This story is a sequel to Happy Death Day, Rainbow Dash!

After accidentally discovering her ability to gallop through time, Rainbow Dash uses this newfound opportunity to save her family from the tragedies of the past. And accidentally restarts a war.

Chapters (3)

Through voice and keys, a somnolent sister shares her heart out unto the night sky. Hoping, through held tears, to perhaps soothe her sister long gone, and not only herself. Awaiting an answer she knows will never come.

Written for The "New Blood" contest, in bonuses #1 and #4, for Bean's Writing Group.

Chapters (1)

Starlight Glimmer tries to solve the problem of aging. And she does. But there are drawbacks.

Show Era: Far after Season 9.

Entry for A Thousand Words Contest II in the "Experimental" category.

Image: by Delapouite. Rights to only the image are at this link.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle's been dreaming of Luna. It's not out of the ordinary to dream of the mare you have a crush on, of course, but these aren't simple fantasies. They're rendezvouses, secret meetings where Luna dreamwalks to meet Twilight in her dream. They'd go public eventually, sure, but for now, Luna's visits are a secret, a space where their new relationship can flourish and find the strength to face the world. Still, shame haunts Twilight. Can Luna help her overcome her worries and take their courtship into the waking world?

Chapters (4)

Twilight is a alicorn, but alicorns live far longer than a most creatures. What happens when death takes her friends one by one in a very short time? Is death really to blame or are there other forces at play?

Characters: Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Shining Armor, Princess Cadence, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Zecora, Rara, Minuette, Vinyl Scratch, Tempest Shadow, Spitfire, Bon Bon, Braeburn, Lemon Hearts, Twinkleshine


Chapters (18)

Written for the 6th Equestria at War writing contest. A young pony couple elope into the wilderness, hoping to ignore for one summer the passage of time and the world around them.

Chapters (1)

Having been actively ruling Equestria for hundreds of years, Twilight finds herself in one of those moments where emotions spontaneously drift across her mind. She wanders around Canterlot Castle in the middle of the night with no real destination or purpose. Walking just to walk. Thinking just to think. It is only after tens of minutes of being weaved in a spider web of pent up emotions, that Twilight finds a sorrowful comfort written in the simplest of words. What could they be and mean to a pony who has seen so much in her life?

(Note: The formatting of the story is much too altered on mobile. To get the full intended effect and best experience, please consider reading on PC!)

My submission for Thousand Word Contest II under the Experimental category.

Cover Art made by me ^^

Chapters (1)

Anon's caught the scent of controversy on the wind. To prevent a whisper campaign, he rents out the town square to conduct a free and open exchange of ideas.

This goes as well as one could expect.

Cover art by Nobody

Inspired by anonpencil so you know it's gonna get weird

Chapters (1)

Long ago, ponies stood alone in the face of evil. With no heroes to call upon, direr actions had to be taken. And thus, a gullible unicorn's aspirations for peace and justice led her into contact with forces beyond her meager understanding.

This story was written for the Thousand Words Story Contest (Drama Category).
I thank the anonymous users of /fimfic/ for their continued help and support.

Chapters (1)

Despite the challenges of being student counselor, Trixie has grown to enjoy her time working at the School of Friendship. However, all of that may be at risk when news of Princess Twilight Sparkle's sudden passing arrives at her doorstep in the form of the daily newspaper. With the students and staff too busy for the morning news, she must make a difficult decision that could put the entire school at risk, and maybe even Equestria. The question now, is she ready to tell Starlight what happened? And is Starlight ready to handle it?

Disclaimer: No, i did not, and will not, explain how Twilight died. That will remain up to the reader.

Yet another story written for one of The Nameless One's writing challenge. Since the theme for this one was much broader and I had a lot more time than last time (Shopping Pressure), I took the chance to make it a sneak peek into my bigger story: Divided We Fall (previously Friendship is Sadness). It happens within the same universe and is made to show how the story will be like, so I hope you enjoy it! Also, Trixie was surprisingly difficult to write.

Chapters (1)

The largest tragedy of the time of Conversion Bureaus wasn’t the loss of humanity, it was the loss of earth…

The captain of a space station documents about the final years of earth, as it’s slowly absorbed by the ever expanding dome, slowly but surely removing it from reality…

My first oneshot. Not the best piece of work, but hopefully good enough…

Chapters (1)

I fnid mslyef staindng bfeore a gorup of grils. Who are tehy? Who am I? Why cna’t I ueandrstnd my own tohughts?

This fic was written for the A Thousand Words Contest II in the category Experimental. Check out the other entries here.

Huge thanks to The Sleepless Beholder for prereading the fic and to Punished Bean for the cover art!

Chapters (1)

This world is a wasteland nothing but dead plants and grey dust. it has been like this ever since that alien launched it's weapon on our world. me and a few others took shelter in a bunker i had made and now I am are going to reunite them with their loved ones.
Warning contains:
Self harm, Death, Tons of violence, tragedy and mental health problems

Chapters (3)

Sunburst calls his mother to the Crystal Empire with a message saying he needs her help. But the thing he needs help with turns out to be more terrible than Stellar Flare could have possibly imagined.

Created as my Horror entry for the 2023 Thousand Words Contest.

Chapters (1)

Growing up in Skyros, Opaline has always felt like the odd one out. Though she is an alicorn, she is ostracized by the only two other alicorns she knows: Celestia and Luna. Still grieving over the recent loss of her parents and desperate for acceptance and friendship, Opaline tries to win the approval of the princesses, who only turn up their noses at her.

Soon, the innocence in Opaline’s heart gives way to a darkness that will change everything.

Chapters (1)

Tirek got everything he ever wanted. All the magic in Equestria. His vengeance fulfilled. The kingdom in ruin. Yet his fury remained as unrelenting as his newfound power. Countless years after his victory, there is nothing else to conquer, no new horizons to reach, only himself and the voices of the past in a dead world. He pays one last visit to those he plunged in Tartarus on the day of his coronation, as he has done many times before. But this time, something is different. Something is wrong.

Thanks to Reviewfilly for giving me some pointers, as well as other anonymous advisors.

Made it to the box on 06/24/23. Thank you so much, guys, I honestly did not expect that.

Chapters (1)

The Turtles and the Rainbooms had been enjoying their as usual. There was not much crime to fight and had enjoyed doing what they did best at CHS.

At the same time, a man with nothing to lose just so happens to arrive in Canterlot City. And he has a form of justice that puts him in conflict with the our heroes.

He is Frank Castle. He is the Punisher. Where justice ends...Punishment begins!

(Ps, this Punisher is the Jon Bernthal version)

I hope you enjoy and let me know if the story is great! I know the Punisher is mostly an Mature rated criteria, but I will do everything I can to make it more Teen rated. This is also my first time doing an Equestria Ninja Girls story and I really like this franchise.

Everything belongs to rightful owners.

Chapters (6)

For the Sixth Annual Equestria at War Writing Contest.

End of June 1021. The sun bathes the coasts of Aquileia, and people enjoy the summer by swimming and strolling along the promenades. In the midst of this idyllic scenery, a pair of young griffons engage in a discussion about why summer is the best thing in the world. Unfortunately, the world is experiencing serious tension between fascist powers and democratic nations, including both communist and harmonist ideologies. This story revolves around Colette Rose's summers and her experiences within this tense reality.

Chapters (1)

Discord had never cared much for trivialities such as centuries. But now?

Now he has too little time.

Written for Bicyclette's second A Thousand Words contest in the category 'Horror'.

Proofread by Equimorto and Jessi.

Chapters (1)

An era of peace was brought to Equestria. Creatures from the whole world now reside within the kingdom's borders.

But as a new era came, its heroes and legends are destined to succumb to time.

One unique creature living in the diverse town of Ponyville despised this destiny. A draconequus, an immortal being of pure chaotic magic.

Never accounted for death to be a part of his endless lifetime. And when it did, confusion swirled his mind into an endless abyss of misery. But as time moved on, a part of him began to heal and decided to visit her grave one last time.

Chapters (1)

I buried them. Each one.


I studied, and studied. Till no book that survived was left unread. I discovered how to make it past the mirror, with magic intact. Now I know what I have to do.

Chapters (1)

Park Eun-sook has lost everything dear to her. Her home, her family, the life she'd always wanted. Now she is embittered, alone, and far too old to start again.

She's also too damn stubborn to die.

The road to Equestria is not always an easy one. There are obstacles, deterrents, strangers determined to stop anyone who dares choose Conversion. There are even those who would rather see you dead.

Park Eun-sook has always loved a challenge. But her greatest challenge may be to her deepest resolve, one she made when she lost everything.

Love no one.

Chapters (8)

Written for the Equestria at War Summer Sun Writeoff contest!

A Chiropterran soldier is hopelessly lost in the Zebhara Desert. Attempting to make his way back home under the blazing sun, he reevaluates what led him here, and comes to a conclusion.

This story is set in the Equestria at War universe. Equestria at War is a grand strategy mod for the video game Hearts of Iron IV, which can be downloaded here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1826643372

Chapters (1)

I used to be so so Joyful, once upon a time. Then the sky started falling, and the people started dying, and I wept. I wept as all I knew had died around me, and I was left alone. I wandered for a time, before finding sanctuary. An abyss. An endless black abyss. I let myself fall into the darkness, let myself be swallowed by it.

When I finally emerged from that darkness, I found myself in a new world...full of life...and I tried so very hard to fit in. I tried to ignore the hurtful words, the screams at my approach. I tried to ignore the attacks flung at me, the fire, the stones. I tried to use reason...but they saw a monster, and only a monster. At first I saw no positives, until I examined further. The species, once divided, united at my approach. My purpose in this world was made clear...I was not to find comfort, I was merely a tool. A rallying cry, 'protect your children, for the monster of rust has come!'.

I am Evil, and that is okay.

Chapters (2)

The story of Flurry Heart, how she remembers her life when magic was taken. The first dragon who stood up against the Alicorn Princess with the Truth, dividing Equestria and starting the Revolution War. Twilight and her friends must prevent this divide from happening, but how can they do it? Will they be able to stop the Truth before more others and their friends will turn on them? This is the final end of their Friendship, between the Truth or Tragedy.

Chapters (11)

Swift Glaze was an aspiring earth pony. Finding an interesting piece of paper on the bulletin board in his barracks, he checks it out and finds an opportunity for excitement and adventure. However, things don't go as planned.

Chapters (18)

Same continuity as The Queen of the Dark.

No pony deserves to be alone and forgotten.

Entry to the Thousand Words Story Contest.

Chapters (1)

When Rarity reveals she's feeling down about not having a date for Hearts and Hooves Day, Pinkie Pie takes it upon herself to cheer her up by sending her an anonymous gift. This leads to a series of hilarious misunderstandings which break everyone's hearts and almost start an international war. Also, an evil Shakespearean Abyssinian comes to feed off the drama.

PAIRINGS: Spike x Rarity (one-sided), Rainbow x Applejack, Fluttershy x Rarity, Spike x Ember, Sweetie Belle x Scootaloo, Diamond Tiara x Sweetie Belle and Pinkie x Mane 6.

WARNINGS: In addition to violence and discussions about sexuality, contains scenes of bullying and themes of anxiety and depression.

Chapters (6)

I know of poison joke, I saw the Elements when they were affected by that weird flower. But even though I know it's harmless, I still get really bad vibes from it. I don't know why, but it just makes me feel uneasy.

Chapters (1)

Trev has lived all his young life within the Sikh community, sheltered from the harsher realities of the dying world, with the hope of a more joyful existence hereafter. But now decades of projected survival for humanity have become a handful of years, and there is only one way to escape extinction. How can Trev embrace a new life without estranging his devoted family?

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Forgiven (Extended Edition)

Loosely Based on The Fall of Sunset Shimmer

How did Equestria fall? Why did Twilight create the Unity Crystals? Why did the three pony tribes split in the first place after so many years of harmony? It all ties back to that one fatal mistake, the great oversight…the folly of the Princess of Friendship…the fall of her apprentice…the fall of Opaline. Luster Dawn has moved to Ponyville with a new group of friends, leaving Princess Twilight Sparkle alone to rule in her solace. The Council of Friendship have disbanded due the remaining Mane Six having all died in a tragic accident. Closing herself off from the realm she rules, Twilight feels like she no longer has a purpose in life without her friends.

On the fourteenth Festival of the Two Sisters, Twilight is persuaded to take on an apprentice once again and chooses to take on an idealistic, but lonely unicorn mare named Opaline Arcada, who idolizes her. Seeing the opportunity to right what she considers to be her greatest mistake, Twilight takes Opaline under her wing and trains her in the ways of friendship and magic.

However, when a devastating betrayal begins to lead Opaline down a tragic path to darkness, Twilight must make the ultimate sacrifice to save Equestria….

A/N: Part 4 of the Misty Saga. Rated T for frequent uses of strong language, scary sequences, death, gore, and strong violence. This story takes place BEFORE the second chapter of “Can I Go, Mom?”.

Edit: Featured on FIMFiction’s List of Stories On The Homepage: June 3, 2023

Chapters (13)

Spike didn't ask to be saved, not like this.

Written as an entry for the Cyberpunk Equestria Contest.

Cover Art provided by the wonderful kleia.

06/01/23 - 06/02/23: Featured.

Chapters (1)

Following the accidental demise of an aging Lightning Dust, her lifelong photographer Photo Finish opens a new show in her memory. You wander the gallery walls examining each image carefully. As they flow together, slowly, a story begins to emerge. Is it the right one? Who gets to tell it? Who was Lightning Dust, really?

A meditation on memory, art, and time.

An entry for the May Pairings Contest 2023. Check out the other entries here!

Chapters (2)

A soft reboot & prequel set in the dark future of CyberPone. No knowledge of prior works is needed to enjoy the following tragicomedy.

Listen to the Main Theme by Saphire Systrine.

≫⊂===== ⋈ =====⊃≪

Golden Ray remembers what the sky looked like before the temples of glass and neon were erected. Before all of Canterlot was turned into a parking lot for the rich, but most ponies don't care. They're kept just content enough not to revolt against their elected slave masters. Enslaved by the next trend of what each one thinks their ideal self is. Ray is sick of this. The people need the tools of information to learn. Ray intends to save them by diving into cyberspace, for the first time, to free the architect of the whole system. He can only hope they know how to make information free once again.

Golden Ray will do whatever it takes for his people.

≫⊂===== ⋈ =====⊃≪

*Featured! | 5/28-5/29 | My first ever one!*

Edited & Proofread by: Ahroozle & Cupute
Cover art by: | Cupute |

Based on Snowcrash & Tron with a hint of Mr. Robot

Chapters (1)

Warning:This story contains graphic and violent content.

Imagination loses something significant to her when attacked by a mysterious presence. It is permanently life-altering. Read to see how she and her family cope with the tragedy.

There are fan made characters in the story that don't belong to me.

Jade Harmony Belongs to: https://www.deviantart.com/jadeharmony

AJ Belongs to: https://www.youtube.com/@AJponyAPschannel/videos

Chapters (1)

Nine hundred and ninety years after his self-imposed exile, Garland must once again take up arms to protect the homeland he loves so dearly.

As Nightmare Moon returns to Equestria, he faces the task of bringing together four heroes spoken of only in myth in order to stop her once and for all. Little does he know, things aren't always as they seem.

Things take a turn for the worst when the mare escapes from the castle deep within the Everfree, leaving Garland and his small brigade to track her down in an attempt to banish the corruption from Princess Luna's heart for good.

Can Garland and his crew of Light Warriors vanquish evil for good, or will they fall to eternal darkness in this definitive version of Lunar Plight?

Chapters (3)

The Host, Lucas Vantas, seeks out worthy beings, and forces them to enter the 'Play Zone', to face one of six challenges, determined by the roll of a dice.
Whether or not they succeed in their challenge, is up to them.
Vantas has set the stage.
The Players now hold everything in their own hooves...

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Autophobia

Nothing hurts quite like honesty. How bad could one lie be? How bad could it be to keep lying? How bad is it when you can't stop? How bad is it when you don't want to? What about when you don't know how to?

When you're Princess Celestia, lies can be as everyday as the rising sun.

An experimental foray into minimalism and extended epilogue to the previous story. The red tags are for notable mentions of the subjects, not outright depictions. The edit of the cover art was done by me. Contribute to the TVTropes page!

Chapters (13)

AU. Apple Bloom drowns on a school trip and Big Mac can’t let go

Very sad story since Apple Bloom does die. Tw death of a child

Chapters (1)

The Unity Crystals had been acting oddly for a few days, piquing Sunny and her group’s interest. The artifacts' power was unknown, holding untold secrets of the ancient world within them, but what it bestows upon them is beyond any of their wildest imagination. With endless questions, and an absolute need for more information, the ponies begin a journey to find some kind of an answer.

Leading them to the forgotten ends of Equestria, the path to their goal sends them through the ancient world where the foundations of friendship itself were laid. Though the answers they search for may be better off unanswered.

Sunny knew of the ancient world, the Elements of Harmony, and the six ponies that saved Equestria time and time again. She'd learned how the Element bearers' stories started, and how they ended, all except one - Twilight Sparkle. She always dreamed about learning more of her hero, but never would have imagined how she and her friends would soon become entwined in her tale.

Time can do many things, and for the idol of friendship, it can be her undoing.

This story was started and heavily planned when only Chapter 2 of Make Your Mark was available.

Full Resolution Cover Art Here

Thanks to Enigmatic Otaku and Gonderlane for helping edit the story!

Story cover art by: SyrupyyyArt

Chapters (16)

Fluttershy readies for the most special day of her life... and then she does it again, and again, and again, while her wives watch on helplessly.

An entry for the Polyship Contest.

Prereading and editing assistance by The Sleepless Beholder, EileenSaysHi, Grand Moff Pony, and my beloved.

Also thank you to The Sleepless Beholder and my beloved for editing assistance with the cover art.

Chapters (1)

Thirty moons before Sunset Shimmer returned to Equestria to steal the Element of Magic, she fled into a strange world.

Lost and disoriented, yet still burning with ambition, she runs into someone who is eerily familiar - and yet so very different from the saccharine pink alicorn whose wings she so deeply resents.

Taken under the wing of a disguised Chrysalis, Sunset starts to learn the ways of this world - and how to control it. A bond blossoms between them, an unexpectedly compelling anchor to this alien world.

And when it all falls apart - she crafts a plan.

An entry for The Red Parade's 2023 May Pairings Contest hosted by the Original Pairings group.

Chapters (9)

Harmony, friendship, togetherness, is there even a point to that? Is there a point to magic of friendship or the Elements Of Harmony when it all goes sour. What’s the point of friendship if it never goes as planned, if your friends turn their backs on you.

Chapters (1)

After the defeat of General Hax and the Vanargand, the crew of the Taranis were suppose to be able to go home. Instead they found themselves in a land far from home, both the Taranis and it's counterpart having been brought with them. With no way home, the twelve children that saved the country of Gasco are forced to find their way in the land of Equestria. They could at least be assured that the war at home had been ended, and that their families were safe.

That was suppose to be the case, until the Storm King's forces invaded Canterlot with technology and weaponry far beyond what Equestria had. The capital quickly fell, and in an effort to keep the full power of the alicorns out of the hands of the Storm King, Twilight finds herself dragged along with six of the children onto the steel behemoth they had piloted six months earlier. The hope of all of Equestria now lies in these children's paws, and in the terrifying power that only they are allowed to command.

The following is a crossover with Fuga: Melodies of Steel. The fic might be more enjoyable for those who have played the first game to completion, but as Fuga is rather unknown I'll do my best to make it easy for all to read.

Chapters (4)

It’s the end of the end. Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow have joined forces and have utilized Grogar’s bell to put Equestria under their control. However, Twilight takes one last gambit to save Equestria, even if it costs her life.

Who could have predicted that this would be The Ending Of The End in more ways than one.

Chapters (2)

Rarity is working in her boutique one day when Scootaloo arrives with a serious question: She is bleeding from her uterus and doesn't know why. Rarity knows she must guide Scootaloo through this new cycle of her life. Will she be able to do so without being challenged?

An entry for the May Pairings Contest hosted by MushroomProne, Shasta, Zardoz, and The Otter Guy.

Chapters (4)

After it being a year her best friend and partner was killed in a car accident, Sunset still thinks about Pinkie. And all the things she never got to say. Being desperate and depressed, she picks up drinking.

Chapters (2)

The time comes for all students to step out from under the shadow of their teacher and choose their own path.

On that path, knowledge is power, but if it all goes wrong... if that power is put into the wrong hooves... how far might somepony who is trying to reconcile the position of teacher with the duties of ruler be forced to go to fix these mistakes? What level of personal involvement in being responsible does she owe herself and her people?

...And how much is it going to hurt?

Gold medal winner in the The Brightest Days writeoff event. Thanks to the participants there for their feedback, as always!

Chapters (1)

What does a nation do when war comes to it's door? Doubly so to a nation that has avoided conflict for centuries? The Changeling Empire, embittered by it's defeat during their attempted coup over Equestria, has dedicated itself to empire building, and the destruction of the Equestrian State. Equestria has idled, refusing to face reality, even after the break away of Severnaya, and now even New Mareland. Only Equestria and the Crystal Empire stand united against the coming threat of the Changelings, but how does a nation ready itself for something it has no experience in? Prince Blueblood rallies the few veterans of the Buffalo Wars, and sends them across the country to recruit every volunteer they can find, as Blueblood know every pony will be needed. Even then he knows it won't be enough, but hell will be raised when conscription is introduced...

Chapters (2)

*A Short Alternate of S3 Ep16*

After Twilight foolishly attempts to battle Raven, she is spared from death by Lightning's quick actions, but she is then subjected to proper but devastating reprimanding for her actions.

Chapters (1)

The Hermit. The Wheel of Fortune. The Tower. 

A search for truth, an inevitable fate, and disaster. 

I know my fate, and sadly, it is not with you.

Cw for implied death

Written for Rice as part of a Christmas fic exchange from last year. 

Cover art by me! If you are an author and would like cover art, send me a pm!

Chapters (2)

Shining has grown old and his time has come. Now on his deathbed, he shares his last moments with his sister.

Audiobook available! Link

Chapters (1)

(Y/N) was just a simple human high schooler, and as well as hanging out with his best friend, (BF/N). (Y/N) wasn't like many other people, thinking that maybe Conduits should also be treated as people and not freaks of nature, and it wasn't long until he discovered that he was also a Conduit himself, causing an accident in the process. He realized that he would now be hunted down for the rest of his life by the D.U.P., now considered to be a threat to the world.
He didn't enjoy having these powers but, all of a sudden, their powers start to go crazy and transports them to an unfamiliar land, a land filled with talking ponies, and becoming a pony themselves. (Y/N) decides that he could possibly start anew in this land, and understand these powers more, and possibly determine the fate of this land called "Equestria", while asking himself the question:
Does he want this world to love him or fear him?

Chapters (3)

“The ultimate fate of the Salamanders' Primarch is a matter of much conjecture, for he disappeared many years after the Horus Heresy. Some sources state that Vulkan led his Chapter for three entire millennia before he departed on some mission he never declared to the Imperium at large, though scant evidence of any of his deeds throughout that age remain. The tale is made all the more mysterious by the fact that Vulkan appeared to have left behind him a text, called the Tome of Fire, within which is locked the nature and location of nine artefacts the Primarch willed to his Chapter. It said that over one thousand standard years after the events of the Horus Heresy, Vulkan hid these nine artefacts around the galaxy for his Chapter to find, as a test to see if they were worthy of his leadership. Of these nine relics, five have been recovered, three of which, the Spear of Vulkan, Kesare's Mantle and the Gauntlet of the Forge, are wielded by the Chapter's Forgefather, Vulkan He’stan. Two, the Chalice of Fire and the Eye of Vulkan, remain on the Nocturnean moon of Prometheus in the Chapter’s fortress-monastery, while the last four artefacts, the Engine of Woes, the Obsidian Chariot, the Unbound Flame and the Song of Entropy, have yet to be discovered. The Tome of Fire claims that only when all of these artefacts are recovered by the Forgefather of the Salamanders, as five now have been, will Vulkan judge the Salamanders sufficiently tempered to have passed the ultimate contest. Then, so the legend states, he shall return to lead the Salamanders in the final war against the enemies of Humanity in accordance with the prophecies written within the Chapter's most sacred tome.”

Chapters (1)

After the death of Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash swore to get revenge on the pony responsible for the crime. Rainbow Dash will teach the pony responsible for this a lesson, they will never forget..

Thanks to God for helping me make this.

Chapters (10)

Sunset Shimmer, the school's hottest girl has asked her out to the Spring Fling. Now she knew Sunset couldn't possibly be interested in her, but this was still going to be a night to remember! In fact, to make sure nothing could possibly go wrong she had arrived early.

But her mind tends to wander when she got nothing better to do, and Wallflower Blush has a lot of thoughts about her crush.

(Alternate Universe tag exists here just to be safe, things play out a bit differently compared canon).

This was written for the 2023 EqG Anniversary Spring Fling Contest!

Chapters (3)

It has been several years since Principal Celestia lost her wonderful family in a terrible accident that resulted in the disappearance of her only daughter. Several years of guilt and sadness took their toll on several of those closest to her, including her husband, but somehow she was able to overcome it. When a young girl forced her way into her office, begging to be enrolled, she thought it was just a cruel joke of the world, God or any force majeure. Especially when that girl turned out to be a tormented villain from another universe. But could Celestia's mistake be another girl's salvation?

(Because of the death tag, because there are going to be assassination attempts and supposed deaths.)

Chapters (1)

In a place as strange as the Everfree Forest, is it really so surprising that its Trees should communicate? They have, after all, been there for a long, long time. Even so, that doesn't mean that nothing ever changes in the woods, or that the Trees have always been that way...

An entry for Mockingbirb's Arboreal Yearnings Contest.

Cover image: Background: Everfree Forest Clearing by 90Sigma.

Chapters (1)

A sunrise that should have been like any other.
And yet, everything changed. As history has just been written in Equestria for the next thousand years, an alicorn is facing her terrible action.

Now with a sequel!

This is, as of now, my most recent work (barely a month old). It was made possible because this site gave me back the will to write. So I decided to translate it right away.

I'm also looking for beta readers, to help me progress with writting in English. DM me if you are interested.

Heavily inspired by Come Home Soon - Joaftheloaf. The full writting playlist can be found here.

Chapters (1)

King Sombra goes to Canterlot.

Princess Luna fills her thoughts with him.

Celestia hates Sombra due to being embarrassed in front of him and because he
paid more attention to Luna.

But if Luna fell in love with Sombra... What would happen if Celestia found out?

Chapters (29)