• Published 13th Oct 2023
  • 233 Views, 5 Comments

Damocles - Partycannon_

Twilight just started as Celestia's new pupil but what became of her predecessors?

  • ...

The Blade

The dagger spins slowly. Its sharp edges glisten in the shadows. The hilt is held narrowly by a weak string. Directly below the blade is a crooked chair, the only place I have found to rest in this forbidden place. My sweat continues to flow as I bring the leathery book closer to my heart. I sit, attempting to push the floating threat out of my mind.

I gulp down my straining mind and bring the book in front of me. ‘Mortem ad Solem’ the thick tome reads. My horn flickered to life and a soft purple glow fell over the printed work. One of the many fibers from the string snapped in two. My weary eyes flew to the weapon above, it swirls my head, thirsty for my blood. I push on uneasily.

My horn flicks through the many pages holding the table of contents, countless names stream past my vision as my light purple coat stands on edge. The text is old and ancient yet with my glowing eyes the words weave together into a perfect flow of understanding.

“Cherry Bloom,” I gulp. “Deceased. Burnt corpse found after causing hysteria. Her mouth is missing. Cherry Bloom had a deep stab in the bottom of her hoof.” I read aloud, my twisted emotions unsure what to do other than cry. My horn once again lit as the sheets fly. I let go of the magic and it falls to a random page, my mind races to the nearest name.

“Nightlight Aurora. Deceased. Burnt corpse found after casting an impermissible spell. Her horn is missing. Nightlight Aurora had a deep stab in the bottom of her hoof.” My mind swirled, I regurgitate my vomit and it fell back to the pit of my stomach. The dagger’s thread once again tries to unwind yet holds the blade all the same.

“Silver Hoof. Deceased. Burnt corpse found after observing something she shouldn’t. Her eyes are missing. Silver Hoof had a deep stab in the bot-“My stomach screeched, a pile of muck came from my mouth. Breathing was hard, the ground hit me faster then what I expected.

“This isn’t what I asked for, this isn’t what I wanted.” The tears flowed across my frail face. I pushed against the ground then my back fell to the floor. My eyes surveyed the space above, the vehicle of death followed my head. Its painfully sharp edges call for me, wanting to plunge deep into my skull.

☆ 𖤓 ☆

The marble floor beneath my hooves reflected brilliantly, I could see my damp fur across my cheeks and the swaying blade above. My saddlebag chafed my barrel, not allowing even the slightest bit of mental repose. With each step forward my stress raises and even in the darkness of Luna's moon the terror of the sun still shines brightly.

My heart pounds as my childlike smile finds the large wooden door within grasp. The freshly made name plate next to the gateway reads 'Twilight Sparkle' my name. I placed my hoof across the entrance of my escape but the flapping of wings larger than life caused my heart to drop. Sweat began rushing down my body and even with all the practice of staying calm, my crooked smile wasn't fooling anypony.

"Twilight," called my teacher as she landed behind my small frame. I turned to the giant towering above, my hooves shook. Her sun like pupils radiated glimmers of flame yet deep into the glow of her eyes I could feel a darkness deeper than nights holding the new moon.

"Yes?" I answer as simply as I can. Her head bent down to mine.

"What is my prized student doing out of her room so late into the night?" she smiled like a hell hound that found its corpse.

"Um, just went and grabbed a few books from the library," I use the carefully constructed lie and hope it's enough to fool. Her horn glows a putrid yellow and wrapped around my saddle. One of the two books levitates to my teacher.

"That must mean you completed all of the work I gave you. 'Advanced Arcana of the Sunlight Tower' is far from an easy read my student," Her smirk brightens.

"Difficulty comes from a place of weakness and I am not weak," I quote one of my favored authors flawlessly. My teacher roared a laugh, if any of my hairs did not stand then they are now.

"Star Swirl was far from strong. Do not trust the facade of ponies Twilight," she inspected the book and floated it back to my bag before removing the other one. She chuckled as a sharp pain came from my hoof. My final tome flew back into my bag and she tightened my saddle even harder to my barrel. My teacher brought her face to mine.

"I love that mind of yours Twilight," the strands holding back the blade from carving in my head vibrate as though laughing.

"T-Thank you Celestia," my pupils dart away as my head lowers.

"No need for thanks, my faithful student. Now go get your rest, we have quite the busy day tomorrow." She held her head high and looked to the sky.

"Yes, of course."

☆ 🗡 ☆

I lay in bed, the large comforter made me feel smaller than ever. I remember not a few weeks ago my excitement for the large place of comfort. Now it brought newfound meaning, for it wasn't made for me. My hoof once again stuck my brain with agonizing pain. I lifted the hoof to my eyes, it was the mark, the deep stab from my first day of power. Celestia, my teacher is the one who gave it. I took it willingly not knowing its implications.

The dagger sways, the night was so silent I could hear the string rock away. In a way I wish the blade could simply drop and end this unease. I brought the saddlebag to me and took out one of the books. It read 'Fabric of Ability' on its dark blue cover. I removed the false cover of the tome thus revealing ‘Mortem ad Solem’ as the true name.

"Perhaps I could survive the torment." I stare at the stars past the ever present weapon.

Author's Note:

Far from the scariest thing I wrote but hope you enjoyed it all the same. Celestia as a scary character is always fun for me. This was my spooky story for October but I might make another if I get any inspiration. For now I think I will try and go back to my past stories and maybe do some updates and maybe a new chapter or two.

Thank you for reading! :yay:

Comments ( 5 )

If you know that there is only two fates. Death or survival then sometimes it's time to look for the third option.

... I don't get it. Unless Celestia is murdering them through that wound somehow. But I don't get why she would.

Blatant explanation time:
Damocles Sword is an old short story that comes in different shapes and sizes. The moral is simple. 'Realizing that a life of power, wealth, luxury is filled with anxiety, terror, and possible death.' - Google
The wound in the hoof is given by Celestia to her prized students (the ones who got brought into a life of power, wealth, so on.) as revealed at the end of the story.
Finally: Let me allow Celestia to roast ponies alive, it is a fan fic after all. :heart: The possibility of death comes from her own teacher.
I think I answered everything here.

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