digimon.

"Alright Calamitymon, None of our regular weapons will do the trick, so we'll have to make do with the ones Vuclanusmon made for us!" FlameKnightmon said as he drew his katanas while Calamitymon brought out her whip and Usagimon held onto her staff.

//Uploading DigiSoul!// The D-Gen AI spoke as the energy masses engulfed FlameKnightmon, Calamitymon, amd Usagimon’s weapos for roughly a few moments before fading. //DigiSoul Successfully Uploaded!//

FlameKnightmon's katana blades had extended in length and became broader, the handles were slightly longer and more cylindrical, and the base of the blades had red and yellow symbols liken that of Gigasmon while the blades themselves were colored tannish-brown.

Calamitymon's whip was more metallic and composed of dark gray metal segments while capped covered spikes made of teal energy, and then handle was red in color.

And Usagimon's staff looked slightly the same as its regular form, only the handle of a deep green color while the head of it was shaped like Wendigomon's head.

"Okaaaay?" Calamitymon uttered in surprise. "That's new."

"Bring it!" Cyclonemon roared out before taking in a deep breath. "Hyper Heat!" And with an exhale, he sent a blast of superheated fire towards the three. Usagimon managed to deflect the attack by spinning her staff around rapidly.

"Oh, now things are getting heated!" FlameKnightmon said as he katana blades glowed like they were being heated. "Take this!"

"You stupid!" Cyclonemon taunted with a chuckle. "No weapon can..." But before he could finish, FlameKnightmon slashed at his chest, making the draconic cyclops howl in agony while an x-shaped scar was formed. "H-How this possible?!"

"Wouldn't you like to know, One-Eyed Willy?" Calamitymon retorted before striking at Cyclonemon with her whip, enveloping the draconic Digimon in a surge of electricity in the process.

"Have at the, foul beast!" BeoWolfmon cried out as he joined in on the fray. "Frozen Hunter!" BeoWolfmon swung his sword from overhead, sending a wave of energy that formed into the shape of a giant wolf, which then slashed at Cyclonemon with its claws.

"Hope yer still hungry!" Applejack barked as four blades projected from the wrists of her gauntlets. "Cause I'm givin' ya some knuckle sandwiches!" Applejack then charged at Cyclonemon, punching him in the gut. "And maybe some punch to wash it down!" Applejack jumped up and socked Cyclonemon in the jaw with enough strength to make him stumble back a foot.

"Get ready dance!" Pinkie Pie declared as she aimed her blasters at Cyclonemon before firing wave after wave of yellow energy blasts at him

"Arm Bomber!" Cyclonemon roared out as he went to punch Pinkie with his bulkier arm.

Luckily Mercurymon got in front of her and raised his right sheild. "Dark Reflection!" Mercurymon declared as he used Cyclonemon's Reflection to send the attack back at him.

"Hope you're an animal lover!" Usagimon said as she raised her staff upward, the head glowing a bright green glow as multiple green projections resembling various woodland animals manifested and surrounded him. These ranged from bears, stags, wolves, and even bison. "Sick 'em!"

One of the green bison summons flare it's nostrils as it head-butted Cyclonemon and sends him back a bit, but a stag summon used its answers to stab at him.

"OUCH!" Cyclonemon yelped out in pain before looking to the stage summon "You little..." Before Cyclonemon could finish, a barrage of Sefirot Crystals from Ophanimon was shot at his back while Rarity slashed his right leg with her sword.

"Bomber Art!/Feral Sword!" Vulcanusmon and the Valkyrimon roared in unison, Vulcanusmon firing a plume of flames from his fuselage while Valkyrimon slashed with his the Feral Sword. The attack managed to knock Cyclonemon over, making him fall on his back with a loud thud.

"Delusion Crow!" Nohemon exclaimed as the raven on his shoulder began to caw out, sending waves of purple energy towards Cyclonemon. The attack managed to disorient Cyclonemon.

The group of six-winged angel men called Angemon crowded around Cyclonemon "All together men!" The lead Angemon said to the others. "Hand of Fate!" The Angemon group roared out in unison as their fists glowed in golden light, firing said golden light as beams.

Vikemon got to Cyclonemon while the one-eyed dragon Digimon got up with a pained groan. "This is for all of the innocents you've killed off all those years! Bazooka Howl!" Vikemon took a deep breath unleashing a mighty howl that held all of his berserker rage. Cyclonemon struggled to stand up due to how loud the attack was.

Rainbow Dash charged at Cyclonemon and struck with her spear as the blades on her shield span around rapidly, and Rainbow used her shield to slash at Cyclonemon's back while earning a pained roar from him. Twilight Sparkle fired a cyan beam from her trident at Cyclonemon's tail, encasing it in ice while FlameKnightmon slashed at his side with one of his katanas.

"Cleansing Light/Shockwave!" BeoWolfmon and Leomon roared out in unison, Leomon firing a beam of energy from his hands while BeoWolfmon fired a barrage of homing missiles. The attack knocked Cyclonemon off his feet.

Realizing Cyclonemon may have been beat, he decided to make an escape while he still had the chance. Calamitymon however wasn't going to let gin get away that easily as she used her whip to wrap around Cyclonemon's bulky arm.

Cyclonemon was panicking now as he tried to make it towards while Calamitymon struggled to keep her footing. But just as Cyclonemone reached the doorway, Leomon, Ophanimon, and BeoWolfmon slammed the door onto Cyclonemon's arm while Vikemon held onto Calamitymon just in case Cyclonemon dragged her any further.

FlameKnightmon's Gigasmon katanas glowed brightly like they were fresh from a forge oven as he charged at Cyclonemon. "Your bloodletting..." FlameKnightmon slashed at Cyclonemon's arm, eliciting a painful roar, "days...." FlameKnightmon slashed again, "are finished!"

"Wha-what.... what are you?!" Cyclonemon asked, his lips quivering in blistering agony. "You no ordinary humans!"

"You're damn right were not!" Flameknitmon exclaimed with a glare. "We are the ones chosen to save the Digital World from any threat! We bear the might of NEO! And we will do whatever we can to save the world from evil! EVEN FROM BLOODCRAZED BEASTS LIKE YOU!"

With one final slash, he had hacked off Cyclonemon's arm clean as the door shuts, Cyclonemon anguished roared was muffled and began to fade as it retreated to whence it came

FlameKnightmon, Usagimon, and Calamitymon reverted back to their human forms as their weapons changed back to normal form.

Everyone looked to Cyclonemon's disembodied arm as the removed appendage began to turn gray.

"Cyclonemon's arm." BeoWolfmon muttered in awe as he approaches the amendment. "You've don't it!"

Vikemon walks to Graber the appendage, raising it up like it was a trophy, which is certainly was. "Out heroes have torn the limbs of the beast! CYCLONEMON IS NO MORE!"

The many Diginon present cheered in victory as the humans, Leomon, Mercurymon, and Nohemon were raised upwards in a congratulatory manner.

"Tonight, we shall feast in their honor! Our nightmare is finally at rest!" Vikemon declared as everyone cheered.


In his cave, Cyclonemon was limping while breathing heavily, his strength fleeting away from his due to having his arm lost. Eventually, he collapsed near a stream.

"Cyclonemon, meen sweet." A feminine voice echoed through the cavern walls, making Cyclone look upwards. “My poor son."

"M-Mother..." Cyclonemon spoke weekly as a part of eyes shined through the darkness as a hand caressed his snout.

"Sleep now, my son." The voice spoke, rubbing Cyclonemon's snout.

"It... hurts... so much." Cyclonemon muttered, getting weaker by the second.

"Who did this to you, my son?" The voice asked.

"Hu... humans..." Cyclonemon answered. "They... they tore arm off..."

"They will pay, meen darling." The voice replied, the eyes glaring as whomever was speaking was thinking of was to harm whoever attacked her son. "How did they harm you?"

"They... they turn into Digimon..." Cyclonemon replied, "they hold power of NEO DigiPendants.... boy of group slashed arm of..."

Cyclonemon's mother was surprised by hearing this, truly dumbfounded. "So the DigiPendants do exist." Cyclonemon's mother muttered before glaring hatefully at the thought of the humans. "I will see to it that they lose that power!"

In the halls of Gullhǫll, a big party was thrown. Music was played, Digimon either feasted upon the delicious food or danced with no inhibition, and our heroes were seated at a table accompanied by Vikemon and Ophanimon.

"Man, now this is a party!" Rainbow Dash said with excitement. "I could get used to this."

"Indeed." Twilight said in agreement. "The music is pretty nice, people are having quite a good time,"

"And the food is to die for!" Thrill Ride said as he was eating a dish made from what looked like a opened cooked bird stuffed with vegetables of varying kinds. "I think I've just died and went to heaven!"

"Feel free to have as much as you like dear." Ophanimon said with a giggle to the boy. "Hopefully you can save some room for dessert though, its the finest in all of the Pendragon Isles."

"I've never been to find of sweets, my queen." Thrill Ride replied politely. "But thank you for the offer."

"Pardon me, milady,"

Twilight turns to see a what looked like an elven warrior with a purple conical hat, armor platinum veering various parts of his body, a stowed strapped to his back, and a crystal ball held in his hand.

"Would you care to sing for us?" The warrior elf asked.

"Me?" Twilight asked, her face blushing bashfully. "Oh... uh, I-If you're offering."

"Splendid!" The warrior elf spoke with delight as Twilight stood up and was lead to the stage. "Everyone, one of our heroes will bestow us the honor to sing for us."

"Well, uh..." Twilight said with a hint of nervousness as all eyes were on her. But with a deep breath, she calmed her nerves. "Alright, I hope you folks enjoy my song of choice.

With that said, then and began to play, and Twilight prepared herself.

The crowd erupted in applause as Twilight took her bows.

"Man, that was awesome!" Thrill Ride spoke as he joined in on the applause when an man in white wizard attire arrived.

"May I interest you in Gourd Salad?" The white wizard named Sorcermon asked as he conjured a silver platter with a lie before removing the lid, revealing a an slices of varying gourd vegetables.

"Ooh, yes please." Thrill Ride replied with a lick of lips before accepting the dish and taking a bite, humming in pure delight upon tasting the vegetable delicacy.

"Wow, you're quite a hardy eater sugar." Applejack said with chuckle. "Ah don't blame ya, though. The food's beyond amazing."

"Isn't it?" Pinkie Pie said as her cup was refilled by a Valkyrimon. "Thanks." Pinkie thanked as she took another swig if her drink as an Angewomon served her a pie capped with a lemon slice.


Once the party was over, our group of heroes had rolled out some sleeping bags offered by Ophanimon.

"Whoo... man that was amazing." Thrill Ride said with a sigh in content and a hiccup. "Oof... man, I'm more stuffed that a tick."

"It's a shame we'll have to leave tomorrow." Pinkie replied with a sad sigh. "This part was possibly the most fun I've ever had."

"Well, if you young ones need anything, our servants will attend you." Ophanimon replied as Vikemon walked to her side.

"Will do." Sunset replied with a yawn. "Goodnight, your majesties."

"Giodnight." Vikenon said as he and Ophanimon walked out, leaving the heroes alone.

Back in his cave, Cyclonemon had breathed his final breath and his body turned gray while the sound of sniffling was heard.

Cyclonemon's mother began to sing a rather mournful song as Cyclonemon's body faded and his DigiEgg materialized as it floated towards the cave's exit. As she sung, her sadness had turned to rage.



Vulcanusmon was awake I'm his forge, hammering away on his anvil.


Vulcanusmon stopped his smiting and turned to the direction of the sound, feeling a very uneasy feeling manifest in the lots of his stomach.


Vikemon and Ophanimon were in the royal chambers, sleeping soundly when suddenly.


Vikemon and Ophanimon bolted awake by the ungodly sound.

"What... what was..." Ophanimon asked, but she couldn't finish as she felt a sense of dread wash over her.

"No!" Vikemon said, eye widened in shock. "It... it couldn't be!"


In the halls of Gullhǫll, the gang were asleep, surprisingly undisturbed by the distant screaming.

The same pair of eyes that belongs to Cyclonemon's mother appeared in the shadows, and the sound of light pattering was heard. Whoever this figure was, she was out for revenge.

As the figure looked around, she heard the beeping of one of the D-Gens. The figure looked to the device, which was rested near Thrill Ride.

Cyclonemon's mother quietly walks towards the sleeping boy, seeing the D-Gen's screen light up.

//DigiSoul Acquired!// The D-Gen AI spoke as the image of Cyclonemon graced the screen.

The eyes of Cyclonemon's mother glared daggers at the sleeping as her eyes glowed faintly. "I have you now!"

The following morning, Sunset woke up with a yawn, rubbing her eyes.

"Man... I slept like a log last night..." Sunset muttered to herself groggily. But she then looks to where Thrill Ride was, noticing he was absent.

"Hmm? He probably went outside." Sunset muttered, but she then took notice of his D-Gen laying on the ground.

Suddenly, the doors burst open, making her turn to see Vulcanusmon had entered. He noticed Thrill Ride's absence, and he began to worry.

"Oh no!" Vulcanusnon muttered in concern.


After everyone had woken up, our heroes met up with Vikenon and Ophanimon.

"This is terrible!" Vikemon spoke in concern.

"You don't think Cyclonemon grew a new arm, do ya?!" Pinkie pondered, truly unsettled at the thought of facing Cyclonemon again.

"Preposterous!" Mercurymon replied with skepticism.

"It wasn't Cyclonemon." Vikemon chimed in, berthing out a sigh. "It was his mother Melusimon."

"What?!" The gang asked in unison.

"His mother?!" Rarity asked out in terror. "You're kidding!"

"You ever told us this!" Sunset spoke with a glare.

"I had hoped she fled the land a long time ago." Vikemon replied with a look of self-doubt. "But it seems I was mistaken!" Vikemon punched a nearby wall. "Dammit! How could I have been so foolish?!"

"Darling." Ophanimon said in concern for her husband. "There was no way you could have known." Ophanimon placed reassuring a hand on his shoulder.

"And what about Cyclonemon's father?" Sunset asked. "Is he still around?"

"Megidramon?" Vikemon asked, shaking his head. "No. My grandfather slayed him long ago."

"Well, we've for to save him!" Sunset replied with a determined look. "I'm not going to stand here and let that Melusimon harm him!"

"She might be Cyclonemon's cave." Twilight said, looking to Vikemon. "Do you know where it could be?"


Thrill Ride groaned as he fluttered his eyes opened, but he felt that he couldn't move.

"Wha... what the....?!" Thrill Ride stuttered as he tried to move, but couldn't. "The Hell?"

"I see that you're finally awake."

Thrill Ride looks around to find the source of the voice. He then sees someone sitting near what looks to be a vanity.

The person in question looked like a green skinned draconic creature with a mop of light purple hair and a white colored human face.

Digimon Analyzer

Artwork by Sabedile

Name: Melusimon
Level: Ultimate
Type: Dragon Man
Attribute: Virus

Melusimon is as vicious as she is vain. Because no mirror can reflect its image, she has to garishly paint her face to make it visible. Her special attack is Siren Gaze, which will render anyone she gazes upon paralyzed.

"Who are you?!" Thrill Ride demanded a she looked around. "Where the Hell am I?"

"I was surprised when meen darling son, Cyclonemon told me that the bearers of the DigiPendents are about." Melusimon said while applying some lipstick.

"Son?!" Noah replied in shock. "You mean you're that butt ugly bastard's mother?"

"You best watch what you say in my presence." Melusimon said with a glare while looking at Thrill Ride through the mirror. "Especially when it involves my son."

"Are you the reason why I can't move?" Thrill Ride asked witha glare.

"Yay, knave." Melusimon replied with a smirk. "My Siren Gaze can render any target I gaze upon completely paralyzed."

"If you're going to kill me, good luck with that woman!" Thrill Ride, earning a chuckle from Melusimon.

"As tempting as that is, that will have to wait." Melusimon said with a smirk as she as she finished applying powder on her face. "For you are simply bait to lure in your comrades. And don't bother searching for your Digivice, for I have left it back at Gullhǫll, so you’re completely powerless."

Thrill Ride gasped in fear, understanding what Melusimon was planning. 'Shit!'


Back at the shores of Arthurian Island, the gang were preparing to save Thrill Ride and take down Melusimon.

"Alright, is everyone ready?" Sunset asked the others, who mod in response.

"I shalt accompany thee!" BeoWolfmon said as Vikemon and Ophanimon approached.

"But first, you will require this." Vikemon said as Ophanimon then brought out what looked like a wine barrel.

"A barrel?" Sunset asked with confusion, but the familiar sound of a D-Gen profusely beeping was heard.

Pinkie Pie brought out her D-Gen, which was the one that was beeping. "Wait!" Pinkie gasped, looking to the barrel. "Is that...?"

"A DigiRemnant? Yes." Vikemon replied with a nod of his head as the barrel started floating off the ground and hovered towards her. "I always knew that the chosen warriors would come, so when I've found that this DigiRemnant, which is in fact Bacchusmon's Wine Barrel of Demon God, I've kept it well hidden until I've came across with them."

As the wine barrel got close enough, it emitted a bright pink glow. Pinkie extended her D-Gen as the barrel turned into pink energy and was absorbed into the device.

//DigiRemnant Acquired.// Pinkie Pie's D-Gen spoke as Pinkie squealed in glee and jumped a bit.

"Consider it my reward to you for slaying Cyclonemon." Vikemon replied with a smile.

"Thank you!" Pinkie replied with a smile as she hugged Vikemon's leg.

"We better hurry." Sunset replied as she and the others got on the back of a Plesiomon.


Plesiomon was bringing our heroes to the cave that Cyclonemon once lived, the gang began worrying for the safety of their comrade.

"I hope Thrill ok." Fluttershy said.

"That witch does something to him, she better expect my wrath!" Rarity said, her hands tightening in anger.

"We must be cautious, for Melusimon is quite cunning." BeoWolfmon said to his human friends. "Her Siren Gaze is her most lethal move."

"How so?" Sunset asked.

"It hath the ability to paralyze any target that doth cross her line of sight." BeoWolfmon replied as he held up a bag. "But forsooth, her vanity is her biggest weakness. She cherishes her visage over anything else. "

"So what's with the sack?" Applejack asked

"I hath brought equipment that shalt help us shroud her vision." BeoWolfmon replied. "One mayest not go unprepared."

"Clever thinking." Sunset said as they saw the cave they were heading to. The cave with three whole onto of the entrance, giving it the appearance of a creature opening its maw.

"Whoa...!" Applejack muttered, a bit unsettled. "That's possibly one of the creepiest things I have ever seen."

"Y-Yeah." Rarity said, just as unsettled as the others.

Upon entering the cave, Plesiomon landed while the gang walked onto the cave ground.

"Alright, stay on guard." BeoWolfmon said, but was studkcby a green energy beam that rendered him unable to move.

"BeoWolfmon!" Sunset cried out as she too was struck by the beam, becoming paralyzed in the process. Followed by Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack.

Pinkie Pie managed to hide behind a stalagmite as Rainbow Dash went to grab at the sack. But Rainbow too was rendered paralyzed upon being struck by the beam.

"Aw man!" Rainbow cried out in annoyance as Melusimon revealed herself.

"These are the humans chosen by the Four Lords?" Melusimon asked with a boastful chuckle. "You lasses are clearly not what I've expected."

"Williams Arrow!"

A series of arrows was shot as her, making her dodge while Leomon appeared behind her and covered her head in an empty sack.

Melusimon claws as Leomon while he tied the sauce, making it more difficult for her to remove it.

"Alright!" Mercurymon said as he carried Thrill Ride. "I've got Thrill Ride."

Melusimon hissed before slashing at the snack, tearing it apart while glaring angrily.

"Siren's Gaze!" Melusimon cried out before firing a green beam from her eyes at Mercurymon, rendering him paralyzed.

Leomon drew out his sword while Nohemon readied his bow and arrows, buy Melusimon was quick enough to paralyze the two as well.

"Hah! Pathetic!" Melusimon mon spoke with a boastful smirk. "You fools clearly have no idea as to whom you are deal with! I am Melusimon, the fiercest Digimon to ever exist on the Pendragon Isles!"

As Melusimon boasted, Pinkie Pie pulled out her D-Gen, a determined look on her face.

"You fools took my son from me, so I'm going to return the favor by slaying your male comrade!" Melusimon said as she crawled towards Thrill Ride with a wicked grin. "Tis a shame though, for he's quite a handsome one."

"Not if I've got a say about it!" Pinkie declared, earning Melusimon's attention as she emits an intense pink glow and starts floating several feet off the ground.


A bright pink hexagon seal with the Sacred DigiPendant symbol appeared beneath Pinkie as she was then enveloped in a column of black and bright pink energy.

"What?!" Melusimon was taken aback by this while everyone else watched in awe.

Eventually, the light faded to reveal Pinkie Pie's Diginon form.

Pinkie Pie looked somewhat like her human self, albeit with some differences. Her hair was a brilliant rose color though styled in a different fashiol her eyes were cerulean with pink pupils, her skin color however was now deep cerise instead of light ceriseish gray.

She wore a long sleeve crop top that was a light mulberry in color, bubblegum pink bands underneath, magenta colored pants and green fury leggings.

Strapped to her back was what looked like a large soda can that was strapped onto her via a belt around her midsection, connected from it were two translucent tubes that both connected to what looked like tow soda bottled attached to her arms via belts.

With a wink and a double peace sing, she spun around and grinned.


Digimon Analyzer

Name: Maenadmon
Level: Unidentified
Type: Deity
Attribute: Data, Free

Feeling thirsty? Well Maenadmon will definitely quench your thirst with her Sugar Rush Torrent or Cola Crash attacks. Her hyperactive nature and manic personality makes her quite the unpredictable foe to face.

Melusimon was stunned by this, but she composed herself and grinned. "Humph! Consider that the last time you use that form, child!" Melusimon said with a smirk as she prepared another Siren's Gaze attack.

"Oh no you don't!" Maenadmon declared as she thrusts her arms forward, aiming the soda bottles on her arms at her. "Sugar Rush Torrent!" And with that, Maenadmon fired two streams of what looked like soda pop at Melusimon.

"What the... what is this?!" Melusimon asked before sniffing the substance her face contortions in disgust. "Soda?! I hate that sugary disgustingness!"

"Then you'll hate this even more!" Maenadmon shot back as she aimed her right soda bottle blaster. "Cola Crash!" Maenadmon fired a barrage of soda bubbles at l, the attack not doing much damage though it did make her slip and fall.

Melusimon groaned in raged, getting up as her makeup started to run. "Why you..." Melusimon was interrupted as some of her runny make up for into her eyes, making her scream in pain. "AH! MY EYES! AAAHH!" Melusimon rubbed her eye while inadvertently ruining her makeup.

"Allow me to help with that! Bittersweet Bomber!" Maenadmon fired a larger soda towards Melusimon, the bubble expoding violently and making Melusimon crash into the cavern wall with thunderous force.

"Im... Impossible!" Melusimon choked out as her body began to turn gray before vanishing, leaving her DigiEgg the only thing left before said egg flew towards the cave exit.

Maenadmon reverted back to Pinkie while all of Melusimon's paralyzed enemies regained movement.

"Huh. Saved by soda." Thrill Ride said with a thankful smile. "And they said soda is bad for you."

"You saved us!" Rarity said as she and the others embraced got her in a group hug. "You may have used something as unconventional as a weapon sugary beverage, but you still saved us none the less."

"We owe you big time." Rainbow Dash said while patting Pinkie Pie's back.

At Arthurian Village, Vikemon, Ophanimon, BeoWolfmon, Vulcanusmon, and everyone else from all over the Pendragon Isles thanked our group of heroes.

"You have managed to slay both Cyclonemon and Melusimon." Vikemon said, genuflecting to the gang, as did Ophanimon and everyone else. "We are forever in your debt."

"Hey, it's what we do." Rainbow Dash said with a boastful smile.

"Your named will be remembered for generations to come." Ophanimon said with a smile. "In fact, I've had my finest artisans make something to honor you all for your efforts."

Ophanimon motioned towards something that was bug and obscured by a massive tarp. And with a clap from Ophanimon, a group of Valkyrimon removed the tarp, revealing a large statue of the humans, Leomon, Nohemon, and Mercurymon.

"Oh my." Rarity muttered in awe. "Your majesty, we don't know what to say."

"You don’t have to say anything my dear, your joyous expressions are more than enough." Ophanimon replied with a chuckle. "I only wish there was more we could do."

"I think we're good." Pinkie Pie replied. "I just wish we could stay throughout Níudagr, but we've got a mission."

"It's a shame." Vikemon said with a sorrowful look. "But I'm confident you lot will accomplish it."

"Hopefully we will." Sunset said with hope in her voice.

"Shall we be off?" Plesiomon asked the gang.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye." Leomon said as he, Mercurymon, and Nohemon bowed to Vikemon and Ophanimon. "Thank you for having us as company, your majesties."

And with that, the gang hopped on Plesiomon last back and were off, Vikemon, Ophanimon, and everyone present waved farewell to the gang.

Author's Note:

Alright, and that's another chapter done. For this chapter, I took some inspirations from Beowulf. Though I took some liberties, such as having BeoWolfmon as Beowulf (obviously), Vikemon as King Hrothgar, Cyclonemon as Grendel, and even Melusimon as Grendel's mother.

As for Pinkie Pie's Digimon form, I based it off of the Greek mythological Maenads, the female
followers of Dionysus and the most significant
members of the Thiasus, the god's retinue. Their
name literally translates as "raving ones"

Since I used Bacchusmon's Bacchusmon's Wine Barrel of Demon God for Pinkie Pie's Digimon form, with Bacchusmon being literally based on Bacchus (Dionysus' roman counterpart), I figured why not base it on that. And when I noticed that their name means "raving ones", I thought why not givet a rave girl design and aesthetic. And instead of wine, I gave Maenadmon weaponized soda. Brcause... why not?

Anyways, stay tuned for what happened next.