• Member Since 18th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Open for Art Commissions. I write gay romantic comedies with ponies now. Get off my back, MOM.



This story is a sequel to In His Image

Meadowbrook's partner has fallen ill with an unknown disease. None of her potions work. Desperate, and with no other option, she seeks out the legendary Swamp Heart, a plant said to cure any illness.

And she found it.

Part of the Corrupt Pillars Anthology

Content Warnings for the following: Death, Gaslighting

Edited by: EileenSaysHi
Preread by: The Sleepless Beholder, Dewdrops on the Grass

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 5 )

I can relate.

Good story, by the way do you take story requests

Oooo. I really like that ending!

Solid story, and I like that it went for a different sort of route than the Flash Magnus fic. I do think this didn't have as solid a through-line, though, and I wonder if a different arrangement of chapters would have addressed that.

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