• Member Since 30th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen August 9th



Applejack never thought she would become an outlaw all because her family couldn't pay their taxes. And when things get worst for the townspeople she knows she and her friends must step up to the plate and to help them.

Chapters (16)
Comments ( 76 )

I'm intrigued by the premise, but I have to know, what is the romance element? Like, who is it between before I read...?

It's an AppleSpike ship... just read any of her and KidatHeart5's works with those two and a romance tag, namely The Midnight Dance 

Spike voiced in concern, "I hope you're not doing that in front of the other nobles, because you know what they say about women reading…"
Twilight put the book down and stood up to face her brother, "Yes, I'm quite aware what they would say. Like how it's wrong for a woman to read all because it gives them ideas

... I sincerely doubt most of Queen Celestia's court actually thinks like that, Blueblood's close circle maybe... but someone like Fancy Pants, no. But I'll give you the setting is part of this...

all his best friends were female!

What about Spike's friendship with Big Mac? Speaking as a guy, we tend to bond better with other guys, especially individuals like Spike and Big Mac. Don't get me wrong strong bonds with women are good for men, but like between women, there is a bond that cannot be replicated with the other sex. Much like a bond between siblings, a brother-sister relationship is different from a sister-sister relationship and both are different from a brother-brother relationship.

Please note, I don't make these criticisms because I dislike your works, I make them because I love what I have read and I am a little concern about certain things not present thus far and the possible implications. Now I can be jumping the gun and if my concerns are groundless I will delete this post. I ... pinkie promise.

"SAY IT!":pinkiegasp:

Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.

Well... there goes the Apple farm...

That's okay, you made a fair point, and I would like to thank you for bringing it up. I want to know if there is something that could be added into the story so it can be better.

We have to eat and we've started growing our own crops but still we need more than grain in our bellies… Out of respect for Fluttershy, I've kept away from hunting any animal that comes my way."

Rainbow nodded in understanding as there was no mistaking their friend's vegan ways with her being a companion to all living creatures. 

I am going to borrow and modify a line from Raven from the original Teen Titans animated series, 'the rest of the mane6 clearly respect Fluttershy's desires to not eat meat, she should respect that the other's might need to.' the actual quote, "I respect that you don't eat meat, please respect that I don't eat fake meat." And in a situation that Apples are in... it is illogical and self-defeating to not hunt because the odds of them just making it are already slim. Yes, hunting runs the risk of injury, but the rewards exceed the risks.

Here is my suggestion: In the evitable scene of the reunion Spike and Twilight with the others, Spike makes a comment along the lines of "all his best friends are female" and by the rule of comedy Big Mac is right behind him, Spike realizes he goofed big time and asks AJ 'He's mad, isn't he?' AJ simply answers with a cold 'Eyupe' and this eventually leads to a Brotherhooves Social level heart-to-heart between the two, maybe after a small brawl between the two, maybe not, but it ends with them more or less reconciled and thinking about how to help solve the problem with Blueblood

Twilight answered, "Because he is third in line to the throne and has the special privilege of ruling whenever the sisters are away. You know that."

... Actually, in this as it's set up Cadance is third in line as Celestia actually reigns, Luna is her immediate successor (first in line, unless Celestia gives birth to a child) and is currently with her aboard, then Blueblood, who is currently in charge (if both Celestia and Luna die without either having her own heir he would become king), then Cadance.

Don't beat yourself too hard about it, it's an easy error to make.

Well technically it is an alternate universe and keep in mind that as much as Spike spends time with Big Mac, he's almost always with the girls on adventures and events, so it's natural for him to said that and it's been at least five years since he last seen his friends so it's a slip of the tongue on how much he misses them.

Okay, fine, maybe I shouldn't I have said 'all' that was a mistake on my part but like I said, Spike and the girls are practically inseparateable, so it's easy to overlook Big Mac in the equation.

I can live with that.

Nice sister moment, is it hazardous to guess that it stems from RL?

But to quote Ned Stark, "Winter is coming."

one critic... space out the paragraphs more.

It would be nice to see if there is a member of Gladmane's group sabotaging the attempts... namely someone trying to emulate Shining Armor, with a name fairly similar.

However, an interesting introduction of Discord.

Looking forward to more.

Spacing would take too long.

This is a pretty interesting story. I wonder how Spike will meet Applejack again?

I'm definitely going to track this.

I really enjoyed what have done so far with this story!! It's a great retelling of Robin Hood!

Baroness Spoiled addressed the guards, "Don't listen to him, he's still traumatized from the event. If you ask me, the Sheriff is showing commonsense of protecting one of the most powerful barons in all the land, who's to say it won't happen again!"

"Common Sense. Not "commonsense."

Love Apple Bloom's enginenuity of the set up. I think Rarity's parents wouldn't mind it as much, just say the sisters ate engaging in something they both like. So who are the stallions.... Cheese Sandwich, Soarin, Fancy Pants, Flash and....Timber... are my bets, maybe Quibble Pants too.

So the Diamond Dogs are ponies.. well in EQG they are humans so I shouldn't be surprised...

My spell check didn't see anything wrong with it, so I just went with it.

I've been really enjoying this story so far!!! I love the twists you've put in that change from the original, and this is a concept I'd never thought would work, but it does! It seriously makes me want to read the original Robin Hood stories. Great work so far! :twilightsmile:

I wonder how Spike and Twilight will react to the knowledge that the bandits are their friends.

I am surprised Spike didn't try breathing fire, last I checked he was a dragon and they did that.

Did you forget they're humans in this?

Yay!!!! I've been waiting for that moment, and it was worth the wait!!! Nice Strange Magic reference, by the way!

Rainbow gasped and was stunned for a moment giving Spitfire the chance she needed to disarm her. She pointed her sword's tip at Rainbow's chin and stated, "That's right, I know a girl in man's clothing anywhere. Had you been an actual man in this battle, I would have defeated you five minutes ago."

:ajbemused: Unless it's kicking him below the belt, (which given that part of the armor worn by knights is something called a cock-piece, a metal forerunner of the athletic 'cup', is even less likely to work.) I have to call b.s. simply due to that in the combat knights and similar warrior classes requires great upper-body strength and on average men have on average 40% more upper body muscle mass and thus upper body strength than the average woman. Unless Spitfire has specialized training, she would have defeat another woman sooner than a man.

Now Applejack being equal to Spike I can chack up to Spike's lack of experience and AJ having similar training.

Let me guess: Sunset Shimmer is the Sheriff of Nottingham.

What made you think that? :rainbowhuh:

Let's just say that Spitfire was bluffing and keep in mind, she is one tough cookie and most likely would have had to train twice as hard of that of her male comrades much like Mulan when she was at training camp before going to war.

Okay, I can buy that (I took for granted that Spitfire was one tough.... well you get the idea).

Had a thought, a counter-argument to my critic if you will, given that women have a lower center of gravity than men, Spitfire specialized in a style of combat utilizes her typical opponents' higher center of gravity against them, and given her training (I am assuming similar to the level Shining Armor and other knights have received sans Spike) and her developing those skills (given how long she's been a knight) she can defeat a man of similar level of training as Rainbow Dash noticeable faster... Now the exact time would not be five minutes as most fights in those days rarely met the two-minute mark unless neither really knew what they were doing and if one didn't the fight would be over in a matter of seconds.

Spike... how can you not... :facehoof:...
Smart call not giving Robin Jack your real name though.
Well atleast there is some eye to eye between him and AJ.

Well, cue the Muses from Disney's Hercules.

Finally :ajbemused: and it was an AJ slip. Nice.:raritywink:
So what happens now? :rainbowderp: Celestia and Luna aren't present to correct the mess caused by Blueblood and at least Shining is off to get them (I think Cadance as well) and Filthy is not a bottomless cash and Spoiled is getting on to him... And even Twilight's funds are not without limit.:rainbowderp:

Damn! You've made Blueblood more of a **** than he already is. :pinkiegasp::twilightangry2::rainbowdetermined2:

Is this based off of the Disney Robin Hood?

Not completely. I'm adding elements of different Robin Hood adaptions to this story but I'm mostly basing this off of the original legends.

Its should also be noted that John was never expected to take the throne, thus he was never really thought how to rule, and Richard is over rated, he's only like among the nobles because he was always in France or elsewhere leaving them to do whatever they wanted, John since he pretty much lived there held them accountable to their actions.
In short John's history was written by his political enemies. So take what was written about him with a pillar of salt.
But d#### Blueblood... more like Coldblood...
I am partially surprise Shining didn't say he already gave his blessing to someone else. .. but this is Applejack's story so I have to accept that.
I have to disagree with Flash with needing more women in the military, allowing them to join I do agree with.

Ahh! That makes so much sense! Thanks for sharing that tibit of history :twilightsmile:

Well, as much as that would be smart thinking on Shiny's part, at the same time he wants Twilight to choose for herself of who she'll marry.

And I'm not sure I get your last comment, you don't want more women in the military but you're okay with them joining? :rainbowhuh:

I am amateur History buff.

Fair point, but maybe the person I am thinking about we all know who he is wants to marry Twilight for love but elected to have Shining's blessings ahead of time.:raritywink:

As for the last part, you seem to be conflating 'want' with 'need'. I don't think we need more women in the military because the military needs the best physical people, and generally speaking, in general, women, generally aren't able to meet the physical demands that the military needs to be at its best. Now universally there are exceptions, but these are the exceptions. As for want, I want the most qualified person there, regardless of sex.

Ah, okay. Thanks for clearing that up. :pinkiesmile:

I regret waiting this long to read this story.

They're not going to be stuck in the woods forever, aren't they? :ajsmug:

Rainbow Dash is Little John. That's perfect. :rainbowkiss:

He continued, "But most importantly, she will accept me and my sister without strife for I cannot be married without my dear sister nearby."


Spike hotly asked, "So they just want me for my body ?"

:pinkiesick: Poor guy.

I'm loving the references that you sneaked in here.

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