• Published 7th Oct 2023
  • 162 Views, 3 Comments

Toadal Magic Island - Starlight Fan

What if Toad invites twenty citizens from the land of Equestria to compete for 1,000,000 bits instead of bringing in competitors for the Mushroom Kingdom. Find out what would happen on a brand new version of Toadal Magic Island!

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Smolder Boulders

“Last time on Toadal Magic Island…” Toad began the recap before a Hammer Bro suddenly walked over.

“Hi, I’m Jimmy.” The Hammer Bro known as Jimmy said happily.

“Who the heck are you?" Toad asks in confusion.

"I'm your new co host." Jimmy answered giddily.

"WHAT!? I do not need a co-host. What kind of sick joke is this because I'm seriously about to lose it. Where's Bobei?!” Toad began complaining as he ran off to find his head intern.

“Last time on Toadal Magic Island,” Jimmy began the recap, “Both of the teams climbed the treacherous mount Toadstone to retrieve the bean for Toad's morning coffee. Rarity and Sweetie Belle sat out for the challenge after eating that awful crap Toad calls food. However, Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust had an epic standstill in the end, but it was Trixie who gave the Killer Dragons immunity. Since Snails failed to simply pick up a bean, Tempest and Discord advocated for his elimination. What will happen next-“

“NO! I’m supposed to say that.” Toad whined as he pushed Jimmy aside and glared at the camera, “So what will happen next? And what are the chances Lightning Dust will dodge another elimination? Also, what is the possibility of me shoving Jimmy into the Hurl Of Shame.”

“WHAT?!” Jimmy cried out in horror but Toad continued the intro anyway.

“Find out right now on Toadal! Magic! Island!”

The episode begins with Starlight and Spike in the Mess Hall together as Spike was trying to comprehend what Starlight just asked him.

“So you want me, Twilight, and Trixie in an alliance together with you?” Spike asked curiously.

“Yes.” Starlight nodded firmly.

“Look Starlight, I’d love to be in an alliance with you but you’re forgetting something, Trixie has jealousy issues when it comes to Twilight.” Spike admitted sheepishly.

“I’m sure I can get them to be civil.” Starlight smiled optimistically, “Twilight doesn’t seem to mind Trixie that much and Trixie isn’t that bad when you get to know her.”

“If you say so.” Spike sighed.

Confessional: Spike

“Starlight’s great and all, but Twilight and Trixie in an alliance together sounds like it’ll be a big hassle.” Spike admits nervously.

Confessional Ends

We then see the Screaming Parasprites enter the Mess Hall with everyone looking tired except for Rarity who continued to babble, “And that’s why we should secure the cabin just in case of any monsters. I mean, think of the multiple dangers on this island. We need to keep this Island safer for our sakes.”

“Oh geez.” Rainbow Dash groaned tiredly.

“That unicorn kept us up all night with her constant babbling.” Lightning Dust rolled her eyes.

“Yikes. That sounds rough.” Starlight said sympathetically.

“Ya think.” Discord growled furiously.

Meanwhile in the Killer Dragons’ cabin, Snips sighed despondently at the prospect that Snails was gone which attracted the attention of Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Grubber.

“Hey buddy, what’s up with you?” Grubber asked curiously.

“I miss Snails.” Snips admits solemnly, “He always knew how to have fun and now he’s gone.”

“Cheer up Snails.” Scootaloo smiled reassuringly, “You can still try and win for him despite that.”

“You think so?” Snips asked with a smile, starting to brighten up a bit.

“Yeah. Any of us could win this show if we try hard enough.” Applebloom smiled back at the colt.

“Hmm, maybe you’re right.” Snips beamed.

We then cut to Toad walking onto the beach of the island before gasping in shock as the Shy Guy interns destroy his statues of himself.

“No!” Toad cried out in despair as he saw the statues now destroyed.

“We're sick of being your slaves." A yellow Shy Guy spoke up, “We're not sticking around for another season of your sick jokes and twisted challenges. We quit, no matter what our contract says we're going to hijack your boat and leave."

The interns then ran to the boat which they immediately boarded and began cheering as it went off.

“Maybe I shouldn’t have gotten rid of that Jimmy guy.” Toad muttered to himself before seeing that the eighteen contestants had arrived.

“Toad, what is going on?” Starlight asked curiously.

“Well my interns just ditched me, and all my statues are broken, so its time for a challenge." Toad said happily.

“Seriously?!” Rainbow Dash asked incredulously, “I didn’t get any sleep, or food!”

“Well, right before my interns quit, they just found where I stashed the food on this island." Toad admitted nonchalantly.

“Wait. Does that mean we could have some?” Rarity asked happily.

“Yep.” Toad smiled, “Once you complete today’s challenge.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Starlight rolled her eyes.

Confessional: Starlight

“I’m not exactly a picky eater. My taste buds have pretty much died once I got older. I mean, why else would I have allowed Sugar Belle to make subpar muffins back at my village.” Starlight said sheepishly before glaring at the camera, “But I want some actual quality food and if it means we have to do these dumb challenges, so be it.”

Confessional Ends

“So what’s the challenge fungi for brains?” Discord glared at the mushroom creature.

“First is a bowling challenge, where you will each take turns taking a rock and throwing it the furthest." Toad explains. "The team with the most points wins an advantage in the second challenge."

We then see the contestants at the rocky grounds of the island where the bowling challenge would begin.

“Each of you will take turns throwing your smoldering piece of rock into one of five sections." Toad explained to the contestants.

“Uh Toad, don’t the Dragons have to sit two people out to make this fair?” Rainbow Dash asked curiously.

“Oh that’s right. Sit two people out guys.” Toad told the Killer Dragons.

“Grubber and Snips will sit out.” Trixie spoke immediately.

“Why us?” Grubber asked curiously.

“Do you really want me to answer that?” Trixie rolled her eyes, causing the two to glare at her.

Confessional: Snips

“Trixie still can’t be mad about me and Snails exposing her as a fraud by causing an Ursa Minor to attack… could she?” Snips asked sheepishly.

Confessional Ends

“Okay, starting strong we have Scootaloo and Discord.” Toad said happily as the scene cut to a field with five signs with the signs one through five signifying how many points they would get.

“Pinning me against the Lord Of Chaos. How is that fair?” Scootaloo whined.

“I never said it was.” Toad shrugged, “Ready. Set. HURL!”

Discord snapped his fingers and the rock was now in the five point mark while Scootaloo tossed her rock into the three point mark.

“Up next is Fluttershy and Twilight.”

Fluttershy lightly threw her rock to the two point mark while Twilight levitated her’s to the four point park.

“Okay, it looks like both teams are tied at seven points. Next up we have Rarity and Cheese.”

Rarity used her horn to throw her rock into the three point range while Cheese winded up his hoof and then threw his to the five point mark.

“Next up is Rainbow Dash and Starlight.”

“Watch how a super athlete does this Starlight.” Rainbow Dash boasted before throwing her rock into the five point zone.

“Oh no. Whatever will I do to win now?” Starlight cried out in fake worry before smirking and levitating her rock before throwing it into the five point zone much to Rainbow Dash’s shock.

“Alright then, it looks like the Killer Dragons have seventeen points while the Screaming Parasprites are barely behind with fifteen. Next up is are Lightning Dust and Pinkie Pie.” Toad said happily.

Lightning Dust glares at the pink pony before kicking her rock which landed in the five point zone.

“Ha! Beat tha-“ Lightning Dust began to boast before noticing Pinkie Pie had already gotten her rock to the five point mark as well.

“That was a good game. You did great.” Pinkie Pie said kindly which only flabbergasted Lightning Dust even more.

“Next we have Applejack and Trixie.”

Applejack bucked her rock to the four point mark easily while Trixie was lucky enough to get to two points.

“Now Sweetie Belle and Spike.” Toad smiled as he enjoyed how the challenge was going.

Spike threw his rock into the three point mark while Sweetie Belle just threw her’s into the two point mark.

“Phew.” Spike sighed in relief.

“And finally we have Tempest versus Sweetie Belle with the scores being twenty-six to twenty-seven.” Toad said happily.

Tempest and Sweetie Belle kicked her rock as far as she could but by a surprise, both of them made it to the three point margin.

“And with that, the Killer Dragons win the advantage.” Toad said happily.

“Oh geez.” Rainbow Dash grunted furiously.

We then cut to Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo standing by the beach together with Scootaloo deciding to ask, “So what do you think the next challenge will be?”

“Probably something dumb like trimming Toad’s toenails or something.” Rainbow Dash playfully remarked getting Scootaloo to laugh.

“That’s actually really funny, Dash.” Scootaloo smiled but what neither of them noticed was that Tempest was watching the scene with a raised eyebrow.

Confessional: Tempest

“Rainbow Dash is quite the tricky one. She’s great in challenges and has a solid social game but if she thinks she can pull other contestants from the other team into her corner. She can think again.” Tempest narrowed her eyes.

Confessional Ends

Tempest then walked over to Starlight which surprised the reformed cult leader, “Oh hey Tempest. What’s up?” Starlight asked happily.

“Nothing much. I just can’t help but notice how well the Elements Of Harmony get along with everyone.” Tempest begins the conversation which causes Starlight to raise an eyebrow.

“What do you mean?” Starlight asks curiously.

“Look around. They’re able to connect with so many creatures even if they’re on different teams.” Tempest points to Pinkie Pie and Cheese playing some board game, Fluttershy talking with Discord, Applejack and Rarity hanging out with their sisters, and Rainbow Dash talking to Scootaloo, “They’re quite the social butterflies around here. They’d probably do well in this game.”

“Yeah…” Starlight gulped nervously before she saw Spike and Twilight talking to each other as well before gaining a suspicious look, “Why are you telling me this?”

“Simple. We both want to win this game, don’t we? I’m prepared to do you a favor and I expect you to return this favor down the line. If we are able to decrease the connections the Elements Of Harmony have in this game, the better.” Tempest held out her hoof for a hoof shake to which Starlight looked hesitant at before shaking the hoof.

“Fine, but just warning you, I am not voting off Twilight or Spike.” Starlight affirmed.

“That’s fine by me.” Tempest smirked, “I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship.”

Confessional: Starlight

“I really hope I’m making the right decision here, but Tempest is reformed like me. I’m sure everything will work out fine.” Starlight smiled nervously.

Confessional: Tempest

“Starlight is a valuable ally to have in this game given her connections with Twilight and Trixie. Considering her history, we can find common ground there. Rainbow Dash isn’t the only one that can get friends on the other side.” Tempest said in content with how her plan is going.

Confessional Ends

We then cut to the campers at the beach where Toad began speaking.

“Welcome to the next challenge, for the rest of the day all of you are my servants." Toad announces, "First I want you to fix the statues the interns broke. The Killer Dragons advantage is half of their statue is still intact."

“Yes.” Snips hissed in excitement.

“Wait… so we’re basically you’re servants now?” Grubber asked incredulously.

“Well for the challenge at least.” Toad said happily.

“Sorry, but the only ponies I work for are Twilight and Rarity.” Spike smirked confidently.

“Not anymore.” Toad replied smugly.

“Uh… then mess with the Killer Dragons.” Lightning Dust pointed at the opposing team desperately.

“Okay then. Twilight, kiss Pinkie Pie.” Toad smirked mischievously.

“NO!” Twilight, Pinkie, and even Starlight cried out in anger to which Twilight looked confused at Starlight.

“Why’d you say no Starlight?” Twilight asked curiously.

“Well… you’re clearly not into her that way, and you’re one of my best friends.” Starlight blushed nervously.

"Okay, the first team to assemble my statue wins invincibility, and a delicious dinner of actual food first and no magic is allowed." Toad explains, "Your time starts now."

We then cut to the Screaming Parasprites at their team’s statue when Rarity started complaining, “Do we have to assemble the statue in this heat?”

“Yes, now suck it up. Lightning Dust said angrily causing Rarity to roll her eyes at the pegasus.

“What we need is a fearless leader.” Sweetie Belle told the group.

“Uh, in case you forgot. I’M the leader.” Rainbow Dash pointed to herself.

“Actually, I’m the leader.” Lightning Dust said smugly.

“Oh would you just-“ Rainbow Dash began before Applejack interjected.

“I think that’s why Sweetie Belle says we need a leader.” Applejack narrowed her eyes at the rivals.

“I nominate Discord.” Tempest said simply.

“What?!” Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity cried out in shock.

Confessional: Discord

“Well it’s about time someone realizes how needed I am to the team.” Discord smirked smugly, “Once I show off what a good leader I am, I will make it to the final three.”

Confessional: Tempest

“Of course I don’t want the Lord Of Chaos as the leader but I need to build social capital with my team before I end up being eliminated next.” Tempest groaned.

Confessionals End

“Alright guys, let’s start building already.” Sweetie Belle said happily as Discord, Rainbow Dash, and Lightning Dust began picking up pieces to build when Applejack stopped upon a certain piece.

“Ew. Is that Toad’s butt…” Applejack asked incredulously before realizing, “Wait no. That’s just a part of his face.”

Confessional: Sweetie Belle

“Ahahahahahahahaha! Oh that was awesome.” Sweetie Belle laughed hysterically.

Confessional Ends

Meanwhile with the Killer Dragons, true to Toad’s word, half of their statue was already built.

“Come on guys. We need to finish the statue for the challenge.” Twilight tried motivating the team.

“Ooh, Ooh! I wanna help!” Grubber said happily as he grabbed a statue piece.

“No hedgehog. You’ll just mess up everything.” Trixie narrowed her eyes angrily, “Go sit down.”

“You don’t gotta be so rude. I can help too.” Grubber glared at the showboat.

“You literally sent us all tumbling down a mountain and Trixie does not want us losing any challenges anytime soon.” Trixie began yelling to which Starlight interfered.

“Trixie, calm down! Grubber can help as much as he wants.” Starlight said calmly before turning to the hedgehog, “I’m really sorry about that Grubber.”

“No biggie.” Grubber shrugged amicably.

Confessional: Snips

“Man. This team is starting to crack at the seams. If I wanna do good on this show for Snails, I gotta make sure my team wins challenges.” Snips said worriedly.

Confessional Ends

Snips then turned to Applebloom and Scootaloo with a bright smile, “Guys! I have an idea! If we can carry pieces together, we’ll be able to finish faster.”

“That sounds good to me.” Applebloom smiled back with Scootaloo nodding.

We then see Starlight was struggling a bit to lift a big piece of statue when Twilight comes over and helps her carry it and place it on the ever growing statue.

“Thanks for the help Twilight.” Starlight panted.

“No problem. You’re my teammate after all.” Twilight smiled reassuringly before going off to continue building the statue as Starlight smiled and blushed as Twilight left.

We then cut to the Screaming Parasprites where they were halfway done with the statue.

“Excellent work everybody. We’re right where the Killer Dragons are. We can still win this.” Discord smiled ecstatically, “I’m doing such a great job as leader.”

“I’m sure you are Discord.” Fluttershy said reassuringly.

Confessional: Applejack

“I don’t know what Tempest is doing with Discord but I certainly don’t like it. Especially since Discord’s getting all big in the head.”

Confessional Ends

Rarity is then seen trying to lift a piece of the statue as much as she can but she falters at the last minutes and drops it into the sand.

“I can’t do this. It’s too hot. I’m so sorryyyyyyyy.” Rarity said dramatically to which Sweetie Belle and Applejack rolled her eyes.

“Oh no! They’re almost done!” Fluttershy cried out in horror and as such, it would appear to be as all that’s left of the Killer Dragon’s statue was the left side of Toad’s head which Snips, Applebloom, and Scootaloo were struggling to carry over.

“W-We got it.” Snips grunted before noticing Rainbow Dash was grabbing the last piece to the Parasprites’ statue.

“Quick. We gotta throw it in now.” Snips alerted Applebloom and Scootaloo before they heaved the last piece and chucked it into the statue but instead of completing it, it just caused it to fall apart.

“Are you KIDDING ME?!” Trixie cried out incredulously which caused the kids to sweat nervously.

After that, Rainbow Dash placed the last piece on the statue and completed the Toad replica flawlessly.

“We did it!” Fluttershy said happily.

“Congratulations Screaming Parasprites, you aren’t the suckiest of all today.” Toad said happily.

“Yes!” Rainbow Dash cheered.

“There’s a fresh dinner waiting for you in the Mess Hall. Also you don’t have to vote anyone off tonight.” Toad reminded the winning team which caused them all to cheer ecstatically.

“As for the Killer Dragons, that was awful and I'll see you all at the campfire ceremony shortly.” Toad shook his head in disappointment.

We then see Starlight was sulking by the cabins before Tempest walked next to her.

“Well well well. How are things going over here?” Tempest asked curiously.

“What do you want?” Starlight asked in annoyance.

“I’m sure you’re confused on who should be eliminated tonight. Is that true?” Tempest guessed.

“Yeah…” Starlight trailed off, clearly confused on where Tempest was going with this.

“Well I have an idea on who you should vote off.” Tempest smirked.

We then see the Killer Dragons were now sitting at the campfire ceremony where Toad began speaking.

“Okay by the way you all voted it was obvious who you all wanted out. So here we go, since this your first elimination these marshmallows represent life in this game. If you don’t get a marshmallow that means you’re out of the game and can’t come back.” Toad said before calling out names, “Marshmallows go to…”








“And… Snips.”

“Huh?” Snips asked in confusion before accepting his marshmallow.

“Campers, the final marshmallow goes to…”


Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Snips gasped in shock at this as Trixie laughed boastfully and accepted her prize.

Confessional: Starlight

“I know it doesn’t seem nice to vote off a filly… but we’re all here to win this and Scootaloo is known for her recklessness at times. It wasn’t to hard to convince the team to eliminate her.” Starlight admitted sheepishly.

Confessional Ends

We then see Scootaloo was in the Hurl Of Shame with Toad speaking up, “I’m sorry you got blindsided like that.”

“It’s okay. I figured this might happen-“ Scootaloo sighed before Toad laughed.

“I was kidding. I don’t care about your sob story.” Toad smiled.

“Wait!” Rainbow Dash’s voice cried out.

“Oh brother.” Toad groaned.

“I’m sorry that you got eliminated, Scootaloo.” Rainbow Dash sighed sadly as she approached near the catapult where Scootaloo was on, “I’ll kick some serious butt for both of us.”

“I’d be honored.” Scootaloo gave out tears of joy before Toad finally flung the filly from the catapult which caused Rainbow Dash to sigh before walking off.

“We really are getting rid of some losers now.” Toad said happily, “Will my interns ever come back and what do I have in store for the contestants tomorrow. Find out on Toadal! Magic! Island!”

Author's Note:

This oughta be a surprise to some of you. Scootaloo had to be blindsided here for the sake of the story.

Screaming Parasprites: Applejack, Discord, Fluttershy, Lightning Dust, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Sweetie Belle, Tempest

Killer Dragons: Applebloom, Cheese, Grubber, Pinkie Pie, Snips, Spike, Starlight, Trixie, Twilight