• Member Since 26th May, 2017
  • offline last seen 49 minutes ago


I'm a Sonic fan who lives and loves Sonic X, Need For Speed, Trains, Pokémon, and Hot Wheels including Rainbow Dash and Shining Armor because some how they remind me of certain blue hero Hedgehog.


What was suppose to be a happy day turned to a day of regret and shame as Twilight Sparkle after being thrown out of Shining and Cadence’s wedding for trying to warn everyone of Cadence being evil runs away from home to places unknown. Sure enough the Changeling Invasion occurred and Eques manages to scrape through the ordeal sending Chrysalis and her Hive packing. But the repercussions of the actions of Twilight’s brother, friends, and mentor come in like a tidal wave for not listening to the unicorn. The biggest and devastating blow came to Shining as he learns of Twilight running away soon after looses Cadence’s love and respect ending their relationship and was forced to resign from his position of Captain of the Royal Guard giving the position to his 2nd Command Shield Wing. Following that Shining was kicked out his home by his family and Spike for abandoning Twilight leaving Shining a broken shell of his old self. Knowing that there was nothing for him in Cantalot anymore cause of his actions Shining moved to Ponyville to start a new life while searching for his sister. Not knowing destiny had grander plans for him putting him on a path towards a new destiny.

2 years passed and many things had changed in Eques. Ponyville was now a medium size size, Eques now had 21st century technology and transportation with advanced medicine, a new modern advanced military from Special Forces, Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, and the newly overhauled Royal Guard now National Guard, most of Twi’s friends were now in the military except for Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, Celestia had grown sad and bitter about what she did to Twilight putting a lot of responsibilities upon Luna to lead and protect Eques, and Shield Wing and Cadence got married. Shining on the other hand spent the last two years searching for Twilight and tried out many different jobs in the city only to be let go by his employers until Shield Wing approached him telling that he was allowed to rejoin the military at a new military base near the Frozen North. At first Shining wasn’t sure about this, but after some soul searching decides to take up on the offer and rejoined the military as part of the Marine Corps dealing with winter conditions.

But when Shining arrives he encounters a sky blue pegasus stallion from another world. The stallion’s name is Sonic The Hedgehog and was sent to Eques after his arch foe Doctor Eggman’s latest scheme in using the unmatched power of the mystical 7 Chaos Emeralds only to induce Chaos Control. Sonic and his friends were caught in the blast and were sent to this new world. Little do they know they know the battle for the Chaos Emeralds and the Sol Emeralds from Blaze’s dimension is just only half the battle as the clash for the future of the world and the multiverse is in their new hooves. They would also need Twilight and her friends with Shining to help them face new enemies, new Eggman robots, and gain new allies to defeat their new enemies and Eggman’s newest schemes like the legendary dragon duo Spyro and Cynder after they’re sent to Eques after Spyro used his powers to restore their world from being destroyed in the final battle with Malefor!

The battle for the fate of the Multiverse in uncharted frontiers is about to ignite!

Additional Tags:

Spyro The Dragon;
Princess Cadence;
Princess Luna;
Princess Celestia;
Tempest Shadow;

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 87 )

So? What do you guys think? Pretty good.

I must say that I really like it.

So another story that is set with the infamous Canterlot Wedding story line. And a big crossover with Sonic and Spyro.

The story is fine, but I got some issues.

For One; Why do you keep making new stories when you couldn't even finish your other stories that has potential too?

I really want those other stories to update eventually, but you sometimes keep making new stories and piling it all up.

Edit: I have just recently favored the ones that I liked I want to see you continued, including this one.

Still working on them. I have made progress on my Halo 6 story and got rough drafts of several later chapters.

Also I have big plans for Shining as he’s one of the main characters of this story and both he and Twilight get back together in the first episode. Just to let you it’s getting close to being finished cause I’ve been on a roll lately and hopefully I can get episode 1 finished by tomorrow and I can start on Ep 2 where Twilight returns home and makes amends with her friends and teacher and how much they change especially Celestia who personally blames herself for not listening to Twi and put the entire country in jeopardy thanks to Chrysalis’ deception.


There was no response from them, but they kept scowling at Shining as he knew what they were angry about. It was about Twilight and knew things were going to be just as bad like the rest of his day went. Soon Shining said to them knowing that he messed up for not listening to his littler sister, “Look I’m sorry I didn’t know Twilight was just trying to protect me from Chrysilis! Really didn’t know!”

You spell chrysalis name wrong.

And then there's the second thing that confuse me with this specific story?

After Twilight left from that Canterlot Wedding fiasco. In just Two.Short.Years?

You turn a Equestria from a medieval/magical fantasy kingdom?

And you just suddenly jumped to the literal 21st century technology, and somehow upgrade there rather pathetic Royal Guard military, into a very decent and powerful modern military!?

2 years passed, and many things had changed in Eques. Ponyville was now a medium size *city*. Eques now had 21st century technology and transportation with advanced medicine, a new modern advanced military from Special Forces, Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, and the newly overhauled Royal Guard now National Guard, most of Twi’s friends were now in the military except for Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, Celestia had grown sad and bitter about what she did to Twilight putting a lot of responsibilities upon Luna to lead and protect Eques, and Shield Wing and Cadence got married. Shining on the other hand spent the last two years searching for Twilight and tried out many different jobs in the city only to be let go by his employers until Shield Wing approached him telling that he was allowed to rejoin the military at a new military base near the Frozen North. At first Shining wasn’t sure about this, but after some soul searching decides to take up on the offer and rejoined the military as part of the Marine Corps dealing with winter conditions.

Firstly, how the heck is that even possible? Is it somehow because that since the Elements of Harmony are totally inactive because the mane five to screw up, and caused Twilight to leave?

And since Celestia is partly to blamed too, she give all the responsibility and leadership to Luna? And with Luna leading this time, is she the one that caused this massive leap of civilization like that!?

P.S. Why do most of the mane five join the military?

P.S.S. So it seems that Shining truly lost Cadence forever. Because you have that new OC Shield Wing marry her instead?

Guess Flurry Heart won't exist then!?


Shining as he’s one of the main characters of this story and both he and Twilight get back together in the first episode. Just to let you it’s getting close to being finished cause I’ve been on a roll lately and hopefully I can get episode 1 finished by tomorrow and I can start on Ep 2 where Twilight returns home and makes amends with her friends and teacher and how much they change especially Celestia who personally blames herself for not listening to Twi and put the entire country in jeopardy thanks to Chrysalis’ deception.

Wait, seriously!? You just let Twilight forgive them in the very first episode, just that quickly?

And why are you forced Twilight to make amends, where it should be the other way around?

Well to make up for their mistakes for not listening to Twi, remember without her the elements of Harmony are useless without the last barer. They won’t be able to access full power or even use them.
Oops!! My mistake.


Well to make up for their mistakes for not listening to Twi, remember without her the Elements of Harmony are useless without the last *bearer*. They won’t be able to access full power or even use them.

You do realize that it sounds a bit selfish when you put it like that.

Twilight and her "friends" (The Bearers ) have feelings and lives, outside of being the bearers of the elements.

Isn't it very messed up that they only care about Twilight returning, just because they need the elements to work again!?

It's with that kind of messed up thinking that Twilight shouldn't even forgive them for only caring about her element status, and not her own dang feelings!?

Do you now see where I'm going with this?

Besides, why do they even need the elements back when they have finally got a decent military for once to protect them instead?

Only having a single "defense" like only using the elements, to protect your kingdom, is not only stupid but incompetent too!

Where in the real world, countries like the USA got multiple offense/defenses, like the Military itself ( Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, Special Forces, National Guard, and the recent Space Force. ), FBI, CIA, Various Police Forces, Nukes, etc...

While Equestia only heavily relies on the elements, and ONLY the elements.

I mean, without those elements. I highly doubt Equestia would even last 24 hours against a new villain threat.

And the royal guard themselves totally suck at their jobs to defend and fight against the various villain threats.

Do you see the one-sided comparison here?

Well that’s a pretty big question with a complex answer. A best defense is the best offense and with Twilight gone and Eques nearly gotten its flank handed to them on a silver platter they needed to upgrade to modern technology which they learn about when they discovered a secret portal to our world and copied much of our technology mostly the US Military’s armed forces and equipment to give them the edge and knowledge while creating new magic infused technology to combat against enemies like the Changelings and remember in the flashback to the previous day that Shining’s life changed. They managed to create that tech so in future when the Changelings to invade again Eques will be ready… heh… with a few nasty surprises in store for them and Chrysalis would want revenge on Luna ruining her last plan along with Twilight. Not to mention for cutting her horn and wings off like a bug.

As for the situation between Celestia and Luna during the two year time skip let’s just say Luna gets concerned about her older sister’s wellbeing and understands the bitter feelings that were left behind when Twilight left and led to the consequences of her misjudgment. Remember Luna knows what is it like to bitter towards something isn’t proud of herself in becoming Nightmare Moon all those years ago before freed from her prison. Celestia just lost confidence in herself to be great leader while Luna proved she could be better leader than her after she single handedly thwart off the entire invasion force like a one man army even beat Chrysalis in battle, but in hindsight she will be needed more then ever to help run the country and make herself a better leader. All she needs to do just grid your teeth and get back up while learning from those mistakes. Cause with new foes coming in and are more dangerous and unpredictable than Chrysalis was Luna will need her older sister’s help. That’s what I have planned for Celestia. Make them fell more relatable to us humans. We all mistakes and we must learn from them to grow and improve ourselves as beings if we let those mistakes haunt you it will make you miss out on something important in life.

Well not really off the bat, but they would trust each other again eventually it will take time to repair the damage that was left by the argument that they had. However, Twilight’s own choices will have consequences of their own like getting herself captured by humans and Shining will have to come to the rescue cause no one knows where she is or know where to find her, but that will be revealed in Episode 1.

Twilight has a long road ahead of her, but considering Eggman and the Racing Drones with the retainments of the Dark Armies alongside a couple new foes I’m cooking up she’s going to face foes and dangers that Eques has never seen before!

Speaking of which, how is the scene sample of the surgery on Scootaloo's boy into alien bee queen hybrid?

But Shining’s voice was drowned out as Spike then yelled at him as he had overstayed his welcome, “You heard him! Get out! And I never want to see your face again Shining and you’ll never get any forgiveness from me!! You broke Twilight’s heart thanks to you and its about time you get out of our lives! Your no brother to me anymore…”

Well, aren't you a hypocritical brat!?

I'm sorry to say this, but aren't you to blame too?

Where the heck were you when Twilight was hurt!?

And if I remember correctly, didn't you join the others too on not believing Twilight also?

At first Shining thought it was just Twi’s imagination until Twilight began to discover Cadence was acting strange and not like the alicorn she knew when she was little. Her worst fears were confirmed when Cadence summoned green fire and acted like she was evil and used a spell on Shining brainwashing him. Twilight tired to tell everyone about Cadence’s behavior and tried to confront her accusing her of being evil only get to get thrown out the wedding by everyone including Shining, *Spike*, her own friends, and Celestia herself.

You see, you don't get to say this bullcrap, because you're also at fault as well!!!!!

Author, please rectify this?

Luna taking out all the changelings was pretty badass

Shouldn't Spike be part of rescuing Twilight since he's her number one assistant?
And basically the two brothers working together to save their sister?

Spike didn't really betray her like others due to peer pressure basically kept him quiet.

Yeah and took out his frustration at Shining blaming him for destroying their family. But will mend things with him after they see how sad he becomes realizing that well… they broke him and turned him into an empty shell. Besides no one deserves to be like that not even Shining.

P.S. I didn't realize that you also had Pokémon and Hot Wheels Acceleracers too?

How can you juggle five different franchises into one big story at once? ( MLP, Sonic, Spyro, Pokemon, and Hot Wheels Acceleracers. )

P.S. Why do most of the mane five join the military?

P.S.S. So it seems that Shining truly lost Cadence forever. Because you have that new OC Shield Wing marry her instead?

Guess Flurry Heart won't exist then!?

I don't think these questions are answered as of yet?

It really sucks that Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie don't join the military like the remaining four ( Including Twilight eventually. )

I mean, why can't Fluttershy be a medic, and Pinkie could work well as a demolition expert?

It just sucks that those two will be at the sidelines while Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and possibly Spike and Shining will join the front lines with Sonic and his pals, Spyro, Cynder, Ash, Pikachu, other Pokemon
friends, Vert Wheeler, Teku, Metal Maniacs, Silencers, etc....

Thanks I think Luna is pretty cool got the idea from Chief from Halo.

Well no he’s with Twilight Velvet and Nightlight and where Twilight gets captured will be too dangerous for him to go. Besides Twilight is going to have her magic artificially extracted from her horn by a piece of advanced human technology that’s going to be well… bring discomfort in a term.


What, no?

He was actually in that sentence. I'm just pointing out that he shouldn't act he is innocent in here. He can't fully blame Shining when he ( Along with Twilight's former friends and Celestia. ) are all to blame equally.

Spike is a dragon, he can flipping fight though.
And how he fought against the Terrible Trio in season 9 showed he can fight, if the show writers don't mess him up.

So it doesn't seem right that Spike is sidelined from rescuing his sister.

Yes, but Shining will find new love with a female OC mare that will appear later on. Cadence on the other hand will be friends with Shining and she’s the one to ask Shield to help him after seeing Shining who wasn’t invited to their wedding watching from the distance. Despite that they broke up and married another stallion she still cares about Shining and doesn’t want him to unhappy for the rest of his life. Considering being shunned by everyone, thrown out of his home by his family, and lost his chance to marry her it shows that there is still some who care about him.

Well they won’t need the elements, but they would have keep them out of the wrongs hands and as a very last resort especially from Eggman in particular. Think what might happen if he got his hands on them and the damage that would be caused when he learns how to harness their powers! They’re just as powerful as the Chaos Emeralds or the Sol Emeralds.

Don’t worry Pinkie and Fluttershy will get military training and the idea of Pinkie being a demolition expert I like it! Think what might happen if she blows up Scratch and Grounder when they try to capture Sonic or any of their friends!

Remember these guys?

Don’t worry Spike will see some action in Episode 2 where Eggman makes his debut with a new E-Series robot to destroy Sonic!

Also I think you forgot about team dark. Also I was wondering if Rarity is profession in the military is her being a secret agents or spy is she going to be with team dark on some of their missions?

But what about the rescue mission though?

Probably a Navy Spy or part of a team similar to the Navy Seals, but specialize in underwater combat and an expert diver. For Rainbow an Air Force Fighter Pilot for the Wonderbolts and has skill equal to Tails’ piloting skills, Applejack in particular the Army Core around tanks like the Equestrian equivalent to the US Army’s M1-A1 Abrmus Battle Tank. Also Team Dark will appear and the Chaos Emeralds and Sol Emeralds are scattered across Terra and two of them are in Ash’s world meaning Eggman is going after them and Eggman Nega could make a return. Eggman doesn’t trust him after the last few times they crossed paths. You know from Sonic Rivals 2 and Sonic Rush Adventure. Nega went completely mad in trying to destroy Super Sonic and Burning Blaze in the final level of Sonic Rush Adventure even Eggman realized he was nuts from the beginning.

I know that I was wondering if Rarity going to be the one that teams up with team dark more than anyone else.

Oh yes. She will despite Shadow’s usual attitude. His character is combining many aspects from Sonic X to the games and knows about his true noble purpose from Shadow The Hedgehog game and during Sonic X Season 2 in this story’s timeline Eggman found Shadow just before Black Doom arrived and told Shadow to bring the Chaos Emeralds to him eventually the whole story places out in game, but Shadow disappears after using Chaos Control to teleport the Black Comet to the Eclipse Cannon, so it can be destroyed. Shadow is later found sometime after Season 3 and regained his memories just as Metal Sonic is created and betrays Eggman after his first encounter with Sonic who beats him.

Well Sonic, Shining, and Vert get in on it. Vert is already in the lab like base after he gets separated from his dad’s team and transforms into a stallion after getting exposed to the magical energy that Terra has, but he can change back when he goes back to his Earth. It works like Equestrian Girls, but there are a number of humans who can take on equestrian forms and gets similar powers to Sonic and Rainbow. Meaning you can guess who’s going to see who’s the fastest thing alive.

However, Jet and his team will be in this so there will be several Sonic Riders based episodes where Sonic and Jet cross paths and reignite their rivalry including Wave and Tails especially Storm and Knuckles who would be itching for a chance to fight each other again.

Oh bravo, I love seeing Shining Armor’s life get destroyed over stupid reasons. Especially when everyone is making the same mistake to him that they made to Twilight. Bravo, bravissimo.

Note the sarcasm.

I'm guessing Spike ended friendship with the remaining 5 after this.

I am talking about like Spike joining in though.
Since it doesn't seem right they sidelined him from helping rescuing Twilight due to his bond with her and being her little brother

No, it was a simple mistake and Shining was BRAINWASHED

Yes, but Shining will work to redeem himself and patch things up with Twilight and his family. That will show in the Episode 1 and Sonic will see that as a simple mistake too and it was out of Shining’s control. I’ve been a fan of the Sonic franchise for a long time and he always there for his friends when they stumble down even when they make mistakes. Friendship comes in many forms and Sonic will help Shining rescue Twilight from the lab she’s going to be trapped in.

Well I believe everyone deserves a 2nd chance to redeem themselves for their mistakes and as the old saying goes every action has consequences good and bad. It’s what we learn from those mistakes and how important that friendship and family is when you stumble and never give up.

Not exactly. He still thinks of them as friends, but doesn’t talk to them for 2 years.

I know what your saying, but I’m saving Spike for the 1st battle against Eggman and Rarity unfortunately found one of the Chaos Emeralds during her present deployment in the Navy on a mission just after Sonic arrived on Terra. Knowing Eggman he would listening in on anything involving the emeralds.

Despite his plans to find & reconcile with T.W., when he eventually crosses paths with the rest of her family do you think he'll say "I'M SORRY, DO I KNOW YOU?" or "SORRY YOU HAD YOUR CHANCE, I'VE MOVED ON" or "MAYBE I WAS BETTER WITHOUT OR IF I NEVER MEET YOU ALL"?

Well Spike will have some time to think it over during the two years besides anger and rage destroys relationships and if he did that then he’s no better than they did to Twilight.

Well no he understands how they felt at the time.

Also I'm kinda surprised that you kinda missed StarlightFan comments on about how The mane 5, Celestia and especially Shining doesn't deserve the crap the fanbase gives them over a simple mistake especially Shining Armor because he's like using the whole Shining Armor was brainwashed so he doesn't deserve all the hate he gets and that everyone is just overreacting. It's not me it was his comments.

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