• Member Since 26th Apr, 2021
  • offline last seen Saturday

Peace Petal

I'm a botanist from Zephyr Heights. I play trumpet in a jazz band, I like flying, and I love God. I'm also vegan and asexual.


Secret Wish, a confident earth pony test pilot, has been chosen to be the first pony in space. She might need to rely on her lifelong good luck streak to make it through this fifteen-minute suborbital flight powered by a barely tested rocket loaded with ten thousand kilos of volatile refined sparkle essence!

This is a one-off story featuring some lesser-known G3 characters. I might revisit the idea of ponies in space, but I'm not likely to stick with these characters. I only chose Secret Wish because she was the Pony of the Day on the Butterfly Island Discord server. But she is very pretty, so the press loved that decision.

Chapters (1)
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