//------------------------------// // Birth of the Nightmare // Story: Fear Strikes in Equestria // by Big Imagination E //------------------------------// One fine day in New York we see a school bus approaching a laboratory. It pulled up to the laboratory and we see all sorts of students coming out. One particular student we see is a blonde haired boy wearing a leather jacket and black shirt with pants. His name is Kyle. He walked with his classmates and headed inside the laboratory. Once in we see a man in a lab coat approaching them. “Hello students. Welcome to Future Enterprises. I’m Dr.Norman and I will be your tour guide. Please follow me and I’ll show you everything we do here.” He said. The students all walked with Dr.Norman and stopped when he turned around. “Ok. Our goal here in Future Enterprises is to make successful experiments for everyone to live a better future. Safe and enjoyable for all.” Dr.Norman said. Kyle raised his hand. “Yes sir?” Dr.Norman said. “Do you guys make like mutations of animals that can help others?” Kyle said. “Why yes we do. Follow me and I’ll show you.” Dr. Norman said. <> The class all followed him to different tanks that hold different mutated creatures. “Over here we have Earth Gorillas that can tear up pieces of land and use in destroying. They also can plant anything you want in the ground. We use different oozes that give creatures different abilities.” Dr Norman said as they went to another tank. “And over here we have the Nightmare eels. These eels are mutated by our dark ooze. Just be care not to get bit by one or you’ll be having nightmares for weeks.” Dr Norman said. <> After Norman finished explaining all the different mutated creatures that they had the class took the time to explore. Kyle went up stairs and saw that there were more projects to see. Suddenly he saw that the power was acting up. He looked up and saw that the circuit was loose. “Oh great. Circuit’s loose. Guess I better fix this.” Kyle said. He went up more to where he can see the circuit. He also saw a man wearing a lab coat and brown skin with glasses trying to fix it. He was Max. He saw Kyle. “Excuse me sir what are you doing up here? It's dangerous.” Max said. "Sorry about that. I was wondering if maybe you could use some help fixing that circuit." Kyle said. "Actually now that you mentioned it yes I would like some help. Lemme get Gil to shut the power on the third floor." Max said picking up the phone. He waited for Gil to answer but no reply. Max hung up and got frustrated. "Ugh! Why does he never listen?! Alright man carefully climb up til you get close to the circuit." Max said. Kyle did what he was told to do and got close to the circuit. He grabbed the loose pieces and using his strength he put them back together and the power was stable again. "Good job. Now put it back into place." Max said. "Not a problem." Kyle said. He took the circuit and placed it back where it should go. But that resulted of him getting shocked as he screamed in pain. Max saw him and needed to get help. "Oh my god! Hang on sir! I'll get help!" Max said as he went to the emergency speaker. "Attention all staff! We need to shut the power on the third floor! A young man will get hurt if we don't!" The circuit couldn't hang on anymore as it came loose and Kyle fell through screaming and he fell into the tank of nightmare eels. That made them swim violently and started biting him. Norman saw that and gasped. "Oh shit! Get the police! Help him get out of that tank!" Dr.Norman said. In the tank Kyle struggled to get out but that made the eels bite him more. After each bite Kyle started feeling a surge of purple electricity go through his body. It flashed a lot and Kyle was still screaming even if he's underwater. Even his teeth glowed purple! Then all of a sudden the electricity glowed so brightly that the tank exploded scaring everyone. They looked to see if Kyle was ok but they couldn't find the body. For some strange reason it disappeared. At the same time the cops arrived but were too late. "Sorry sir. We would have gotten here sooner but we got caught in a robbery." One cop said. "It's fine. Now find the body, contact his parents, and see if we can get him healed." Dr. Norman said. Little did Kyle know that his life was about to change. But he'll be bringing fear to evil.