//------------------------------// // Broken pride // Story: Duty and shame // by Forestinsider //------------------------------// A rat fleeing from a stiff motion woke Forsmith up. He found himself on a hard floor behind thick metal bars. He stretched his body and slowly got up and felt a tight fitting collar on his neck. Getting up as if he had a hangover he asked what happened. The last few weeks of his life had felt like a dream. Falling asleep from the dead world he called his home to seeing another nightmare. The one who caused this nightmare unbenounced to Forsmith was on the other side of the cell. “You are late. I expected you to arrive to my palace weeks ago.” “What? What are yo-“ “And I thought that decades of death would’ve prevented you from…trying to capture me!” Forsmith got up ignoring the ache of his back and neck and fixated his gaze on Sombra. “You think I’m just going to hold a tyrant like you for ransom. You deserve to die for what you’ve done.” “Everypony and everybody commits acts which deserves death. But forsmith you’ve forgotten that death is not to be given cheaply like a slap on the wrist.” “Wait! How did you know my name?” “I’ve been watching you for a long time. How do you think you came to this place from Earth? Or what remains of it.” “And let me guess you want me to join you? I want you dead and the slaves to live freely.” “This naïvety of yours won’t do you any favors. It never has and never will.” “That’s were you’re wrong. The hope for a better world is what kept me alive all these years and it’s tyrants like you that ruin everything.” “Looks like this resistance has damaged my goods. Guards take our guest to the mirror. I have work to do.” “Yes sir!” One guard opened the cell and the other walked in grabbing Forsmith by his metal collar and forced him to follow Sombra. There were other cells upon their walk with other depressed creatures who’s bodies watched the moving party while their minds were destroyed. Forsmith paid close attention to the hallways looking for cracked holes or for any locks which appeared to be rusted. But whenever he looked too close at one the guard behind him would push him and say “Walk faster”. The hallways grew wider and cleaner and then they party entered a circular room with a mirror in its center. “What is this some party trick? Is it going to make me look like a robot or something?” “Nothing like that my friend.” “I..am..not..your..friend.” “And neither is that mirror one for party tricks. This helps me fix my broken goods and makes them useful.” “How? By giving them a good haircut?” “Why don’t you find out for yourself. I want you to look into the mirror and stare at what it shows you.” “So..you want me to reflect on how I was bad for trying to kill you.” “I can’t say for sure but to make it simple the mirror shows…the truth.” “Fine I will look at your stupid mirror. It’s not like I have a choice anyways.” “Good choice. Guards..release him!” “Sir are you..” “Do as I say!” “My apologies your highness.” The guards opened up the chains and walked up to the wooden door. Nearly about to laugh Forsmith slowly walked up to the mirror and found that surrounding it was a warm body of water. As he got closer he felt the water begin to rise and his mind to give in. He wanted to stare at sombra and ask him what was going on but his body rebelled and walked up to the warrior as if his brain was no longer in control. Once he got to the mirror and the water was at knee height forsmith was shocked by what he saw. What faced him was not the tired poodle dog beaten and scared by the tight chains but…him! A young in a Royal Air Force uniform with chestnut and wavy hair stared back at him.